Ways of Power 1: Power Rises (25 page)

Read Ways of Power 1: Power Rises Online

Authors: R. M. Willis

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

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              "He's gone, Dorbin, I'll explain later." Rancoth eyed him with concern. "Are you going to be all right?"

Dorbin nodded and grunted as his eyes fell on the naked crumpled forms where the trees once were. "Let's see what we can do forr the prrincesses."

They knelt before the women. Both were breathing in the slow rhythmic way one would if asleep. Dorbin felt their faces. "They'rre warrm, but not hot." He gently shook the shoulder of the orange colored one, and to Rancoth's surprise she opened her eyes.

She looked from Rancoth to Dorbin and back again, clearly confused by the circumstances she was in. "Whe--" Her voice cracked from lack of use over the last couple of months. She shook her head slightly and started again. "Where, where is An-" She coughed and cleared her throat. "Where is An'Drazell?" she finally managed.

"If that's your sister, then she's right here next to you," Rancoth said as he helped her to a sitting position. "What's your name?"

"Wer'Lupa," she said as she shook her sister gently. "Andy, wake up, are you all right?"

An'Drazell woke just as easily as her sister had, but instead of confusion, joy and then sadness was displayed on her face. "Oh Loopy, I'm so sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry for, I came looking for you."

"Yes but--" An'Drazell began to cry. "If I hadn't gone exploring alone, and gotten tricked by Darien you wouldn't have had to."

"Shh, it's all right, Andy, it's over now," she said, holding An'Drazell in her arms and rocking slowly. "These two men helped us. Though I'm not
sure how. The longer I was a tree the stranger my perceptions were."

"It was so horrible, Loopy, I've never had to be one form for so long. I can't even imagine what it was like for you."

Wer'Lupa laughed softly. "Oh it wasn't all that bad. It was actually kind of peaceful, especially with the breeze teasing my um--hair. I only wished I could have stretched a little further before that vile little man transformed me. I would have been able to touch and reassure you."

Rancoth and Dorbin moved off to the side as the two continued to comfort one another. Dorbin decided to go find some food, and Rancoth set about making a small fire near the sisters.


"I'm assuming our mother sent you?" Wer'Lupa asked. As they sat around the fire, Dorbin gave everyone some reddish fruit that Wer'Lupa said was safe to eat.

It had a flowery aroma, but wasn't too sweet, and it had a pleasant crunch that Rancoth enjoyed. "How did you guess it was your mother?" he asked after a few bites.

"She's never stopped looking for us. I have seen several flocks of birds zigzagging across the sky, always in sets of five, the usual V formation my mother sends out when she's trying to find anything."

"Ahh…" Rancoth wondered if it was one of these flocks that he had seen from the airship when they had first started their journey. "You mentioned that you were tricked by Darien. Did you know him?"

All eyes turned to An'Drazell and she blushed slightly, though Rancoth couldn't be sure with her multi-hued skin tone. "I must have—-misspoke," she said defiantly.

"Andy," Wer'Lupa said authoritatively. "These men saved us, I think they deserve somewhat of an explanation."

An'Drazell rolled her eyes. "Oh all right, but you must promise not to tell Daddy."

"Our father would disapprove," Wer'Lupa added.

"The chief and I aren’t exactly friends. You've got nothing to worry about from me."

"What about the short one?" An'Drazell asked, glancing at Dorbin.

"I'm no strrangerr to secrrets missy," Dorbin said.  He tugged at the braid of his mustache.

An'Drazell sat in silence for a few minutes more as if she were trying to decide where to begin, or how much to censor herself. "All right, well you may or may not know, but Daddy has never let us leave our country. I realize that he's only trying to protect us, but I want to see the world. You probably don't understand."

Rancoth felt an instant connection with the young Elfkin woman, and for the first time he noticed that like the rest of her, her eyes were multi-colored too. "Actually, I understand completely."

An'Drazell pursed her lips "Hmm. Anyway, I met Darien not far from Elu'Menashan. I was struck by his talent, his charm and his exotic handsomeness. He found me equally intriguing, or at least, I thought he did. We became fast friends, and I reveled in the fact that Daddy wouldn't approve."

She spent the next several hours describing how Darien hid his evil streak from her, insisting that his people's reputation was the result of Light Magi propaganda. They fell in love, and he was going to take her to his land and show her that he was from a good people that she would be proud to be a part of.

