Read Warlord Reunited: 3 (Barbarian Claims) Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

Tags: #Erotica

Warlord Reunited: 3 (Barbarian Claims) (3 page)

BOOK: Warlord Reunited: 3 (Barbarian Claims)
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“I understand,” Elle whispered. She wiggled her ass, swishing her skin against the soft bed covering, striving to relieve some of her pent-up passion.

“Be still,” he commanded and she froze, swallowing her protest, her body stretched out naked under his. Berke flicked his leg coverings open and peeled the leather from his hips. His cock sprang loose, his shaft long and thick and hard, a ridge of flesh around his base, his private hair black and curly, his balls as impressively large as the rest of him.

Raw, stark lust dried Elle’s mouth. She darted her tongue out to wet her lips, hungry for a taste of his skin.

Berke’s gaze tracked the movement and he groaned, the sexy sound low and deep in his throat. “Only you do this to me, Ellie.” He wrapped his fingers around his shaft and gave his cock two punishing pumps. A dab of pre-cum formed on his tip, communicating his eagerness to come. “You make me lose control.”

Trapped by his command to remain still, Elle watched helplessly as he pleasured himself, her magnificent male ruthlessly yanking on the big cock she desperately wanted, needed inside her. She’d relived every past encounter with Berke hundreds of times in her dreams, her Warlord having pleased her, filled her as no other male ever could.

He gazed at her coldly, unsympathetically as she dangled on the fine edge of satisfaction, her body shaking harder and harder and harder, her teeth chattering and her nipples aching.

“I can’t last,” Elle finally confessed, ashamed of her weakness.

“You can.” Berke’s voice rang with certainty. “You’ll wait until I’m inside you.” He positioned his broad tip at her entrance and pushed in, stretching her, his girth larger than his fingers, larger than anything she’d ever had inside her.

Elle gritted her teeth, determined to obey him, this male she shouldn’t care for, this ruthless Warlord destined to discard her. As he sank deeper and deeper, her body celebrated his homecoming, melding to his cock, embracing his intimate invasion. She felt every vein on his shaft, every curve of his cock head. Finally her pussy lips skimmed over the ridge and touched his base.

“You’re inside me.” Elle’s vision blurred and tears streaked down her cheeks, the welt on her cheek burning with the salt. “Please,” she whispered, the effort to delay her orgasm draining her, eroding all her pride, all her remaining strength.

“I vowed you could come when I was inside you.” Berke rocked into her, the slide of cock in pussy sensually shallow, and she dug her fingertips into the bed covering, struggling to hold back her fulfillment.

“I keep my vows, Ellie.” He thrust harder and harder, ruthlessly stripping away her remaining control, leaving her with need and desire and want. Elle lifted her hips, meeting him halfway, smacking their bodies together, heat radiating from each point of contact.

“You can come now.” Berke labored over her with his renowned intensity, all of his concentration on her, on them, on this rutting, their connection. “Or you can wait for me.”

“How long?” Elle swallowed a whimper, wanting to please her Warlord, to have him join her. She didn’t want to come alone. If her experiment was successful, a lifetime of solitude stretched out before her. She’d never let another male inside her.

“Three more thrusts,” Berke grunted. “Touch me,
. You’ve earned that right.” He pulled back, his cock head skimming along her inner walls, and Elle clasped his shoulders, holding on to him, savoring the play of muscles under golden skin.

“One.” He slammed into her, shaking her slender form, and she moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, using his strength to supplement hers.

Berke withdrew from her pussy, his gaze holding hers, commanding her obedience. “Two.” He drove even deeper and she pierced his skin with her fingernails, relaying her torment.

“Can’t.” Elle’s voice thinned.

“You can.” He pulled out to his tip and met her gaze, the bond between them as strong as it always was, not dampened by the time they’d spent apart.

“Come for me,
.” Berke lunged forward, burying himself to his base. “Come now.” He nipped her neck, marking her with his sharp teeth, the pain breaking her.

“Berke,” Elle screamed, flinging her body upward, coming with a mind-blasting force, her worlds splitting into a million brightly colored fragments.

Berke drove into her climax, caging her between his hard form and the soft bed, giving her the safety, the security she needed as she shamelessly fell apart, shrieking and bucking, clawing at his back and biting his right shoulder.

