Vulcan's Woman (20 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Larose

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Vulcan's Woman
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Bronto stopped pacing and cleared his throat. “I can think
of one.”

“One what?”

“Reason why she left.”

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“I respect that, but unfortunately, I’m a man who speaks his
mind,” Bronto said, glancing at Vulcan over the bridge of his nose. “You’re an
ass. I state that with the utmost respect,

Vulcan shook his head. “Okay, so I’m an ass.” If granting
Wisteria’s wishes garnered him the insult he’d wear it proudly. His shoulders
were wide enough to carry many burdens. What damage could the additional weight
of being an
cause? “I’m sure you’re dying to explain that remark. If
not, you will be as soon as I stand up. Let’s hear it.”

“In my opinion, and you know I have many,” Bronto replied,
stepping to the opposite side of the flames, “when we realized she’d been
ostracized, we should have intervened and returned them to our camp

“I don’t disagree. She’s known all along being banned was a
possibility.” He’d tried justifying the reasons a thousand times why they hadn’t
barged in and brought them back but the same answer chewed at his brain.
couldn’t bear it anymore
“The only way to remove these women now is
by taking them captive.”

“You’ve taken her before.”

Vulcan glared at him in disbelief. “I carried her away from
a bad situation.”

“Is she not in a bad situation now? I witnessed fear in her
eyes. I don’t know what you were looking at.”

“Those women are used to this environment,” Vulcan said,
pointing toward the forest. “They grew up in these conditions long before we
arrived. And if they’re so damn afraid, maybe they shouldn’t have left.”

“Yes, but they grew up under the protection of clans
I suggest you act before someone or something not as
yourself intervenes.”

Sarcasm well taken. “Damn it, Bronto, I can’t keep her. She
obviously doesn’t want me.” What the hell else could he do? “I refuse to
overstep my boundaries. And I refuse to debate the subject any further.”

“Did you debate fucking her?” Bronto mumbled.

“Hey, that was totally consensual and is totally irrelevant
at the moment.” Vulcan grimaced. He’d forgotten just how perceptive Bronto was.
Plus, it was a no-brainer since Wisteria stayed in Vulcan’s hut.

He shook his head again and leaned his backside against the
tall oak tree, placing his foot on the trunk. “This is about what Wisteria
wants, not me. I will not use lust or sex as a factor in my decision, and I’d
appreciate it if you’d not bring it up again.”

“You weren’t as grouchy while dipping into

Vulcan rolled his eyes. “Are you condemning me for letting
her have her way?”

“She gave herself freely.”

“What?” Vulcan yelled as he moved away from the tree.

“I’m guessing. And to a man she barely knew.”

Now he was pushing it. “I think it’s time for you to ride
back to camp and send me Zypher.” He raised his hand to nose level and
separated his thumb and index finger by an inch. “You’re about this close to
becoming ostracized yourself.”

“I think they’re frightened enough to come with us

“You’re oblivious. The only way to take her out of there is
by force. I refuse to strong-arm her.” He’d done that once and it still tasted


He’d nearly blown the head off a T-Rex, and Bronto had the
audacity to call him a coward? “She fears barbaric actions.”

“Aren’t we Barbarians?”

“I will not frighten her again.”

“You don’t do your title justice.”

What a low blow. “You don’t get it.”

Bronto raised a single brow. “You can’t do it without
scaring the shit out of her?”

“No, not if I’m
going to give her a choice.”
Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. What did he have to lose? Nothing. Not a damn
thing. Did she give a shit about his feelings when she ran off? Hell no.

“I’ve yet to meet a female who doesn’t appreciate a man’s
strength,” Bronto added.

Vulcan stared as Bronto struggled not to grin. The man
definitely had a big set of balls and if he didn’t watch his tongue, they just
might end up in his mouth.

At least he’d made his point. Too bad it had to be voiced in
his usual roundabout way. “Come on,” Vulcan said, grabbing the Barrett. He then
lifted his bison mask from the ground and tucked it under his arm.

“Where are we going,

Vulcan stomped past him toward the forest. “To utilize my

“That’s what I like to hear,” Bronto mumbled. “May I offer a

“No,” Vulcan shouted.