"He asked me if I could change into a bird large enough to fly us both across the gap. I turned to look, and the next thing I knew I was a tree, and Darien was laughing at me. He called me a foolish monkey savage, and said that he would never have allowed me to defile his beautiful country." She began to cry. "He then left me here. Sometimes he would return and mock me, every once in a while he…" Her voice trailed off. As she looked at her dainty feet, more tears ran down her cheeks. "He would… pee on my roots. He said it was all I was good for."

Rancoth shook his head in disgust, and Wer'Lupa put a reassuring arm around her sister.

"Did he treat you the same way?" Rancoth asked, looking at Wer'Lupa.

"No, after I showed up, I think he knew that watching him torment my sister was devastating enough for me. I was basically ignored."

"Well, it's all overr now. If you feel up to it, we should get starrted. We've a long walk to get back to yourr city." Dorbin popped up and offered a hand to An'Drazell.

The young woman eased her way up with the stout little man's help. Her legs began to quiver, and she immediately fell with a squeal. Dorbin and Rancoth both moved to catch her but too late. There was a loud hollow pop as she landed.

"Andy! Are you all right?" Wer'Lupa crawled toward her sister.

Rancoth examined her. "She hit her head on a stone. She's bleeding." He removed glistening red fingers from behind her head to show Wer'Lupa. "You've got the coloring of a Sage, can you help her?"

Wer'Lupa had already begun to chant, and her hands emitted a soft yellow glow, but it faded quickly. She cut her chant off, and put a hand to her own head. "Dizzy…too exhausted to pull the life-force needed to heal her. Oh, Andy, poor sweet Andy I'm sorry."

Rancoth looked helplessly up at Dorbin, who only shrugged his shoulders in response.

After a moment Wer'Lupa relaxed her pinched face. She looked her sister over more thoroughly. "Perhaps she will wake up on her own. I don't think the blow was fatal. Either way, we can't make the trek back to Elu'Menashan. You'll have to go get help. I'll stay and look after my sister."

Dorbin shook his head. "It would take us a week to get back on foot. And I wouldn't want to leave you herre alone. What if that Darrien comes back? I've been worrried about that this whole time."

"Oh, he won't be back," Rancoth interjected. "He's been possessed by Pordly, and is hatching something."

"What?!" Dorbin's face turned crimson. "How could you let that happen?"

Rancoth shrugged his shoulders. "It was the only thing I could think of to get you all turned back to nor--"

"You bloody fool!" Dorbin growled. Rancoth had never seen him so angry in his life, and felt ashamed.

"Enough! While you two fight, my sister needs help. Now, either go get help or figure something out, but arguing isn't helping Andy."

Dorbin stomped off a few yards. He sat down hard on a moss-covered rock, muttering under his breath.

"There might be another way," Rancoth said, staring at Dorbin's back. "But, just the idea of it terrifies me."

Wer'Lupa started to speak again, but Rancoth was just barely aware of it. He was already back in Tower City, years in the past, reliving his first lesson with Karakas.


"If you can summon the dead here, why can't I just go visit my mother?" Rancoth pleaded.

Karakas sighed. He took his glasses off and rubbed his temples. "It just isn't that simple. Let me try to explain."

Rancoth could tell the man was frustrated; this wasn't going well at all. Grecrum would be disappointed in him, but he wanted answers. He needed the necromancer to help him see her again, to help him apologize to her.

"There are countless realms, with countless beings, that are all connected in some way. Don't ask me how." Karakas shook his head. "I don't know. I just know it's the truth.

"Now, you as a warlock, can, with your mind, bridge that connection. You then bind yourself to the beings, creatures, demons, whatever you wish to call them. Through that binding they must obey you, or you them, if they are the stronger willed.

"Much like you a necromancer such as myself, can bridge the connection. However, instead of creating my own binding, I amplify a binding that already exists and allow communication between loved ones. Does that make any sense?"

"I suppose, yes," Rancoth lied, but he wanted the man to continue.

"Okay, good." Karakas smiled and put his glasses back on his pudgy face. "So using you as an anchor I could reach across the realms and find your mother’s consciousness, but"--Karakas held up a finger to hold off the exuberance that suddenly lit up Rancoth's face—"without your mother’s body there would be nothing familiar to animate her. She would be like a stranger here. She wouldn't know herself, and therefore couldn't know you. In much the same way, if I were to bridge the gap, to allow your consciousness to find her, there would be nothing there for you to animate."

"But couldn't I just go there--physically, like I can physically pull a demon here? I'm her son, surely she would recognize me if I showed up as I am, as she knew me."

