Watching Over You (12 page)

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Authors: Mel Sherratt

BOOK: Watching Over You
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Glancing at the photo of Dan beside her bed, she reached over for it and ran a finger over the glass. ‘I do love you,’ she whispered into the quiet of the room, ‘but tonight I might have a bit of fun.
I ho
pe you don’t mind.’

She put the frame back. It was silly, she realised, but knowing he would be pleased for her put her at ease. And Lynne was ri
ght – sh
e could do much worse than Aaron. So maybe, if it was okay with Ella, they could head to The Exchange some time during the evening.

Ten minutes later, she was blotting her lipstick when she heard a knock. She checked her watch: it was quarter to eight. Ella was early but she was ready. A final glance in the mirror and she went to answer the door.

Ella stood there in a short black dress, the highest of red heels and a long-sleeved lacy cardigan. Her hair was loose too, shiny, and she looked fresh and younger with a little more make-up, ready for a night out.

‘You look amazing!’ Charley complimented her. ‘I feel so under-dressed now.’

‘Of course you’re not. You look divine.’ Ella held up a bottle of wine. ‘One for the road?

‘I –’

Ella pressed her thumb and index finger together. ‘A teeny weeny one?’

‘Oh, go, on then. Why not?’

She stepped through and Charley closed the door behind her.

‘I’m so excited about tonight, Charley. I haven’t had a good laugh in Hanley for ages. I think it will be brilliant, you and I going together. I thought maybe we could start off in The Exchange and then go further into town. There’s not much to choose from but I can show you where I hang around and maybe meet –’

‘Slow down!’ Charley held up her hand. ‘I’m having a job
up with you.’

Ella grinned. ‘Sorry. It’s been a good week and I want to
in style.’

‘Oh?’ Charley poured drinks while Ella stayed in the kitchen doorway. ‘Any particular reason?’

They went through to the living room.

Ella shrugged. ‘No, just life in general is going well.’

‘That’s always great to hear.’

‘How about you?’

‘Me? Oh, the usual stuff, as in nothing exciting has happened. I’m just deciding whether to do an evening course at Staffs Uni or if it would be too much alongside my work.’

‘What would you do?’ Ella stood in the window, looking out to the avenue.

‘I’m not sure whether to go for something academic that would help me with my job or do something enjoyable.’ She laughed
. ‘You know what I mean.’

‘Something that doesn’t demand too much attention?’

‘I suppose. I’d like to qualify in something but I’m not sure
I ha
ve the energy to be a student again.’

‘I can imagine.’ Ella turned back to her. ‘All that partying…’

‘I meant all the revising for tests and exams.’

Ella smiled. ‘I know. I was winding you up. Besides, I’ve never been to college or university so I wouldn’t have a clue what it’s like.’

‘Have you never wanted to?’

A taxi pulled up outside, beeping noisily.

‘Blimey, an early taxi. Better get a wriggle on.’ Ella drained her glass. ‘Come on,’ she encouraged, pushing Charley’s glass up towards her mouth a little. ‘Down the hatch in one go.’

‘I’ll be drunk in no time!’

‘That’s the general idea. We’re going to have an unforgettable night!’

Chapter Thirteen

Twenty minutes later the taxi dropped them off in Hanley. Situated on the corner of Trinity Street and Marsh Street, the Old Victorian Telephone Building stood red and regal, almost out of place as traffic queued up against the lights at the crossroads. The Exchange was spread over two floors. Above the doorway, the words
Telephone Building
were scrolled on top of the brickwork. The plush entrance and stone steps almost made Charley feel like a little girl as she ran into the hallway.

It was a popular venue, with the contemporary feel of a bar similar to one found in London or Manchester – high ceilings, wooden floors, and a laid-back atmosphere. Already it was filling up nicely for a Saturday evening, although it was still pleasant to stand near the bar. People were eating in the dining area, a
birthday party taking over the bottom of the room; there were pink and white balloons at three tables.

They ordered drinks and moved over to the far end of the room.

‘It’s great in here,’ said Charley. ‘I can’t believe I haven’t been before.’

Ella gave her a look of incredulity. ‘You’ve
been to The Exchange?’

Charley shook her head.

‘Not even for your lunch? They do great food. The fish finger bloomer is one of my favourites. So when was the last time you came in to Hanley for a night out?’

‘I haven’t got a clue.’

‘When was the last time you went out? Can you remember that?’

‘That would definitely be before…before Dan died.’

Hearing her voice falter, Ella touched her arm gently. ‘This is a first for you.’ She picked up the drinks menu. ‘I think we’d better order cocktails.’

