Wayward Son (11 page)

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Authors: Shae Connor

BOOK: Wayward Son
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Mikey started to shake his head but then changed his mind midstream. “Yeah,” he replied, watching as Jimmy signaled to the bartender, who started working on another round. Mikey didn’t want to get anything close to trashed tonight, and not just because he wanted to be able to enjoy Coco’s performance. But if he was going to survive the dual attentions of Jimmy and Cory without spontaneously bursting into flames, he needed to get some self-medication into him first.

Just after their fresh drinks were delivered, the music faded and the strains of the Stilettos’ introductory theme began. Cheers went up around the room, and more customers streamed in from the club’s other areas, moving in to watch the show. Mikey watched the screen over the bar as it flashed up pictures of the featured performers and information about the drag troupe’s fund-raising activities. Mikey’s jaw dropped when he saw the total amount of money the group had accumulated for the HIV/AIDS charities they supported. He had no idea they’d been that successful, and his already high regard for Cory’s hobby ratcheted up several more notches.

As before, the show opened with banter from the camp-on-steroids cohosts, whose hair and makeup were closer to “clown” than “drag.” With Jimmy wrapped around him and his mind on Coco’s performance, Mikey only half heard their raunchy silliness, but he laughed anyway.

“So I had this guy over last night….”

“I thought you were going to bed early?”

“Well, it was kind of ‘sperm’ of the moment….”

When the laughter died down, they introduced the first performer, a tall, dark-skinned beauty by the name of Midnight Jones. She wore a micromini silver lamé dress and performed to Patti LaBelle’s “New Attitude,” strutting her stuff in knee-high black leather boots and raking in tips. Mikey added a one to her collection, and she flashed him a brilliant smile and ran a black-gloved fingertip along his jawline before moving on.

The next two performers were similarly sparkling and high energy. With the comic relief from the emcees between sets, the whole event made for a show Mikey bet people would pay good money to attend. He wondered if the troupe did formal shows or just the bar performances like this one. He’d seen ads for shows like that in Orlando, but he’d never gotten up the nerve to go to one. If he’d realized just how much fun they were, he might’ve tried harder.

“And now, without further delay….”

“Although delayed gratification can be a very fun time!”

“We bring you our headliner, the delectable Coco Lamé!”

It wasn’t until the music began that Mikey realized he hadn’t asked what it would be. Mikey was no country music fan, but his mom sure had been when he was growing up, so he would’ve recognized the opening strains even without the visual hint Coco’s red spangled dress had given. Reba McEntire’s “Fancy” blared from the speakers, and Coco strolled out from the back, a black coat wrapped around her, though her shiny red boots and the edges of the dress’s fringe below the coat’s hem gave away what was to come.

Coco slunk around the edges of the crowd, oozing sex and sensuality as she mouthed the lyrics of the sad tale, a young woman turned to prostitution by a desperate mother. The story came alive in her expressions and gestures, and as he had the first time he’d seen her perform, Mikey sat transfixed. No, this time he was even more drawn in, even more beguiled, maybe because now he knew the man behind the MAC.

This was Cory, who’d hugged him and kissed him and taken care of him, stood up for him, showed him a level of loving kindness he’d rarely experienced, and without expecting anything in return. Oh, Cory wanted him—Mikey had no doubts about that—but he never pushed, never tried to take what Mikey hadn’t been ready to give.

Tonight Mikey felt ready.

A warm body pressed against Mikey’s side, and Jimmy’s hot breath touched his ear. “I don’t know about you, honey,” he murmured, voice cutting right through the noise around them, “but I cannot
to get her out of that dress and
into our bed.”

Our bed
. Mikey shuddered, knowing Jimmy meant all three of them, not just him and Cory. His mind conjured up an image of them naked and wrapped around each other, and his dick, which had drooped back down to half-mast, shot all the way to full just as Coco sidled up to them.

