Waiting for Love (30 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Waiting for Love
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“Why not?”

Could this be any more mortifying? “I don’t know.”

“I think you do, but you’re too shy to say so. Where has shyness gotten you? Unsatisfied, unfulfilled, unhappy—”

“All right! All right… It makes me self-conscious thinking about…”

“About what?”

She put her hands over her face. “I can’t say it!”

“About whether it smells good to your partner? Tastes good? Feels good? Any of those things?”

“Yes, yes and yes,” she said, her hands muffling her voice.

“That shouldn’t be a problem for us.”


“Because you’re not thinking, remember? You’re only allowed to feel. You’re not allowed to think about how it is for me. You’re only thinking about

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

His hands slid under her, tangling in the string of her thong and tugging it free. “Let’s see if you can, shall we?”

As the silky thong slid down over her legs, Abby knew a moment of panic. What if she disappointed him? He’d been so sweet and considerate. “Adam… I don’t know about this. I’ve never been able to, you know… Not like that.”

“Do you trust me?”

“As I’m currently spread out naked before you, I’d say it’s rather obvious that I trust you.”

His wolfish smile made her belly flutter with nerves and desire for something far more than the next orgasm. He was making her want things that only yesterday she’d said she was done with forever. 

“Try to relax and let me have my fun. Clear your mind. You did it once before, so let’s see if you can do it again.”

“Is this fun for you?”

“What do you think?”

“But you’re not getting to…”

“Say it.”

Looking up at the ceiling, she prayed for deliverance. “Come.”

“I’ve got a hot, sexy woman naked and spread out before me—to use your words. What’s not fun about that?”

Abby’s thighs trembled as he parted them with broad shoulders and began with kisses and caresses that had nothing to do with the part of her that burned for him. Rather he focused on her lower belly, the place where her leg met her torso, which she discovered was an erogenous zone. After he’d driven her slowly mad with many minutes of teasing and tormenting, he blew a stream of cool air over the hair that covered her.

“No thinking,” he whispered as he used his tongue to draw an outline of her sex. “Only feeling.” With his hand on her trembling thigh, he urged her to move her legs farther apart. “Open for me, baby.”

She let out a whimper as she did what he asked.

“That’s it. That’s the way.” Using his fingers to hold her open, he explored every inch of sensitive, delicate skin with his tongue. He made teasing passes over her clitoris, making her gasp each time. “So sweet, so perfect, so wet.” His tongue thrust into her, teasing and retreating while his thumb pressed against the tight bundle of nerves. He kept it up, over and over, until she was thrashing and sweating and completely unconcerned about anything other than finding relief from the sweetest torture she’d ever known.

When he sucked hard on her clit and pushed two fingers into her, she lost it, screaming through the throes of something more powerful than anything she’d experienced before. It took her somewhere outside herself, outside of this room, far, far away from all her notions of what to expect from a lover. 

She returned a different person, changed profoundly in the course of a single hour. All those years she’d spent with the wrong brother…


His head rested on her thigh and two of his fingers remained lodged inside her. He flexed them and set off a series of aftershocks that surprised the hell out of her, but then again, he’d already surprised the hell out of her a couple of times. “I’m here, honey.”

“Come up here.”

Without removing his fingers, he did as she asked, lowering himself on top of her and taking her mouth in a hot, torrid kiss. She tasted herself on his tongue, and for once that didn’t bother her. Nothing bothered her. He’d knocked down her walls, stripped her defenses and taught her how to find the pleasure she’d missed out on in the past.

He never stopped kissing her, even as his chest hair abraded her nipples and his fingers continued to move inside her.

Abby simply couldn’t believe it when she felt the start of yet another orgasm. “Wait,” she said, breaking the kiss.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want you.”

“I’m right here.”

“I want you in me.” She reached down to cup an erection that was much more substantial than it had been earlier.

He smiled, seeming pleased by her bluntness. “Not this time. Tonight is your night.”

“Can’t it be our night?”

