Watching Over You (20 page)

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Authors: Mel Sherratt

BOOK: Watching Over You
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By Wednesday lunchtime, her messages still unanswered, Ella drove into Hanley and hung around Stafford Street window
. Just after twelve thirty, she saw Charley come out of her offices and head into the centre of town. Ella stayed well hidden until she saw her go past and then set off, keeping a little way behind.

Two minutes later, Charley crossed over the road and headed into TK Maxx
Ella followed, walking briskly up the next aisle and then down to her as if she’d been in there all the time.

‘Hi, Charley,’ she beamed. ‘I’m on my lunch break. Fancy
you in here.’

‘Hi, Ella.’ Charley smiled. ‘I’m just after a couple of pictures to put up in the hallway. How are you?’

‘Fine, fine.’ Ella tried to keep her voice from squeaking excitedly. ‘So what’ve you been up to? Still getting on with the lovely Aaron?’

Charley nodded. ‘Yes, so far so good.’ She picked up a framed image and began to study it.

An awkward silence fell between them.

‘Do you fancy grabbing a coffee? We could head over to –’

‘Sorry.’ Charley stopped her. ‘I’ve been on my lunch break far too long now; I’m due back at the office in a couple of minutes. Another time, maybe?’

‘Sure.’ Ella stopped herself too, from slapping Charley across her face for lying. As she turned to look at the picture again, it took her a while to realise she was being dismissed.

‘Right, then. I’ll see you again soon, yeah?’

Charley nodded. ‘Sure, Ella. See you.’

‘When will you see me?’


‘I could call for coffee later this evening? It’s been ages since we had a good chat. I know you’re seeing Aaron but it would do you good not to live in each other’s pockets. I mean, you’ve only been seeing him for nineteen days. It’s not like you’re marrying him or anything, is it?’

She paused for breath, long enough to acknowledge the
on Charley’s face. She grinned. ‘Sorry, I’m being too forward again, aren’t I? It’s such a bad habit.’

Charley put down the picture and made a big gesture of checking her watch. ‘Blimey, I really have to go. Bye, Ella.’

‘Bye, Charley. See you soon.’

Ella watched Charley scurry off before heading into the city centre to get a drink. She needed a shot of something to calm
, to erase the memory of Charley’s rejection. But inside The Reginald Mitchell pub, she found that she couldn’t walk towards the bar. Tears welled in her eyes as she ran into the toilets. Finding them empty, she locked herself in a cubicle and let her grief out.

Why didn’t Charley want to make time for her anymore? All Ella had done was be friendly and that friendship had been rejected since Aaron had come on to the scene. Nineteen days she’d had to suffer, watching them together. And she had a feeling it was going to get much worse.

Why couldn’t Charley see that she didn’t need Aaron? She sobbed, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. She just needed Ella. Ella would be enough for her, good for her.

Why couldn’t she see that?

‘If you’re worried about Ella, you need to notify someone,’ Aaron said when Charley went over the incident with him later that evening. She was at his house, having followed him home in her car after work.

Charley sighed. ‘I’m not sure it’s my place to get involved. Maybe she’s lonely and latching on to me. I feel like I want to keep my distance but I don’t like being unfriendly. You know how I like to help people.’

‘Yes, but she’s clearly not acting rationally. It wouldn’t do any harm to check if she’s known to social services, either.’

Charley had already had that thought but misgivings had crept in. ‘She isn’t my client.’

‘I wouldn’t
her as one of my clients.’

Charley turned to him sharply but realised he was winding her up when she saw him grinning. Their jobs ensured they were both open-minded, non-judgemental; helping people was what they did.

Charley hadn’t told anyone about Ella’s erratic behaviour with the text messages on Monday morning, mainly hoping that they would stop. And they had. But, ever since Ella had caught up with her, the messages had started again. Her phone had beeped constantly every ten minutes or so, to the point that Lynne had asked her to put it on silent as it was making her lose concentration.

‘Why don’t you fancy a coffee this evening?’

‘We could do another night instead?’

‘How about tomorrow?’

