Wayward Valentine: Book 1.5 (2 page)

BOOK: Wayward Valentine: Book 1.5
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Chapter Two

I wake up to the smell of food being made. Instantly, my stomach decides it's ready to eat. I get out of bed, do my business, and go to check on Brax. Walking down the hall, I hear the boys giggling in the kitchen with Brantley. Opening Braxton's door, I see him looking up at his mobile. I walk over to his crib, and pick him up. It's crazy to see how much he looks like the twins did at this age. He will definitely be a looker, just like the twins and Brantley. Lord, help me.

I pick out some clothes for him to wear, and then I change his diaper. Once I'm done getting Brax ready, I make my way to where I hear the boys. When I walk into the room, I see the boys mixing, what I'm assuming is, pancake batter. They have it all over their jammies and their faces.

I can't help but laugh at them. They are so stinkin


The boys are shaking their butts to something that's playing on the radio in the kitchen. When they hear me, I laugh even harder. They all turn around with surprised expressions. I guess I'm not supposed to see what's going on in here. Brantley winks at me, and I can't help but swoon at how hot he looks with his naked chest facing me. His pajama pants are hanging low on his hips, and I want nothing more than to lick his delicious body all over. Holy shit. I swear he continues to get sexier every day, while I feel fat as hell.

"Doll, go into the living room. We will be done soon. Put your feet up and relax."

He walks over to me, gives me a kiss, grabs my ass and squeezes. He whispers in my ear that he loves me, but to get out of the kitchen. I give him the one finger salute, and make my way to the couch with Braxton. Turning the TV on low, I watch the news while getting ready to feed Brax.

I don't even really pay attention to the TV; I just hum to Brax, and wait for him to finish eating. Once he's done, I burp him, and rock him awhile. His eyes close instantly, and I can't help but smile at this handsome little boy. 

Ten minutes later, the boys come into the living room, carrying plates. They both set them on the coffee table, and come to sit on the couch with me.

"Momma," Sev whispers. "We broughted you beakfist."

I love these boys so much. Remy grabs a cup from Brant, and brings it to me.

"Here momma, I bringed you juicy."

I smile, and reach for the cup. He hands it over, and it almost spills. Luckily, Brant saves the cup from falling, and sets it on the table as well.

Brant hands me a plate full of food, and gently takes Brax from my arms. Watching him place Brax in the swing makes my heart flutter. He's so good with the boys. It makes me regret keeping the boys from him for almost three years. I wish I had made better decisions when it comes to them. Our gazes meet, and he shakes his head. He knows me too well. He can always tell what I’m thinking.

This time, I'm gonna do things right. After Brant got shot last year, we made a pact to never lie about anything. He tells me what I need to know when it comes to club business, and I always keep him in the loop on the home front.  As hard as it is to hear some of the stuff that he does for the club, I'm glad he doesn't keep me in the dark anymore. Sure, I still worry about him, but I know he's doing it to protect our family and the club.

I look over at Brant, and he has a huge smile on his face. He's up to something; I just don't know what it is.

The boys are happily chatting about anything and everything they can think of.

"Daddy, when we give momma presents?" Sev asks, with great enthusiasm.

I can't help but smile at my boys. They are always taking care of me.

"Once we're done eating," Brant says with a sly grin.

Remy and Sev both say they’re done, and take their plastic cartoon plates to the kitchen.

Brant leans over to me, and kisses me on the lips. He tastes like syrup and butter, and I want nothing more than to devour his mouth with mine.

"Soon, doll," he whispers against my lips.

Looking into his eyes, I know I'm definitely gonna get what I want today. Brantley. It’s been way too long.

The boys come running back into the room with presents. When they reach us, they both say "Eww!"

One day, the roles are going to be reversed, and I will want to beat some little hussy's ass for going near them. 

"Here, Mommy!" Remy says, shoving the gift at me.

I take it from him, and he gets the same cute smile on his face that Brantley gets when he's up to something.

I unwrap the present, and open the box.

I gasp at what's inside.

Looking up at Brantley, he has a smug smile on his face. He takes it out of the box, and wraps it around my wrist.

Once it's fastened, I look at all the charms hanging from my wrist. Remington, Severye, and Braxton each have their own charm with their names and birthdays stamped into them. There is a charm of a doll, a skull, and a heart in between each of the boys' names. This is probably the most precious thing someone has ever given me. Well, besides Brantley giving me the boys, of course.

I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes. "Do you wike it Mommy?" Remy asks.

All I can do is nod my head. "Yeah, baby, I love it." I whisper.

"My turn, my turn!" Sev states, as he brings me his bag.

I take it from him, and open it. He has a big smile on his cute little face. I take the box out of the bag, and lift the lid off. Inside the little box is a beautiful diamond necklace. It's not huge, but it's perfect. It looks like a half-carat princess-cut diamond. My favorite cut. How did he know?

