WarriorsWoman (6 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: WarriorsWoman
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He worked with the same deliberate efficiency as he seemed to do everything else while he tugged her fleece’s zipper down then pulled the first layer off her unresisting arms. He unfastened and skimmed off her snow pants with the same effortless skill he had her top. After positioning her arms over her head, he issued a simple command. “Stay.”

Rebellion didn’t cross her mind. Just the single word from his delectable lips set off flutters deep inside her core.
I’m in so much trouble.

Batzorg shrugged off his pack and set it aside. Next he pulled her bulky wool sweater over her head. Then her dark-blue, knit ski pants slid to a puddle of fabric on the floor. She let him steady her with a huge hand on her waist as she stepped out of them. Sexy lingerie would’ve been lovely, but all she had were slightly grubby thermal undies, which covered her from neck to instep. Neither her shabby clothes nor skinny body kept her heart from beating out an eager tempo of nervous anticipation.

He caressed her shoulder, letting his hand drift down her arm as if she were a rare and precious work of art. Her eyelids grew heavy and her small breasts swelled until her insignificant nipples hardened into visible peaks of need.

Then he nibbled her ear, sending more hot sparks shooting through her excited erogenous zones. He left her earlobe to place tiny nips along the tender underside of her jaw. Her lips opened in invitation and he covered them with his.

Instead of the commanding possession of her mouth she’d expected, he brushed her lips with a soft, slow kiss, sampling her with infinite patience. He continued to take his time, placing soft sips, and gentle nips, and tender presses while she melted and squirmed and silently begged for more. At last, his tongue slid inside to duel with hers. She sucked on the thick invader and swallowed his unique flavor—an addictive, dark spice.

She couldn’t get enough.

“Why do you always smell so good?”
Oh God. Did I just say that out loud?

The corner of his mouth quirked in an almost smile. “Nanobots. They handle cell repair, grooming and infection control.”

At least he didn’t seem upset by her tactless personal question.

When he tugged her undershirt over her head, she helped, eager to press her breasts against the heat of his hard chest. For a moment he stepped away, and then pulled off his own fleece top.

Whoa. Some serious metal had been hidden under his clothes.
Obviously custom made black and silver armor molded his body like a second high-tech skin. She’d never seen anything like it. Tentatively she placed a palm over his left pec. The metal shell warmed her hand and she shivered. “Does it come off?”

His rough gravel chuckle made her smile. Then his laughter ended in a rare grin that transformed his face from brooding hunk to panty-melting dream man. Good thing she didn’t have any panties to melt.

“Yes, but I could use your help.”

Exactly what I wanted to hear.
“Tell me what to do.”

“In a minute.” He cupped one of her needy breasts in a massive hand. “I do not want to rush making love. You are so incredibly perfect.”

She would’ve sworn his words alone made her swell a full cup size.

Then he fastened his lips over the tiny, aching nipple and sucked her whole areola into his mouth. Sensation exploded from the beaded tip and tingled throughout her body from her tightened scalp to her curled toes. Even her butt clenched in desperate need. Heavy emptiness pooled in her core and fresh liquid evidence of her desire spilled between her legs.

Without removing his mouth from her nipple, he skimmed the stretchy long johns down her legs. She helped by wriggling out of them then kicking the garment aside. Then he guided her fingers to a series of switches that ran down his spine, starting at the base of his neck.

She pushed, the first fastener released, and his armor began to part. After she’d pressed switches forever, he let go of her breast just long enough to pry off the hinged case. She drank in the even more magnificent chest revealed. Aside from Greek statues, she’d never seen such extravagant male beauty. None of her ex-boyfriends, or even the models in her college art class, had anything like the muscle definition in his arms and torso.

A dusting of dark hair formed a triangle across powerful bronze pecs obscuring his flat, darker nipples. The black hair continued, narrowing to a silky trail that ran between an honest-to-God eight pack into the waistband of his smooth-fitting pants.

“More armor?” she asked hopefully, unable to look away from his groin.

He chuckled again. “Yes and the rest stays on until after your bath.”

