Warrior's Craft Four Bikers and a Witch (6 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

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“Wet, like we greased her up. You can’t say she doesn’t like it, Axle.” Luke grinned.

“Fuck her already.” Axle reached around Seb and cupped her breasts.

She arched. The gentle touch didn’t turn her off at all, but she didn’t want him to think the other stuff was wrong. “Please. I love it.”

Luke drove into her and Val’s hips snapped to meet him. Grabbing Rebel’s cock, she jerked him roughly, and he thrust into her palm. Luke held her hips and gave her every inch. She didn’t need to ask him to go deeper or harder. The look in his eye made her insides tighten with a small release. Sebastian reached between them and played with her clit.

Luke tilted her forward as Sebastian sat up straighter. She knew what they wanted, but she held still to make them say it.

“Ride! You have your own bike, show you can handle it.” Luke gave one breast a smack.

Her head dipped back at the sweet sting. He was good at this. Rebel joined in, playing with her chest as she worked his cock and rode the two inside of her. Sebastian held her hips to keep her steady.

“Fuck, you’re good.” Luke fell back on the bike with a grunt.

“I’m not done,” she moaned.

Luke slid from her and pushed Axle into his spot. Val took his cock fast and loved the idea of the couple deep inside her. Axle fucked her hard but kissed her as well. Luke bent over for Rebel, but Luke’s teeth worked her breast. The friction made her body tighten.

“Harder,” she said.

Axle added force and she smiled. Deep down she knew he couldn’t hurt anyone even playfully. Even if they wanted it. Her hands wandered to his ass. Val pinched his cheek. Gasping and grunting, Axle came fast and hard as she let her nails dig into his skin.

His eyes pinned her. Val smiled as she ground down on Sebastian’s cock. Axle used both of his thumbs on her clit plus more pressure than he’d used before. His teeth claimed her other breast. Val leaned back as a blinding orgasm stunned her from every erogenous zone.

* * *

After dinner, Axle and Sebastian were in the bike shop while Val tested the potion’s taste and color. Rebel watched her like she might disappear. Luke had pushed her buttons hard. Val hadn’t objected once. It was no shock, really. Rebel and Axle had grown up in the culture and still wanted to screw guys. True nature was unavoidable.

“We should go talk to her,” Rebel whispered to Luke.

“She loved it.” He shrugged but followed Rebel.

“True, but we’re not going to just surprise her with that shit and not make sure it’s okay. We weren’t just spanking her ass. Her tits got a good dose too. I don’t want to push her out the door.”

Luke nodded as they entered the kitchen.

“Need any help?” Rebel offered.

Her cheeks went pink and she shook her head. “I’m okay. We’re ready to go for tomorrow. I hope the numbers haven’t increased too much. This should be more effective.”

“Hope we didn’t weird you out. I started it.” Luke held up a guilty hand.

Val licked her lips and stared at the pool of purple liquid. “It wasn’t weird. That’s what felt so weird -- if that makes any sense. I’ve never done that before. I’m not a piece of meat to play with and pass around.”

“We’d never share you with anyone else. No more men, even if you beg.” Rebel winked.

“Yeah, it’s not like that. Just because you bought your own bike and have a fancy job with a college degree doesn’t mean you can’t be a slutty biker babe in the bedroom. Or any room we want.” Luke rubbed her rear through the denim.

Rebel saw her tense for a second and relax. “If it’s too rough, we can keep Luke under control.”

Her cheeks were red now. “It’s not that. I’ve never done this before. It feels both good and wrong, like the biker stuff. I’m not ashamed.”

“You’re safe with us. We’ll go as far as you want and no more. Sebastian too. He loved harassing your chest.” Luke cupped her breasts through the tank top.

Slipping from his grip, Val opened a box of small bottles and corks. “I’m glad you guys liked it too. I’m not sure I’ll be enough for you guys.”

Rebel took the box of stuff and set it next to the potion. “We’re not freaks. Well, maybe Luke a little, but we want you for you. You don’t need to dress like a slut or act like one. We’re not trying to change you.”

“No way! We just bring out that natural rebel in you. We grew up with this shit. You can’t deny it.” Luke pulled her tank top down to reveal the barely pink spots on her flesh.

Rebel licked her nipples and the pink patches. He’d never realized how much he’d missed the feminine form. “We can also give you more if you want.”

“I do, but it’s not that.” She seemed very comfortable exposed to them. Still Rebel could tell something bugged her.