Karakas put his head in his hands, his elbows planted firmly on the dark wooden table. He tightened and released his short fingers in his thick black hair. Finally he looked Rancoth in the eye and said, "It is possible, I suppose."

"I knew it!" Rancoth leapt to his feet, knocking his chair to the floor with a crash.

"No, I'm not sure you fully understand. Sit back down please."

Rancoth did as he was told, the grin splitting his face faded slightly.

"First, I'm not entirely sure how it would work, but in theory it must. If you can pull them here, there is no reason why one of us couldn't go there. Furthermore, your father and shifters like him, step between the realms. That's how their magic works, and it takes a great deal of energy, but it follows that they could possibly step further and come out in another realm. Though they might die in the effort, and again they would need some sort of anchor to latch onto." Karakas pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"What about one of my demons. I could pull them here, and then they, using me, could latch onto my mother and take me there. Then if I wanted, I could have them bring me back. Couldn't I?"

"Perhaps, yes. It would have to be a very intelligent demon, and it is your combined energy being used to pull them here. So I'm not entirely sure how much effort it would take on your part to go from realm to realm like that. But, in another realm, the demon's will could be stronger than yours, in which case you would become their puppet rather than they yours." Karakas sipped some of his tea. "Unfortunately, even if we could work out how to do it safely, you wouldn't recognize her anyway.

"Not only is she in a different realm, but she has a new life as a new being. There would be no way for you to know which being you came across was her. In another realm she could be young, or old, male, or female, animal, or vegetable. There is just no way of knowing--I'm sorry."


Rancoth had never forgotten that lesson. Though he gave up hope of finding his mother, he was always curious to see what realms his demons came from. The idea however of potentially giving one of his demons control over him was terrifying. But, he needed to get this beautiful multicolored Elfkin woman some help, and he couldn't think of any other way to do it.




"Are you listening to me?" Wer'Lupa's frustration broke through Rancoth's distraction.

              "What? I'm sorry, say again."

              "Andy needs help, so unless this other way of yours will get us killed, let's do it, and quick."

              Rancoth nodded, knowing full well that Dorbin wouldn't approve. He closed his eyes and gripped his staff. "Come Elimon." The familiar black smoke and rotten smells dissipated quickly in the open jungle air.

              "Who is he?"

              Rancoth whipped around to Wer'Lupa. "What do you mean
?" He pointed toward his ever-alluring succubus. "What do you see?"

              Wer'Lupa's eyes never left Elimon as she answered. "A most beautiful, strong, well endowed, male creature. Dark gray in color, with glistening black feathered wings."

              Elimon laughed behind Rancoth. "Foolish boy, you really should know what your toys do before you take them out to play." Her seductive form moved past him and knelt before Wer'Lupa. She picked up the Elfkin princess’s hand and kissed it gently. "Who is your new friend?"

              "Oh, he's glorious." In her sudden lust for the demon, Wer'Lupa seemed to forget about her injured sister.

              "Elimon, enough! Leave her alone." Rancoth was furious.

              "What the hell is going on overr herre?" Dorbin bounded over at Rancoth's shout, his ax and shield already raised to face the demon.

              "Later," Elimon whispered and winked at Wer'Lupa before standing and turning towards Rancoth once more.

              As soon as Elimon's attention was turned on Rancoth again, Wer'Lupa's eyes regained their focus, and she shook her head as if to rid it of some unwanted image. Rancoth assured her that she would be alright.

              Dorbin's weaponry drooped, and his eyes took on the same glassy look that Wer'Lupa's had just moments before.

              Rancoth shook his head. Having never summoned her around other people, he hadn't been prepared for everyone's reaction to the succubus. "Now, Elimon. Listen closely to me, and don't say another word, unless I ask you a direct question, or until I give you permission to speak freely again."

              The glare the demon issued at Rancoth could have melted stone, but, she obeyed.

              "When entering our realm from yours, you can appear anywhere. Is that correct?"


              "Good, now--"

              "And no." Elimon's sharp teeth peeked out from under her blood-red lips as they curled into a smile at Rancoth's look of frustration.

              "You need an anchor to focus on?"


              "But it doesn't have to be me, does it?"

              "No," she sighed.

              It was Rancoth's turn to grin. "Good, then I want you to take all of us back to the Elfkin city of Elu'Menashan."

              Elimon began to laugh, but didn't say anything.


              She laughed harder.