The ridge of flesh at the base of Berke’s shaft swelled, stretching her even more, and she tensed, her body remembering, her mind having never forgotten. Elle clutched his shoulders, bracing for the ecstasy only he could give her.

Berke thrust hard, filling her completely, and he roared her name, hard jets of cum spurting from his cock, the stream of hot liquid driving into her with a breathtaking velocity, setting off another orgasm even more intense than the last.

She screamed and screamed, her voice becoming hoarse with passion. Darkness closed on her, swirling faster, expanding to fill her view, sucking her into a black vortex of endless unrelenting bliss.

Berke collapsed on top of her, his body hot and reassuringly heavy, and Elle lost consciousness, dragged unwillingly into the blackness, not knowing how many more moments she’d have with her Warlord.

Chapter Two


My gerel.
Berke petted Ellie’s long, brown hair, unable to stop touching his small human mate, even as she slept. Her adorable snores broke the silence, reassurance she was alive and here with him. She shifted yet again, pressing her supple body against his muscles, her wet pussy enveloping his semi-hard cock, her pert ass sticking in the air, her slight curves made for vigorous rutting.

She has to leave the Chamele system.
Berke pressed his lips together, regretfully accepting that truth. The conflict with Tolui grew more violent and Ellie’s safety was his first concern.
But until she leaves, we’ll take every opportunity we’re given to rut, sexually sating ourselves so we can last during the solar cycles we have to be apart.
He nuzzled his chin into her curls, savoring the womanly scent of her, a part of him, a hidden, secret part, only completed when she was near.

I’ll place her on a safer planet and this time, I’ll ask for her vow not to leave.
Berke gripped Ellie tighter, hugging her to him, needing to physically reassure himself she was safe.

I’ll assign my best Chamele warrior to watch over her.
He touched the scar marring her delicate neck and shuddered, her coldly relayed story filling him with a horror that wouldn’t ever dissipate.

“Your days of taking risks are done, Ellie,” he murmured.

“Life is risk.” She raised her head and met his gaze, her brown eyes blurry with sleep, her face soft, her plush lips upturned. “Which reminds me. We should free your brother. If he’s anything like you, he’ll be very, very angry.”

“My brother?” Berke frowned. Ellie had never met Khan or Murad. He didn’t even trust his beloved siblings with knowledge of her existence. “None of my brothers are on Chamele 1. They reside on their own planets.”

“Hmmm…” Ellie sat up, the sight of her pink tight nipples and firm, small breasts temporarily purging the thoughts from Berke’s brain. “Then who was in the corridor?” Berke’s cock slipped from her pussy, that connection between them missed immediately. “One of your warriors?”

One of my—

Son of a
Berke pushed her away from him and reached for his leg coverings, panic surging through his veins. “I don’t have any warriors positioned in the corridor.” Knowing Ellie was coming, he had cleared the corridors around him, leaving no potential witnesses to their meeting. “What did he look like?”

Ellie gathered her tattered suit in her hands. “He looks like you.” She dropped the strips of fabric, her forehead furrowing. “Except his face is broader and he has more scars.” She brushed her fingers over the bridge of her nose, and Berke’s body temperature plummeted. His greatest enemy had that distinct scar.

“That’s Tolui.” He left his leg coverings unfastened and grabbed his sword, the weight heavy and right in his hands. “Stay here.” Berke ran out of the chambers, his bare feet landing soundlessly on the stone floor.

As Berke moved, he opened his enhanced senses, reverting to hunting mode. He heard the rustle of cloth against soft skin behind him, the drip, drip, drip of melting ice along the rock walls, the whine of the wind on the surface. He flared his nostrils, smelling the musk of Ellie’s pussy clinging to his skin, the recirculated air pushing through the corridors, the crisp coolness of the exterior.

Berke couldn’t detect Tolui and that confused him as Chamele
warriors had the ability to sense each other, even in invisibility mode. He spotted severed restraints writhing on the floor, the currents of energy snapping and sparking. A leather gag curled closer to the exit.

