Wanted: A Bad Boy Romance (7 page)

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“I-I’m a criminology major,” she
stammers. “My life’s mission is to help rehabilitate the prison population.
Reform them. Help them acclimate to the real world after a long stretch on the
inside. There’s a real problem with institutionalism in this country. It’s an
epidemic, Titan, and if there’s anything I can do to help anyone, I’m going to
do it.”

“Aw, isn’t that fucking cute?” I
laugh. “Look at you. Going out into the world and making a difference. Let me
guess, you spend your Thanksgivings at soup kitchens too?”

Her bottom lip trembles. A carnal
stirring inside me wants to bite it, kiss it, and crush it all at once. My gaze
falls to Jordana’s heaving chest. The top of her cleavage offers an invitation
that forces my fists to clench.

“Do I scare you?” I ask.

“No.” She’s lying through her
teeth. “You fascinate me.”

No one’s ever called me
before. Nothing about me could
possibly be fascinating.

I smirk. “Why’s that?”

Her head sways from side to side,
slow and unsure. “I don’t know.”

“Sure you do.”

Her eyelids flutter as her tongue
rakes across her lips. With tightened shoulders, she says, “I want to figure
you out.”

“Not much about me to figure out,”
I say. “Everything I am, everything I’ve become, you’re looking right at him.
I’m a simple man with simple needs.”

“W-what kind of needs?”

My lips spread into a mischievous
grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

I step into her space, claiming
it as mine, testing her and waiting for a reaction that tells me she’s
entertaining the same dirty thoughts I am.

“You know damn well where this
conversation is headed,” I say. “You can stand there, looking all coy and I can
stand here pretending like I haven’t noticed how your hard nipples are poking
clear through your shirt.”

Her hands cover her breasts.

“Or we can get this show on the
road,” I say. “Five years, Jordana.
Five long fucking years.
Do you have any idea what that does to a man? I’m right there.
On the edge.
You are too. I could kiss you so fucking hard
right now, and I could promise you you won’t want it to end there.”

Her mouth presses in a hard line,
and her shoulders slump as if her body’s giving up without a fight.

“So tell me, Jordana, what makes
you so curious about me?” I swallow the tension in my throat, feeling my cock
harden. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the pleasure of a tight pussy
clenching around my hardness. Her scent, her full lips, her thick curves, and
her pillowed cleavage are all conspiring against me to lose my better judgment.
“Are you curious about me? Curious about what it would feel to get fucked by
the one person you have no business fucking?”

She gasps, stepping back until
her back is flat against the wall. The widening of her dark eyes tells me I’ve
hit the nail on the head.

“It’s okay,” I say. “I get it.
I’m forbidden fruit. But you’re the low-hanging fruit, princess. I could snatch
you right
make you mine right here on the floor of
my father’s house. The same hall our parents walk every damn day.”

“What are you trying to do?” Her
face scrunches. “Why are you doing this?”

“To warn you.” I shrug. “Stay
away from me.”

She laughs.

“You think I’m joking?” I ask.

“I think you’re overestimating
yourself,” she says, suddenly wearing
half-smirk. “I can handle myself around you.”

“Can you, Jordana?” I wet my
lips. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me. The way your
breath catches every time I say something to you. The way your hands get all
fidgety when I look your way. You’re attracted to me. You’d fuck the shit out
of me if I’d let you.”

“You’re just horny. You don’t
know what you’re saying.” She tries to wave me off.

the last time you got laid?” My hands hook on my hips, just above my “V.”

Her eyes fall to the thin white
towel separating my throbbing cock from plain sight. It’s all I can do not to
grow massively huge right here, in front of her.

“That’s a personal question. I
hardly know you.” Her
shoulder jerk
away before she
pushes past me and heads to her room.

I follow.

“It’s a relevant question,” I
say. “You’re horny as fuck, Jordana. I can see it.”

She tosses a hand in the air and
steps over the threshold to my old bedroom. I hardly recognize it anymore. My
posters. My furniture. It’s all gone. Same blue paint on the walls but that’s

Just as well though.

I’m not the same man.

I’m not the Titan Blackstone who
used to sleep in this room. That guy had hopes and dreams and a future ahead of
him. But he’s dead and gone now. Only difference between the whereabouts of his
soul and the whereabouts of his mom and sister is that he’s trapped in a living

“What are you doing?” She spills
around to face me.

