Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning (15 page)

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Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey

Tags: #zombies

BOOK: Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning
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     I let down my mental walls and read three confused minds in the chopper. Anticipation, fear and hope washed over me in waves. I struggled to replace my walls then looked at Mason who smiled at me. He knew it to.

     Flynn was already putting on coat and gloves, so we joined them. "Might be a good idea if your arm yourself with small guns until we know for sure. We have a pretty good idea they're friendly but best to side with caution right now. I know how badly you want to greet them, JD but it might be best if you stand back and watch instead."

     I know they wouldn't like the idea of a female deciding she was better than them, and running the place. So go, I'm not mad.

     You're so special,
he said, making a silly face.

     You're such an ass. Go, oh mighty zombie slayer, go and impress the masses.

"Good grief." Lacy mumbled.

     They met an older soldier who was followed by a younger one. One remained in the helicopter, which was actually a smart move. All shook hands, and then they came inside.

     "Everyone, I'd like to introduce Major Jacobs and Sargent Blair of the Montana National Guard." Mason introduced everyone to the two men.

    "Excuse me Major, we were just sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner and we'd be honored if you and your men would join us."

     What? I'm hungry. Now that we were closer, I could feel waves of pain radiating from him. He was hurt but I couldn't fathom where.

     "Ma'am, I can't imagine anything in the world I would like more. It smells like home in here, don't you agree Blair?"

     "Yes, sir, just like home."

     So we all turned and went into the dining room, where we jockeyed chairs and tables. Blair would eat and then go out and relieve the other man. Randy would soon relieve Duke so it all worked out. Mandy said grace, which was amusing since she included the request for a 'smurf' of her own.

     The major looked at me question and I explained the smurf garden in the ravine. He found it just as amusing as we did. Dinner was wonderful, with the Major and Blair filling us in on their living conditions. It soon became apparent what the reason for the visit was. There were eight of them altogether, with one married couple. Everyone had gone home when the virus hit, but slowly returned when they had nowhere else to go. It had been five months since the last one returned and they feared there would be no more.

     After dinner, we sat around the table enjoying coffee and dessert. Blair had replaced Private Christman in the chopper and he was busy wooing Sissy, much to her delight. Even the Major was enjoying the show.

      "It's time to explain the reason for this visit. Beforehand I'd like to explain our living conditions. We have the top floor of a clothing store blocked off for our use. The walkers have tried on numerous occasions to break in but we have managed, just barely, to hold our ground. Just this morning we were attacked, and we lost two of our people. We can't keep this up. We're outnumbered and tired and running low on ammo. It seems like every place we go, we get overrun. I think it's the helicopter since they seem to be drawn to the noise but I can't help that. We need it. It's kept on the roof of the building next door along with arms and fuel. Winter's been hard on all of us, as heating has become a problem and now we have a member that's expecting."

     "You're looking for a home and I understand that, but Major, we aren't a military unit nor do we want to be. I won't put these wonderful human beings under the rule of the military who haven't done even a decent job of protecting us in the past. No offense intended, Major, but we're doing fine on our own. We are a group of citizens, trying to survive. I can understand, your position, we've all been in something similar but your people move in here, they will just be civilians, nothing else."

     "YOU, won't allow it. I thought Mr. Mason, here was the leader of this group." Mason shook his head. "No, sir, I'm sorry if I gave that impression, but we're a democratic society here. No one is a leader of this group, although JD is the who led us here. We all decide what is best for us. We wouldn't let you or anyone else do that for us."

     "Major Jacobs, the last person that wanted to lead us, was shot in the head and fed to the hogs." Major thought about it for a minute, sipping his coffee.

     "We became people trying to survive the moment that virus popped up. I do have one hot head, but I would prefer you didn't feed him to the hogs, might give em indigestion. To counter him is our medic, who is a wonder with a great disposition." That brought smiles all around.

     "There'll be seven new people, can you accommodate that many?"

