Werewolf's Way [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) (21 page)

BOOK: Werewolf's Way [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)
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Graham had never a seen a sprite wedding, but he imagined Caelyn’s current clothes resembled what he’d have worn back home. However, there were two clear differences that shattered the illusion. A pendant with a stylized wolf hung from his neck, a clear reference to Graham’s shifter nature. And he was wearing sneakers.

It might have seemed like an odd choice, except Graham saw the meaning behind it. Ironically, he’d done something similar. For his outfit, he had chosen elegant tuxedo pants, but only a loose simple shirt as a top. He’d have gone bare-chested if not for the concern that he’d shock his human audience. For jewelry, he had chosen a pendant depicting an angel in flight.

“I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me,” Bill muttered by his side, “although he looks better than you.”

“Of course he does,” Graham replied numbly. “My angel looks good in anything.”

Caelyn’s voice drifted into his mind, soft and loving.
“And here I thought I had to put effort into my appearance. All that time wasted.”

“Not wasted,”
Graham rushed to reassure his mate.
“Certainly not wasted.”

Caelyn made his way to Graham’s side, walking as if in slow motion. Reality seemed to pass in a staccato rhythm. One moment, Caelyn was standing next to the carriage, and the next, he’d advanced halfway across the makeshift aisle. Graham’s mind spun with desire, want, and love, and by the time Caelyn reached him, he was ready to howl, sob, and kiss the life out of Caelyn.

Instead, he took Caelyn’s hand and turned toward the justice of the peace. The man began by greeting them all, welcoming them to the ceremony, and speaking a few words about the meaning of marriage. Graham listened patiently, willing him to speak faster.

It was likely strange of him to think this way. By the ways of the shifters, he was already bonded to Caelyn. But he wanted Caelyn to have a ceremony, and he wanted to celebrate it like this, with the rites of his new pack, a pack of humans.

At last, the moment came for them to say their vows. They had picked a traditional commitment reading of the Pueblo Indian, in deference to Graham’s shifter background. American Indians had a strong connection with werewolves, which was one of the reasons why they had suffered so much upon the expansion of the white man in the United States.

In English, Graham said, “Before we met, you and I were halves unjoined except in the wide rivers of our minds. We were each other’s distant shore, the opposite wings of a bird, the other half of a seashell. We did not know the other then, did not know our determination to keep alive the cry of one riverbank to the other. We were apart, yet connected in our ignorance of each other, like two apples sharing a common tree. Remember, Lini?”

Caelyn took a deep breath and continued, “I knew you existed long before you understood my desire to join my freedom to yours. Our paths collided long enough for our indecision to be swallowed up by the greater need of love. When you came to me, the sun surged toward the earth and the moon escaped from darkness to bless the union of two spirits, so alike that the creator had designed them for life’s endless circle. Graham, beloved partner, keeper of my heart’s odd secrets, clothed in summer blossoms so the icy hand of winter never touches us, I thank your patience. Our joining is like a tree to earth, a cloud to sky, and even more. We are the reason the world can laugh on its battlefields and rise from the ashes of its selfishness to hear me say, in this time, this place, this way—I loved you best of all.”

Completing this part of their vows, Graham repeated, “In this time, this place, this way—I loved you best of all.”

Okay, so maybe the vow in itself was a little flowery, but Graham liked it, and he respected its original creators. They almost seemed to have written down an exact depiction of how he felt for Caelyn, in a way he’d never have thought of. He’d have been a little embarrassed to say all that, but somehow, it came out naturally.

For their part, the humans seemed touched. In the first row of the seats, Beth Connors dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief. By Caelyn’s side, Caroline leaned against Raleigh, looking like she was going to cry as well. Huh? When had they gotten there? Graham hadn’t even seen them arrive. Of course, that was likely because his focus had been completely on Caelyn. He had to say that he disagreed with the assessment of Mark Connors. Nothing was perfect, but one exception did exist. Caelyn.

