War Torn (5 page)

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Authors: Andria Large

BOOK: War Torn
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Duke nods and claps me on the shoulder. “Good.”

“Do you need any help with making dinner?” Dennis asks.

“Nah, I’m good. Why don’t you guys have a seat and an iced tea or something?” Duke says with a soft smile before turning back toward the stove.

Dennis motions for me to sit while he goes to grab a couple of glasses out of the cabinet. I start toward the table and just pull out a chair when there is a loud crash. Suddenly, I’m back in Iraq, surrounded by explosions. I scream for everyone to get down as I tackle whoever is closest to me. I squeeze my eyes shut just knowing that at any moment I’m most likely going to be hit by a bullet or shrapnel or pieces of a falling building.

I can hear my name being called, but it sounds distant and muffled. Strong hands grab my shoulders and yank me off the guy I’m covering. I land on my ass and then Duke’s face is in mine.

“Tucker!” he shouts firmly before giving my face a sharp smack.

I blink and Iraq fades, revealing Duke’s kitchen. I frown in confusion. What the hell just happened?

“Hey, you with me?” Duke asks, his hazel eyes studying me with concern.

I swallow hard and nod. “Yeah. I think so,” I rasp.

I hear Dennis groan and curse. I glance past Duke to see my boyfriend on the kitchen floor, lying on his side, his hand pressed to the side of his face.

“Dennis?” I croak.

“I’m okay,” he grunts. “Just smacked my face on the floor when you took me down.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper shakily.

Dennis pushes up to a sitting position. I can see that his right cheek is red. “What happened? Flashback?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah. It was like a switch flipped and I was back there,” I say.

Dennis nods in understanding, and I know he does actually understand. He used to get flashbacks, too.

“I guess not being able to hear loud noises before prevented them from happening,” Duke murmurs. He’s still squatting in front of me. “I dropped a pot. That’s what made the noise.”

I run a shaky hand down my face. Damn, that was rough. Duke stands and holds out a hand for me. I take it and let him help me to my feet. I then go and do the same for Dennis. Once he’s standing, I take his chin in my hand and turn his face to the side to look at his cheek.

“You don’t think it’s broken, do you?”

He takes my hand from his chin and kisses my knuckles. “No. It’ll probably be bruised, though.”

I bite my bottom lip and shake my head.

“Come on, sit down.” He uses his hold on my hand to pull me over to the table and pushes me down into a chair. Duke hands me a glass of water, which I accept gratefully. My whole body shakes as the adrenaline starts to wear off. Dennis and Duke sit down with me. Dennis scoots his chair close to mine so that he can rub soothing circles on my back.

“What mission was it?” Duke asks quietly.

“The one when we got stuck in that air raid.” I swallow.

Duke bites out a nasty curse. “Shit, that was a bad one. Pure chaos was what it was.”

I agree. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to try to calm my racing heart.

“It was so fucking real,” I breathe.

“Yeah, they can be,” Dennis murmurs sadly.

I open my eyes and look at Dennis again. His cheek is already starting to bruise. “I’m really sorry,” I say.

“You don’t have to apologize to me. I almost shot Beau in the head during one of mine, so I think you tackling me is fairly mild.” 

"You what?" I blink at him. Is he for real?

"Yeah, it was bad. Luckily, I didn't keep my gun loaded. That was what landed me in the hospital when I met you," he says softly.

I shake my head. "I didn't know."

He gives me a sad smile. "It's really not something I like to rehash."

"I understand."

I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips.

“What the hell? Am I chopped liver?” Duke huffs teasingly.

I smirk and pucker up as I lean toward him for a kiss. He face palms me and shoves me back.

“Get the fuck outta here with that.” He laughs.

Dennis and I laugh, too. Leave it to Duke to ease the tension.



~ Chapter Seven ~


~ Dennis ~


Duke follows us back to our condo in New York the next day. We all agree that he needs to stay with us for a bit to pull him out of his funk. He’s also taking some time off from work to straighten himself out.

“I think I’m going to look for an apartment here in New York,” Duke murmurs later that night while we’re all sitting and watching TV.

I see Tucker’s eyebrows shoot up as he looks over at his best friend. “Really?”

“Yeah. Besides my family, Baltimore is nothing but bad memories for me. I think I need to start over,” he says.

“Well, I know I’d love to have you live closer,” Tucker says and glances at me.

“Why are you looking at me? I don’t want his ass closer,” I tease.

Tucker rolls his eyes and Duke chuckles.

“Nah, it’d be cool to have you live closer,” I amend.

I move to stand so that I can get a drink from the kitchen, but am stopped by a sharp pain shooting up my right leg when I put pressure on it. I grimace and hiss from the pain. Stupid prosthetic. It’s been bugging me more and more lately. I really need to get it adjusted. One side has been rubbing and causing some chafing on the side of my stump.

