Walking in the Shadows (36 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Giovanni

BOOK: Walking in the Shadows
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“So everyone knows I’
m Abbi Martin?”

ng back to school might be tough
” Tad observed with a deep breath


ll be a lot of people with a lot of
the media frenzy is ridiculous. It should calm after the
l, which you will have to
testify in,
” Todd
if I was willing to put myself under the microscope. I assumed I had no choice.

“Great,” I whispered
closing my eyes again.

“It won’t be too bad. She has
no way out of this one and Lily
is being tried as an adult

Todd reassured me
and I opened my eyes to see him with a calm smile.

t’s still going to suck,” I reiterated

“I’ll be there too,
” Tad added

“I hate that I dragged my teacher
into this,

I commented as I watched
the detective carefully.

“You would be dead if I wasn’t involved
” Tad explained
“Any teacher with my knowledge would have done the same thing.”

“Okay, so now what?” I asked
trying not to smile at Tad’s sarcasm.

Chapter 51


I was getting used to being traded off between visitors, and I was surprised that three days after waking up I still hadn’t see Jaz. I wondered if it was her knowledge of Tad and I that kept her away. That thought suddenly tossed me out of my sleep in panic—would she tell?
When I opened my eyes I
was surprised to
sitting by my side
. She had her hand over
mine and she squeezed it
when she saw
my eyes
The girl had impeccable timing and despite my dream I still
leaned up and wrapped my arms around her.

“It’s nice to see you,
” I whispered into her hair.

’s nice
to see you too,” s
he replied
with a sniffle.

I pulled away
“I’m okay
why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry I don’t
mean to—I’
m just so happy you’
re okay

nd I’
m glad you want to see me,

he said
looking down at her hands and picking at her fake nails.

“Why wouldn’t I
? You’re my best friend!” I asked, shaking my head at her.

never actually said that before,

replied with a slight smile.

“Well, you are.”

And I meant it.

“Mr. Knightley saved you?”
probed as a full smile came over her face.


Jaz reiterated to me that the news was saying what Todd had explained to me earlier in the week. Her eyes went wide as she said, “
I wouldn’t have tho
ught Knightley would have a gun

I could tell she wanted to know the truth of what had happened.

“Jennings tried to kill me with
. Did you think I

d have a gun
I asked.


d have tho
if I had known the whole story
. I guess it makes sense
he had a gun because
he knew he would have
to protect you sooner or later,

Jaz observed.

“It s
eems it
somehow turned into a Romeo and Juliet story anyways
didn’t it? Even tho
ugh you warned me to be careful,

I commented with a laugh.

“No, I think it’s better than Romeo and Juliet
because neither of you are dead even
though you both
would have died for each other

her head in her hand as if to swoon.

you never suspected?”

“No, not really
but everything came together when you
almost tackled that policem

he replied
and her eyes widened in mock shock.

“I wasn’
t going to tackle him,

I retorted as I crossed my arms.
I was going to maul him.

“You were about to do something stupid…it

s bett
er this way—no one knows but me

he looked
proud to hold such a secret, and my worry washed away as I took in her thrilled face.


“So…how long have you known Knightley?”
Jaz asked
leaning forward.

“Since two or three month
s before school started,
” I explained
“I didn’t realize he was going to be one of my teachers though.”

“That first day in class when he looked so angry—he was angry at you!”

that poem was about him
wasn’t it?”

Yes and
yes. It was the hardest school year ever
, is the hardest school year ever

leaning back and looking at the ceiling as I remembered it wasn’t over yet.

“How did you bare it?
Me saying all those
things about your boyfriend! I’
m so embarrassed!”
gushed as her face turned apple

“Eh, I knew they were true and at ti
mes you were thoroughly amusing,

I responded
looking at her squirm with a smile.

“Thanks…goodness…the reading to me in bed comment! Ahh!”
he threw her hands up and smacked her forehead.

“That one was great.
I loved it!”

“Does he read to you in bed?”
a twinkle in her eye.

I smacked her arm
“That’s for me to know and you to never find out!”

“Speaking of the devil!”
“Hi, Mr. Knightley.”

how are you?”

“Good, just visiting with
—I mean Abbi…what should we
call you
he said
and Tad moved uneasily on the heels of his feet.

“Abbi is fine…I’ll probably
respond to
both for a while,

I replied as the awkward tension built in the air.

“Anyways, I’ll l
eave you two alone,

as she gave
me a quick hug
“I’ll text you later

“The police confiscated my pho
ne for evidence,
” I explained with a sigh

“I’m sure she’
ll have a new number soon t
hat she can give you,
” Tad interjected
nodding over his shoulder.

“I’m sure she will. Nice to see you Mr. Knightley, will you be teaching tomorrow?”
Jaz asked

course, see you then,
” Tad replied
left smirking over her shoulder.

“Does she know?”
Tad asked as he watched her back fade down the hall.

“She kind of figured it out.
I apparently almost tackled the police
trying to arrest you. She said something like ‘your story doesn’t have to be Romeo and Juliet’


I explained with a roll of my shoulders.

He sat down and leaned back in the chair before s
“She won’t tell
will she?”

“Of course not…she’s just really embarrassed about some of the things she sa
id about you to me,

I reassured him as I reached over and took his hand.

“Ha, they were embarrassing without
them being about your boyfriend,

e commented
leaning over and kissing me
missed you.”

“Did the doctor say when they’
re goin
g to let me out of here?” I asked
, anxious to be able to be really alone with him.

“Two more days—
a person flat lines it
usually warrant
some monitoring,
” Tad remarked
reaching in his
pocket and handing me
“Here’s your new phone.”

?” I asked
taking it out of his hand
“The plans for these are expensive.”

“I get a discount on my plan as a part
of my teaching perks,
” Tad explained

ou a
dded me to your plan?
Thank you.”

“Of course,
no point in k
eeping your own plan anyways.
fixed up your apartment like new for when you get out of

Tad explained as he carefully watched my face.

I sputtered in response.

“What’s wrong? You

le, Abbi—are you okay?” Tad asked
as he leaned forward
putting his hand on my cheek.

“I can’t go back in there

never again. I don’t want to…please don’t m
ake me go back there ever again,

I gasped
thought of when I last walked through that door haunted
all I wanted to do was forget it. It was bad enough I would have to relive it once more to send Jennings to jail, but to go back into
the apartment again—I couldn’t.

“I wo
uld love you to move in with me,” Tad suggested.

“But that’s not plausible right now. I’ll talk to
when she comes in later tonight. I’m sure they won’t mind me living there until I find a new place o
r I graduate,

I responded with a sigh.

“Are you sure? I know how much you like living on your own.”

“Well,” I began
pulling on his tie
“I’m sure I’ll still be spending plenty of time at your place once the media leaves me alone.”

“Yeah, abou
t the media…I’m sure
re going to be waiting rig
ht outside the main entrance when you leave

Tad explained
and his jaw clenched with the thought.

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