Way of the Wolf: Shifter Legacies 1 (6 page)

Read Way of the Wolf: Shifter Legacies 1 Online

Authors: Mark E. Cooper

Tags: #werewolves & shifters, #Urban Fantasy, #Vampires, #serial killier, #Science Fiction, #Magic, #Paranormal & Urban, #Women Sleuths, #Mystery & Suspense, #Fantasy & Futuristic

BOOK: Way of the Wolf: Shifter Legacies 1
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The shadows came alive and a woman stepped into the street. David sighed and felt like laughing at himself. What had he expected, an ogre? Unlikely. They didn’t like cities and were very shy creatures despite their size. They preferred mountains and wild places. The newcomer was just a woman. She was of average height and build with short dark brown hair left long over her left eye. It was quite appealing, though it must surely be hard to see properly with it like that. She wore black jeans, running shoes, and a shirt of a similar style to that of the woman he had hit with his car. There seemed nothing remarkable about her, except maybe for her visible eye. For just a moment, he thought he saw it flash a golden hue in the meagre light of the street.

“An ambulance will be with you in three minutes, sir. A patrol car will be there in less than two—”

He ignored the tiny voice of the operator when the injured woman groaned in pain. He looked down at his newest patient in time to see her open her eyes in confusion. They were liquid brown and suited her lovely face despite the blood.

“Don’t move, there might be internal—
” David gasped as the woman, snarling in anger, grabbed him around the throat. “Please… I’m sorry…” he gasped prying at her fingers. She was unbelievably strong. He couldn’t break her grip!

The stranger laughed making the woman pale in fear. A moment later, the grip on his throat vanished as she thrust him away. He literally flew away from her and rolled a dozen feet toward his car. His palms were stinging—he had skinned them on the pavement. The woman suddenly sprinted toward him, and he flinched thinking she was going to kill him, but no, she was running from the stranger.

“Look out!” he screamed.

She turned impossibly fast to meet the threat. She ducked and then exploded into motion a moment later. It was the stranger’s turn to become airborne, but she didn’t crash to the ground. She twisted her body in mid-air and landed upon her feet as if she did it every day of the week.

“Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie,” the stranger said shaking her head. “You know you can never best me. Come back with me, and I promise not to hurt you too badly.”

“Screw you, Georgie,” Ronnie snarled. “I’m not going back.”

“How did I know you were going to say that? I told Raymond he should just kill you, but he has a soft spot for you. Go figure.”

“What he has for me isn’t soft.”

Georgie chuckled. “Maybe if you’re nice to me, I’ll let you go.”

Ronnie growled, the sound deep and gravelly.

David climbed carefully to his feet. He knew nothing of their quarrel, but if he were to choose a side to be on, he would choose Ronnie. It seemed to him that she was the underdog, and he owed her for hitting her with his car. He leapt forward and jumped Georgie from behind.

“Run!” he yelled as he clamped his arms around Georgie, pinning her arms down by her side and determined not to let go.

“You fool! You don’t know what you’re doing—she’ll rip you apart!”

He didn’t have time to argue. One moment he had Georgie in his arms, the next she was loose and turning back with a look of pure rage upon her face. His eyes widened and he back-pedalled as fast as he could, but it wasn’t fast enough. She stalked toward him and there was something strange about her eyes. They were shining a golden yellow, as if lit from within. Magic!

“Run you idiot!” Ronnie shrieked.

He spun on his heels and sprinted away. There was the sound of ripping cloth, and suddenly he was falling. Something wet and warm covered his back and he screamed his agony into the night. He rolled away from the thing Georgie had become, but it was too quick for him. He barely had time to raise his arm as the creature went for his throat.

” he screamed in pain and fear as the jaws clamped down on his arm. The pressure increased enough to break bone. “
Help meeeee!
” he shrieked at the top of his lungs.

He kicked and thrashed, but there was no sign of Ronnie. She must have run away. He wished he could do the same, but his arm was firmly clamped in the maw of a huge wolf, and there was no escape. In a burst of clarity, he knew he was going to die. The wolf stared knowingly into his eyes, relishing his fear and pain as it slowly increased the pressure on his arm.