“Scrap the headgear. You don’t want to frighten her too

Vulcan didn’t miss a step as he tossed the mask aside.
“Light a torch,” he grouched then disappeared through an opening in the trees.

He walked only a few more steps before he stopped and waited
for Bronto. When the time came to wake the women he preferred they expose
themselves immediately. Startling them in the dark may have an ugly outcome. If
he was going to struggle with a woman he’d rather participate with both eyes

As they closed in on the log pile where the women slept,
Vulcan raised his hand, instructing Bronto to halt. They’d made it this far
without making a sound. He didn’t want to cause a ruckus now. But as he gazed
at Wisteria he doubted much would wake them. By the heavy sound of their
breaths they were in a deep sleep. They lay cheek to cheek with the hide tucked
beneath their chins.

He wanted to embrace Wisteria, and beat her ass, and make
love to her, and choke her all at the same time. “Let’s go,” he whispered.
“Keep the light above our heads.”

After a quick nod, Bronto followed. He stood beside Ivy as
Vulcan knelt on the outside of the hide, laid the Barrett on the ground,
lowered his face and placed his lips to Wisteria’s ear. “Wisteria,” he said
softly so as not to jar her awake. “Open your eyes.”

As if on command her lashes fluttered apart. At first she
appeared dazed while she stared straight ahead. Then she stiffened and her
expression froze in fear.

“It’s me. Vulcan,” he reassured her. “Don’t be afraid.”

She turned her head and blinked as if bringing him into
focus. “Vulcan?” she uttered.

He swore her demeanor softened with relief when their gazes
locked. If he wasn’t so damn pissed, he’d like to believe it had. “Yeah.”

She sat up quickly, tossing the fur aside. And damn, her
bottom lip trembled and big teardrops filled her eyes.

“You’re coming with me,” he said, laying a hand on her
shoulder. She was shivering and her skin was cold to the touch. “Don’t fight me
or it’ll get ugly.”

She nodded and glanced at Ivy, who’d sat up and was reaching
for Bronto’s outstretched hand.

Wisteria’s eagerness to leave indicated he’d totally
misjudged her fears.

After assisting her to her feet he removed his furs and
slipped them over her head. The weight buckled her knees but he quickly scooped
an arm around her waist to steady her. Along with the sound of her chattering
teeth, something rustled behind their backs. His spine stiffened. “Bronto?”
When their gazes locked, Vulcan nudged his head over his shoulder. “Talk to

Ivy screamed and slapped a hand over her mouth.

“What!” Wisteria exclaimed.

Bronto looked over Vulcan’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes.
“Don’t move,” he ordered as he reached toward his ribs and unsheathed his

Vulcan tugged Wisteria protectively against his chest while
watching Bronto position the weapon in his hand. What the hell lurked behind

“Steady.” Bronto flicked his wrist, releasing the knife. It
twirled end-to-end through the air, spun past Vulcan’s head and plugged into
the intended target with a splat. A squirting sound broke the silence, followed
seconds later by a heavy thud.

Vulcan spun halfway around. A large mutant lay flat on its
back, the knife blade impaled in his left eye. A constant stream of green fluid
spurted from the wound. His mouth had fallen open, exposing pointed, razor-sharp
teeth. “The species must be desperate,” he conveyed. “That’s the fourth failure
we’ve encountered within a week. They’re not wasting any time. That’s not

Vulcan glanced at Bronto just as Ivy swooned into his body,
resting her face against his furs. Wisteria tried wiggling from Vulcan’s arms
but he tightened his hold.

“What is it?” she asked, trying to gaze past his arm.

“Don’t look.”

“It’s-it’s Wolf,” Ivy stuttered. “Vulcan’s right, Wisty,
don’t look.”

Bronto wrapped an arm around Ivy’s waist and locked eyes
with Vulcan. “At least they die easily.”

“I’ll make sure it’s dead. Ladies, turn around and cover
your ears,” Vulcan said. After they complied, he lifted the Barrett and plugged
three rounds into the mutant’s heart, blowing its chest to pieces. Wisteria
jumped. Ivy buried her face in Bronto’s breastbone. “Let’s get out of here,”
Vulcan ordered.