“Do you want to fuck me, Jordana?”
I ask. No more games. No more bullshit.


I clear my throat. “Yes or no.”

Her gaze leaves mine, dragging
over my carved chest and falling to the bulge beneath the towel.

“I-I haven’t been with anyone in
a while,” she says. “And I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”

She buries her head in her hands
and sinks into the foot of her bed.

“No,” she says, laughing. “No,
this is a bad idea. I can’t believe you had me entertaining this for a minute.
We can’t.”

just sex. It doesn’t have to mean anything,” I say. “I’m moving out as soon as
I get my first check. You won’t ever see me again.”

“I’ll see you at Christmas and

The fact that she’s still
entertaining this idea makes my cock grow.

“No you won’t,” I say. “Once I’m
gone, I’m never coming back.”

Her jaw falls.

“Fuck me, Jordana.” My voice is a
low growl, deep in my chest. Our eyes lock, and I’m seconds from pouncing on
her unless she tells me to get the fuck out of her room. “You want to. I can
see it your eyes.”

She glances to the floor.

“I want to taste you.” I step
toward her. “Feel you from the inside…”

Jordana swallows, raking her
shaking hand along her comforter.

“You’re a good girl,” I say. “You
do everything right. You went to school. You probably get good grades. I doubt
you’ve smoked as much as a cigarette in your life.”

Our eyes meet again. I have her

“You deserve to be bad, even if
it’s just once.” My words are the final shove she needs, pushing her over the
edge we’d been standing at since the moment we first met. “Can’t promise I’ll
be gentle. But I promise it’ll leave you just as satisfied as it’ll leave me.”

Her lips fall, like she’s halfway
between protesting and giving in.

“So what’ll it be?” I take
another step toward her. “What’s your answer?”

“This is wrong.”


He’s gone.

I expected him to keep pushing
and pushing, and maybe part of me wanted him to. Instead, I gave him a
non-committal answer. He wanted to fuck me, and I told him it was wrong.

Just like that, he turned on his
heel and left my room.

My fingers pulse, missing the way
his skin might’ve felt beneath them. My thighs squeeze together, staving off
the burning ache that ignited when I first saw him in his towel in the hall.

Everything about Titan is wrong
for me.

He’s the son of my mother’s
boyfriend, and I can only imagine the things she would say…

And he’s “on paper”. A parolee.
Getting involved with him would cost me my internship and future job

I can’t throw away my future over
the possibility of some good sex.

I need a cold shower.

I need an icy drink of water.

I need some fresh air.

I bolt out of my room, passing
the hall bathroom where Titan stands there, flossing his teeth like he wasn’t
previously two seconds from fucking me.

“Going somewhere?” he asks when I
rush past.

Gripping the bannister at the top
of the stairs, I pause. Not sure why. He doesn’t need to know where I’m going,
and engaging in this conversation is asking for trouble.

My knees weaken. I’m wound up.
Craving a release. Sure would be nice to have a fuck buddy like most of my
friends. They were all busy finding guys to hook up with on the regular while I
kept my nose buried in a book the last four years.

“Going for a walk,” I call out.

“It’s dark.” He emerges from the
bathroom. “There are no sidewalks on our streets. Very few street lights.”

Yeah, and I’d probably still be
safer out there than in here.

“Then I’ll go on a drive.” My
sweaty palm slides down the railing as I take my first step. It’s a step in the
right direction: away from Titan.

Away from

me not into temptation
, I say a silent prayer.

His hands hook his hips and he
leans back, drinking me in from where he stands. I’m sure he’s amused, and even
if I don’t look it, I’m impressed with the amount of self-control he has.

Five years without sex had to
have left him horny as hell, and I’m standing here, ripe for the picking.

I pull in a deep breath and take
another step before remembering my keys, phone, and purse are back in my room.
I’ll have to walk by him again.

“What’s the matter?” he asks.

I don’t answer. Instead, I climb
back up the stairs and trek back to my room, eyes averted.

“This is adorable,” he laughs,
standing in my doorway as I ransack my room for my things. I’m never this
disorganized, but I
can’t hardly
think straight when I
feel the weight of his dirty gaze on my curves. “You’re trying so hard to get
out of here. All along I thought you didn’t trust me. Shit, Jordana. You don’t
trust yourself.”