His fingers continued the gentle, stimulating glide. “Another time.”

“I hope you know I’m apt to turn into a crazy stalker after this.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’m going to want more. Much, much more.”

“Me, too, honey.” He took her mouth again, his fingers moving faster as he played her like a virtuoso who’d been born to pleasure her and only her. Somehow, he seemed to know what she needed before she did. “No thinking,” he whispered as he coaxed her up and over one more time. “Beautiful, amazing, so sexy. Open your eyes.” 

When she complied, he said, “The next time you’re wondering if I like what you’ve got going on down there, remember this.” He withdrew his hand from between her legs and brought it up to his mouth, licking each finger clean of her essence.

Watching the shockingly erotic sight, Abby realized she was in very big trouble where Adam McCarthy was concerned. Very big trouble indeed.

Chapter 15

With her snuggled into his embrace, Adam was aware of the exact second when Abby drifted off to sleep. She thought he’d undone her. How about what she’d done to him? Watching her let go of her inhibitions and disappear into the moment had been among the most erotically charged experiences of his life. 

His dick was so hard he was afraid it might break if it so much as brushed against her. He waited until he was certain he wouldn’t disturb her before he disentangled from her and got up from the bed. After pulling a light blanket over her, he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping the noise wouldn’t wake her. 

He needed relief, and he needed it right now. Unbuttoning his pants, he worked the zipper down over his raging hard-on, wincing at the near-painful sensation of the teeth sliding over his flesh. Naked, he stepped under the hot water and let it work the knots of tension from his shoulders. At times like this, being selfless was a thankless task.

He’d wanted to show her, to prove to her, that she could step away from her worries and fears and let herself be swept away. While his mission had been successful, it had been at his own expense. With his left hand propped on the shower wall, he wrapped his right hand around the base of his penis and stroked, grimacing at the painful pleasure.

His entire focus was on the slide of his hand, which was why he didn’t feel the shower door open until the cool air jarred him out of the trance he’d slipped into.

She stood behind him, her breasts and belly pressed to his back, and she reached around to push his hand away. “Let me.”


“I want to. Let me.” She stroked him gently at first, too gently for what he needed. He was about to put his hand over hers and show her what he wanted when she tightened her grip and caressed him harder. In a move he didn't see coming, she cupped his balls with her other hand. He detonated, holding himself up with both hands on the shower wall as she milked him of every drop.

“Christ have mercy,” he whispered.

“Did I do it right?”

He uttered a harsh laugh. “If you did it any better, you might’ve killed me.”

As the water rained down upon them, she rested her face on his back as her hands lay flat against his belly. “Right back atcha.”

Not entirely trusting his legs to stay beneath him, Adam turned and framed her face with his hands, kissing her gently. “I’m sorry I woke you with the shower.”

“I’m not,” she said with a meaningful smile.

“Come to think of it, I’m not either.”

“What you did…to me, for me… It was amazing. It’s never been like that for me before.”

“We only needed to get your head out of the equation.”

She looked up at him, sweet and guileless. Drops of water clung to her thick lashes. “How is it that you figured that out in two days, but I’ve been with others for years and they never knew?”

“I guess we just got lucky. A couple of tequila shots, some loose lips, a guy who likes to puzzle through a challenge, and what’ve we got?”

“Three rather astonishing orgasms.”

Adam laughed at the way she blushed when she said that. “Plenty more where those came from.”

“And in light of tonight’s revelations, you won’t think less of me if I pester you for nonstop sex?”

Still laughing, he said, “Pester me, baby.” He combed his fingers through the long, wet strands of her hair. “Please pester me.”

“Remember you asked for it.”

“How could I forget?”

Warm, soft lips on his chest woke Seamus O’Grady from the soundest sleep he’d enjoyed in days. The questions had all been answered to his satisfaction, and he had the woman he loved in his arms to stay. A smile stretched across his face as he opened his eyes to find her watching him.

“Was I snoring or something?”