“What about the body?” Bronto asked.

“Leave it for the species to find. They’ll see we’re not
fucking around.”

Chapter Sixteen


The sound of clapping hooves was the only noise disrupting
the darkness. Neither Wisteria nor Vulcan spoke but it was better that way
because if Vulcan opened his mouth, hell would break loose.

Wisteria lay on his lap with her head nuzzled against his
chest but he knew by the way she stiffly held herself, she wasn’t sleeping. He
held tightly on to her waist. Tighter than needed but for some ungodly reason
he wanted to remind her she’d fucked up.

No more nice guy. He should’ve known better than to let his
guard down. He also should’ve realized he couldn’t tame a primitive woman
regardless of how compliant she’d acted. Fool.
Once a fool always a fool
That’s what foster mother number four or five used to say.

As he neared the yard he noticed the fire had died down to
the size of a cooking flame. Trice and Rocko sat in the yard, munching on bowls
of something. There wasn’t any evidence of the T-Rex except for a large span of
chopped and flipped dirt where they’d buried its blood. That would work
temporarily but eventually it would start to reek. Tomorrow during the daylight
he’d douse it with whatever flammables he could find in the shelter and burn it
from the ground.

He tethered his horse and lowered Wisteria to her feet.

“Birmon!” Wisteria exclaimed. She charged to Vulcan’s hut
where Birmon lay tucked under his wings near the doorway. His head popped up.
When he saw Wisteria he jumped to his feet and waddled forth. She picked him up
and hugged him then dangled him from her hands, looking him in the eye.

“Is he all right?” Ivy asked at Vulcan’s back right before
she rushed by.

Bronto set his hand on Vulcan’s shoulder. “You see where we
stand, don’t you? I don’t recall them acting that excited to see us.”

“It’s a good thing, because once I get a certain woman
alone, she’s going to be sadly disappointed.”

Bronto gave Vulcan’s shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t be too hard
on her.”

“First you tell me to act the Barbarian, now you tell me to
ease up. What is it?”

Bronto stepped aside, raising his arms. “Hey, you’re the
,” he said, backing toward Ivy. “I’ve got what I want. The rest
is up to you.”

Vulcan strode forward and grabbed Wisteria by the elbow.
“Tell your sister good night.”

Wisteria’s eyes widened and she glared at him but she
politely did as she was told and hugged Ivy. “Good night, Ivy. If you hear me
scream, come save me,” she whispered but not quietly enough that Vulcan
couldn’t hear.

Did she really think he’d hurt her?

After she released Ivy, Wisteria glanced at Vulcan’s chest.
Not his eyes, no, she acted too sheepish for that. “What about Birmon?” she
asked softly.

“He can sleep in his pen,” he said then shuffled her to his
hut and yanked back the flap.

No sooner had she laid the animal down than she undressed
from Vulcan’s furs and dropped to her knees near the fire.

Vulcan walked from the doorway to the waterhole then back to
the door. “Would you like to explain why the
you ran off?”

“Not really,” she replied, looking down at her lap.

“I’m not giving you a choice, so you’d better start

She lifted her chin defiantly. “You can’t make me.”

“Wanna bet?” He strolled to the fire and stood her on her
feet within inches of his body, blocking the path to the door in case she tried
to run.

She pushed her hands into his chest and leaned backward.
“What will you do, make me your prisoner?”

“If that’s what it takes.”

The pressure eased from his breastbone as she placed her
arms side by side between their bodies. “Go ahead,” she said, raising her
wrists and narrowing her eyes. “Restrain me again and hold me against my will,
like the Barbarian you are.”

As her gaze darted between him and the flap, he wrapped an
arm around her waist and yanked her close. Not hard enough to scare her but
enough to demonstrate he meant business. “Don’t underestimate me, Wisteria.
You’ve yet to witness the Barbarian in me,” he said, slightly raising his
voice. “And I promise you don’t want to see it.”

She swallowed hard. Then gulped. Then swallowed again.

