What a Sista Should Do (28 page)

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Authors: Tiffany L. Warren

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BOOK: What a Sista Should Do
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31. What Scriptures fill
arsenal when you (like Taylor) are swamped by negative accusations from the past or present?





32. While Yvonne just feels worn out and broken down, Pam views her transformation into a strong and confident woman. How do such apparently negative emotions produce strength of character? (See
Romans 5:1-5





33. How do Taylor’s responses to both Glenda and Spencer evidence real growth in her character?





34. Have you ever had the feeling that
were “writing the wrong story” in life? When? How did you respond?





35. How do Yvonne’s reflections concerning the need to find herself, not another man, relate to Paul’s exhortation in
1 Corinthians 7:32-34





36. How do you discern between passion and obsession? What does Scripture suggest (see
Proverbs 29:18
Joel 2:28
Titus 2:11-14





37. Yvonne agrees to attend Luke’s hearing but doesn’t know what to say. What do you think she should do? What would you do? What insights might Scripture offer? (See
Romans 8:26-27





38. How do you answer tough questions (like Joshua’s) from a child—your own or someone else’s? How can you help a child come to grasp with tough realities in life?





39. “It’s easy to be the victim,” Yvonne told Taylor, “. . . but you endured everyone’s scorn.” Do you agree: Is it easier to be the victim? How does the church minister to the guilty and the innocent in such circumstances?





40. Troy wonders how to approach God in prayer. How do you talk to God—like a friend, a parent, a king? How did Jesus talk to God? (See
Matthew 6:9





41. A recurring theme in this book seems to be that appearances can be deceiving. How does that theme relate to our ministry to others—and our ability to allow others to minister to us?





42. What went wrong with Pam’s visit to Troy’s show? How would you expect your spouse to handle the conflict between a professional commitment (like Troy’s tour) and your own due date?





43. Was Luke ever a “good husband” to Yvonne? Why or why not? How do you (and Scripture) define a good husband? Is being a provider sufficient?





44. Pam seems to have it all—marriage, children, wealth, and now a fulfilled dream—but she still feels hollow . . . sick and tired of being sick and tired. How do you encourage yourself (or someone else) in that situation?





45. What does freedom or independence look and feel like to you? (See
2 Corinthians 3:17
Romans 6:18
Galatians 5:13
1 Peter 2:16





46. More than once, Pam has envied her daughters’ lack of inhibitions in expressing their emotions, positive and negative. How do our adult masks obstruct our relationships—with family, friends, and God? (No wonder Jesus said, “Unless you come as little children . . .”)





47. How does your own group of sisters (Glory Girls) compare to the Sister to Sister group in this novel—for better and worse?





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