     "I thought you said eight." asked Duke.

     He didn’t say anything and I finally figured out why.

     "Major, when were you bitten?" I said softly.

     The tension level soared though the roof. Everyone sat up straighter. Even Private Christman became more attentive.

     Major Jacobs’ smiled, "You're very observant, JD. I don't think my men knew that much."

     "No, sir, we didn't. I'm sorry sir".

     "Bullshit, Private, you all know what you have to do, and I'm sure you'll do it. It will be the last order I give, and the last one you have to obey. I'll be with my Bonny soon, and I'm looking forward to it. I won't be returning with my people, JD, that's why I'd like to know they have a home where they'll be safer than I've been able to make them."

     "Well, sir, we'll have to take a vote, so if you’ll excuse us..."

     "I don't need to talk about it, JD", said Sarah, "I vote, yes."

     "Me to, JD, there's room, I vote yes to." Lacy said with tears in her eyes.

     It was unanimous. After we packed up some of the leftovers to send with them, we said goodbye then set about making rooms ready for the newcomers.

     We had to take time out for the play though. Mandy had worked too hard and been too excited to forego it no matter the reason. It was hilarious and Sissy was commended for the direction, with Mandy receiving a "Oscar" which was actually a statue of a cowboy on a horse that was sitting on my bedside table. Duke was great as John Smith, although his hat was almost bigger than he was and he kept tripping over his boots.

     I was trying not to mourn the Major since I'd just met him, but he was heavy on my mind when the helicopter returned later that evening. We directed it to land in the back area, while we sent out snowmobiles to receive the guests. The major was not with them and it was a solemn group that came in, tired, sad and bearing gifts. It was a good thing they had lived above a clothing store because they all had new clothes except for one. I figured him to be our hard case as he stomped around and gave orders. The others seemed frightened of him and I think he liked it that way.

     Lacy and Randy had made up the other honeymoon suite for the married couple. She was about 7 months pregnant and the sitting room would make a great nursery. The other female, whose name was Sandy, was put in the room adjoining  mine. The rest of the men found rooms in the basement.

     We found out later, the major died about three hours after he left us. An hour after he died he awoke a zombie and was put down. They had brought his body back, which I didn't like, and we had him stored in one of the caves. Come spring we'd bury him somewhere nice on the north fourty, with full military honors, whatever that meant.

    The newbies slept in the next day. I don't know if it was weariness or they just felt safe for the first time in nearly a year. They started filtering down to the dining room around 10 am. Apologetic, they got their own coffee and after some encouragement got their own breakfast which was in warming trays on the buffet. They were a quiet bunch that first day, but we quickly figured out the hothead.

     He stomped into the room and plopped down in a chair at the head of the table and glared at the rest of us. Looking at Sandy he ordered coffee. I got up, grabbed his mug, filled it and slammed it down in front of him splashing coffee all over both of us. He started to jump up when I grabbed his shoulder, pressing on the nerve there. He froze, obviously in pain. I leaned on him till I was near his ear.

     "That is the last time you will be served in this lodge. You are just another flunky like the rest of us. If you can't live with that, you will be relocated. Any questions?"

     He glared at me until I stepped back. He looked at the rest of us and we all just smiled back at him.

     "We are an elite military unit..."

     "Were." said Flynn

     He looked at Flynn, wanting to do something else so badly he nearly vibrated with it.

     "I am commander..."


     "The major is dead and since I'm next in line of the chain of command that makes me the new commander."

     "This ain't a military compound; you ain't any major, or commander of nothin. You gonna cause trouble you leave, now."  Wow that Howard sure could talk. "You think you can be a contributor around here you're welcome but no one waits on you or takes orders from you. End of story."

     "Look...what's your name?" I thought I'd better say something before this got out of hand.

     "Major Calvin Sweets."