‘She knew exactly how long we’d been seeing each other,’ Charley decided to tell him. ‘Nineteen days – even I wouldn’t be that specific. I’d say nearly three weeks if anyone asked, not an exact number. Why is she keeping track of us?’

‘Bloody hell, Charl, that’s eerie,’ Aaron remarked.

‘I know.’ Charley sighed. ‘She’s obviously lonely. I’m going to look into what I can do for her.’

‘Well at least you don’t have to worry about it this evening.’
He poin
ted to her overnight bag. ‘I hope you remembered to bring your toothbrush, too?’

‘I sure did.’ Charley grinned cheekily, thankful that she was staying over with him. ‘There is one thing you won’t find in there, though.’

‘What’s that?’

‘My pyjamas.’

Ella woke up with a start when she heard a car door slam outside the window. She stretched and opened her eyes. She got up quickly, falling to the side and rolling onto the floor in her haste. Shit, she was in Charley’s flat! After retrieving the bottle, she let herself out quickly.

Back upstairs in her living room, she checked the time. It was quarter past seven. She looked out into the dark. Where was Charley? She had never stayed out during the week before. She’d always come home first if she was going out later, either changing from her work wear into more casual clothes or emerging ready for a workout at the gym. This was unlike her.

Ella’s mind went into overdrive. Had Charley been involved in an accident? Shit, she could be lying dead in a morgue for all she knew.

Or had she gone to see Aaron instead of coming home? If she had, things might be more serious than she’d imagined.

She’s screwing him. She doesn’t need you.

Why hadn’t she rung to tell her where she was, damn her!

Why should she? She’s not your friend, really.

Five hours later, Ella was still standing in the window. Charley wasn’t home; nor had she seen Aaron or his car.

She’d come to the conclusion that it could only mean one thing: Charley must be staying over at Aaron’s house, without telling her. How dare she!

How fucking dare she!

Chapter Twenty-One

All day Wednesday, Ella paced up and down in her flat, continuing to drink whatever she had in. She’d been awake for most of the night thinking of Charley and why she hadn’t come home. One minute, she’d imagine her hooked up to a breathing machine and lying in intensive care; the next she had her sleeping curled up with Aaron or them having sex without her.

What angered her most was that Charley hadn’t thought to contact her. A simple text message, that’s all it would have taken. Thirty seconds, tops, and she would have been fine, not have to worry. But no, she’d been too busy fucking Aaron.

Why hadn’t she come home?

By the time Ella saw her parking up outside that evening, she had to fight the urge not to run outside and punch her full in the face. While Charley reached for her belongings from the back seat of the car, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. But when she saw her coming up the steps outside, she thundered down the stairs and waited for her to open the door.

Charley jumped when she saw Ella standing behind the door as she pulled out her key.

‘Where the fuck have you been?’ Ella cried. ‘I’ve been

‘Why, what’s wrong? Has something happened? Are you okay?’ she asked all at once.

‘How would I know? You didn’t come home!’

Charley frowned. ‘Sorry, I’m not sure I –’

Ella pointed at her. ‘You stayed out all night! How was I to know if you were alive or dead? I mean, anything could have happened. You could have had an accident, be lying in a ditch. You could have been kidnapped and raped – worse, you could have been murdered! Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?
I shoul
dn’t have to spend the night not being able to sleep because I don’t know –’

‘Ella! Stop!’ Charley raised her voice. ‘I’m fine! I stayed over at Aaron’s.’

‘But I wasn’t supposed to know that!’

‘No, actually you weren’t.’ Shocked at her manner, Charley decided she needed to set some boundaries. ‘I don’t have to tell you where I’m going and when I’ll be back. I don’t answer to anyone, especially not my landlady.’

‘I thought I was more than a landlady to you,’ Ella pouted.
‘I thou
ght I was your friend.’

‘Friends don’t come tearing down the stairs and start
at –’

‘I was worried!’

‘You shouldn’t be. I’m a big girl. I can manage, thanks.’

‘So it was okay for you to cry on my shoulder when you needed it, and go out with me until you found Aaron, but it’s not okay for me to worry about you? It’s the first night you’ve stayed out since you moved in.’

‘I know, but…’ Charley paused. ‘How do you know that? Are you keeping tabs on me?’