An hour later and they were ensconced in a booth, chatting about everything and anything. Soon more cocktails had been ordered and after another hour, they seemed to have settled for the foreseeable future. Charley’s head felt fuzzy as she headed upstairs to the ladies’. Once there, she checked her appearance in the mirror and giggled. Her hair was sticking up where she’d been ploughing her fingers through it; there were flakes of mascara all over her cheeks and not a trace of any lipstick.
Dragged through a hedge backwards
would have been putting it politely. But she was having a great time with Ella. They’d been discussing their first boyfriends and swapping horror stories of crushes and first loves and all that teenage angst.

As she made her way downstairs again, she lost her footing. When she hung onto the banister as well as her dignity, one of a group of men arriving stopped her from falling.

‘Whoops,’ she grinned. ‘Silly heels! Thanks.’

‘I don’t mind being your knight in shining armour any time,’ he smiled, holding the door open for her afterwards.

It was nearing eleven o’clock and the bar was hectic now. As she made her way back to Ella, she sensed someone looking at her and turned to see if it was the guy whose feet she’d practically fallen at. Instead, her eyes fell on Aaron. He was waving to catch her attention. A rush of pleasure ran through her as, in a matter of seconds, he’d negotiated the crowd and was by her side.

‘Well, hello,’ he smiled. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’

‘Fancy indeed.’ And lucky, thought Charley, that he’d seen her
she’d tidied up her appearance rather than before. All of a sudden, she realised how important that was to her. She checked out what he was wearing; she was so used to seeing him in work attire. Jeans and casual shirt, Timberland boots. Hugo Boss again. She took hold of his hand and dragged him over to Ella. After introductions, he slid into the booth with them.

‘I have to hand it to you, Ella,’ he said. ‘I’m surprised that you managed to persuade Charley to come out. I’ve been trying for some time now.’

Ella beamed at the compliment. ‘That’s what friends are for – taking care of each other. She just needed a helping hand.’

‘I did,’ slurred Charley.

‘She definitely needs taking in hand,’ laughed Aaron. ‘She’s tipsy.’

‘You could take advantage of her, if you like.’

‘You mean I need a good seeing too, don’t you?’ Charley
and prodded Aaron in the chest. ‘I know what you’re after, Mr Campbell.’

‘Yes, but I’m not going to overstay my welcome.’ Aaron grinned and pointed at their table. ‘Can I get you a drink before I head back to the boys?’

‘The boys?’ Charley snorted. ‘You’re practically a middle-aged man.’

Smirking, he moved off as Charley and Ella started laughing. Ella leaned forward and whispered in Charley’s ears. ‘You should take him up on his offer. He’s gorgeous.’

Charley looked over at Aaron, who was now with the ‘boys.’ Ella was right – she might be drunk but he was gorgeous.

Ella nudged her arm. ‘Go for it,’ she urged.

Charley turned back to her. ‘Go for what?’

‘Him! You told me you’d never had a one-night stand. Now’s your time.’

‘Nooooo.’ Charley wagged her finger at Ella. ‘He’s too close for comfort.’

‘He’s comforting, I’ll give you that.’ Ella sniggered. ‘He’s sweet on the eyes.’

Charley glanced through the crowds towards Aaron again. He was looking back at her. She caught his eye and he smiled.

‘You see?’ Ella was determined to get her point across. ‘Look, you need to sleep with someone. It’s going to be painful so why not do it with someone who cares about you?’

Charley shook her head fervently. ‘I couldn’t.’

‘You could – and besides, he has some great-looking mates. Maybe one of them might be single, too.’

‘I thought you wanted to go somewhere else after this drink!’

‘Changed my mind.’

Before Charley could stop her, Ella made a beeline to chat to Aaron and a few minutes later, he and his friends were sharing their booth. Finding that the alcohol had loosened her inhibitions, she heard herself laughing raucously at something funny Aaron whispered to her. It felt good to be a little out of control after so long staying home alone.

The night went on and, at midnight, Charley found herself sitting with Aaron. The crowd in the bar had lightened a little, some people moving downstairs to the basement bar where a local band, Diamonds, was playing. Ella was chatting to someone called Steve whom Charley vaguely recognised from their group, and the rest of them were nowhere to be seen.

Her head was so close to Aaron’s that if she turned slightly, he would catch her cheek with his lips. Embarrassed, she moved away slightly. He smiled and she returned it, a woozy feeling overpowering her, something that she definitely knew wasn’t entirely down to the alcohol.

‘I am so drunk,’ she told him, running a finger lightly over his hand as it lay on the table. ‘Happy but drunk.’

‘I am so drunk too,’ Aaron replied. ‘But I want to stay here with you forever.’

All at once, a longing to be part of a couple overwhelmed
. Rather than upsetting her, though, it excited her. She glanced over to Ella, who was smooching with Steve. His hands were all over her as they kissed.

‘Oh-oh.’ Aaron had followed her gaze, his eyebrows raised high. ‘It looks like those two need a room. Maybe we should be on our way soon?’

Charley nodded, although not wanting to leave him yet.

‘Perhaps we could all head back to my place?’