I push through the pain and get to my feet. I suck in a sharp breath as I take a step. Fuck. I can feel two sets of eyes on me so I glance over at Tucker and Duke, who are sitting next to each other on the couch, both watching me. Duke looks concerned but Tucker actually looks pissed.

“I think it’s time you got a new prosthetic,” he says, his tone hard.

I huff. “Yeah? With what money? My insurance only fully covers the first one I get, if I want another one after that, they only pay half of the cost,” I scoff.

“I’m sure Lizette and Beau will be more than willing to give you the money,” he replies.

“Oh, it’s that’s simple, is it?” I laugh bitterly.

“Yeah, it is that simple. After all you’ve done for Lizette, I’m sure she’d be ecstatic to do something like this for you in return,” Tucker argues.

“No. I will not ask her for money like my parents always did.”

There is no way in hell that I’m asking my sister for money. If I’m going to get a new prosthetic, then I will save up my own damn money for it.

“That is completely different and you know it,” Tucker bites out.

“It’s not going to happen, so just let it go,” I snap.

Duke is looking like a deer caught in headlights as his eyes ping-pong back and forth between us as we argue.

“No, I’m not going to let it go. You’re in pain almost every day because of that shitty prosthetic,” Tucker barks. “I got my hearing fixed for you, the least you can do is ask your sister to help you get a new prosthetic.”

I flinch as if slapped. “Did you really just throw that in my face?”

Tucker throws his hands up. “What do you want from me? I’d like you to get a new prosthetic, just like you had liked for me to get my hearing fixed.”

“Well then I will have to save up the money to get a new one.”


“Drop it, Tucker.”

“You and your fucking pride. Why won’t you let anyone help you when you’re in need?” he continues.

“Because the only person that I can ever depend on is myself!” I shout.

Hurt settles in Tucker’s blue eyes. He stands and walks over to me, getting in my face. “Fuck. You,” he grits out. “Stay in fucking pain then. I don’t give a shit,” he spits out before storming off down the hall where he walks into our bedroom and slams the door.

I make an aggravated noise and shove my hand through my hair. Of course, that came out wrong.

“That was a pretty shitty thing to say, my man,” Duke murmurs.

I send him a glare. “Like I don’t know that?”

“So why did you say it then?”

“I…It just came out wrong.”

“Obviously.” He scoffs.

“I don’t need shit from you, too, Duke,” I snap.

“I don’t see what the big deal is. Your sister and her husband have plenty of money, and I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you out, like Tucker said.”

“Listen, I’m not going to argue with you about this, too. I’m not asking my sister for the money, end of story.”

“You’re a stubborn fucker when you want to be, aren’t you?” Duke muses.

I sigh in irritation and limp my way to the kitchen. “Just shut the fuck up, will ya?”

“Fine, but you better make shit right with your boyfriend. Otherwise, I’ll have to kick your ass.”



~ Tucker ~


I’m so fucking pissed at Dennis right now. I can’t believe that he would just flat out refuse to even consider asking his sister for the money for a new prosthetic. I know Lizette would be honored to help him. He’s her big brother, who pretty much raised her into the woman she is today. Shit, if he isn’t going to ask her for the money, maybe I will.

It kills me to see the constant pain etched into Dennis’ face. I keep quiet about it because this is where it leads. Arguing and saying shit we don’t mean. I know Dennis didn’t mean what he said or the way it came out. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt, though. He knows that I love him and would do anything for him. He can
depend on me.

I pull out my phone. He’s going to be so furious with me, but I don’t care right now. He needs a new prosthetic badly. If he thinks I haven’t noticed that his skin is raw, then he must think I’m blind. I pull up Lizette’s number and hit call. She answers on the second ring.

“Hello?” she answers excitedly.

“Hey, Lizzie.” I smile.

I love Lizette. She’s a beautiful person, inside and out.

“Oh my god, Tucker! It’s so great to be able to actually talk to you on the phone now!”

I laugh. “I know. I agree.”

“So what’s going on?”

“I need to talk to you about Dennis,” I say.

Her breath catches. “Is he okay?” she asks frantically.

Shit! I didn’t even think of how she would take that.

“Damn, I’m sorry, Lizzie, everything’s fine. I just wanted to talk to you about his prosthetic.”

“Oh, thank god,” she breathes. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay. So what about his prosthetic?”

“He’s going to be livid that I’m even talking to you about this, but it needs to be done and he won’t do it.”

“Okay,” she says slowly.

“He needs a new prosthetic. I mean desperately. He’s constantly in pain and the one side of his stump is rubbed raw because the fit is so bad. He hasn’t had it adjusted in forever, which doesn’t help either.”

“And he refuses to ask me for the money, doesn’t he?” She sighs.


“He’s such a stubborn ass sometimes,” she says.

