Wasting Away in Deadsville

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Wasting Away in Deadsville
  2012 by KT Grant

Cover art  Copyright 2012 by Fantasia Frog Designs


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his book is a work of fiction.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Wasting Away in Deadsville




KT Grant




Who’d have thought after the world ended it would be boring as hell? The zombie apocalypse was exciting as watching tumbleweed roll down Route 66.

"Someone kill me!" Ginny yelled, lying on top of a rusted taxi in the middle of what used to be Times Square. At least one benefit about the world going to shit was with no electricity she could view the stars perfectly. She would have preferred the sounds of owls or cicadas instead of the relentless groaning of the mindless undead as they dragged their feet around.

Sighing, she glanced at a male zombie standing way to close with breath like road kill. She grabbed her shotgun, held it up to its forehead and blasted it away. It fell to the ground as the shot echoed off the rusted, gutted buildings. She was beyond bored after thousands of zombie kills under her belt.

Her stomach released a growl. She was so sick of this shit. Sick of having no one to talk to, and sick of all the rotting, decaying bodies. Air freshener could only cover up so much. Drinking undead blood sucked in ways she never thought possible.

She sat up and stretched, wiping away her jeans splattered in zombie brains. To think she once drank from the most rich and satisfying of blood…real live human blood!

If she'd left with the others years ago, she wouldn't be stuck in this predicament, all alone on an island that used to house millions of blood donors for her choosing. Now she was left with the dregs and not thrilled about the possibility of feeding on rotting, decaying zombie blood for the rest of her life.

Zombie blood tasted like ass.

"Knowing my luck, I'll probably turn into a walking corpse any day now from the amount blood I've ingested from your kind over the past five years. Right, Laura?" she called out to the one armed female zombie standing a short distance away. She’d named her Laura, after her dear departed sister, who'd hung herself as Atlanta burned during the war between the North and the South. She had no idea way this zombie, out of the millions, followed her around. She could've snuffed out Laura's pathetic, mindless unlife, but it made her feel not so lonely seeing a familiar face now and again.

She tapped her gun against the car. Thousands of zombies shuffled around, bumping into one another without any purpose. Day in and day out it was the same. She needed a change in scenery before she ended up shooting herself in the head. She had no other option but to pack up her belongings and drive to Canada. The last she heard was a vampire commune had been set up there using any remaining humans as livestock.

She glanced up at the sky again. A few hours left until sunrise. She'd start heading back to her brownstone and perhaps treat herself to her one of her precious bags of human blood she had on tap. She jumped off the taxi and pulled her shotgun over her shoulder. She'd hold off blowing any other zombies away. That was what the weekdays were for anyway.




Ginny whistled an old tune she had learned from her childhood while she walked down to the sea port. There weren’t as many zombies in this end. For some reason they didn't like water. But that didn't stop Laura from following her.

She turned around and spotted Laura shuffling along behind her. Even with the city in total darkness, she could see well due to her superior eyesight. She wished her hearing was dumbed down. The zombie groans gave her a headache until she could enter her shelter and engage all the sound proof windows while she slept during the day.

"What I wouldn't give for a few hours of quiet

" She lifted her head and sniffed.

"Human? How’s this possible?” She sniffed again. Yup, something alive. This was a scent she hadn't smelled in five long years. It almost brought her to her knees.

She rushed on, pushing back the swaying bodies lining the highway and ran down to the river. Old broken down cruise ships and yachts swayed gently on the water as she passed them by.

Lifting her head, she closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Her stomach let out a loud growl and her fangs lengthed.
Fresh meat!

She opened her eyes and stared out on the murky water. It was dark across the way where upscale condominiums and townhouses once lined the New Jersey skyline. Less than five-hundred feet in front of her was a new boat, a dinghy, where the strong smell of human drifted her way.

She needed to get on that boat and fast!




The sounds of a motor broke through the muffled scraping and symphony of tireless groans as Ginny sped toward the boat.

"Human…all mine," she whispered and turned the steering wheel. The wind whipped over her face and slapped her T-shirt back against her body. She lowered the speed as she reached the sad looking boat and shut off the motor. With her gun cocked and loaded, she grabbed the rope ladder and threw it over the side of the vessel. She waited to see if something would attack her. She would shoot to kill if she had to and make do with gorging herself on the dead body so not to waste any of the precious substance.

A few minutes went by. Nothing. Ginny wrapped the strap of her gun around her shoulder and climbed the ladder. When she got to the edge, she glanced around. The deck was clear. She inhaled and located the smell again. It came from down below.

She climbed into the belly of the dinghy. Stepping inside, she moved forward and trembled, wiping away drool sliding down her chin. The half opened door let out a creak as she pushed against it.

A female dressed in blue jeans and a faded T-shirt lay on wrinkles sheets. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily.

Ginny's panting increased. Her nipples grew hard and her twat swelled with the knowledge her gnawing hunger would soon be fed. Her legs gave out and she fell to the floor.