              "Speak freely. What are you laughing at?"

              "Your stupidity," she finally managed between fits of mirth.

              "Why am I stupid?" Rancoth demanded.

              "Rran, I don't think this is a good idea, lad," Dorbin said, in a half committal tone.

Even entranced by Elimon, Dorbin somehow managed to maintain a voice of reason, but it wasn't what Rancoth needed at the moment. An'Drazell was the most exotic woman he had ever seen—he wanted to learn more about her, and she also needed his help. Besides, if he were able to get them both back quickly, it would go a long way in improving Dal'Asaid's opinion of him.

              "Not now, Dorbin. Why can't you take us to Elu'Menashan?"

              Elimon laughed some more, and then shook her head in what was clearly pity. "You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?" When she glanced at the top of Rancoth's staff, her chuckle trailed off. "I'll explain it to you, shall I?"

              "Yes, but do it quickly."

              "I live for lust. I yearn for it. It draws me, and I amplify it. It's what gives me my power. I feed off of it, like a vampire feeds on the blood of its victims."

              "What's a vampire?" Rancoth asked.

              Elimon quirked her lips. "A monster from antiquity, though I believe they exist in another realm."

              "Very well, continue, but get to the point."

              "All right. Unless someone at this city you want to go to desperately wants to have sex with you, there is no way for me to hone in on anyone."

              "Cha'Modera." Despite Wer'Lupa barley whispering the name, it caught Rancoth's attention.

              "What about him?"

              "He has always looked at my sister with need in his eyes, and long has she spurned him. He was always too…ugly for her," Wer'Lupa answered looking down at her sister and stroking her hair.

              "Will that work Elimon?"


              Rancoth could tell by the clenching of her jaw that the demon was not happy things were working out the way he needed. "All right, let's do it. Elimon, you must take us to your realm. Then immediately concentrate on Cha'Modera's lust for An'Drazell and bring us to him. If he's not in Elu'Menashan it will at least be closer than we are now."

              Elimon nodded slightly, and bent down to touch An'Drazell and Wer'Lupa. Rancoth then approached, and lightly touched her shoulder. Elimon used her tail like a finger to beckon Dorbin over. "Come on, honey, you know you want to touch it," she added.

              Dorbin was drooling slightly, and stumbled over, gripping the demon’s tail without hesitation.

              When nothing happened, Elimon looked up at Rancoth with frustration. "You'll have to dismiss me, you idiot. I can't move through realms of my own volition."

              A touch of red reached Rancoth's cheeks. "Return to your realm Elimon," he managed between gritted teeth.

Everything went black, and for a moment Rancoth felt the familiar warmth and contentment that was part of being between the realms. Then he could feel her, insidious and probing. Elimon was trying to bend her will over his own. Gripped with terror, Rancoth realized what a fool he was. She picked at his weaknesses, pulled out and exposed his most painful memories to distract and taunt him. He frantically tried to clear his mind of any thoughts she could use against him.

It was too late. She tore through his consciousness and he could feel her elation and triumph. He would be her slave now, she would turn him into her own personal puppet, and he had trapped Dorbin and the princesses with him.

              The thought of allowing his failures to harm more people drove Rancoth to fight back. He went on the offensive, peeling away at Elimon as she had him. As they came closer to piercing the vale into her realm, she became desperate. Her confidence waned; she no longer possessed the advantage.

              Being fully inside her mind Rancoth learned that she never truly had the ability to overcome him. In the midst of the infinite space between realms they were on an even keel, but in their own realm Elimon's race were mindless animals, similar to birds in Rancoth's. That was why she became desperate, and slipped in the end; she simply could no longer grasp what was going on as they entered her realm.

              They were there for only a moment. As the smoke cleared Rancoth was in awe of towering black rock formations, their jagged points puncturing the purple sky. Each spire riddled with caves, nested by hundreds of enticing looking creatures similar to Elimon.

              Then at a thought from him they were gone again, back into the comforting void. Elimon didn't try to overcome him this time. Rancoth could sense her humbled embarrassment, and knew that she would find some way to repay the slight. He would have to tread extra carful the next time he summoned her.

              He could hear the screams before the smoke cleared enough to see. Once it did, he knew they were atop one of the great trees in Elu'Menashan. Elfkin were running in mass hysterics. The only one not in a panic was Cha'Modera. He stood a few feet away, looking at An'Drazell's unconscious body.

              His eyes watered with rage. Then he and Rancoth locked gazes.


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