“Yes, he is. We’re actually having an argument about it right now.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to him. See if I can make him take the money for a new one. No promises, though.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And thank you for looking out for him,” she says, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

“You’re welcome.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later, Tuck.”

“Goodnight, Lizzie.”

I hang up. It makes me feel better knowing that at least Lizette is aware of the situation, but I know that as soon as she brings it up to Dennis, he’s going to know that I talked to her. Oh well, he’ll have to get over it.

I pull off my T-shirt and sweats before climbing into bed. It’s only ten pm, but I’m tired from the pain medicine. Plus, who couldn’t use some extra sleep?



~ Dennis ~


I stop in front of our bedroom door debating on whether or not to sleep in my old room. My mind is made for me when I hear a pained cry come from behind the door. Heart pounding, I open the door and step into the dark room. Tucker is lying on his back, his legs thrashing under the sheets. I rush over and crawl onto the bed next to him. As soon as I place my hand on his chest, his eyes flip open and he sucks in a sharp breath.

It takes a moment, but his eyes finally focus on me. “Hey, you okay?” I ask quietly.

Tucker nods. “Bad dream,” he croaks.

I pat his chest a couple of times before I move to make my way off the bed. Tucker grabs my wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“I…uh…I was going to go sleep in the other room,” I mutter, unable to look at him.

“Really? You’re that pissed that you can’t even sleep in the same bed as me?” he asks incredulously.

“It’s not that. I just didn’t know if you wanted me here or not.” I sigh.

“Of course I want you here, Dennis. Just because we argue doesn’t mean that I don’t love you anymore.” He sighs.

“I know that. I just thought that maybe you needed some space after what I said.” I shrug.

“No, I don’t need space. What I need is you in bed with me,” Tucker says.

“Okay,” I reply softly.

I sit on the edge of the bed and take my prosthetic off. I sigh in relief as I set it next to the bed in front of the nightstand. I pull my shirt off and toss it on the floor. As I wiggle out of my pants, I feel the bed move behind me. Tucker’s hands slide over my shoulders and down my chest as he leans down to kiss the side of my neck. I sigh and lean back against him.

“I’m sorry. I hate arguing with you,” I say quietly.

“I just wish you would consider talking to your sister,” he murmurs, his lips brushing my neck.

“I don’t want her to think I’m like my parents. And it’s not a small sum of money I’d be asking for.”

Tucker’s fingers flex on my pecs. “You are nothing like your parents. She knows that. And Beau is loaded, what’s a few thousand dollars to help out his brother-in-law?” he whispers against my neck before leaving a trail of hot kisses to my shoulder.

“Are you trying to seduce me into agreeing to talk to Lizette?” I smirk.

I can feel him smile against my shoulder. “Maybe.”

I shake my head. “I just can’t do it.” I sigh. “I’ll save up the money myself.”

“Want me to talk to her?” he asks. Something in his tone bothers me.

“No, I do not,” I state firmly.

Tucker sighs and drops his forehead to my shoulder. “Too late,” he says softly.

My whole body tenses at his words. I really hope I heard him wrong. I pull away from him and turn to face him. His expression is hard and unwavering. He totally went behind my back and spoke to Lizette about my leg.

“You fucking bastard! You already talked to Lizette about this?!” I shout at him.

The rage rolling through me has me clenching my hands into fists. For the first time ever, I want to punch Tucker in his face.

“It needed to be done, Dennis. You have wounds on your leg that aren’t healing because there is no relief from the rubbing. You’re lucky you haven’t gotten an infection yet,” he says calmly despite the anger I see his in eyes.

“How dare you! How dare you go behind my back and talk to my sister about this!” I yell furiously.

“Maybe if you would just think about this for a moment and realize that this is something that you need, you wouldn’t be so angry.”

“Maybe if you wouldn’t have gone behind my back, I might have thought about it! You fucking betrayed my trust, Tucker!”

I hastily pull my pants back on and put my prosthetic back on and shove to my feet. I swipe my shirt off the floor then start for the door.

“Stop being such an asshole, Dennis. Come back here and talk to me like an adult,” Tucker snaps.

“Fuck you. I’m not fucking talking to you right now,” I growl and walk out the door, slamming it closed behind me.

That dick! I can’t believe he did this to me! Now Lizette is going to be up my ass about taking the money for a new leg. Goddammit! I storm into the living room where Duke is still awake. He’s lying on the couch, propped up at one end, writing in a notebook. He looks up at me and frowns.

“Are you two arguing
?” he asks.

“Your fucking friend went behind my back and talked to my sister about my leg!” I bark as I pull my shirt over my head. I grab my coat off the hook and shrug into it.

Duke sighs. “Man, where are you going? It’s one o’clock in the morning.”

“I’m going to drive around for a while. I can’t be in the same space with him right now.”

With that, I grab my keys and walk out the door.



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