Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures (25 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures
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She lay back down, deciding she’d let Pavel do the honors. Nudging her sleeping partner in the side, she said, “Pavel, the phone’s ringing.”

His sleepy voice came back, “Why don’t you answer it?”

She yawned. “It’s for you.”

His wide yawn cracked his jaw. “How do you know?”

She pulled the covers over her shoulders. “I’ll take ‘nobody calls me at three o’clock in the morning,’ for a hundred, Alex.”

He groaned, stretching and yawning again. “Hey, I wear myself out pleasing you and you’re giving me smart-mouthed answers, bitch.”

“I got your bitch.” She cupped her pussy, her mouth widening in an appreciative smile.

“And she’s certainly enjoyed your pleasuring.”

He rolled out of bed, still protesting, and padded over to the table. She leaned up to watch that fine ass flexing, giving a silent but heartfelt shout-out to her favorite cock. Even relaxed and swinging, it made her mouth water. All of a sudden, sleep was the furthest thing from her mind.

Pavel snatched up the phone and barked, “Hello. It’s late. You woke up my bitch. This better be good.”

Straining, she barely made out the gruff, low bass tones of some male speaking excitedly.


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Pavel’s demeanor changed, became electrified. “It is…? Forgiveness, yes, I’ll speak with him. Yes, I’ll hold!”

Kaila scooted out of bed and tiptoed over to tap Pavel’s arm. “Who is it, babe? What’s going on?”

Covering the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand, he said, “Uh-uh! You had your chance to answer the phone. Now you can wait till I’m finished.” He playfully shooed her away, turning her toward their bed and sending her off with a light but sharp swat to the buttocks.

“Hey! That hurt!”

* * * * *

Pavel turned from placing the phone receiver back on the hook, a wide grin on his face. “Madam,” he said, rubbing his hands together gleefully, “I have been given permission to announce that as acting pack Prima, your first official duty will be shopping for a gift for Hunter and Melody’s new daughter, Tamera Joy McCallum!”

“Hooray! Pavel, that’s wonderful news!” Kaila bounced on the bed. “I can’t wait to call Melody and get all the inside scoop. I bet Hunter is over the moon!”

“You don’t know the half of it.” He came back to the bed, lifted the covers for her to crawl under, and slid in beside her, cuddling up close. “That wulf is so in love it’s scary. He was crying, Kaila.” Pavel swallowed thickly, still moved with awe when he recalled Hunter’s shaky voice saying, She’s so beautiful, so precious, Pavel. She’s my Joy, man, my Joy. I’ll reshape the world if I have to, to keep her, Blair, and my Mel forever safe.

Pavel sighed, looking pensive. “Among the packs, Hunter McCallum is legendary for his strength and hardness, yet he’s the same man that was on the phone with me, sobbing with joy, giddy with happiness. I’m so awed and humbled to know he considers me a friend, someone he can share his true feelings with.”

Kaila slid her arms around Pavel’s waist and hugged him tight. “You’re always on me about my low self-esteem, but you are so completely blind to your own merit. Pavel, that wulf is lucky to have you as his friend.”

Pavel dropped a kiss on her lips. “I think you’re a bit biased, but thank you, sweetheart.” He bent his head and latched onto a nipple, licking it, teasing it with little nips of his teeth.

Her torso arched up, nipple burning under the hot pull of his mouth. Her womb clenched, releasing melted desire. One hand slid under her, supporting her shoulders, while the other coasted down her belly, fingers tangling in the damp hair on her mound.

Mouth busy at her breast, he found and played with her clit, rolling the fat nubbin between his thumb and forefinger while his middle and ring fingers pumped in and out of her tight sex.

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


“Goddess,” he groaned, hot breath pouring over her distended nipple. “You’re already sopping.”

Kaila writhed under him, unable to control her body’s need to move. “I’m always ready for you. I feel like a damned slut.”

“You’re my slut and I love it that you’re so wet for me; it lets me know how much you want me,” he growled before latching onto the other nipple.

