Walker's Run (24 page)

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Authors: Mel Favreaux

BOOK: Walker's Run
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“Mom, what’s the matter?” His voice was softer, gentler.

“I’ve had dreams here lately—and they’ve not been very good,” she said dabbing at her eyes. “I am scared for you and Elan.”

“Mom, everything will be fine.” His voice was reassuring, but Casey saw the twitch of his cheek which made the statement a hope.

Aquene shook her head and wiped her nose with a tissue that miraculously appeared from the cuff of her sweater. “No, it's not son. It will be soon, but not without some sorrow.”

Casey felt the anger and something else ripple off of Braedyn. Amber swayed a moment affected by it as well. The air was thick and she felt her wolf stand. Peace flowed through her and she reached out and touched his arm. Immediately, the thickness in the room cleared. Braedyn’s eyes simmered from gold to pale grey. Amber stumbled a few steps away and leaned against the wall.

When their gazes connected Casey saw surprise in her friend’s eyes.

Aquene gasped when she turned to look at Casey, seeing the jewelry. “I knew it! I knew it was you,

Turning, Casey gave Aquene a small smile, trying to hide the fear and tension beneath the surface. Though she’d managed to calm the Alpha, her own nerves were on edge.

“Yes, everything will be all right Aquene. You’ll see.” That statement seemed to relax Aquene more than her son had been able to.

“Braedyn would you help me to the guest room?”

Nodding, he released himself from Casey’s easing touch, scooped his mother into his arms, and strode down the hallway.

Once they were out of sight, Casey turned to Amber. “Tell me...” She was unable to finish the sentence. Placing a hand against her chest, she fought the emotions that threatened to come forth.

Amber let out a deep breath and shook her head. “I can’t give you what you’re looking for,” she said. “Trust me, I’m just as nervous as you.”

“I...” Casey paused to blink back the tears that suddenly sprang to her eyes. “I can’t lose him so soon. Not after I just found him. I just found the part of me that’s been missing my entire life.”

“If at all possible, I will not allow anything to happen to him. I may not be a wolf member of this pack, but I do consider Braedyn, my Alpha. I feel for him as I should my leader, I will
protecting him, Aquene, you, and the rest of this pack. I care a great deal about this family. The family I was born into...” Her hand went to her side where the scars were. “They sold their own children for sex. I was scared I would turn into one of them. Braedyn and Aquene have shown me
choose who and what I become. I choose
, to do all I can to keep those who’ve shown me the way, from danger.”

Nodding, Casey tried to get a handle on her emotions.

Braedyn walked from the hall and stuffed his hands into his pockets, stopping next to Casey. “I’m worried about her.”

“Me too,” Amber said. “She's made some comments here lately. There’s her fear of Alzheimer's. But you know how she is about doctors since she’s a Homeopath.”

“It’s her biggest fear since her mother passed from it and modern medicine failed her.” Braedyn rolled his big shoulders against the visible tension growing there. “I know Harlan. He’ll go after those I love most.” His gaze met Casey’s, and then turned to Amber’s. “Casey and Mom.”

Amber cleared her throat and raised her chin. “I’ve made my oath. No one will lay a hand on them so long as I can help it.”

He gave a quick nod, but the fear was still in his eyes when he turned to Casey. “It’s time for me to find Elan.”

“You’re leaving?” Casey’s voice trembled with the question.

“There are others far less likely to get the level of protection you will here. I can’t chance you being in the middle of this.” He took her hands in his and held them to his chest. “I can’t lose you so soon,” he whispered.

Casey moved into his arms, pressing herself to his chest.

“I love you,” he whispered.

* * * *

Braedyn closed his eyes, taking in Casey’s scent, committing it to memory. His mouth rested against her neck, her pulse pounding against his lips. He held her close, almost crushing her, his heart breaking at the thought of leaving her.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too.” Her arms tightened around his shoulders.

Pulling back, he kissed her. Tears threatened to come to his eyes. “I’ll be back. I promise,” he said, a gruffness in his voice almost betraying his stoic façade.

