Warrior's Cross (10 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Urban,Abigail Roux

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Warrior's Cross
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“Do you want…?” Cameron stopped and bit his lip.

Julian moved to the bed and slowly crawled onto it, his eyes never leaving Cameron’s as he prowled closer. “Do I want what?” he prodded as he moved closer.

Watching Julian move so sinuously made Cameron’s eyes glaze again. “Do you want to stay?”


Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

“Yes,” Julian answered. “Will it make you uncomfortable?” he asked bluntly.

Cameron took a long moment to sort out what he was feeling.

Warm and satisfied. More than a little surprised that Julian was here at all. A bit of residual apprehension from the weapon out in the front room. “Yes,” he admitted. “But I want you to stay anyway.”

Julian’s brow furrowed briefly before the unreadable mask returned, and he nodded. Then his lips twitched and he nodded again.

“Well, then. I’m going to need a razor,” he whispered as he drew close enough to kiss Cameron gently.

After the light kiss, Cameron nodded. “I’ve got an extra toothbrush too.”

“That may come in handy,” Julian growled playfully as he gathered Cameron up in his arms and dragged him to the head of the bed. “I’ll be taking advantage of you at least twice more tonight,” he claimed as he did so.

A surprised laugh bubbled up as Julian held him close and pulled him bodily up to the pillows. Cameron had expected Julian to be somber and serious after the passion cooled, just like he was at the restaurant, not playful and genuine.

“I’ve never heard you laugh,” Julian observed with a smile as he nuzzled Cameron’s neck.

“Before tonight we’ve never been together more than five minutes at a time, if that long,” Cameron pointed out.

Julian shoved the covers aside and pulled them over their bodies as he clasped Cameron close. “I have watched you, though,” he admitted.

Cameron turned onto his side within the circle of Julian’s arms so he could prop his head on the pillow and look at the other man. “Yeah?

At the restaurant?”

A tiny smile ghosted across Julian’s lips. “If I said no, it would worry you,” he said wryly.

Both Cameron’s brows raised. “Really? Are we back to the stalking thing again?”

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“I wouldn’t call it stalking,” Julian responded, his voice just a bit defensive. “It was only one night,” he admitted. “The first time I was at your table. It was late. I didn’t intend to follow you,” he insisted. “We were merely going the same way. You were almost mugged that night; you didn’t even know it. That’s what caught my attention. You were…

oblivious to your impending doom,” he said with a teasing smile.

Cameron gave a slight start. “I was?” His eyes narrowed. “You stopped it?”

Julian gave a slight shrug of his shoulder and flushed in the low light.

Cameron reached up to stroke the blush under the short beard. At the same time he felt the tiny sting of whisker burn across his lips, cheeks, and neck, only just now noticing it.

“I’m not the type of person who enjoys seeing violence just for the hell of it,” Julian murmured seriously.

Cameron nodded, trying to reconcile that statement with the fact that Julian carried a gun and sported an impressive array of injuries. If it was true, it meant whatever violence Julian was seeing, it wasn’t by choice. After several moments’ thought, he leaned forward and kissed Julian chastely. “Thank you.”

Julian blinked rapidly at him and then stared at him as if he wasn’t sure what to do. “Don’t mention it,” he whispered finally.

“Not really good at taking compliments or thanks, are you?”

Cameron ventured.

“Not really,” Julian answered with a small smile as he closed his eyes.

Cameron smiled and yawned as the drowsiness dragged him down.

He shifted closer against Julian’s body, unable to say anything more as he sank into the unexpected comfort of a stranger’s embrace.

THE sound of running water was unusual enough that Cameron woke to lift his head sleepily and look around. Early morning light streamed 64

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through the windows, and the bedroom was cold. He was sprawled on his belly and had to shift to reach for the sheets—and the night came back to him as he felt the ache. Julian had been true to his word, and over the course of the night and early morning he’d taken Cameron twice more, each time slower and longer and more mind-blowing than the last.

Cameron would be sore for days, but it had been worth it. Blinking away the sleepiness, he sat up, looking at the closed door to the bathroom.

Julian. He was still here.