Before she could protest, he lifted her over the tub and carefully lowered her into the heavenly hot water. She pulled her knees in close. They poked out, but they helped cover her puny breasts. Funny, she loved his touch, but she dreaded seeing his disappointment.

He grabbed the soap and lathered his hands into foamy bath mitts before giving her the bar. She caught a whiff of freshly laundered sheets. The translucent bar smelled like sunny days and a happy childhood and a world full of hope.

She’d wanted to be part of rebuilding a world safe for children since she’d first heard about the California group. Now she hoped the mech triad would want to help with her mission.

“Tilt your head back for me, little one.”

Something in Batzorg’s manner commanded obedience. She couldn’t imagine not obeying him, especially when he touched her as reverently as if she were a priceless masterpiece.

Starting from the top, he poured fresh warm water over her head then worked the luxurious shampoo into her wet hair. He used his strong fingers to massage her scalp and the tiny muscles in her neck until she wanted to purr. After she’d turned into a puddle of melted butter, he rinsed her hair, leaving it smooth and clean.

He began washing her back with long, soothing strokes, stopping to knead each knot of tension. When her back and shoulders were totally limp, he attended to each of her arms with the same loving thoroughness, working even her fingers until they were as loose as water. With every skillful caress, reality slipped further away, and she melted a little more. Then she grew thrilled with the wonderful sensations of his strong hands sliding over her tender breasts.

He was so good at massage that she forgot to be self-conscious. Her legs lolled outside the tub as she let the sensual excitement and the novelty of being cared for by a sexy man pull her deeper into an endless moment of sheer sensual bliss.

“You are so beautiful.” Leaning in, he brushed teasing kisses across her taut nipples.

She knew what she looked like, but she wasn’t going to argue with him. Not with a brand new erotic tension coiling in her belly. Her lips parted on a happy moan.

Batzorg plucked the soap from her unresisting fingers, lathered up again, and began cleaning her legs. Starting with her toes, he washed, massaged and nibbled. His first nip on her baby toe sent a jolt of desire racing through her body, her nipples beaded tighter and her core heated, softened and leaked honey.

His magic fingers slipped higher, parting her feminine folds carefully. He cleaned her pussy with the same thoroughness he’d shown the rest of her body, maybe more. While he tended her so gently, she jerked and squirmed, desperate for him to touch her rigid clit. His first brush whispered along the side of the tiny rod, making her buck against his hand.

“Please,” she begged.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

She forced heavy eyelids to open and meet his searing gaze while he slowly penetrated her sheath with one finger. After she’d adjusted to the invasion, he inserted a second finger filling her, stretching her. Then he settled his thumb on her throbbing clit. A gush of cream from her core approved his efforts.

He set a sedate pace, pumping slowly in and out, driving her wild with a restless need. “I want you to know who controls your pleasure.”

“You. You do. Please, Batzorg.” She shivered, shameless, aching and desperate with a burning need for the satisfaction he withheld. Strangely even more than she wanted release, she wanted to please him.

“Well spoken.” His velvet baritone praise brought a wash of ecstasy over her feminine core more satisfying than any climax she’d ever imagined.

“Come for me now.”

The tempo of his thrusts didn’t change and his light pressure on her clit didn’t increase—they didn’t need to. His command made a flush rise from her breasts, her sheath contract around his fingers, and hot juice gush from her channel as she tightened and shattered in her first honest-to-God, earth-shaking orgasm.


Minka exploded in a shower of fireworks that shook her slender body, dampened the blonde curls covering her sex, and Batzorg’s hand, with her cream. Using the same delicate touch he wielded inserting nanobots to clean his weapon, he grazed the sweet spot in her slick folds with his thumb. Her tight, satin core fluttered with aftershocks, milking his fingers again while his balls ached and his cock strained against the armor. Ignoring his discomfort, he knelt beside her. Her responsiveness awed him.

He had read of women who climaxed easily. But holy fucking meltdown, he had never heard of a woman finding release with Minka’s utter abandon.

Could she do it again?
He hoped so, because he wanted to taste her explosion of sweetness on his tongue, and then he wanted the grip of her wild ecstasy with his cock buried as deep inside her as he could go.

