Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Authors: Mary Abshire

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #General, #Contemporary

BOOK: Welcome to the Neighborhood
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Also by Mary Abshire


The Awakening

The Quest

Immortal Revenge

Welcome to the Neighborhood




Midnight Garden, #1








Lyrical Press









I'd like to thank my daughter, my friends, my editor, and readers. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support.





“You’re fucking kidding me. How can a moving van with GPS navigation be lost?” Cassandra asked.

Alexi held the cell phone away from her ear. Her best friend’s anger matched her own. “It’s bullshit, Cass. They claim the GPS malfunctioned and directed them to Westport, Ohio, instead of Westport, Indiana. I supplied them with the fucking address, 717 Lunar Drive. There’s no such address in Westport, Ohio. I fucking Googled it.”


Alexi stood on the sidewalk in front of her new house, listening to her centuries-old friend berate the moving company and watching two movers struggle to hold her antique dresser. Their large muscles protruded from their t-shirts. Sweat rolled down their strained faces as they ambled down the ramp. The man stepping backward lost his grip and the dresser slipped from his hands. A third mover who stood in the yard rushed to help. He arrived in a nick of time and stabled the piece upright.

“Shit,” Alexi said.


She held off on her response as the movers passed by, carrying the antique. Unable to suppress her dissatisfaction with them, Alexi pressed her lips together and frowned. She had warned them the furniture was heavy and asked them to handle the pieces with care. Did they listen? It didn’t appear so. Damn werewolves always thought they were the strongest creatures on the planet. Her strength outmatched them any night of the week.

“What’s going on, Alexi? Tell me.”

“They almost dropped my dresser.”

“Can those beasts do anything right?”

“I believe you already know the answer to that question.”

“Yes, yes I do. All men are worthless.”

Alexi concurred with her vamp friend. Men were selfish animals, greedy for sex, power and wealth. She’d yet to meet a man who had a pure soul, one who thought with his heart not his dick. One who wanted to make a difference in the world, not muck it up any worse than it already was. One who believed in love and wanted more than to satisfy his carnal craving. After three centuries of walking the earth, she’d come to the realization such a man didn’t exist.

“Did you have anything valuable in the other van?”

“Yeah, my safe.”

Cass gasped. “Not the antique one.”

“Do I own any other one?” She kicked the grass with the tip of her shoe, wishing she could kick someone’s ass instead. She disliked leaving her antique safe in the hands of strangers, even though she doubted someone could break into it. The man who’d built the safe had told her the solid construction could withstand a bomb. That was a century ago. The kinds of bombs used today were different. Not to mention, people were smarter and had more resources to crack one open.

“You should find a daywalker to help you out, Alexi. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if–”

“I don’t need a daywalker to take care of my personal business. I’m perfectly capable of handling everything on my own.” She’d taken care of herself for over two hundred years after she walked out on her maker. She’d even spent a century helping Cass become a strong, independent and successful young woman. Rely on help from a man? Never. Depend on assistance from a daywalker. Forget it. The only person she trusted was Cass, but her best friend lived half a world away.

“I know you don’t like to depend on others–”

“No, I don’t.”

“But moving is a big headache. If you would let a reliable human oversee the arrangements and watch the movers during the day, it would take the stress away from you.”

Alexi pressed her lips together to stop herself from laughing. She didn’t believe in reliable humans and had taught Cass to never depend on others for anything. What was wrong with her friend? How could Cass even mention such a thing? Maybe they’d spent too much time apart. Or maybe her friend’s odd suggestion sprang from her worry about Alexi.

“No need to concern yourself about me moving again. I doubt I will for a long time.” Alexi said the words proudly. She’d moved routinely every ten to twelve years to keep humans from wondering why she didn’t age. Then, one night on PTV, the Paranormal Television Network, she heard about neighborhoods for supernatural creatures popping up across America. After she searched the PTV website and found the Midnight Gardens community in Indiana, she hopped on a plane to visit. She toured the community, walked through a couple homes and spoke in great length to the real-estate agent. She spent two weeks driving around the area, scoping out the businesses and researching her potential new home. On the flight back to her condo in busy Chicago, she made the decision to relocate.

“I hope you’re happy there. From what you told me and the photos you sent, it looks like a nice place.”

Alexi nodded as she scanned the neighborhood. She lived in Midwest America, specifically a quiet suburban community for supernatural creatures such as herself. Yes, it was perfect.

“You should visit some time,” Alexi said.

“Have you been inside yet?”

“No, not yet. I called you as soon as I arrived. I had to vent my frustration to someone.”

Alexi strolled along the brick path leading to the open door. Decorative lights on both sides of the walkway guided her way. She stopped midway up the path and took a long look at her new home. The ranch house had dark red bricks and red trim. A variety of flowers lined up along the front gave the home color. The neighbor’s homes were close, but not overbearing. One tree stood tall in the front yard. In all, the house appeared simple, well constructed and similar to many others. It wasn’t stylish, but she didn’t need a fancy-looking house. A cozy home with a large, finished basement and neighbors who would never bother her took precedence over her purchasing decision. Gazing at her new property on Lunar Drive, she believed she’d found exactly what she needed, set in the back of the Midnight Gardens community.

“Have you seen any of your neighbors?”