I say nothing, swiping my keys
from under a pillow on the floor. My eyes scan around the room, until I see my
phone resting on top of my vanity.

“You’re afraid of fucking me,” he
says. “You’re afraid you’ll
fucking me.”

Refusing to reply, I grab my
purse and shove everything inside.

“There’s only
to find out if you’ll like it or not,” he says.

My sex throbs, aching to be
filled and pounded until it hurts in the best of ways. My body is floating,
disconnected from logic and reality. The thought of being weighed down by a
muscled, tatted felon ignites a burn so fierce I can’t ignore it any longer.

Running my tongue across my lips,
I drop my purse. “You want me, Titan?”

His eyebrows lift, and he comes
toward me: a silent yes of sorts.

I drag a clean breath across my
lips and reach for the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head. My fingers
glide around to my back, unsnapping my bra and letting it fall to the floor.

His blue eyes are wide as saucers
as he reaches his hand behind him to slam my bedroom door.

This is happening.

Oh, God.

This is really happening.

I can’t breathe. I can’t feel my
face. My
on fire, the heat radiating from my
core and spreading through my veins.

I work the buttons of my jeans
and slide them off. I expected him to pounce on me, take the reins, but he’s
standing there, admiring the little strip show I’m inadvertently performing.

He’s appreciating this moment,
and he should. He’s waited years for this.

“Are you going to just stand there?”
I ask, eyeing his towel with the noticeable bulge growing behind it.

With one fluid swing of his arm,
he yanks it off and lets it fall.

He’s huge.

And hard.

For me…

Stepping toward me, his brawny
hands hook my hips before sliding down my ass. He squeezes a handful of my
flesh until it almost hurts, and then he pulls me against him. Nothing is
separating us besides my lace panties, and I blush when I realize how soaked
they are.

I’m gulping air and still finding
it hard to breathe. I’m drowning in the deliciousness of the danger ahead.

Titan is a hardened criminal.
Being with him is risky. Wrong.

But my body is steering the ship
now. The rest of me
been cast ashore.

His fingertips trail up the small
of my back, leaving a path of goose bumps as he curves his hands just under my
arms. The
side of his thumbs graze
my bare breasts,
causing me to gasp as my nipples ache and harden.

Titan’s cock is a full attention,
pressed against the fabric of my wet panties, and his hand lifts to my face,
tilting my chin up until our lips are centimeters apart.

“You sure you want this?” he

I lick my lips and nod, barely
capable of offering a solid yes because my voice is trapped somewhere behind
the anxious lump in my throat.

“I’m telling you,” he says, “once
I start, I’m not stopping. It’ll be physically impossible.”

My heart hammers inside my chest,
and my ears flush with heat beneath a blanket of dark hair.

Titan’s free hand drags down the
front of my belly until he reaches the waist of my panties, inches from my
swollen clit. Slipping a finger between my flesh and the lace fabric, he finds
my seam and slides a curled finger inside me.

“Fuck, Jordana,” he groans, his
lips still seconds from teasing mine. “You’re soaked. You really want this,
don’t you?”

He presses his cock against my
bare thigh, and I nod, biting my lips and squeezing my eyes. I can’t speak. I
can only exist. I’m a physical body made weak with desire.

Before I have a chance to process
the intense urges flooding my body, he’s ripped my panties in two. Titan lifts
me onto the bed, making me weightless in his arms for the brief moment before
he drops me like a cavewoman.

“I never said this was going to
be romantic,” he smirks. “You want romance? You got the wrong guy.”

I’m fine with that. I don’t want
to be romanced by the son of my mother’s boyfriend anyway.

“Stop talking,” I moan, my words
breathy and void of self-control.

He crawls over me, dwarfing me
under his chiseled physique, and our eyes meet. I melt into the pillow behind
my head as his hand trails down my center once more. My weakened knees fall
apart the second he lowers his mouth to my clit and tongues my aching pussy.

My hand flies behind me, grabbing
the feather pillow as hard as I can as he laps my arousal. He devours me like I’m
his last meal, like my arousal is the best thing he’s ever tasted, and he can’t
get enough. Like he’s starving.