“Now tip the lovely lady,” Jimmy said, and with a trembling hand, Mikey lifted the folded twenty he’d been saving and tucked it into Coco’s cleavage while she held the coat out of the way for him. He earned a smile and a brief but firm kiss, and then Coco spun away and toward the center of the floor, whipping off her coat to expose the glory of her shimmering red dress. The song hit its climax, and she tossed the coat away, flung her arms wide, and urged the crowd into a frenzy. Mikey’s ears rang as the decibel level peaked, and then, much too soon in his estimation, Coco struck a triumphant pose and held it for a long moment before the music and spotlight cut off in unison.

Another cheer went up from the crowd, and as the secondary stage lights came up, more dollar bills were waved in Coco’s direction. An assistant holding a plastic bucket made the rounds to collect those offerings, as Coco was busy taking a final bow and making her final exit—though not before blowing a kiss toward Mikey and Jimmy.

The atmosphere in the room changed as she disappeared, from the heightened excitement and anticipation of a concert venue to the happy-fun vibe of a typical Saturday nightclub scene. The crowd thinned as revelers returned to their favorite areas or headed for the door. Mikey reached for his drink to find the cup empty, though he didn’t remember downing it, but by then Jimmy had jumped down from his stool and had grabbed Mikey’s hand.

“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s go congratulate Miss Thang and get her outta here. I’m betting she could use a shower, and lucky for her she’s got not one, but two personal body men to make that happen.”

Chapter 8


them home, still buzzing from his performance and eager to talk over every detail. Mikey did his best to respond enthusiastically, though it was a struggle to tamp down the simmering arousal from their teasing and the thought of what might come next.

Am I really ready for this?
Faced with the reality of what Cory and Jimmy wanted, he wasn’t so sure, but if he waited until he felt 100 percent ready, he might never get there. Cory and Jimmy clearly cared about him as more than a trick, treating him like someone special, and they certainly had the experience to teach him everything he didn’t yet know. Which, admittedly, was a lot.

By the time Cory pulled into his driveway, Jimmy following close behind, every nerve in Mikey’s body was vibrating with an intoxicating combination of excitement and sheer terror. He felt like he was in the front car of a roller coaster just cresting the first hill, about to plunge into the heart-pounding, scream-inducing ride of his life.

Cory cut the engine but didn’t get out of the car. Instead he popped his seat belt and leaned over the console to wrap both hands around Mikey’s face. “We’re gonna have a good time tonight,” he murmured, and then he kissed Mikey, holding nothing back. Mikey let out a muffled squeak of surprise at the intensity of the kiss, but then he surrendered to it, letting Cory have his way. The door behind him opened, and Jimmy touched him, running his hands down his back and coming to rest on Mikey’s waist.

“Let him come up for air, babe,” Jimmy said, laughter in his voice. “Let’s get ourselves inside, and then we’ll have all the freedom we want to do whatever we want.”

Cory grumbled under his breath, but he let Mikey go and got out of the car.

Jimmy helped Mikey out and then reached into the backseat to fetch Coco’s costume bag. “C’mon,” he said, sliding his hand onto Mikey’s lower back to steer him toward the house. “We’ll go in, have a drink, relax a little, and then have some fun.”

Mikey forced himself to breathe deeply and evenly, trying not to think too hard about what, exactly, “some fun” would mean. He wanted it, whatever it was, that much he was certain about. But that didn’t keep his heart from pounding and his stomach from clenching.

Inside Jimmy did as he said, leading Mikey into the kitchen and pulling out a chair at the table. “Cory’s gonna want to get his stuff put away and get ready to shower off the sweat,” he said as Mikey saw Cory pass by the doorway, headed toward the bedroom. “We’ll get some drinks together and join him in a minute. You want some wine?”

Mikey swallowed and shook his head. “Just water?” His voice trembled, and Jimmy gave him a sharp look, then pushed the refrigerator door closed and came over to crouch in front of Mikey. He took both of Mikey’s hands in his.

“Are you all right with this, babe?” he asked. “We don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do, remember. If you say no, it’s not going to change anything. It’s not going to scare us off.”

Mikey closed his eyes. “It’s not that I don’t want it,” he whispered. “It’s that I want it so much, and I’m afraid it’ll all go wrong. That I’ll screw things up and you won’t want me anymore.”