‘No, I –’

‘Well, how else would you know that this is the first night I’ve stayed out?’

‘Because I hear the entrance door!’

Charley wasn’t convinced but she didn’t feel like arguing with a woman who was saying that she didn’t have the right to do anything unless she cleared it with her first. It was absurd – and a little bit odd. She moved past Ella towards the door to her flat.

But Ella blocked her way. ‘Where are you going?’ she asked.

‘Into my flat – let me pass.’

‘But I thought you’d come upstairs to have a chat with me. We can open a bottle of wine, have a laugh.’ Ella’s eyes widened with excitement. ‘Hey, we can dissect your dates with Aaron – I’d love to know how you’re getting on.’

Charley frowned. Which Ella was she talking to now – happy-go-lucky or paranoid manic? It was ridiculous trying to keep track of her moods.

She didn’t like it. And right now, she wanted to get away.

‘Ella, I’m tired.’ She smiled, hoping to show friendliness rather than hostility. ‘Thanks, but if you don’t mind I’m heading for a bath and an early night.’

Ella moved to one side. Charley was at the door when she spoke again.

‘That’s because you were fucking him all night, I suppose.’

Charley recoiled. ‘I beg your pardon?’

‘Tired because you were fucking him –’

‘Yes, yes, I heard you the first time. I just couldn’t believe you’d say such a thing.’

‘It’s true, though, isn’t it?’

Before she could reply, Ella pushed her up against the wall. Her hand went inside her jacket, found her breast and squeezed it hard. Then she brought her mouth close to hers.

Charley turned her head to one side, screwing up her face, repulsed as Ella’s lips missed their target and touched her cheek. Bile rose in her throat as she pushed her body as far into the wall as it would go. She pulled away Ella’s hand quickly, still feeling the imprint of where it had been placed on her clothes.

‘What the fuck are you doing?’ she cried. ‘Get off me!’

Ella stopped and glared at her. ‘I thought you might want to get intimate.’


‘But what does Aaron have that I haven’t? I was watching over you until he came along!’

‘I don’t need anyone to watch over me!’

‘Yes, you do. You’re lonely and that means you’re vulnerable.
I cou
ld have cared for you. You didn’t need to go out with him.’


‘Oh.’ Ella dropped her arms and took a step away. ‘I must have read the signs wrong.’

Charley couldn’t speak. She was sure she hadn’t given out any signals at all.

‘I thought you’d gone with Aaron to make me jealous,’ Ella added, ‘like you were playing hard to get.’

‘Of course I wasn’t! I don’t –’

‘I’ve always liked a bit of both, I must admit.’ Ella paused. ‘You should try it sometime. You don’t know what you’re missing.’

Charley didn’t know what to say to that, either.

‘I’m really sorry.’ Ella grinned, looking embarrassed. ‘I’ll leave before I make more of a fool of myself.’ She paused again. ‘Friends still?’

Charley nodded. She let herself into the flat quickly, drew the lock across the door, and leaned on the back of it for a moment.

Afterwards, she walked around as if in a daze. The place felt strange; for the first time since she’d moved in, she didn’t feel safe there. It had suddenly turned into something sour, somewhere she didn’t want to come home to.

And what had all that been about? After making a pass at her, Ella was trying to brush the incident off as if it hadn’t happened. Charley thought back to the times when she’d been alone with her. Had she given her any unintentional ideas? She could only remember them hugging when she’d been upset about Dan. Had she got the wrong end of the stick from then? Oh, God.

She went through into the living room. Knowing Ella was upstairs above her was freaking her out. Of course Ella couldn’t see her, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she could. Christ, she’d seen a lot of things in her line of work, but nothing had alarmed her like that. She definitely felt the need to talk to someone about Ella’s behaviour now.

Yet again, Ella had spoiled Charley’s return after a good time with Aaron. It had taken her a long time to pluck up the courage to move out of her home and into Warwick Avenue but, if anything else happened, she would have to find somewhere else to go. It wouldn’t be easy to find another place so quickly, and she would lose her deposit here, but if she didn’t feel safe, no money in the world would make her stay.