 Reluctant to let her go, Braedyn knew it was necessary to make sure those who weren't able to take care of themselves were protected within the community. He didn't trust his brother fully to make the decisions that needed to be made. As the Alpha, he had to make sure for himself. These people had promised him their faith and support in return for protection, and he intended to follow through.

He turned to Amber and held out his hand. “Don't let anyone in here. And if they force their way in—”

“I won’t let them, but I can’t guarantee what the place will look like
they make it in,” she growled gripping his hand.

He felt the grim smile come to his lips and gave her hand one final squeeze. “You be careful, too. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Unable to resist one last look at his love, Braedyn walked out to his truck. He prayed it wouldn’t be the last time. Casey’s struggle to keep her emotions in check tugged at his heart. She put her brave face on to allay his guilt, but he could smell her fear. Casey was terrified.

He gripped the wheel tight and braked the old truck, parking next to Elan’s. Activity was a blur while men and women moved about collecting weaponry and discussing strategy.

“Braedyn.” Elan approached with his hand extended. “We’re nearly ready. There are a few more homes to check, but I pretty much have everyone covered who is in need of protection.”

“Good.” The muscle in his jaw twitched. Braedyn’s eyes wandered over the field at the warriors. He wished Casey was at her full potential. The power of the Silver Wolf could simply quash this before it began. If only Harlan could have waited longer to form this coupe.

“Mother taken care of?” Elan asked, surveying the crowd next to him.

He gave a brisk nod. “Amber is with her.”

“And Casey?”

“She’s there as well. They are well protected.”

“Amber is just one against him. You know if they break past us they will go straight for your cabin. Harlan knows you would keep Mom close and Casey even closer.”

Braedyn felt the shift, the Alpha came to the surface again. He watched Elan step back and lower his eyes. “You underestimate Amber, Little brother. She’s made her oath to me and to this pack, and she’s one vicious Tigress when pressed. You’ve seen it with your own eyes. If I ever felt I would have the need for another assassin, it would be her; you know that.”

The muscles in Elan’s face twitched, his jaw clenched. Braedyn could see the pain when what he said sank in.

“You know without a doubt, she would give her life to protect me and those in her charge. That is why I assigned her the position.”

“I know.” Elan let out a deep breath. “You chose well with her, Brother.”

He nodded and dropped the tailgate on Elan’s truck and climbed onto it. Shouting, drawing the attention of his warriors, Braedyn began detailing the battle plan.



Chapter Twenty-One


Casey swallowed, watching Braedyn’s SUV pull out of the driveway. Closing the door, she slumped against it. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She slid to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Amber placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Come over to the fire, and I’ll bring you another cup of coffee.”

Nodding, she allowed Amber to help her up. Casey shuffled over to the rocking chair Aquene had recently vacated, blotting her eyes. She stared into the flames for a few moments until her friend came back with a mug of coffee.

Hunkering down, Amber poked the coals around in the fireplace for a bit. Casey rose and paced over to the window; then back, watching the Tigress toy around with the flames.

Dark was coming soon and with it…

Amber stood and placed the poker in the stand. “I’m going to check on Aquene.”

Figuring she had way too much caffeine in her system, Casey headed back to the kitchen, put her mug in the sink, and rinsed it out. She heard Amber’s soft footfalls coming into the kitchen behind her.

“I think I’ve had enough caffeine to last me a week,” Casey said drying her hands and turning to lean against the counter.

Amber gave a small laugh. “Yeah, I know how you feel.” She ran a hand down her face and leaned against the island. “Aquene’s sleeping.”

“She scares you, doesn’t she?” Casey watched her friend mull that question over a moment, worrying her lower lip with her teeth.

“Aquene’s the mother I never had. I barely remember my own mother, and the memories I have before her death aren’t good ones. Aquene has taught me so many things, I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

Casey nodded and crossed her arms. “My mother was a frigid bitch. She left us when I was seven. Never turned back, never called. Nothing. She is the very reason I don't have many women as friends, mark yourself my only one, aside from my assistant, Dori. My father and my brother were my whole world before Braedyn. I didn’t feel I could love someone enough. I was afraid of becoming
.” She hugged herself and rubbed her arms. “It took me seeing him for who he was to allow myself to love him and be loved in return. I can only pray I get to know Aquene as you have, to learn what a mother's love is supposed to be like.”