She swallowed. Even unable to focus fully, she could see the desire in his eyes. She knew he’d be able to see it reflected in hers too. She smiled shyly.

‘Perhaps we should,’ she said.

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m sure.’

He leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the tip of her nose and then grabbed her hand.

After they’d hailed a taxi, Charley found herself heading off to Stockton Brook and being dropped off outside a tiny semi-detached cottage. From the outside, it looked like a small two-up, two-down but, once inside, it opened up vastly into a large double room with a staircase down the wall to her left. Laminate floors gave it a vast feel; the walls were cream except for one painted with abstract blacks and violets. The fire and television were sunk into the wall. A cream rug with a glass coffee table atop of it and deep purple curtains pulled it all together.

‘Coffee?’ asked Steve. ‘Or something stronger?’ Almost imme
diately, he and Ella disappeared into a room at the back that
assumed would be the kitchen.

‘Wow, I’m impressed.’ She looked at Aaron. ‘This décor is incredible. Did you –’

‘I did – and all by myself.’ Aaron held his arms up and twirled around. ‘This is my creation. Whoops.’ He flopped onto the settee in a fit of laughter, pulling Charley down on top of him.

Charley thought the sound of her heart beating erratically might be loud enough to wake the whole street as they stayed that way, neither reluctant to move. They stared at each other, for once no words needed.

‘You are so gorgeous,’ he told her eventually, touching her cheek lightly.

‘I’m drunk,’ Charley retorted, not sure if her heart was beating erratically due to the heat of Aaron next to her or their recent twirl. ‘It’s been a great night. I’ve enjoyed it so much.’

‘Me too.’

He kissed her. Light enough to make her feel that it might not have happened. He gazed into her eyes, almost as if he was asking for permission. Then he kissed her again. Charley wrapped her arms around his neck, entangling her fingers in his hair, drawing him close. Her body responded, making her tingle as she felt his tongue against hers. For some reason, it didn’t feel wrong to be kissing him. He ran his hands over her back, pushing her further down onto the settee.

The door opened and Ella appeared with Steve. Her hair was tousled and one flap of Steve’s shirt was out.

‘Okay if we use the spare room tonight, mate?’ Steve grinned at Aaron.

‘Sure,’ Aaron nodded, not taking his eyes from Charley.

Before they left, Ella gave Charley the thumbs-up. There was a giggle and a thundering of feet up the stairs before a door slammed.

‘Peace and quiet at last,’ said Aaron. ‘Now, where were we?’

Early the next morning, Charley opened heavy eyes, momentarily confused by her surroundings

white walls and a navy blue carpet, her shoes placed together underneath a small window with blue curtains. She moved her head to the right, wincing as a pain shot through it. Then she groaned as she spotted her clothes draped over a chair.


She turned over. Even though the curtains were drawn, the room was light. She didn’t dare look at the time for fear of waking him. But she did lift the duvet up to see if she was naked.

Shit and bollocks.

‘Morning, my sleepy drunkard,’ Aaron said, his eyes still

‘Morning.’ Charley’s voice came out as a croak. ‘What time is it?’

He lifted his arm. ‘Quarter to nine. Did you sleep well?’

‘I can’t remember.’

‘You can’t remember.’


‘You mean, you can’t remember
of last night?’

Charley tucked her hands under her chin and curled her knees up a little more.

‘Not even a tiny bit of it?’ Aaron mirrored her actions.

‘Nope.’ Charley thought it best to lie until she knew more of what he was referring to. She could remember parts of the evening: having a laugh with Ella in The Exchange, meeting up with Aaron, coming back here and lying on the sofa…but she wasn’t going to let on to him. Then maybe she could deny anything else that might have happened too.

‘I am deeply hurt that I’m so unmemorable.’ Aaron sighed loudly. ‘You’ve ruined my street cred.’

‘Aaron, I…’ Charley cleared her throat. ‘Aaron, did we…’

‘We did…not.’

‘We didn’t?’

‘No, you were a little too worse for wear for my liking.’

‘You make me sound like a drunken trollop!’

‘You were a drunken trollop! But I’ve been wanting to get inside your knickers for so long that I didn’t want to mess up and take advantage of you and then you’d be mortified this morning and you wouldn’t want to see me and think that I was only interested in a one-night stand when I’m not and just the thought of seeing you at work afterwards if you thought that would be agony but I’m scared now that I
miss out on the opportunity to sleep with you and –’

Charley put a hand over his mouth. ‘Enough,’ she cried. Once she knew he’d stay quiet, she removed it.

‘What I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t take advantage of you.’

A pause. ‘Who undressed me, then?’

‘Erm, that would be you.’

‘Oh, I –’

He smirked. ‘You really don’t remember anything, do you?’

‘Sorry, no.’

‘You paraded around taking all of your clothes off…first came your top.’

‘Oh, God.’

‘Wait; actually it was the shoes that came off like missiles.
I h
ad to duck!’

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