Already hard enough to hammer right through his armor, he shifted to ease the strain on his confined package before lifting her out of the tub. He wrapped her in a thick towel. Then he held her on his lap while he used one of the smaller towels to pat her dry, and a third for her hair. By the time he finished, she slept. He simply held her.

Innocent of cosmetics, the only jewelry she wore was delicate pearl earrings. Her hair was still damp, and purple shadows darkened the skin under her ridiculously thick eyelashes—she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. As uncomfortable as his relentless erection was, with a naked Minka on his lap, he would have happily waited forever.

An hour later, she stirred and rubbed her bottom. “Feels like I’m sitting on a helmet.”

He chuckled. “Close, you are resting on my body armor.”

“Time to take it off, champ.” She climbed off his lap, stretched, and shyly looked at him for approval. “Don’t you think so?”

He drank in her sweet combination of brave humor, bold sensuality and a naїve uncertainty. The way she called him champ made him grin. He loved being her champion—loved that was how she thought of him. Minka was not as he had imagined her. She was so much more.

“Yes.” No further discussion seemed needed. He unfastened his pants, kicked them off, and reached for the release latches on his crotch defender.

“Can I help?”

He wanted to laugh again, but a glance at the wistful need in her expression erased the urge to chuckle and made him too desperate to wait for her assistance. He tried to clear the hunger out of his voice and still sounded too gruff. “Better let me.”

Once he had removed the armor, his cock uncoiled like an anaconda.

Her slumberous eyelids opened wide, either with shock or awe. Nervous, he waited for her verdict. Finally, a sigh puffed from her lush lips. “You are so magnificent.”

A new chuckle of utter delight rolled off his tongue then he captured her mouth for another heart-accelerating kiss. “And you are perfect, little one.”

He had meant to keep it subtle and work into claiming her sweet mouth nice and slow. When Minka parted her lips and softened against the pressure of his tongue, he lost all semblance of control. Thrusting into her softness like a ravening beast, he demanded possession.

She surrendered, clutching his shoulders to keep him close. From the back of her throat came sexy little sounds that were half-moan, half-whimper, and all wanton woman.

Without breaking the kiss, he unwound her towel and tossed it in the general direction of the chair. Before it landed, he took action, walking her backward toward the bed.

He had fantasized for years about tasting Minka. Now she was here, alive, and in his arms. He planned to savor every second. Starting by devouring her silken mouth where a trace of mint mixed with her natural intoxicating flavor, he moved to the sensitive juncture of her slender neck and shoulders. After spending some quality time on tasting her breasts, he went lower to lap every drop of the sweet cream from her pussy.

A mech never quit until he achieved his goal or died trying and a mech was damn hard to kill. He dedicated himself to a new mission—Minka’s complete and utter satisfaction.

Once he released her mouth to nibble his way down her throat, she moved against him restlessly. “Please, I need you inside me.”

He lifted his lips from her softness long enough to ask, “What part of me?”

Without a word, she reaching between them and wrapped her soft hand around his cock. He clamped down on his titanium control not to thrust into her gentle hold.

“Soon,” he promised in a rough growl and latched on to a tempting nipple and pulled it hard against the roof of his mouth.

She arched, pushing her perfect breasts closer and he sucked more of one tender mound into his mouth. Blindly, he palmed her other breast, lightly pinching the tight tip between thumb and finger. She gifted him with a moan of blissful need that pulled drops of pre-cum from his impossibly swollen erection.

Despite his strong preference, savoring the wonders of her sweet body for hours would not happen. He already rode the sharp edge of a thunderous release.

He lifted his mouth from the darkened nipple and changed sides. Suckling her other breast, he used his fingers to tease the first taut nipple, still wet and swollen from his mouth. Still in control, he accepted the need for a slight acceleration of his campaign to please Minka until she lay beneath him, utterly spent from multiple climaxes.

A sexy whimper of desire made him gently nip the beaded peak and trail damp kisses down to her bellybutton. She tilted her hips, her legs parted, and his slight acceleration plan became an all-out sprint. With no memory of moving, he went from lapping the smooth skin of her belly to having his big hands grasped around her hips, her long legs draped over his shoulders, and his face buried between in the silken lips of her pussy.

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