Suddenly it howled in pain and released him.

Another monstrous wolf had come. It was almost as big as Georgie. David kicked as hard as he could and scuttled backward just as the newcomer ripped into Georgie’s vulnerable flanks, but he didn’t have the energy to rise, let alone flee. He was in shock and losing blood fast. His back was a sheet of agony, and his arm… he swallowed sickly. The muscle of his forearm was shredded, but the bone wasn’t broken. He knew because he could see it.

“Now then,” he whispered between his pain-filled pants. “Remember your training, doctor. Stop the bleeding or the patient will go into shock and become comatose.”

There was nothing to be done about his back. It was a mass of stinging pain, but he would have to hope that the injury was superficial. His arm most certainly was not. There could be tendon damage, certainly the muscle of his forearm was shredded and he was losing a lot of blood. While these thoughts went through his mind, he was tugging his belt free and attempting to fumble it one handed around his upper arm to slow the blood loss. He whimpered in pain as he pulled the fake leather as tight as he could above the ghastly wound. He watched the blood slow and stared when he saw movement in the wound. His tendons—unbelievably they were still intact and moving as his fingers spasmed with the pain.

Over his panting, he heard the howling and pained barks of the wolves as they tried to rip each other apart. He watched the smaller one roll and land in a ragged heap. It was bleeding and favouring one leg as it gamely returned to the fight. The bigger one seemed in worse shape, but it was still strong. The small one launched itself upon the larger, and screamed as it was smashed to the ground by a huge paw full of claws.

“No!” he shouted as Georgie buried her teeth in the belly of her enemy.

There was a howl of agony followed a forlorn whimper. That was when he heard sirens. The police had arrived. The night lit suddenly with colourful flashes from patrol cars racing toward them. The huge wolf grinned with lots of teeth at David. The look promised retribution. Georgie spun in place then ran into the night.

Ronnie dragged her broken and bleeding body across the road, whimpering in pain all the way, and disappeared into the darkness of another alley. David would have risen to help her, but he doubted if he could have done much with his arm the way it was.

He staggered erect and tottered to the furthest pile of clothing the women had left lying in the road, hoping to find out who Georgie was. He wanted to know where to lay the blame before the police could push him out of it. The shredded clothes seemed to rush toward him as he fell to his knees. He clamped his jaw willing himself not to pass out and picked up the wallet he found partially covered. It was lying within shredded cloth that had been blue jeans just a few minutes ago. Ronnie’s jeans had been blue. He had chosen the wrong pile to investigate. Without really knowing why, he tucked the wallet out of sight in his pocket and slumped backward.

The sound of doors slamming and an ambulance siren split the night, but he was starting to drift now and hardly noticed. Uniformed police ran toward him and then into the alley with their weapons drawn, leaving him to bleed out on the street. He wouldn’t like to be them. He didn’t think guns and shock lances would slow Georgie down much, but they were probably safe enough. He doubted they would catch her. Who the hell could track a wolf in a city except maybe another wolf?

He lay back feeling very warm and sleepy. “I think… I think I’ll just wait here,” he whispered as the dark closed in.

Pain and voices woke him. He was lying on his shredded back and the movement of the ambulance was agony. He opened his eyes to find a paramedic looking back at him. The woman looked very concerned, and because of that, he decided to be very concerned too.

“Your name is David Lephmann?”

“Yes,” he croaked.

“You lost a great deal of blood, Mister Lephmann.”

“Doctor,” he said.

“I’m a paramedic, sir.”

He hissed as pain knifed up his arm. “No, I mean I’m a doctor. I have type B blood, no allergies, no medi—” he hissed in pain. “I’m not on medication, but I could use something for the pain, please.”

“I’m sorry. You’re at the limit already. I can’t give you any more.”

“Okay.” He knew the reasoning, but he didn’t have to like it. His arm would need surgery. She had to be careful that the drugs she administered didn’t interfere with the anaesthetic. “What about Ronnie—the woman with me?”