Damn it, he didn’t want to scare her, he just wanted some
answers. “You owe me the truth. Why?”

She shrugged and lowered her gaze.

“The truth.”

“I wanted to go home,” she snapped.

“How’d that work out for you?”

She glanced at him for a second then refocused on the ground
but within that second he saw tears pooled in her eyes.

“I…I guess it didn’t.”

“You belittled yourself to those people.”

“I had no choice.”

He tilted her head by the chin. “You had a choice, but you
made the wrong one.”

“This is partially your fault. If you hadn’t kissed me―”

“Damn it, don’t you think I know that?” Realistically she’d
gotten it all wrong. He felt totally responsible, not partially, for her
alienation. He’d made a bad decision and it’d cost her. No, it was a great
decision with a
outcome. If he’d known at the time kissing her would
cause such a disruption of her life he would’ve swept her into the trees first
to avoid prying eyes. Temptation won. He’d lost. And Wisteria suffered the

If he could reach his own ass with his foot he’d give it a
swift kick. Perhaps her running off and scaring the shit out of him was

He lowered his face and devoured her lips, expelling fear
and anger and expressing desire all at once in his kiss.

She leaned into his chest, inhaling deeply through her nose.
The subtle sound flowed through him, setting his blood on fire. Every aspect of
her turned him into a fool, turned him on and turned his life upside down. Her
reaction led him to believe the feelings were mutual, which confused the hell
out of him when she placed her hands on his chest and shoved him away.

“I’m going to sleep with Ivy. I can’t stay here with you,”
she stated, wiping evidence of their kiss from her lips with the back of her

“Do I repulse you?”

She shook her head back and forth. “Yes,” she said, facing
the ground.

She might as well have kicked him in the balls. It wouldn’t
have hurt as much as that remark. “Then I guess you should go.” Fool. What a
damn fool for hoping they’d patch the damage done and move their relationship

Relationship, hell. She couldn’t make her feelings any
clearer if she wrote them across her forehead. She’d left because she couldn’t
take any more. He obviously was the
any more.


He walked outside but stood near the doorway, waiting.
Despite the hurt and rejection clawing at his spine, he refused to let her walk
alone to Jade’s hut. If Wisteria wanted to be rid of him that badly she might
even take off again. The woman had a history of running. At this point, nothing
would surprise him.

He wished he had a fucking bone or rawhide to chew on to
alleviate his frustrations. As it was he’d gnashed his teeth together so hard
his jaw ached. Better yet, why not throw her over his lap and spank her ass for
causing him to fall in love?

He slid a hand through his hair. He wanted to march back
inside and lay his feelings on the table but what good would that do? Why
humiliate himself further? He wasn’t stupid. Why waste his breath? If he wanted
to be the object of someone’s insults, he’d find Bronto.

She’d grown under his skin, crept into his blood and made
herself at home. Why’d he let her in so easily? Sympathy? The urge to protect
her? Damn it. Damn him. Damn this mission.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

Again he ran a hand through his hair, resting it on the base
of his neck. If she wanted to leave so badly, she’d better be ready to go. He’d
chalk the loss and get on with his life. Yeah. Sure. As if he could.

After a final hand-slide through his hair, he walked back
inside the hut.

“I didn’t mean that,” she said, her lips trembling. She had
sat down near the fire on her haunches and was rubbing her thighs. “I’m so
sorry. Please forgive me.”

He relaxed somewhat but refused to fully let his guard down.
She’d already admitted he repulsed her and that was tough to swallow.

“I don’t know what to say, other than I love you with all of
my heart,” she confessed, glancing from the corner of her eye as if expecting a

As much as her declaration enlightened him, he wasn’t ready
to display any emotions.

Not yet. He’d had heartache rammed pretty far up his ass
once already tonight.

“I didn’t want to leave,” she continued, wringing her hands
in her lap. “I made a bad decision based on my feelings, like the first time I ran
from you. Fear seems to drain my common sense.”