"Put it on, Momma.," Sev says.

I turn to Brantley, and he motions for me to turn around. I hand him the necklace, and lift my hair up. Once he has the necklace around my neck, he kisses behind my ear and whispers, "I have way more for you, doll." I shiver, and he chuckles.

"It's purdy, momma," Remy says.

"Thank you boys so much. I love them!" I say. They both run to give me a hug. "Daddy let us pick 'em out." Sev smiles.

My heart melts. These boys are my life, and I don't know what I would do without them.

"So that's where you sneaky boys went the other day.

They both giggle, and nod their heads.

Brant gets up, picks up the boxes, and takes them into the kitchen to throw them away.

"Okay boys. You have a date with Grandma and Grandpa. So, let's go get ready, and pack some stuff." They both squeal and run down the hall to their rooms.

Brax starts to cry, so I pick him up, and rock him until the boys are ready.




Chapter Three

Once the boys are dressed and ready, I make sure to grab some clothes and diapers for Brax too. This is the first time that Brax will be away from Anslie since she gave birth to him. I'm not sure how she's gonna handle it yet. She probably only thinks they are gonna be gone for a few hours, but I have plans for her tonight. I just hope she's not too sore for these plans.

Taking the boys

stuff out to the truck, I see a bike coming down the drive. I don't know of anyone coming by, so I toss the bags in the back, and grab my gun from the back of my jeans. When the bike gets close enough, I see Bentley, looking pissed as hell.

Putting my gun into the waistband of my jeans, I walk over to where he just stopped.

"What's up brother? I didn't expect you this early." He looks around the yard and at the window, where I see Anslie standing.

"Sorry about showing up unannounced. Just needed to talk to you." I watch him for a second.

Something's wrong, but I can't figure out what.

"Yeah man, what's up? I'm always here for you. We'll be brothers soon." He scoffs. "I'm surprised my old man didn't put a bullet in your head when you asked."

I just laugh. "Yeah right, Prez loves me. Plus, he wouldn't kill the father of his grandkids." I smirk.

He probably would if I hurt Anslie or the boys. Hell, Anslie had to keep him from shooting me when we told him she was pregnant with Braxton.

"Yeah, right. He only didn't put a bullet in your head because of Anslie. You make my sister happy, and that's all that really matters to us."

I don't bother saying anything. They all know how I feel about her. Last week at the clubhouse, I pulled them all together, and told them my plan.

"So what crawled up your ass, Bent?" He looks at the ground, and blows out a breath.

"This bitch I met is really getting under my skin. I have no idea what to do..." He trails off, and I can't help but laugh.

"Holy fuck! Say it isn't so! Motherfucker, for all the shit you talked about me being hung up on your sister, I'm so fucking glad your time has come!"

I can tell he's not amused. Just then the front door opens and the boys come running towards Uncle Bentley.

"Uncle Benwee!" they shriek.

I'm still laughing my ass off that he's hung up on a bitch. I see Anslie walk out of the house with Brax, and head straight for us.

"Hey boys," he says to the twins, who are now climbing him like a tree.

Remy is hanging from his neck, and Sev is being lifted with one arm. It's comical. Typically, I'm the one being treated like their jungle gym.

"Hey, Ben." Anslie says while handing me Brax. She walks over to him, and kisses his cheek.

"Hey, little sister. Hey, Brax. You guys heading somewhere?"

I smirk. "We're dropping the boys with my parents, and I'm gonna spend the whole day screwing your sister six ways to Sunday. So unless you want to see, I suggest you get the hell out of here."

I see Bentley shutter. "That's fucking gross. I don't need to hear about your fucking plans with my sister."

Anslie slaps my arm, and tells us to watch our language in front of the boys. She gets the boys off of Bentley, and into the truck with ease. Sometimes, I don’t know how she does that.

"You wanna talk about this bitch that's under your skin?" I say with a smirk. He flips me off, and shakes his head no.

"Call me if you need to talk. Yeah?" I say.

Really, I want to help him. Over the years, I have never seen Bentley so much as look at a girl more than once. He is the king of love-them-and-leave-them. So, this girl must be something else to keep his attention.

I watch him straddle his bike, and crank the engine. Brax starts to fuss, but watches with big eyes.

I watch him go down the driveway, and I wonder who this chick is. Anslie comes up beside me, and kisses Brax on the cheek.

"You ready, babe?" she asks, with a sexy smile.

I lean in to kiss her, and she whispers, "It makes me so hot when you carry our son." She winks at me, and walks over to her side of the truck. Oh, it is so on. 

I strap Brax's car seat in, and close the door.

When I get into the truck, I look over at her and say, "Game on."

BOOK: Wayward Valentine: Book 1.5
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