But they hadn’t finished with their vows just yet. Passing into the sprite tongue, Caelyn said, “In the name of Jenarra, I take you, Graham Powers, as my mate.” As he spoke, he retrieved Graham’s ring from his robes and slid it onto Graham’s finger. Engraved with the words,
I am yours, my beloved,
it felt comforting and solid around Graham’s digit, just like their bond around his heart. “May Jenarra forever bless us with days as bright as the sun’s rays and nights as fiery as its heat.”

“In the name of the gods, I take you, Caelyn Sutharlainn, as my mate,” Graham added. Since werewolves didn’t have a wedding ritual they spoke in words, Caelyn had taught him what to say. Fortunately, it hadn’t been very hard since Graham had already known a little of the sprite language. He experienced a brief moment of panic when he didn’t find the ring in his pocket, but Bill quickly provided him with the item. “May they forever bless us with love, togetherness, family, and security,” he finished, sliding the ring onto Caelyn’s finger. It was a larger version of the engagement ring, with the same words that had been written on the original band.

The humans didn’t understand the final words of the ceremony, but Caelyn and Graham had told them in advance that they would be saying something in Caelyn’s mother tongue, although they hadn’t offered any further details on that.

Of course, they were all puzzled, as evidenced by Caroline’s soft inquiry. “What language is that?” she whispered in Raleigh’s ear.

“I don’t have a clue,” Raleigh replied. “Now be quiet.”

Grinning and holding tightly onto his mate’s hand, Graham turned toward the justice of the peace. The man looked quite touched as well, but nevertheless said, “Graham York, Lincoln Farrington, by the power vested in me by the State of Vermont, I pronounce you wed. You may kiss.”

Graham did exactly that. Pulling his mate into his arms, he crushed their mouths together. Was it possible for Caelyn to taste sweeter and sweeter every day? It seemed unlikely, and yet, time and again, his mate proved him different.

As Caelyn melted in his embrace, cheers erupted around them from their friends. They weren’t many here since, sadly, they hadn’t been able to invite their loved ones from the paranormal world. Graham would have liked to have his brother and Philip here, and Caelyn had wanted to invite Sari and Eanera. But it wasn’t realistically possible, so they’d settled for this discreet ceremony with only a handful of humans.

Graham could have easily gone on kissing Caelyn forever, but their friends were waiting. Whose bright idea had been to invite them again? Right, he’d thought it would be nice to have a human pack. He had to admit that now, the only thing he wanted was to be alone with his mate, his new husband.

As they broke the kiss, Caelyn laughed breathlessly.
“You’re insatiable,”
he whispered through their bond.

“How can I not be when I have you as my mate?”

Still smiling, Caelyn turned toward their guests. Amidst the sound of applause, he said, “And now, we’ve prepared a small reception for everyone here, to thank you for your presence here,” he said. “The staff of the resort is waiting.”

He spoke so smoothly and elegantly that Graham realized just how well the life of a prince would have suited Caelyn. But even now, when he had no title, he maintained his aristocratic bearing. Graham might have felt guilty at stealing Caelyn from his people, but he was too aroused to think about anything but shattering that facade of perfect politeness.

“Soon, beloved,”
Caelyn promised him through their bond. He seemed to be completely focused on their friends, but actually, his mind was filled with erotic images and desires. Graham’s knees almost buckled as his mate started to daydream about dropping to his knees and sucking Graham’s cock.

From his point of view, soon couldn’t come quick enough.

Chapter Nine


“And those vows were so incredibly touching.” Beth squeezed Caelyn’s arm, sniffing slightly. “Oh, James never said anything so beautiful to me in his entire life. He’s about as romantic as a rock.”

Caelyn chuckled at the woman’s words. She was quickly becoming a motherly figure for him, although she couldn’t have been more different than his own parent. Britanni was pure sprite elegance, willowy, always poised, and dressed in the latest fashion, but that beauty often felt cold. Meanwhile, Elizabeth didn’t have all those adornments. Her generous bosom and curves didn’t hold up to the sprite standard of beauty, and her hair held far too many gray strands. But her brown eyes always shone with kindness, and even when she admonished her son or niece, she did so affectionately.