Gasping, Kaila laced her fingers in the hair at the nape of Pavel’s neck, holding him to her breast. She did more than want him…she craved him. He’d loved her all through the evening, twice fucking her as the hulking, fearsome, battle-ready beast. In that guise, he’d taken her anally -- shepherded her through a landmine of intense pain -- raising her to a level of pleasure almost beyond human comprehension.

After such an erotically charged journey, any normal woman should have been sated, but the fairy-tale creature that was her mate had only to look at her and she grew instantly hungry for him.

She moaned now, planted her feet so she could pump her hips up, pressing against his roving hand, hissing at the Greek fire -- the unquenchable desire -- he sparked so easily in her pussy. “I’ll always want you, need you, and love you -- all of you: wulf, beast, and man.

Please, Pavel, fuck me now. Don’t make me wait.”

Releasing her breast, his mouth meandered down the valley between her full mounds, stopped to lick the crease under the heavy curves. Her pulse pounded in her clit and it stood stiff, engorged and throbbing.

Kaila keened, raked her nails down his back as his teeth latched onto the bundle of screaming nerves. Like fireflies, desire lit her up from within. Pleasurable sensations danced in her belly, caused the walls of her pussy to flutter in carnal excitement. She whimpered, going out of her mind with the building pressure of an explosive orgasm. “Pavel, I can’t take much more…”

I need you to take every hing I give


you, drouch. I want you to accept me loving you in

any form. Can you, will you do that?

Her answer came swiftly. Whenever you speak mind-to-mind, I know it’s important to you. What do you need? I’d do anything for you, my love. Haven’t these last few days shown you how willing I am to accept you?

Will you bond totally with me, allow me to fuck you in my fur form?

Kaila’s heart leapt in her breast. At last!

Pulse gone crazy, Kaila struggled out from underneath him, twisting around to face him. Tears flowed down her cheeks. “Ever since Melody explained things to me, I’ve been dying a little bit every day, waiting for what seemed like forever, for you to offer me what amounts to a marriage proposal among your kind.” She wiped the wetness from her face with shaking hands and continued, voice clogged and nasally. “For a while there, I thought you’d 154

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decided not to. I don’t know why you waited so long, and I don’t care. Right now, I’m just glad you have, so yes. Thank you. I w-would lo-love to m-marry y-you.” She broke down in hiccupping sobs.

“Oh my love, oh love-oh-love-oh-love oh drouch, I’m so sorry!” Pavel snatched her up in his embrace, his frantic breathing gusting in her flushed face. “Every fiber of my being yearns to protect and shelter you, and instead, it seems I’m always hurting you.”

“Not this time,” she said, pulling him down to her. “This time you’ve made me the happiest woman in the world.”

“Not yet, I haven’t,” he said, an endearing leer on his craggy, handsome face as he tipped her over onto her belly. “But I’m about to make us both extremely happy. To do that, I need you on your knees, my pretty bitch. They don’t call it doggy style for nothing.”

Kaila sniffed, laughing through the last of her tears. They dried fast as the heat rose between them. “Are you going to shift now?”

Pavel piled two pillows beneath her belly. “Open your legs wide, babe. Show me that juicy pussy.” He came around to her side. “Not this time, Kaila. I’ll wait to shift once I’m inside you. The wulf is naturally dominant. This first time, I think it wiser to keep things calm.”

She nodded, not minding in the least that he wanted to go slow and easy with this. She had a lifetime of taboos to overcome and knew she’d be stiff and hesitant this virgin flight.

“Whatever you say, Pavel.”

He laughed hard at that. “If only I could hear that sentiment on a regular basis!”

Kaila reared up, but his hand on her back kept her down. Two fingers sank into her without preamble, tightening things low in her belly. His terse voice sounded at her behind and above her as he played in her pussy, idly stroking in and out of her wet heat while he instructed her on how to deal with his animal side. She could hear his nervousness in his sharp tones.

