Water Shaper (World Aflame) (34 page)

BOOK: Water Shaper (World Aflame)
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He gasped and sucked in
lungsful of salt water. The physical connection to his body drew his awareness back to his spot above the pool. He looked down as his eyes came back into focus. The pool no longer glowed with its bioluminescence. Nor would it ever again, he realized.

It was the Water Elemental that had made it glow.

He was the Water Elemental now.


I never thought we’d already be putting out the third book.  If it weren’t for the amazing rockstar fans of the World Aflame saga, I’d still be meandering through the pages of book 2 instead of publishing book 3.  You demanded more and, since you are what make me successful as an author, I aim to please.

As with my other acknowledgements, my first and sincerest thank you has to go to my editor Cynthia Shepp.  She believed in me as an author when I was unheard of beyond my close friends and family.  She read my manuscripts and saw a spark of something great hidden within my overused commas, misplaced words, fragmented sentences, and the highly overused word: “tacky”.  I know, I mentioned that word in both of the last two books I’ve published.  Does that make it tacky?

The greatest thank you goes to Beckie, Courtney, Dyan, and Marya (listing names alphabetically sucks when you work with a B, C, and D, huh Marya?).  These amazing ladies sort through piles upon piles of manuscripts to find the absolute best.  They’ve published some phenomenal books through Clean Teen Publishing and yet somehow keep believing in the sole male on their docket, publishing not just my World Aflame saga but the Brink of Distinction trilogy and even looking at my next steampunk series.  Your support has been truly inspirational.

I started with a sincere thank you to my rockstar fans and it’s fitting that I end that way as well.  You all have made the World Aflame series a bestseller, with nearly 6000 downloads just of book 1.  You’ve made it award winning, receiving an award in the international Readers’ Favorite competition.  More importantly, you’ve helped my humble books reach an international audience, which I wouldn’t have believed when I started writing six years ago.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Now time to quit stalling and start working on book 4!


Can’t wait for the fourth book in the World Aflame series?  Need more Jon Messenger?  Check out his newest trilogy out on Amazon right now!

Burden of Sisyphus (Book #1)

Fall of Icarus (Book #2)

Purge of Prometheus (Book #3)

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