Amber lifted her head, her eyes turned golden and her nostrils flared. The Tigress was on alert. Casey felt her wolf rise in response and felt her muscles tense.

Amber’s cell rang, making them both jump. Pulling it from her pocket, Casey saw Braedyn’s name light up the screen. She slid the button to answer. “Yes?”

“They’re in the Run. Elan just called. They’ve begun to raid the Eastern side of town. Then followed right behind it, Donovan Parrish called, they’re coming in from the North.”

Eavesdropping on the conversation, Casey felt her heartbeat speed.

Amber’s eyes narrowed in thought. “They’re attempting a blitz maneauver.” Her hand clenched the phone, and Casey heard the plastic crackle a little in protest.

“Please Amber...”

Casey could hear the desperation in Braedyn’s voice and felt her eyes prick with tears again.

“I have it under control,” Amber said, but the golden flare in her eyes deepened.

“Call me if they show, and I will bring reinforcements.”

“I will.” She slipped the phone into her back pocket and went to the kitchen window. Reaching over, Amber hit the switch, shutting off the lights. “Turn them all off, everyone one of them. Now!”


“We’re on the south-western edge of town Casey, they’re boxing Braedyn in on the other side of town, and they are coming for us. Go. Get. The. Lights. Now.”

Casey scurried into the living room and killed the lamp by the door. She looked out the front window. The wolf was rising. Her heart raced. Flexing her left hand, she felt the band of silver there, cool against her wrist. The ballast was reassuring. Her right hand touched the band at her throat, hoping the jewelery would do as fabled. Putting faith in it seemed a little ridiculous, but the wolf was comforted by the presence.

She stared out into the front lawn, looking for any type of movement. Seeing none, she returned to the kitchen. Amber's eyes looked fierce and determined.

“I don't see them yet, but I can feel them.” She motioned her to follow. “Come help me, I want to move a bureau in front of the window in Aquene's room. It's not much against a werewolf, but it does give us enough notice to get in there and get her out if necessary.”

Nodding, Casey followed.

Aquene was sleeping and looked peaceful. Quiet as they could, they pushed the heavy antique armoir in front of the window. Aquene never budged. Her soft snoring never faltered.

Amber left the door open when they were done. Walking down the hallway, she opened the doors to all of the rooms. “Closed doors hide assailants and hinder escape routes. If we’re attacked from more than one direction, we at least have other options.”

Casey nodded and followed her back to the kitchen.

“You might want to put on those fancy battle claws now.” Amber turned to her. “I have a feeling you may be needing them soon.”

She pulled them from her pocket and slipped them on her fingers. “I'm afraid I won't be able to help you as much as I would like.”

“With human strength you killed this pack's assassin. Tala was about as fierce as they come. I've no doubt you will make more than sufficient backup when the time arrives. I have that much faith in you, whether or not you do.”

Unwilling to believe it, Casey shook her head. “Braedyn had to have injured her—”

Growling, Amber closed the distance between them in a flash, grabbing her by the shoulders. “You took her fucking head off Casey. With a
. While
!” She released her and stepped back when the Silver Wolf rose. “That is the best way to kill a Were, to behead them. You managed to do that while human, injured, and with one hand—Braedyn had nothing to do with that.” Amber lowered her gaze but didn’t move any further away.

Taking a deep breath, Casey stepped back, struggling to keep the wolf down. The words sunk in. She hadn’t just sliced Tala’s throat, but beheaded her with a hunting knife. “So that’s what everyone has been trying to tell me,” she whispered.

“I didn’t think you’d take it too easily if I explained it that way, but I had to. You weren’t comprehending it any other way. Whether or not Tala was injured had nothing to do with the
power you used. Add to it the strength of the Silver Wolf, and you’re pretty much unstoppable.”

“Someone got to her once,” Casey reminded her. “For all the power she possessed, someone was able to kill her.”

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