“Keep your head down and your butt up. Keep your legs open. I’ll try to be careful when I grab you by the waist for a handhold, but my claws are sharp. If you move too much, I’ll use them to hold you still, might also immobilize you by sinking my teeth in your shoulder. Use our mental connection to talk to me. That way, I’ll stay focused, and you won’t get so frightened. Remember I love you and won’t harm you.”

She harrumphed. “I noticed you said harm, not hurt. Don’t worry. I’ll be still as a church mouse.”

Pavel’s eyes twinkled down at her. “Wulves eat mice.”

She smiled at him. “Yes, I know. This particular wulf eats pussy, too.” Under her breath, though she was sure he heard her, she added, “From now on, that better be pussy in the singular.”

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


“Of course it will be. Besides the fact that I love you desperately, a wulf is incapable of infidelity once the bonding takes place.”

Kaila sighed, more than ready to be bonded to her wulf and she told him so. “Honey, I can’t wait to embark on this next segment of our lives together. Thank you for loving me.”

Pavel pulled his fingers from her and fit his cock to her dripping entry. As he eased in, he spoke to her mind-to-mind.

They say that all your choices lead you to your present. If that’s so, then my entire life has been leading me to you and I wouldn’t change a single heartrending thing so long as I end up here with the love of my life.

Kaila’s heart buckled. There was nothing in the world she wouldn’t do to be with this man, this wulf who had snatched her from her mediocre life and given her a reason to rise above the drabness of self-hatred. She rocked back into his gentle strokes, telling him without words how much she needed and wanted him.

We become one, now, my precious bitch!

She felt the magic washing over her back, warming her and filling her with a mixture of heady emotion.

Take me, Pavel, in every way you want, all the ways you need me. I’m yours!

In her mind’s eye, she watched Pavel shift, modeling her imagination after the actual changes she’d witnessed before. She knew how his body would shorten, his arms and legs thicken and reshape themselves into something more powerful, more primal than the animal modern man had devolved into. His beautiful mouth would give way to a muzzle and broad head crowned with upthrust ears, his tail emerge to wave like a plumed banner lifted in triumph as he claimed and mounted his woman, his bitch, his mate. Thrusting her ass high in the air, she invited his possession.

Fangs bared, the wulf Pavel howled his challenge to any who would seek to take his position. The well-fleshed bitch beneath him whimpered her surrender, lowered her body, and raised her sex to him, as was his due. Her fecund scent -- reeking of desire and of ripe feminine flesh dripping with honeyed warmth -- wafted across his nostrils, beckoning him to the feast of her body.

Heavy forepaws clenching her waist, holding her down, the wulf flexed his powerful haunches, jack-hammering his wulven ramrod cock in and out of the tight, clasping sheath of his bitch, fucking her into submission, dominating her, establishing forever his Alpha position -- his right to rule. He would take her over and over, fuck her again and again, cover her flesh with his scent, fill her belly with his seed so that all would know this prime bitch was claimed! Throwing back his head, he sang the ancient song of victory, claimed the ancient right of the conqueror to mate.


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Kaila screamed in crazed ecstasy, her body convulsing as jet after jet of hot thick sperm shot high in her womb. Locked to Pavel by his teeth in her neck, her stuffed pussy strained to contain the huge knot of his cock as pulse after pulse of life flooded her; she joined in his song of togetherness.

Pavel, I am yours. And you are my love, my master, my mate.

The wulf was humming.

Kaila listened with half a brain, the other half submerged in an ocean of peace after sharing the most profound sex of her life. She thought she recognized the song as one she’d been trying to teach to Pavel. When she realized which song it was she smiled, truly content with the world.

I like big butts…

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


The Challenge

No fool, Pavel waited to spring his information on Kaila until she was drifting on the verge of sleep, worn out by his insatiable demands. “Sweetheart, I didn’t tell you earlier, but when Hunter called, he had the audacity to challenge me to a contest. Of course, as the Alpha of Pack Drestovia, I had to accept.”

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