After the movers passed by, heading for their van, Alexi looked at the ranch home next to hers. The style was similar with the same color brick and an attached garage on the left. The house had blue trim and a larger porch area in the front, unlike her home. Flowers accented the area in front of the window.

“Speak of the devil,” Alexi said, staring at the man with dark hair who held the curtain to the side. He had dark facial hair and a tall, well-built frame.

“A neighbor?”

“Spying on me.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope. He’s standing at his window, watching me.”

“Figures. He’s probably too much of a coward to introduce himself and welcome you to the neighborhood.”

“Or, he could be waiting until the welcoming party tomorrow night. The agent who sold the house said they like to throw a big party at their clubhouse.” On second thought, the man was either a Peeping Tom or one of those nosy neighbors who liked to gossip. A real man would’ve walked right up and introduced himself.

“Then again, you’re probably right,” Alexi said with a conceding sigh.

The movers passed by carrying boxes and nearly bumped Alexi. They were twice her size, at least, but their size didn’t intimidate her. She could kick their asses to the state line if they dared to give her any trouble.

“Well, I hope you’re happy there. Maybe I will stop by for a visit in a few months. Business is booming right now, so I can’t step away.”

As the owner of a major software company in Europe, Cass kept busy. She helped design and manage special applications for universities, businesses and cell phones. Her technical skills never ceased to amaze Alexi.

“Take your time. I need to paint a few rooms and decorate. White walls will drive me crazy.”

Cass laughed. “I miss you. You know that, right?”

“Miss you more. Talk to you soon.”

Alexi ended the call before the conversation turned mushy, which happened frequently when they’d spent too much time apart. The last time she’d seen Cass had been four years ago when they were in New York City for New Year’s Eve. They had such a fun time getting drunk on human blood. When it came time to leave, they stood in the hotel lobby bawling their eyes out.

A touch of sadness swept through her. She missed her close friend. Time passed too fast. While Cass had her own company and projects, Alexi managed investments for various companies, brokerage firms and individual clients. Handling money was her specialty, and she had plenty of large bank accounts to prove it. The turmoil of the markets and the constant fluctuation kept Alexi on her toes, maybe a bit too busy. She needed a break. Moreover, she needed to spend time with her best friend. Soon.

A gust of wind lifted her hair and chilled her already cool flesh. The scent of flowers and fresh-cut grass drifted in the air. Alexi gazed up. The bright moon lit up the night. In a few more days, the moon would reach its fullest and the werewolves would howl and run wild. She enjoyed the sound of their freedom. She loved to watch them walk from the woods, naked and hard. Although she couldn’t tolerate the beasts, she admired their strong bodies and every single hard muscle.

Feeling warmer, Alexi turned her gaze back to earth. She glanced at her car and grinned slightly, grateful she’d packed her vibrator in a suitcase with her clothes and beauty products instead of in a box for the movers. She might have to use it later.

The sound of a car approaching jarred her attention. Down the road, a pair of lights headed for the cul-de-sac. The large SUV slowed, then stopped across the street. The sign on the door indicated read
Brian Hadley–Real Estate agent for Midnight Gardens. Paranormal Suburbia at its finest.
Alexi recognized him the instant he stepped around his vehicle.

He strode toward her, smiling and confident. “Evening, Ms. Cartwright.”

“Hello, Mr. Hadley. What brings you out so late?”

His outfit reminded her of the first time they’d met. He wore khaki slacks and polo shirt with a small an emblem stitched near the right breast.

“I came to see if you had any troubles getting in. I also wanted to make sure you received the invitations.” He stopped a few feet from her and gave her a quick once-over. Typical male.

“The key worked fine, and yes, I found them after I opened he door.”

“Excellent. The Welcome to the Neighborhood party starts at eleven PM and runs until two AM, but you can stay later if you choose to do so. As for the P-Day celebration next week, it’s an all day event, but the real fun starts about an hour after sunset and can last until sunrise.”

P-Day, Paranormal Day, started on September 9, 2009. Supernatural creatures revealed themselves to the world on PTV, all day and all night. Many were proud of the day, proud to show what they were to the world. No more hiding. No more lying. All supernatural creatures came out of the closet, so to speak. How did the world respond? Most didn’t believe. Mr. Hadley was one of the few who did. After a werewolf and shape-shifter changed on live television, people said special effects and technology made the transformation appear real. Vampires revealed their fangs and the public declared them as play teeth. Witches and warlocks demonstrated spells. Again, people claimed the pros in Hollywood touched up the acts. Even the close-ups of small pixies didn’t sway the public to believe. Why should they? Supernatural creatures had remained hidden for centuries. Why step out into the world’s eye after so much time had passed? The response from the majority of supernaturals–the time to come out was long overdue. Alexi agreed.

Holding the strap of her purse in one hand, Alexi shifted her arms behind her and clasped her wrist with her free hand. “When you say
real fun
, what do you mean exactly?” She’d heard stories about some races allowing orgies all night long, vampires drinking from veins in public and bare-to-the-bone public displays of celebration. Alexi never participated in such outlandish events, fearing such wildness might lead humans to frown upon them. No need to cause more trouble than there already was between supernaturals and the rest of the world.

“The warlocks and witches like to show off their talents and create a firework display. Some of our four-legged creatures hold a hunting contest. There’s games, food…well, not your kind.” He rubbed behind his neck. “Come to think of it, most of the vampires stay inside.”

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