He followed the winding corridor to the crevice. The sensors had been disrupted and the rebel warrior was gone. Berke stifled his roar of frustration. Tolui was slipperier than a wet

Boot heels slapped against stone, the gait light and short. Ellie’s scent intensified and cloth flapped, his mate’s breathing loud in the narrow space. Berke ground his teeth. His foolish female had disobeyed his command and was running heedlessly into possible danger.

She appeared, her cheeks flushed and her wild brown curls streaming out behind her, guns clasped in both her small hands.
At least she’s armed.
Berke glared at her, his frustration and fear and anger spiraling upward.

“How did he get away?” Ellie panted, holstering her guns. She bent over to examine the restraints, and the oversized cold-temperature suit she’d borrowed from his chambers gapped open to reveal her pale breasts. “I calibrated these to hold you.” She kicked one restraint with the toe of her military-styled boot.

“I need a set to restrain you,” Berke grumbled, directing his dark emotions at Ellie, a being he could control…barely. “Tolui has abnormal strength for a Chamele. He could have killed you,

“He didn’t kill me.” She brushed her fingertips over the blemish on her cheek, the mark red and angry, freshly obtained.

Had she obtained it from Tolui?
An ice-cold rage swept over Berke. “Did he

“He touched me.” Ellie rolled her big brown eyes. “As you know, that’s all a male needs to do to hurt me.”

As I know?
Berke stared at her, knowing nothing, her words confusing him, his fury over Tolui touching Ellie not allowing him to think rationally.

“Tolui didn’t know I’d be here and no one other than you, Zeta and Gale know who I am.” Bitterness edged Ellie’s words. “So it’s more likely that he came to kill you.” She frowned, lines appearing between her finely arched eyebrows. “You need better security, Berke.” Her fingers trembled. “If anything happened to you…”

She’s worried about me.
Berke blinked, a warmth spreading across his chest.

“But nothing happened to you because thankfully, I arrived when I did and stopped him.” Ellie paced back and forth, back and forth, his female being a bundle of barely contained energy, her brown hair streaming out behind her and her boot heels ringing on the stone floor. “Is Tolui the same character that blew up Gale’s ship?”

“Yes,” Berke admitted, his failure to protect his people, to protect Ellie irking him.

“And you allowed that?” Ellie raised her eyebrows and he gritted his teeth, not
any of Tolui’s rebel actions. “In your own airspace? No. No. No.” She shook her head. “You have to capture Tolui, Berke. He’s a nuisance.”

“He’s more than a nuisance, he’s the reason we’re at war, and we’ve tried to capture him.” Berke folded his arms and braced his feet apart. “He’s impossible to apprehend.”

“Impossible?” Ellie glanced pointedly at the restraints and Berke’s face heated, his female having accomplished what neither he nor any of his warriors could do. “Maybe it’s impossible for you,” she scoffed, straightening to her full adorable height. “For an experienced bounty hunter such as myself, it is very much possible.”

She grinned at him and Berke inwardly groaned, that cocky expression on Ellie’s beautiful face always preceding some sort of heart-stopping risk.

“You’re not going after Tolui,” he told her bluntly, hoping to sever that fanciful idea before it took root.

“You’re correct. I’m not going after Tolui.” Her grin widened. “We’re going after Tolui, together.” She gazed up at him with that hopeful look in her big brown eyes he could never resist.

I have to resist her, for her safety.
“No.” Berke stepped backward, putting more distance between him and the only female in the galaxy who could convince him to do something he shouldn’t. “You’re running your experiments on me and leaving. That was the agreement.”

Her eyes narrowed. “The agreement was to draw fluids from your brothers also.”

“We’ll discuss your proposal with them.” Berke kept his countenance blank, not committing to more, convincing his brothers to have their fluids taken another impossible request. “And then you’re leaving.”

She tilted her head, studying him, her curls bouncing around her shoulders, the decadently soft tendrils close enough for him to touch. “You want me to run my experiments on you, discuss my proposal with your brothers and then leave?”

Berke hesitated before nodding, all his instincts screaming a warning.

“Hmmm…” Ellie curled her bottom lip, her sexy pout hardening his cock. “I’ll do that.” She nodded curtly, his contrary female’s agreement too readily given for Berke’s comfort.

“I’ll draw your fluids on my ship.” She gathered up the restraints and the gag, her damaged gear reminding him how close she’d been to his enemy.