Ella wallowed in self-pity all evening after Charley’s rejection. Memories of Susan Reilly came back to her mind. She’d seen the same look on her previous tenant’s face when she’d made a pass at her, too. She’d thought Susan was game. The signs were there. She was single, and she was always friendly. But Ella had acted too quickly, frightened her off, especially when she’d been waiting downstairs in the flat for her to return that evening. Ella couldn’t help but giggle as she recalled the fearful look on Susan’s face when she’d found her sitting on her settee drinking her wine. She hadn’t thought she would move out so quickly afterwards, though.

Finally succumbing to her needs, Ella logged on to
One Night Only
and arranged another meet. Arriving home shortly before two a.m. she made as much noise as she could to let Charley know that she’d been out having fun. She didn’t need her; she didn’t need anyone as long as she could go out and get screwed. Tonight, she’d found a man who’d been willing but it had been too gentle and too quick for her liking. And he’d been too old – which is why she’d come up with her plan to get someone younger next time, someone closer to home. Someone across the road from her.

She had to wait all the next day but the thought of what she was about to do kept her on edge. Finally, she spotted Jake walking up the avenue towards his home. Even though it was half past three, Ella was still in her dressing gown. Some days there seemed no point in getting dressed. Barefoot, she ran down the stairs quickly and out the entrance door.

‘Jake, have you got a minute?’ She waved to catch his attention, hoping she wouldn’t seem too drunk when he came over to her. She’d had a delivery from Tesco that morning, with far more alcohol than food, but at least it meant she didn’t have to go out and fetch anything. She really couldn’t be bothered.

She watched as he came across to her, her heart quickening as he drew near. From his smart yet casual attire, Ella assumed he’d most probably been to college or maybe
. Towering over her, at least six feet in height, he was neither lanky and lean nor too bulky. Olive-skinned with short dark hair, he had the odd blemish that gave away his youthfulness, yet he showed signs of a five o’clock shadow. Two lines had been shaven into one eyebrow and there was a hole where she assumed he’d taken out a stud or a ring. Ella licked her lip, praying he had a pierced tongue – there was nothing better than feeling something alien when it flicked over her most delicate o
f places.

He stopped on the bottom step as she stood at the top.

She spoke first. ‘You couldn’t help me out with something, please? I need to change a bulb and I can’t reach it.’

‘Sure.’ He smiled shyly.

‘Great. I’m on the first floor, but you already know that, don’t you?’ Not giving him time to answer, she beckoned him in.

They went into the house and up the stairs. She knew he’d be checking out her legs so she walked a little more slowly than usual, waggling her hips that little bit more. In her flat, she closed the door and led him through to the living room.

‘Would you like a drink?’ she asked.

‘I – yeah, go on, then.’



She poured two drinks, handed one to him.

‘Where you’ve been all day. College?’

‘Yeah, at the new Sixth Form in Stoke.’

‘You seem more of a man than that, if you catch my drift.’ Ella put the glass to her lips, staring intently at him. ‘How old are you?’


‘Seventeen.’ She knocked back the whisky, poured some more, and drank that too, while Jake sipped at his.

‘And are you a virgin, Jake?’

He shook his head.

‘So, you
all man, then?’

‘I suppose.’

‘You suppose.’ Ella nodded slowly. ‘Jake?’


‘You realise I don’t really need a bulb changing, don’t you?’ She stepped closer to him.

When he nodded, Ella saw his Adam’s apple move as he gulped. Laughing inwardly, she took the glass from him.

‘You like watching me, don’t you?’

‘I – I might do.’

She wagged a finger at him. ‘I can see you. But you know that too.’ She lifted up his jumper and T-shirt, ran her fingers across his stomach, feeling him pull it in at her touch. ‘I really like you. Do you like

‘I guess so.’

She moved a little closer and giggled. ‘I can see how much by that shape in your trousers.’ Pressing on his erection caused him to jump back a little. She laughed. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t bite. Well, not too hard.’

She reached for his hands, placed them both on the ties to her dressing gown, urging him to pull them apart. When he’d done that, she slipped it from her shoulders, revealing her nakedness. Hearing him gasp, she placed his hand on her breast, almost shivering at his touch.

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