The woman is the most beautiful piece of female flesh I'd ever seen
. Ginny rose to her feet and stood by the side of the bed. The woman had skin like milk, and full, juicy lips she longed to press against her own. There was nothing
stopping her from chewing upon them, breaking the skin and drinking deeply as she shared a stolen kiss that would make her climax. Short washed out blonde curls that were meant to brush over a person's flesh or held in a grip while taken from behind spread out on the pillow under the woman's head. Ginny salivated over how big and bountiful this sleeping fairy's breasts were. She grabbed hold of a tit and squeezed.

She straddled the female, pressing her cunt against the woman's thigh. It had been way too long since she'd fucked. She not only wanted this beauty as a food source, but also for a playmate. The days of boredom and feeding off the putrid blood of the undead would soon be over!

She could barely stop from shaking as she bent down to the young woman's neck. She’d drink enough to nourish her and then have her way with the unconscious woman. She wanted to arouse the woman, to awaken and be carried away by the aphrodisiac of sharp fangs imbedded in her cunt.

She rubbed her nose across the woman's throat and stroked her palms over the woman's chest.
So warm. So supple…so bitten?

"What the hell?" Ginny sat back and frowned, zoning on her captive's wrist. There was a black and blue mark where the skin had deep teeth marks. She knew this sign all too well. It was a zombie bite.




"What the hell should I do?" Ginny whispered, standing on the deck as the early morning fog rolled in. She would need to return home soon before the sun's rays flayed her alive.

A tough decision had to be made. She could come back at night with a few empty blood bags and drain the not yet transformed zombie or take her home and make a more informed decision there. The woman had at least a month left before she turned. For the moment, her blood was still healthy. Or, she could turn her into a vampire. But a fledgling vampire needed potent blood and would finish off her sacred blood supply in no time. Then she would be back at square one—stuck slurping down crappy zombie blood and craving her next fix.

Time was all Ginny had. But in this case, the gorgeous, sick woman below, who didn't have any time left, made her body respond in ways she'd never felt before.




This is going to be tricky

Even though her mystery woman had been bit by a zombie, she was still considered food to them. Ravenous zombies would swarm her the moment she stepped back on land. Then she’d be left with a few leftover strands of intestines.

Ginny picked up the woman with the milky white face and hair of luscious curls, swathed her in a blanket and took her aboard her boat. She sped around the island at top speed. This was the one time she wished she lived closer to the water than the park, but she would have to make do under the circumstances.

Her black Hummer stood strategically parked off to the side. She got out of the boat with her blanket wrapped bounty, hoping the human's odor was concealed enough for the zombies not to notice. She hurried over to the vehicle. More than one-hundred zombies walked around aimlessly, including, Laura. As she unlocked the car door, Laura let out a wail and held out her arm.

"Shit!" Ginny cursed, using a few more choice words.

A harmony of moans rose up in the air.

The zombies shuffled forward. She placed the woman in the back seat, hopped in the driver's seat and turned on the ignition. She drove off, mowing down zombies and maneuvering around cars as she sped away. She let out a high pitched laugh and looked up at the rear-view mirror, giving the zombies the finger. Laura stood there with her mouth hanging over.




The sun began to rise while Ginny drove back to her shelter. She came to a stop and parked the Hummer in front of her building. Not many zombies roamed
around, although there were still enough to be a nuisance. All she had to do was grab her prize, run up her front steps and she was home free.

Her body began to react to the sun, and if she didn't move quickly, she’d end up fried to a crisp and her new roommate a zombie snack.

She opened the car door and hauled out her gun. She then opened the back door and picked up the woman. Ear splitting moans rose up. She walked up to her front door and unlocked it. Placing the unconscious woman on the hallway floor, she started shooting bodies.

By the time she was done, she’d taken out fifty zombies. A few more appeared down the street. With no time left to spare, she went inside and locked the door. She turned on her security system and the generator kicked in. Black metal shades fell over her windows and doors and the lights came on. She walked over to her television monitors. Too many zombies roamed her street to count and a few walked up and pounded on the windows and the side of the building.

A girl could never be too careful with protection.

Swallowing a yawn, she went back over to the cocooned body and picked it up. She climbed her staircase up to the second floor and down the hall to one of her spare bedrooms. Placing the woman on the four poster bed, she undressed her.

Liquid heat pooled in her cunt as she spread her palm over the woman's stomach and down toward her dirty blonde pussy curls.

The woman opened her eyes and stared up at her. "Who are you?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

Ginny held back the urge to stick her fangs deep into the woman's pussy and drink her blood and cum until she was a dried out husk. "Why don't you tell me who
are first?"

The woman smacked her lips. "Jordan." Her eyes rolled in back of her head and she passed out.

Ginny sighed. She needed to leave the room before she fell on the woman and ate her. With one last glance over her shoulder, she left and locked the door. She couldn't have her guest roaming around the house unchaperoned while she slept.
Her bounty could end up leaving, and the moment she stepped outside she'd be torn to pieces.

Needing substance, she walked down into her kitchen, opened her deep freezer and pulled out one of her blood bags, drinking it down in one gulp. Drunk on the wonderful nectar she'd been denied for too long, she stumbled into her living room and fell asleep on her daybed with the video monitors still on. The last thing she saw before she drifted off was the hungry undead stumbling into one another.


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