“You’re leaving Chamele 1 today,
.” Berke scowled, determined that they run her experiments, whatever they were, and discuss Ellie’s proposal with his brothers before sunset.

I can guarantee.” She sauntered toward his chambers, her hips swaying enticingly, her laughter echoing off the rock walls, her happiness mocking Berke’s fears.

Once she leaves Chamele, she’ll be safe.
Berke followed her, wishing he could follow her across the galaxies, leaving the war and his loneliness behind him.
I can’t. My people depend upon me.

He gazed at his
’s straight spine, Ellie also knowing the responsibility of leadership. “I hear your bounty-hunter school is doing well,” he said, proud of her achievements, achievements his planet would benefit from once the war ended.

“Do you hear that?” Ellie snorted. “Is facing eviction doing well?” She kicked a loose stone, the sound ricocheting down the empty corridor.

“Khan transferred credits to the school.” Berke frowned, having anonymously sent his female additional funds.

“The owner of the property we’re currently using wants to develop the land.” Ellie stopped at the doors to his chambers. A scowl darkened her beautiful face, worry lines appearing between her eyebrows. Berke fought the urge to kiss her concerns away. “We’re looking for a new home, perhaps a new planet.” She gazed up at him, hope glimmering in her brown eyes.

Berke thought of the underground space he’d created for her school and stayed silent, the situation on Chamele 1 too unstable for Ellie and her students. He pressed his palm against the control panel and the doors slid open.

“Why am I telling you this?” Ellie’s lips twisted. “You don’t care.” She flounced by him, brushing her shoulder against his chest, leaving a trail of mind-numbing arousal, dissipating the little restraint he had left.

Berke stepped inside the doors, grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, her body fitting perfectly into his. “I care,” he growled, looking into her widening eyes. “Never question that. You’re mine to protect.”

He lowered his head and crushed his lips against hers, capturing her lush flesh, tasting her surprise. She opened her mouth and he surged inside, filling that space, sliding along her tongue, branding hers as his.

Ellie moaned, the muffled sound exciting him, and she flattened her palms against his chest, her fingers spread over his skin. Berke gripped her hips and drew her nearer, grinding her fabric-covered mons against the ridge in his leg coverings, hard for her again, still, forever needing her, his mate, his

The scent of her desire teased his nostrils, her response strong and true and real, her body holding no secrets, no misunderstandings. Berke stroked into her with his tongue, coaxing more musk, more heat, more moaning from his female, his focus on Ellie, on pleasing her, on binding her tighter to him.

A communicator beeped and Berke froze, alarm surging through him.
What am I doing?
He tore his lips from Ellie’s.
The enemy is on my planet, threatening my people and endangering my mate.

Berke stalked to the counter, avoiding his
’s questioning gaze, and he picked up the communicator, noting his number-one warrior’s image on the screen. “Raise the threat level to extreme, Jochi,” he barked into the device. “Tolui accessed the underground.”

He rattled off orders as he watched Ellie circle the chamber. She touched discarded weapons and looked in storage containers.
What is she searching for?
He ended the transmission as quickly as possible and plunked the communicator back on the counter. “Can I help you find something?”

“Do any of your warriors know I’m here?” She answered his question with another question, as evasive as any spy, his mate small yet deadly.

“No.” Berke grunted, the less beings knowing about Ellie, the safer she’d be. He gathered his favorite weapons, taking daggers and guns from counters and storage containers, and he placed them in a large leather pack.

“Why am I not surprised?” Ellie returned to his side, the frown on her beautiful face indicating his answer had displeased her.

My mate’s anger is another cost of this cursed war.
Berke added his sword to the pack, a bone-deep weariness sinking into his shoulders. The weapon, a gift from the father he’d revered, had been wielded too many times defending the planets he and his brothers had inherited.

Ellie thought Tolui was one of my brothers.
Berke drifted his fingertips over the worn hilt, doubt coiling around him. He had noticed the similarities before, keeping those suspicions to himself, not wishing to hurt his mother.
Could Tolui be a half brother, sired before my father and mother had bonded? Could he have a legitimate claim to our empire?

BOOK: Warlord Reunited: 3 (Barbarian Claims)
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