     "Look, Sweets we would love to have you here if you can follow the standard rules of civilization. No one runs this place, we all have a say in what happens here like one big happy family. We had a stupid ass and I'm not implying you're stupid, that wanted to be the boss, we ended up killing him in order to have any peace. Now, we don't want to have to do that to do you but we'll do what we have to, to survive. So, give us trouble and we bury you with the major next spring."

      He looked at his ex-military soldiers, who wouldn't look at him. They just sat and ate their breakfast and drank their coffee like we were talking about the weather. He slowly got up, gave them each a glare and said "If any of you agree with these
then you will be committing treason and in a court of law that is a death sentence."

     Private Blain, or just Blain now, looked at him and said "What part of what they said don't you understand? Even the Major told you the military was done for, the government was done and law was nonexistent. None of us are part of anything anymore except life and these nice people are decent enough to bring us into their home. We appreciate it but you can't seem to grasp the fact that you will never be anything more than a stupid ass, embarrassing yourself in front of a bunch of strangers who only want to help you." His voice had started to get louder and louder. "I won't let you ruin this for the rest of us. You have done nothing but cause trouble since the moment you arrived and I, for one, am sick of it. You cause one bit of trouble, Calvin, and I will be happy to smother you in your sleep."

     The others stood at that and backed him up. Calvin, backed up a step and when he realized it he had, he stepped forward again but it was too late.

     "You can't do this".

     "Consider it done."

     He looked at everyone in turn, and then left the dining room. A collective sigh of relief was heard and then everyone started talking at once. Someone told a joke and we laughed but in the back of my mind I wondered how soon old Calvin would show his ass. I wouldn't have to wait long.






     I was hanging Christmas garlands over the fireplace mantle when I felt a familiar tug on my pants  "Hold on a sec, Mandy, I just need to get this ..."

     "Where's Sweetie going with the toper?" she asked. Sweetie was her name for Calvin Sweets, our resident pain in the ass.

     "Hmmmm?" I mumbled, reaching to loop the garland over a hook.


     "What about him?"

     "He took the toper off by himself, and you said we can't go anywhere by ourselves. Dad said it to, so he's really in trouble, right JD?"

     I froze, and then yelled "Duke! Mason! Flynn! Joe!" and jumped from the ladder. Running into the Dukes Den I found him unconscious behind a chair and the monitors dark. "Medic!" I yelled, moving the chair aside and feeling for a pulse. He moaned then and tried to sit up. There was a deep cut above his eye so I pressed my hand over it too staunch some of the blood. Joe, our new medic, ran in and began to examine him. I could hear the sound of helicopter rotors pounding outside the lodge.

     While Sarah and Joe helped Duke to the clinic, I ran to the door and looked out. Mason, Flynn and Randy were busy putting on coats while I watched the helicopter approach the front of the building. Lacy and Melody raced up to give them their rifles.

     "That isn't good." I whispered. They stepped out onto the porch as the helicopter hovered in front of them sending dirt and snow everywhere. Calvin tried to operate some kind of control and clearly frustrated at not getting a response, he gave us the finger and turned the copter to the side racing towards the 'smurf garden'.

     Suddenly, it spit, sputtered and began to spin. Veering sharply to one side it dropped into the ravine with thunderous crash, throwing up snow, rocks and debris. The noise seemed to last forever then just as suddenly it got quiet.

     We were in shock. My mind couldn't comprehend what my eyes and ears had just experienced. Duke popped into my mind the same time Mason did.

     Check on Duke for me would you? I'll check on this idiot and he better be dead or I'm gonna kill him

      Kill him once for me will ya?

     I found a drowsy Duke trying to get off the exam table while Joe hovered nearby with a hypo-dermic so he could stitch Dukes head. Duke kept pushing him away while Sarah tried to talk to him. Joe finally gave up, prepared another needle and injected Duke when he wasn't looking. Soon a sleepy Duke was mumbling about his babies, which meant his computers, while Joe stitched his cut. Lacy brought Mandy in, who immediately crawled onto the table with Duke and started telling him the story of the 'toper.

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