Cameron shivered. He’d get to kiss him goodbye. And despite the man’s claim, Cameron couldn’t bring himself to believe this would happen again. His chest ached as he wondered if Julian would come back to Tuesdays anymore after this. He closed his eyes and rubbed his torso, trying to ease the uncomfortable tightness there.

Julian opened the bathroom door and leaned against the frame as he wiped his hair with a towel. He stopped, tilted his head, and watched Cameron for a long moment. “Merry Christmas,” he finally offered in a soft, hoarse voice.

Cameron was taken aback for a moment. “Yeah, it is,” he said as he continued to rub at his chest.

“You feel okay?” Julian asked with a slight frown.

Cameron dropped his eyes to take stock of himself and soon nodded. “Yes. You?”

Julian nodded wordlessly and walked toward the bed, his dark eyes intent on Cameron. Swallowing, Cameron tried to look his fill, though he suspected he’d never get tired of the sight.

“I feel like I should be thanking you,” Julian admitted.

Cameron blinked and looked up at him. “Thank me?” he echoed cautiously. He wasn’t sure he liked how that sounded.

“For trusting me,” Julian provided.

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Cameron relaxed and studied Julian’s face. “You said you trusted
,” he countered. It probably made him seem really naïve, but Cameron couldn’t be anyone but who he was.

Julian’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully and he sat on the edge of the bed, his back to Cameron. In the daylight it was easy to see the chaos of bruises on his back and ribs. He had obviously been in some sort of accident or fight recently. There was also an array of scars, including one on the meat of his arm that looked to be recent.

Looking over the damage to Julian’s body made protectiveness and worry swell in Cameron—things he knew he had no business feeling. Still, he reached forward and lightly brushed his fingers down Julian’s spine. He might as well take advantage of this stolen time to touch and store away the memories.

Julian shivered violently with the caress, and he glanced over his shoulder with a smile. “They’re just on the surface,” he assured Cameron. “Workplace hazards.”

Cameron heard, but still he felt moved to lean forward and smooth his lips over some of the bruises. It hurt him to even see them, and he wished he could make them disappear. He couldn’t imagine how Julian moved so smoothly with his body so beat up. Cameron wasn’t sure he believed that Julian was what he said he was, but whatever he did, it was brutal.

Julian reached back and ran his fingers through Cameron’s hair. It was comforting. “What do you have planned today?” he asked.

Cameron shook his head and shrugged off the slightly dark thoughts. “Lazy day. Restaurant’s closed.” He settled his hand at the base of Julian’s spine, lightly stroking.

Julian nodded and looked back at the wall opposite where he sat.

“Sounds delightful,” he murmured.

It was a little easier now to be daring, since he was still naked in a bed that smelled of Julian and sex. “Want to join me?” Cameron asked.

“I would love to,” Julian answered, his voice a soft, regretful murmur. “But I can’t.”


Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

It was the answer Cameron had expected, but it didn’t make the pang in his chest any easier to feel. “I understand.” And he did. He’d brought someone he barely knew home for sex; he couldn’t expect the man to come back for conversation.

Julian turned around and examined him closely. “I should be free by four,” he told Cameron evenly. “I’ve got a last-minute client to take care of first.”

Client. Julian had a client. Cameron’s mind flashed through all sorts of different meanings that could have. What if he himself was just a client, being given a credit because Julian liked the way he looked?

Did he want more if that was the case? How would he pay for it later?

In heartbreak? Cameron pushed away those disjointed thoughts and swallowed on a sickened twist in his belly.

“You could come by. If you wanted,” he hurried to respond, determined not to worry about what might come and to take full advantage of anything he could.

“I will certainly try,” Julian promised as he turned and stretched to kiss Cameron’s neck.

Cameron closed his eyes and turned his chin as Julian’s lips met his skin. Try. He’d accept it gracefully and save the disappointment for when Julian was gone. He almost wished it were a regular day so he had the comfortable routine of work to escape to. Instead, he had long, lonely, empty hours ahead of him. And Julian would be working, whatever that entailed.

“You’ll be careful?” Cameron blurted before thinking about it, and he colored brightly in embarrassment.

“I’m always careful,” Julian assured him.

Offering him a smile, Cameron nodded and slowly lay back, giving Julian space to do as he liked.