“Then what has you awake so early on the one day we can sleep in this weekend?”

“I was waiting to talk to you.”

Seamus hated the way those words made his stomach knot with nerves. Had she changed her mind again? He stroked a hand over her hair and touched a finger to the worry line bracketing her mouth. “What about?”

“Your mother.”

“If you’d asked me to guess what was weighing on your mind first thing on this fine morning, I never would’ve guessed that.”

“Have you told her about me?”

“I told her I met someone special.”

“Did you tell her I’m older than you? A lot older?”

“Are we back to that again? I thought we’d resolved all that and weren’t going to make a thing of it anymore.”

She twisted his nipple, hard enough to make him wince. “Does she know I’m older than you?”

“I might’ve forgotten to tell her that part. She was so happy to hear I’ve finally met a lass who turned my head that I never got a chance to tell her that part.”

“A lass. She thinks you’ve found someone young, Seamus, and you did nothing to disavow that notion!”

“Are you or are you not a lassie?”

“Lassie is a dog in this country.”

Laughing at her indignation, he said, “As opposed to a laddie. My neighbors in Scotland have their lassies and their laddies. You, my love, are most definitely a lassie.” He squeezed her bare breast for emphasis, drawing a gasp from her and stirring his recently satisfied libido. Encouraged by her response, he ran his calloused thumb back and forth over the tip, making her tremble. 

“Are you sore, love?”

“Kind of.”

“I’m sorry. I got a little carried away last night.”


He smiled sheepishly and went hard as stone as he recalled worshiping her sweet breasts for almost an hour, until she’d begged him for mercy. “Okay, maybe a lot. But that’s what you do to me.”

“You should invite your mother to come for a visit.”

Seamus froze, his interest in her breast forgotten. “My mum?

“That’s what I said. Would she come?”

“I don’t know. She was here years ago when I first came to America to get a look at the place, but she didn’t think too much of it. That was when I was living in Boston, though, and she never has been one for the city. She said it was noisy and dirty.”

“Gansett is neither. I want you to invite her to come here. She could stay with us.”

“Here. Stay with us. Love… you’ve never met me mum. You might want to think twice about that.”

“Why? What’s wrong with her?”

“There’s nothing…wrong… It’s just that she’s, well…”

“You’re not afraid of her, are you?”

What had begun as a very nice morning erection shriveled at all this talk of his mother. “Of course I’m not afraid of her. She’s me mum. But she’s also... Well, you’d have to meet her to see what I mean.”

“I’ll look forward to meeting her and your father.”

“My Da won’t come. He hates to travel more than anything.” 

“You’ll call today to invite your mother?”

“Do I have to?”

“If you want a repeat of last night any time soon.”

He scowled playfully at her. “Fine, I’ll call, but you remember this was your idea.”

“I’ll remember. She should know that you’re never going to be able to make her a grandmother.”

“My four oldest sisters have seen to that. She has sixteen grandchildren between them, don’t worry about that.”

“I thought you had a brother.”

“I had two of them and six sisters. Aren’t you lucky to be on the receiving end of all that sensitivity training they instilled in me?”

“What happened to your brothers?”

“Sadly, they both died young,” he said, amazed by the stab of pain in his breastbone after all this time.

“Oh God. What happened to them?”

“One had cancer. Terrible thing that was. And the other had drug problems. He overdosed about ten years ago.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Twas a long time ago now.”

“So it falls to you.”

“What does?”

“Continuing the family line.” Carolina pulled back from him and sat up in bed, the blankets pooling at her waist. He wondered if she knew how glorious she looked, bare-breasted with her hair rumpled, her face flushed from sleep and her lips red and swollen from his vigorous lovemaking.

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re the last one.”

“The last one of what?”

“The last male in your family. If you don’t have a son, your family will die off.”

“Did you hear how many sisters I said I have? The family will thrive and prosper for generations to come.”

“But none of them will be O’Gradys if you don’t have a son. They’ll hate me for that.”

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