“Axle will relax. He’s always the most cautious. When we wanted to open this place, he was so conservative. You don’t need us all roughing you up.” Rebel bit her nipple and tugged the flesh with his teeth.

She moaned. “I don’t. But I don’t want him to feel left out or turned off. He’s gentle. Always was.”

“He takes a good fucking just fine. Don’t worry.” Luke squeezed her ass hard.

Moaning, she pushed the men back. “Not now. We’ve got work to do. Filling these potion bottles won’t happen magically. I’m not that good of a witch.”

“You’re the best.” Luke nipped her neck.

Rebel kissed her mouth as he put her top back in place. “Axle will enjoy it all once he’s sure you do. We’re brothers but we’re not twins. I could live the biker life, but he’s better with a safe and predictable world.”

“Like me?” She looked down.

Rebel lifted her chin and made her look him in the eyes. “You need to make money. We all do, and we won’t break the law. That’s all. You’ve got a good bike, a soft spot for us, and a rebellious streak you can’t deny. Stop hiding it. We’ll keep you safe. Always.”

She nodded. Rebel didn’t push for more. They wanted her to commit and move in with them. Until she felt more comfortable, he feared it’d only push her away. Picking up a bottle, he dunked it in the potion. The zombies wouldn’t kill themselves.

Chapter Six


Spending the night felt natural now. However, since the afternoon of hotter play she wanted to make sure they knew it was okay. Why it turned her on, she didn’t know, but it did. Fantasies and dirty books with that sort of thing always found their way into her world, but she’d never trusted any man enough to let it happen or ask for it.

In the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and stripped naked. She could wear something, but there was no point. Inspecting the pink spots, she relished the zing of her pink ass. Already the marks on her breasts were faded to nothing. Her pale skin was so sensitive the slightest scratch showed up. They hadn’t inflicted any real pain, but had woken up her nerve endings in a wonderful way.

Brushing out her hair, she fixed it in a ponytail. A dab of perfume and she stepped out. The guys were all in bed, a brother at either end with their men in the middle. All naked.

Sliding onto Axle’s lap, she scooted further and lay on her side across the men’s laps. Cocks pulsed as she rubbed them teasingly. Rolling onto her stomach, she rubbed her breasts and pussy along their legs as she slid to kiss Rebel’s cock. He wrapped her hair around his hand and gently tugged until she kissed his mouth.

Luke, next to his man, smacked her bottom as he teased her breast with his teeth. When Rebel released her mouth, Luke grabbed her waist and flipped her around. She was in Luke’s lap and his cock pressed between her cheeks. Wiggling her ass, she tormented him so he’d do the same.

It was Sebastian who sucked at her breast, using his teeth to make her gasp. His hand rubbed her pussy and tapped just as she moaned. They kept her on edge. It made her wetter. She felt Luke’s erection pulsing. His hands squeezed her ass, and she refused to react.

“Want more?” he asked.

“Hell yes! It was so much fun before.” She caressed Seb’s balls as she arched back and kissed Luke over her shoulder.

“You don’t have to play at this every time,” Rebel said.

She leaned over and kissed him before slipping from Luke’s grip and straddling Sebastian. Rebel was playing up for Axle, and she’d join in happily. “I know. I want to see what you guys can do for me. Once the zombies are gone, you might not need me around as much.”

Sebastian pulled her close, kissing her neck. Axle leaned in and claimed her mouth. She deepened the kiss and bit his lip until he groaned. Rubbing her pussy along Seb’s cock, she was amazed at his restraint.

Then Luke saved her. He went for her ass, slapping her rump twice. She moaned gratefully and grabbed protection from the nightstand on the other side of Axle. Sliding it onto Sebastian, she took his cock all the way into her cunt. No way were they making her wait any longer.

Luke smacked her ass as she fucked Sebastian. Seb’s hands gripped her breasts tightly, occasionally giving them a gentle smack. The anticipation made her body yearn for more. Luke sped up on her ass, and she felt the heat spread.

“Are you just going to spank my ass or fuck it? Four men can’t handle both?” she taunted.

Axle took one of her breasts gently into his mouth as if to say he refused to play her game. Val let them set the pace, and Rebel finally lubed her ass. He filled her fast and Luke disappeared.

Grabbing the bottle of lube, she squeezed a few drops on Axle’s cock. Rebel groaned as Luke fucked him, and she knew she was in the middle of a kinky group thing. Every time Rebel went back on Luke’s cock, Luke smacked her ass in a different spot.