Julian watched him and narrowed his eyes. “I’d better be going,”

he whispered finally. “Thank you,” he repeated, “for last night. And for getting that tape to Blake. And for every Tuesday,” he added with a small smile.

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“Tuesdays,” Cameron murmured, not looking away from Julian.

“The good days.” It was what Julian had said.

“Yeah,” Julian affirmed with a nod and a wistful smile.

“Do you come on Tuesdays because of the name of the

restaurant?” Cameron found himself asking.

Julian lips quirked slowly. “No,” he answered. “But I know why the restaurant is called Tuesdays,” he offered in amusement.

“Really?” Cameron asked curiously. It had always seemed such a random thing to call a four-star restaurant. He’d often wondered why Blake had chosen it.

Julian hummed and tilted his head. “Ask Blake about the god of war,” he advised mischievously. “He’ll tell you the story.”

Cameron merely nodded in confusion, not even sure if he wanted to know what that meant. “Give me another kiss?” he asked softly.

Julian raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly. He turned and crawled closer, kissing Cameron roughly.

Cameron gasped under the unexpected onslaught, grasped at Julian’s arms, and held on tight as he gave into the swirling heat of the other man’s mouth. His body responded right away, and he arched up against Julian instinctively.

Julian grinned against the kiss, extending it well past the time of propriety. Finally, he growled softly and pushed up onto his hands and knees. “You could get a man fired, you know that?” he muttered in frustration as he looked down at Cameron.

A silly smile curled Cameron’s lips. “Another compliment?”

“I would think so,” Julian murmured, “considering I’m self-employed.” He hesitated, looking down at Cameron. “I’m sorry,” he said with a pained wince. “But I do have to go.”

Feeling a little better seeing that Julian didn’t look happy to have to leave, Cameron scooted to the edge of the bed, let the sheet slide down his body, and climbed out of bed. As Julian sat back on the edge of the bed, rubbing at his neck and looking around for his clothing, 68

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Cameron padded into the bathroom, cleaned up a little, and pulled on shorts and a T-shirt.

He ran the water to brush his teeth and get a cool drink, and afterward he looked at himself in the mirror for a long moment, seeing the resignation in his own eyes. He didn’t want to think anything about Julian right now; he just wanted to live the moment while it lasted. He took a long drink before heading back out to the bedroom.

“Will you be here?” Julian asked him when he reappeared. He was already half-dressed. There was a pile of his clothing on the bed behind him, as well as the gun he’d shed the night before.

Cameron stopped in the doorway and leaned against the frame, folding his arms. “Yes,” he answered, lifting a foot just enough to brush it back and forth over the threshold.

Julian watched him for a long moment and then nodded. He stood and pulled his pants up, buttoning and zipping before he walked over to Cameron, his shirt still partially unbuttoned even though he’d tucked it in. He stopped just in front of Cameron, who straightened nervously and waited, fingers gripping the wood of the doorframe.

Julian tilted his head and reached out slowly to take Cameron’s hand, keeping his eyes on Cameron’s as he raised his hand and kissed the inside of his wrist gently. It was becoming obvious that the gesture was a habit. Eyes widening, Cameron watched the man’s lips slide against his skin, and he shivered before looking back up at Julian. That touch made him melt inside. This whole encounter had been disconcertingly tender, and it left Cameron aching for more.

Julian released his hand and backed away, buttoning his shirt up.

“Do you have one of those lint rollers you mentioned?” he asked.

Cameron swallowed heavily and nodded. That was easy enough.

“Sure. Out in the main room,” he murmured. “I’ll get one for you. Need to feed the pups, anyway.” He stepped around Julian slowly before tearing his eyes away and moving around the screen. Soon, a soft pitter-patter followed him, along with some excited yips.

When Julian stepped out of the bedroom, his overcoat and scarf were draped over his arm and he was fussing with his tie. Cameron stood at the kitchen bar across the room. Little white puppies bopped Warrior’s Cross 69

around his feet, and he ignored them as he looked through a stack of mail. There was a lint roller waiting at his elbow, and when he heard Julian’s soft footsteps, he looked up. So did the four puppies, who all immediately charged across the floor to bounce off Julian’s ankles.

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