“My clan… I don’t belong with them,” she continued. “I
wanted to stay here. With you. Forever. But…” She finally raised her eyes back
to his and locked gazes. “But when the commander said you’d be returning home
soon, I grew desperate and I panicked. I needed to separate myself. It hurt too
much being near you, knowing I had to let you go.” A lone tear slid down her
cheek. She wiped it off with the back side of her hand. “I realized how much I
love you,” she tried laughing but a sob caught in her throat, “the night you
removed the hair from my legs.”

His heart lurched at her attempt to remain in control of her
emotions and inner strength.

“I didn’t think you would care whether or not I left. You
wore condoms to prevent me from having your babies. That was a painful insult.”

She’d just rammed
heartache up his ass as well.
“Look at me, Wisteria.” Fresh tears filled her eyes and his entire world
crashed. “It wasn’t because I don’t want you bearing my children. Starting a
family is something that should be agreed upon. I had intentions of returning
to Earth. I could never have left you raising my child alone.”

“That’s the reason my people mate. To have babies. We need
to increase the number of our clan before we become extinct.”

“This is where you and I are so different. My people make
love to express their feelings. When we decide it’s time for children, we put
the condoms away.”

Her gaze dropped back into her lap. “So it’s not me
personally, it’s your beliefs?”

“That is exactly right.”

She seemed to process that for a long time while picking at
her fingernails. “I’m glad my father banished me. I wouldn’t be here had he
allowed me to stay.”

She was so beautiful. The answer, his future, sat a mere few
feet away and all he needed to do was stop being stubborn, reach out and touch

He sauntered to the fire and dropped to his knees, studying
her closely. He reached into her lap, entwined his fingers through hers and
brought them to his lips. “Wisteria, I’m not going anywhere.”

She batted her lashes, releasing a new wave of tears,
crushing his heart. He lowered his face and kissed each one away. “Never,” he
said softly. “I fell in love with you a long time ago.” He kissed yet another
droplet of water trickling from her eye. “Months ago, when I began watching you
at the lake, I made you my responsibility and felt the need to protect you.
I’ve loved you since then.”

“You have?”

“Yes. I belong here with you, sweetheart, in a world I’ve
grown to love almost as much as the woman I love.”

She rose on her knees, slipped a hand around his neck and
pulled his face forward. Her tears meshed with his skin and he paused from
kissing her to remove every trace of moisture from her cheeks with his lips.

“Show me how much, Vulcan,” she breathed, fisting handfuls
of his hair. “I need to know.”

“Know this, Wisteria.” Slowly he removed her upper garment.
The satchel of stones dropped from her chest to her lap then slid to the
ground. “I love you. I need you more than my next breath.” He gazed longingly
into her eyes as he gently laid her down on the hide. “I had a life on Earth,
but I didn’t live until I met you.”

He slid the bottom garment over her hips, along her thighs
and calves then off her feet, grazing his fingers across her flesh. He spread
her legs to where he’d fit comfortably between them without accidentally
pinching her skin then laid on top of her body, bearing weight on his arms. He
teased her lips, nipping the top then the bottom before honoring himself with a
full taste of her mouth. Her breaths increased and she held his face while
slipping her tongue between his teeth.

Her grip took on a possessiveness he’d failed to acknowledge
before. Or maybe she hadn’t utilized it, not knowing how much she meant to him
until now. Either way he’d gained a sense of pride. He removed her hands and
held them on the ground above her head then separated their lips. “Say it,

“I love you, Vulcan.”

He patted his lips on her brow. “Say it again.”

“I love you,” she repeated.

He kissed a trail to her ear and nibbled the lobe. “And

“I love you.”

“I want to hear those words every day, and I want them to be
the final words I hear when I take my last, dying breath,” he whispered right
before he slid down her body and suckled a nipple into his mouth. She gasped
and her back arched. She clasped his head, holding him close.

He’d given her what she sought and sucked until her nipple
swelled between his lips then he nibbled the tip with his teeth and moved on to
the other, abusing it as well, bringing her close to climax. It was the first
thing he’d learned when he’d made love to her for the first time. Her nipples
were nearly as sensitive as her clit. Ah, he’d never forget their
first time
That night she’d taught him as much as he’d taught her.

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