“Hey. Mikey. Look at me.” Mikey opened his eyes and met Jimmy’s gaze, which was direct and calm. “This isn’t playing for us. We want you with us, and not just for a quick roll in the hay. If that’s all we were looking for, we would’ve seduced you right from the start.” He squeezed Mikey’s hands. “You mean more to us than that. Even if this doesn’t work out for the long-term. Even if you screw up—which you’re not gonna do. No matter what, we’ll still be here for you.”

Mikey hadn’t thought he needed to be told that, but from the way everything in him settled to a slow burn in response, he must have. He managed a small nod and an even smaller smile. “Yeah.”

Jimmy grinned. “Good. Now. Let’s get you that water—and we’ll make it three, ’cause I think we’ll all need it. And then let’s go see if we can give Cory a hand or four with that shower.”



got to the bedroom, Coco’s bag sat just inside the door, and the shower was running. Jimmy gave Mikey a wicked grin. “I guess Miss Thang didn’t want to wait any longer than necessary,” he said. He kicked off his shoes, crossed to the bedside table, and set down the three bottles of water he carried, then turned and beckoned to Mikey with one hand. “Lose the shoes, honey, and come on over here. Let’s give him a surprise for when he gets out.”

Mikey had no idea what Jimmy had in mind, but he toed his sneakers off and crossed the room without hesitation. His reservations weren’t gone completely, by any means, but Jimmy’s reassurance definitely helped.

As soon as he was within reach, Jimmy pulled him in and kissed him deeply. Mikey put his hands on Jimmy’s shoulders and hung on while Jimmy pulled him into a haze of desire with his talented mouth. By the time the kiss ended, Mikey was panting and hard, and Jimmy had gotten his jeans unbuttoned and the zipper pulled down.

“Shirt off,” Jimmy rasped, and Mikey lifted his arms to let him pull it off and toss it away. He reached for Jimmy’s shirt hem, and Jimmy followed his lead, leaving them both in jeans and socks.

“Let’s get these out of the way too,” Jimmy said, and he pulled at Mikey’s jeans, lowering himself into a crouch as the denim slid down Mikey’s legs. Mikey put his hands on Jimmy’s shoulders again, but this time for balance while he stepped out of the fabric. Jimmy tugged off Mikey’s socks too before standing back up and quickly skimming away his own jeans and socks. He laughed softly as he wrapped both hands around Mikey’s body to cup his asscheeks. “And here we are, looking like twins,” he said, and Mikey giggled when he realized they both wore snug black sport briefs. “Just illustrates our excellent taste,” Jimmy continued, moving in toward Mikey’s mouth again. “And speaking of excellent tastes….”

He kissed Mikey again, just as deeply, but this time it came with the added stimulation of Jimmy’s bare skin and hard cock against Mikey’s body. He used his grip on Mikey’s ass to grind them together, and goose bumps popped up all over Mikey’s body at the extra stimulation. He moaned into the kiss, trying to stay upright when his legs wanted to give way underneath him.

“Holy Jesus God.” Cory’s voice cut through Mikey’s arousal. “It’s like my own personal porn show right in front of my eyes.”

Jimmy broke away from Mikey’s mouth. “Thought you might like that,” he said, laying more kisses along Mikey’s jaw before flicking his tongue against Mikey’s ear.

“Don’t let me stop you.” Cory came closer, and in a few seconds, he’d sat down on the edge of the bed next to them, wearing nothing at all, his cock already hard against his thigh. “Go ahead and enjoy for a few. I’ll be right here.”

He wrapped one hand around his own dick, his hooded gaze meeting Mikey’s, and then Jimmy was kissing Mikey again, and Mikey couldn’t keep his eyes open. He wrapped both arms around Jimmy’s shoulders, rubbing his body against Jimmy’s muscular frame, dying for more stimulation. Jimmy slid one hand up Mikey’s back and then tangled it in his hair and tugged a little, the tiny pain adding a different layer of sensation to Mikey’s arousal.

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