“I’m sure he loves you a great deal,” he replied. “I mean, how could he not?”

Beth actually burst into laughter and took a sip of champagne from her glass. “Did you hear this boy, James? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was lying.”

“Nope,” Caroline said as she leaned against Caelyn’s shoulder. “You know what they say. The good ones are always gay or taken.”

“Or both,” Raleigh offered, smirking. Leaning closer to Caelyn, he whispered, “I’m personally interested in that hot man you’ve left all by his lonesome. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in sharing?”

Caelyn playfully punched Raleigh in the chest. “Sorry, but no.”

Raleigh had a point, though. The celebration had been fun, more than Caelyn had imagined, but now, it was time for them to have a little party of their own. Besides, he was having the hardest time keeping his latest secret to himself and not screaming it to the winds like he wanted to.

Graham abandoned the conversation he’d been having with Bill and slid to Caelyn’s side. “You don’t mind if I steal him away, do you?”

Caroline grinned. “I’m actually surprised you haven’t done so already. As much as I enjoy Lini’s company, a wedding is for the couple.”

“Nah.” Raleigh wiggled his brows. “That’s the wedding night.”

“And speaking of which,” Graham said, “I do believe I reserved a suite for me and my…new husband.”

Caelyn’s face flamed at the suggestiveness in Graham’s tone, although he did note the brief pause. It wasn’t that Graham hadn’t gotten used to the idea of being married to Caelyn. Rather, the first thing that came to the werewolf’s mind and lips when he thought of Caelyn was
. And really, even if today they’d also become husbands in the eyes of their human friends, Caelyn wouldn’t have had it any other way.

In the well-wishes of the friends, Caelyn took Graham’s hand and stepped out of the room. It might have seemed a little selfish, but he had faith that his guests would be able to tend to themselves and have fun together without Caelyn present. He was just so happy that they all understood him so well. He was happy, period, maybe more than he should have been.

Their marriage had involved expenses, yes, but it hadn’t been anything beyond their budget. However, a part of Caelyn still remained unsettled. Not having Sari and his family here reminded him of everything that could still go wrong.

As they walked down the hallway of the bed and breakfast they had rented for their party, Graham suddenly stopped. He picked Caelyn up in his arms, holding him as if he were a bride, not a groom.

“Graham?” Caelyn asked in bemusement.

“Shh,” Graham said, sounding strikingly focused. “Just relax and enjoy.”

Caelyn obeyed, relaxing in Graham’s embrace. As his mate started to walk up the wooden stairs of the building, Graham continued, “Mark said something today, while we were waiting for you. He said that nothing’s perfect. But I don’t want that to be true. I want this day to be perfect, just for you.”

Caelyn practically melted. He still couldn’t believe how this man had ever thought he wasn’t romantic. There were so many things he would have liked to say, in words or thoughts, but instead, he flooded their bond with the love that swamped him, the same love he had declared to Graham today in front of their friends.

In response, Graham sped up, moving as quickly as he could without risking revealing his paranormal nature to the humans around them. At last, they reached their quarters and rushed inside, both of them bursting with eagerness to couple.

Graham closed the door behind them and carried Caelyn to the bed. He deposited Caelyn onto the mattress, and he quickly joined him. All pretense of normality was abandoned, and his claws emerged, piercing the material of his wedding garb. “I want to fuck you with this on.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” Caelyn somehow managed to croak out. “You’ll rip it. I want to save it for our child’s wedding day.”

Graham froze with his hand on Caelyn’s hip as Caelyn opened his mind and revealed the secret he’d kept tightly hidden in his heart. It was a very new thing, which was likely the only reason Graham hadn’t figured it out already. By rights, Caelyn himself shouldn’t have been so sure, but he knew his body well, and he felt a new spark inside him, one that hadn’t been there before, the spark of an incipient life.

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