His tongue presses inside me
before snaking between my folds and circling my clit. Sucking my swollen nub,
an electric current threatens to take me down, but I’m not ready. I don’t want
this to end before it’s even begun.

Titan’s mouth is hot, his tongue
magical. His hands slide up my sides as he consumes me, grabbing my breasts and
pinning me down as I writhe beneath his command.

Moans slip past my lips. Our
parents went out for dinner, and I’m not sure when they’ll be back. They’ve
been gone a couple hours though. I can practically see the sands slipping
through the hourglass. They’ll be home any minute.

Titan sits up, taking his
monstrous cock his hand and pulling me to an upright position. Without saying a
word, I take him in my mouth. He fills everything I have, and it’s still not
enough to contain him.

A bead of pre-cum hits the back
of my throat, sending a pulse to my core at the thought of him blowing his load
inside me.

“There you go, suck that cock,”
he whispers, his hands tangled in my hair.

Right now I’m his dirty girl, his
good girl turned bad.

Only in this
room, in this moment, and just this once.

My lips slide the length of him
as my tongue swirls his warm flesh, and just when I think I could do this all
night, he pulls himself from my mouth. I swallow his flavor and wait for his
next order. The wicked glint in his eyes makes my heart stop in the most
delicious of ways.

His words echo in my mind. Once
we start, he won’t be able to stop.

Titan moves toward my headboard,
sitting upright with his hand gripping the base of his cock. His eyes are a
silent invitation I can’t refuse.

I glance around the room.

“What?” he asks.

“Do you have a condom?”

His head angles, and his brows
meet. “Do I look like I have a fucking condom right now?”

“I’m on the pill but…”

“I’ve never fucked a girl
bareback before,” he says. “You’d be my first.”

I know he’s clean. I saw it in
his medical records in the NCIC system. He had a full examination as well as
blood work done just before discharging. He’s clean as a whistle.

His cock is still rock hard,
waiting, and my sex is already in a painful state of desperation.

Without saying another word, I
climb into his lap, straddling him. With his hand still gripping his erection,
I impale myself with him, sliding down slowly, inch by inch. He stretches me as
far as I’ll go, and fills me deeper than I ever knew possible.

I feel him all.

Hot. Hard.

Bare flesh
against bare flesh.

My cheek falls against his stone
hard shoulder as I sigh for a second. His hands grip my hips, prompting me to
move. Lifting myself up and down, I ride Titan’s throbbing cock. Slow at first,
working into it, and then aided by the renewed flood of arousal that arrives a
moment later.

I find my rhythm, and he takes my
breasts, squeezing them between his hands. The harder he squeezes, the harder I
Each impalement
is more eager than the one
before. When he releases me from his grip, he lets himself slip out of me.

“Lay down,” he says.

I follow his command and
situation myself beneath him. Grabbing my ankles, he lifts them to his
shoulders before slicking his finger between my seams. With his cock positioned
at my entrance, he plunges himself deep inside me.

His thrusts are quick, needy,

Our skin slaps with each thrust,
amplified by the quiet room and complemented with our breathless moans.

For a moment, we’re not Titan and
Jordana. We’re two bodies filled with urges neither of us could ignore a second

His cock fills me, the warm
friction lighting my nerve-endings and forcing my body to come alive. Titan’s
thrusts are hard, animalistic. Pain mixes with pleasure and dissolves into the
hint of the sweet release to come.

I reach for him, gripping his
rippled biceps until my nails are dug deep into his smooth skin. Can’t remember
the last time a man could command my body with his sheer presence.

Titan grunts, pushing
deeper inside and letting my legs fall to his sides.
With his weight pressing me into the mattress, he fucks me with slow, deep
thrusts, feeling all of me against all of him and burying his face between my
swelling breasts. Taking a pert nipple between his teeth, he swirls the hard
bud with his tongue before slipping it into his warm mouth.

For a second, our eyes meet. It
happens so quickly I have to wonder if it was my imagination. This isn’t
, lovey-dovey sex. This is a fuck-me-hard and
forget-it-happened-afterwards sex.

My ankles hook around him,
pushing him into me with each thrust. The friction builds until it reaches an
intensity I can’t fight any longer. Arching my back, I let the moment take me
over, my body writhing and pressing against his as I reach a peak I’d never
experienced before.

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