She gripped Axle’s cock and jerked him hard. “You can play rougher.” He was so soft on her breast it took her attention from the rest of the men until they caught her off guard.

“I don’t need to.” He kissed her mouth.

“I like it. Please.” She kissed Sebastian to prove it was good for her.

He pinched her nipple and she moaned. “So good.”

“Why?” he asked.

She smiled. “It just is. Stand up so I can suck you.”

“No.” He thrust into her hand.

“I want to.” She bit his nipple.

“Damn, you’ll bite my nuts off.” Axle shook his head but stood.

Val sucked Axle and bounced on the two cocks deep inside her. Luke’s hand kept her ass tingling while Sebastian pinched and smacked her breasts.

“Like it?” Sebastian asked.

“So much I can’t even explain it,” she said against the head of Axle’s cock.

Sucking him all the way down, she made herself take it all. When he tried to back away, she held his balls tight. Val went down again and again until he fucked her mouth like he meant it.

Rebel ground to her ass and held as he came. Luke pounded Rebel’s ass as Sebastian lifted into her pussy. A hand, she had no idea whose, pinched her clit and spanked her pussy harder and harder. Her moans and whimpers of pleasure muffled against Axle as he came on her tongue.

Pulling back, she kissed Sebastian as her orgasm took her. Gasping and groaning, she let her hips go wild. Luke never let up on her ass. She’d be pink all over, if not a bit red, by morning. What a way to ride! Sebastian and Rebel worked her breasts as her nails dug into Sebastian’s shoulder. But her other hand still had Axle by the balls. As she caught her breath, she released his sac hoping her nails hadn’t hurt him for real. The intent look in his eye stopped her concern. He’d liked it.

Luke cursed her and came. It took her a second to realize Sebastian had come at the same time she had. She’d never heard him make a sound. She’d been lost in ecstasy.

“If we’re killing zombies tomorrow, we better get some sleep,” Axle said.

“I’ll sleep great after that.” She kissed Rebel over her shoulder. Slowly she lifted off the men and stretched herself out on the bed.

* * *

In the middle of the night, Axle sat in the kitchen staring at the bottles of potion. Tomorrow they’d ride and save the day. He couldn’t let Val leave. He loved her. He always had. If Rebel hadn’t been as smitten, one of them might’ve made a move. She’d wanted out so badly as a teen that she’d have spit in their faces.

Now it was different. Maybe because they were all more mature? She seemed happy sharing four men. The rough stuff made him pause.

“You need sleep too,” she said from the doorway.

He looked over and smiled. She was comfortable naked in their home. At times Val looked like an angel and at others like a sex goddess.

“I can’t sleep. It’s complicated.” He sighed.

She sat on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. “No, it’s not. You don’t have to do things you don’t want to. I still love you and the sex.”

Hearing her say it made it real. “I love you too. All the guys do.”

“I know. I can feel it. I fit in. You love each other so much it’s an unbreakable bond now. Saying it feels odd because it’s there. I won’t mess it up.”

“You’re not. I am. Your parents love each other. Even if they’re kinky like Luke is in bed, your dad would never really hurt your mom.”

“I get what you’re saying. Can we not talk about my parents’ sex life?” She scrunched her freckled nose.

“Sure. Sorry. My mom liked being a biker’s old lady. My stepdad wasn’t a bad guy.” Axle shrugged.

“But?” she asked.

He held her tighter. “Never mind. Pagans always had a goddess. The union of male and female is needed for enlightenment. You’ll be ours.”

“No, go back. What about your stepdad?” She poked him in the chest. “Did he hit your mom?”

Axle nodded. “I tried to get in the way. Best thing that ever happened was getting caught with that other guy. The gang kicked us out. Stepdad wouldn’t leave. Mom wouldn’t leave him.”

“That’s terrible.” She hugged him.

He held her tight. “My aunt took us in. Rebel wanted to go back to Mom a lot. I cut them off cold turkey.”

Val kissed his cheek. “I’d never do that if I had kids. Nothing is more important.”

“Your mom is one of the good ones. She likes being taken care of and the old-fashioned male macho thing, but she’d kill for you.”

“She would. But there’s a difference between abuse and play.” She took his hand and put it on her pink breast. “Pain tolerance is different. Stimulating the nerve endings feels good. The trick is trusting people. Picking the right guys.”

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