The paramedic looked confused. “There was only you.”

“But she—” he stopped himself from continuing.

It would do no good to argue. Ronnie must have dragged herself away. The thought of her dying alone in some dirty alley was heartbreaking. Had he gone through all this for nothing? Who was she really, and why was she running from Georgie? She had mentioned someone name Raymond, but Raymond who? He sighed and shifted more onto his side to ease his back. His arm was screaming at him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

His arrival at the hospital was a blur. A quick examination in Saint Bartholomew’s emergency room and he was rushed into surgery. He answered everyone’s questions to the best of his ability, but he lied about one thing. A police officer asked him if he knew the name of the woman or her assailant.

He made eye contact with the officer. “I don’t know her, but she called our attacker Georgie.”

There wasn’t time for more questions. He was rushed away on a gurney and into the operating theatre.

The next David knew, he was lying comfortably drowsy in a room with an east-facing window. He knew it was east, because the sun was rising to stream through the blinds. The thin spears of light were enough to illuminate the room. He had visited many patients in rooms just like it.

His right arm was heavily bandaged. He could only assume that the surgery was a success. It was numb, but he had the I.V to thank for that. He hoped there would be no permanent loss of feeling, but considering how he came by the injury, he should be grateful he still had both arms. He was lucky to be breathing and he knew it. If the police had arrived just a few minutes later, he would be in the morgue now and so would Ronnie—if she weren’t already.

He shivered. The room was just a little cold. He thought about calling for the duty nurse, but it was still very early in the day and he didn’t have the heart. He would wait for shift change, which was in—he checked his clock—just over an hour. He could stand a little chill for some peace and quiet.

He wondered absently what Alex would say about his little adventure. It was certainly an experience to remember. Alex knew a great deal about non-humans, maybe he would recommend a text on the subject of wolves. He nodded to himself. He would ask as soon as he could use the link.

Where did the first shifters come from, and how did they do it? Was it something they had been born with—perhaps handed down from parent to child as was commonly assumed, or was it magical in nature as some of the gifted believed? It was a real shame that non-human biology wasn’t taught. He knew only what he had learned from Alex on the subject. Whatever the truth was, it was fascinating. He would love to ask Ronnie her opinion, but assuming he did find her again, it was doubtful that she would tell him. Non-humans were very close-mouthed about their affairs.

The hour was almost up when he felt the first signs of a fever. He had a mild headache like a touch of the flu and he felt a little dizzy. He wondered at first if perhaps he was having a reaction to whatever was in the I.V, but no—he hadn’t lied about his lack of allergies. As far as he knew, he had none at all. That was when the reality of his situation came crashing down onto his shoulders.

Georgie had attacked him, and Georgie was a shifter—a lycanthrope! “Oh my goddess,” he whispered in shock as he finally realised what that meant. “Oh my goddess, I’ve got it.”

Why hadn’t he put it together sooner? He was a doctor; any first year intern knew how contagious lycanthropy was! Oh shit, he needed the serum and vaccine! He reached for the call button, and that’s when the symptoms hit him big time. A monster of a headache suddenly blossomed from nowhere, and he cried out in agony. It felt as if his brain was going to explode out of his skull. The room was spinning and he squinted at the meagre light coming through the blinds as if at the sun itself. His eyes felt sensitive to the light and he was panting as sweat started rolling off him in rivers. He was burning up.

“Oh goddess be with me,” he gasped and pressed the call button. He held it down until the nurse came.

David writhed upon the bed as every inch of his body burned and itched. He was burning up with fever and the pain in his joints was beyond anything he had ever felt. The nurse that came to his summons had called Doctor Revell when he urgently explained the necessity to her. She knew him as a doctor from his time here under Hoberman, and she did not hesitate. Janice—the goddess love her—had driven across the city at breakneck speed to be with him, but he had gone into convulsions soon after she had examined him. It was as if something were trying to claw its way out of his body. It was only the recently added restraints that stopped him from falling out of bed.

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