Voyeur (10 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

BOOK: Voyeur
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She laughed at the antiquated word.

“Spread eagle, my helpless sub.”

He secured her hands and her feet to the bed. He then walked around to make sure each binding was taut.



“Perfect.” He grabbed a pillow. “Lift your hips.”

“Master is mad. Sub cannot move.”

He climbed onto the bed and worked the pillow beneath her, making the straps even tighter.

Then he moved away and grabbed a camera.


“I won’t do it if you tell me not to. But I want them for my private use. I want to see you even when you’re not around, or when I’m travelling or at work. Maybe I’ll even wallpaper a room of the house with life-size pictures.”

She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. The way he was so visually oriented, there was a chance he was totally serious.

“No one else will ever see them without your permission.”

“Not even if they’re on a wall?”

“A private room,” he said.

Did she trust him enough?

Slowly, she nodded.

He snapped a dozen pictures, of her spread wide, of her face, from every angle. “Lovely.” Finally he put down the camera, and she was half blinded from the flash.

His cock was massively hard when he removed his jeans. She watched as he put the condom in place, then spent several seconds stroking his cock. His balls were big, as well, and she drank in the visual feast that was Master Zachary.


As much as he’d claimed her as his, that meant he was hers.

That sent a possessive thrill through her.

He knelt between her legs, then guided his cock into her. She gasped at the intrusion and the too-full feeling of him and the plug. He spent minutes torturing her breasts and bathing her with attention.


That thought, combined with the pressure, scent, and sight of him, made her needy. He fucked her hard, possessing her, marking her as his. “Sub needs to come, Master.”

“Take it,” he told her.

She smothered him in kisses and in words of appreciation.

Almost no time later, she felt his cock harden, noticed the change in his breathing.

She bit his shoulder.

“Marnie!” He came, pulsing deep in her.

Finally, satiated, he released her tethers and gathered her into his arms. She dozed, and when she awakened, he was watching her. “Mine,” he said.

She nodded and snuggled against his chest.

“About tonight,” he continued. “Our guests will arrive around seven o’clock. You will not be there to greet them.”

She shifted to see him better.

“You’ll be up here, preparing. When you enter the room at half-past, all eyes will be on you. You’ll be in your heels, and you’ll be on display. I thought about nipple clamps, but I would rather your nipples be enhanced. And you’ll be wearing a jewelled butt plug.”

Her body tensed, and he soothed her, rubbing his fingers across her shoulders.

“Everyone will watch you as you walk across the room. There will be a small table in the room, on the rug. You’ll stop in front of it. I’ll expect you to bend over and grab your ankles. After a count of five, reach up and spread your arse cheeks. I want the people who are farthest away to know what colour your plug is. Do you understand?”


“Then I want you to present yourself on the table. Lionel will secure your hands and feet. You’ll take your punishment at my hand.”

This time, she couldn’t answer.

“And you’ll be hooded.”

“Hooded?” the word was hardly over a squeak.

“I want you to be hyperaware of your punishment and of the people looking at you.”

“That’s a lot to ask, Master.”

“You’re free to refuse.”

They both knew she wouldn’t.

He fucked her again, and this time her back was to him as he took her on her side.

The man made her come undone.

He removed her plug, then filled the bathtub for her. “I want you to relax, and I’ll be back in about an hour to put in the jewelled plug.”

Thinking about what was to come made it all but impossible to enjoy her bath. He rejoined her in the bedroom, as promised. “May sub request a glass of wine, Master?”

“Certainly. After her punishment.”

She scrunched up her nose.

“I want you completely aware of what’s going on. I want your submission to be freely given, without any outside influence.”

He showed her the black box he held. “Open it.”

She gasped at the sight of the plug inside. It was beautiful. It was made of fine stainless steel, polished to a lustrous glow. The base was made up of dozens of pink crystals that exploded with colour under the incandescent light.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away.

It was a monstrosity. An absolute monstrosity. No way was that thing fitting inside her. No way. No how.

“It’s the smallest of the three I bought for you. In future, you can show off the larger ones.”

The smallest?


That was it. He was certifiably mad.

“Look at me.”

She couldn’t. She was too riveted by the plug. She was hypnotised by it, as horrified and fascinated as she might have been a snake. The reptilian part of her brain was fighting for survival.

Fight or flight.

She’d do either as long as that didn’t go near her anal opening.

“This will not be as easy to insert as the other one, so we’ll need some patience,” he said. “Silicone is a bit flexible, this one is not. Would you prefer to be on your stomach or on your back as I put it in? I suppose you could even choose to squat.”

“Sub should prefer to wear the other plug.”

“The one she fussed about last night?” he asked patiently.

There was that.

“Stomach or back?”

He was as unyielding as the damn stainless. “Choose before I choose for you.”

“Stomach, Master.”

He ignored the tone of her voice, lucky for her.

“Do it.” He snapped the lid of the box closed, breaking the spell.

She reluctantly moved into position. “If sub begged…”

“No chance.”


“Another half dozen stripes in front of our friends.”

She supposed that ruled out a tantrum, as well.

She could see in the mirror that he was lubing his fingers. She tried one last thing. “Sub’s arse is still tender from earlier.”

“Then this will hurt more than it would otherwise.”

She buried her face in the pillow as he spent a couple of minutes stretching her and prepping her.

“Remember to breathe,” he said. “Since this is larger than anything you’re accustomed to, I won’t try to put it straight in. I’ll fuck you with it. Don’t fight me, Marnie. It will only make it that much worse.”

She suddenly recalled the sight of Susanna taking the plug up her own tight hole and the little protestations she made. Master Theodore had allowed others to watch her humiliation. At least Master Zachary spared her that indignation. In a relationship such as this, she supposed you counted your blessings differently.

“‘Now the plug.”

As she watched, he drenched it in lubricant.

“Bear down, Marnie.”

She did, with her teeth gritted.

He pushed it in, then drew it back out, then in and out repeatedly, and faster, overwhelming her, making her cry out, making her thrash, then suddenly, there was no more pressure.

“Next time you try that nonsense, I’ll spank you for it.”

That was it?

He flipped her over onto her back. He ensnared her gaze. “Maybe we should move to Hollywood? That was certainly an award-winning performance.” There was no hostility in his tone, no tic of anger in his temple. “I win,” he said, tweaking her nose.

As she watched, as she
, he dressed in expensive slacks and a white shirt that he left open at the throat.

He didn’t acknowledge her again. The door slammed behind him as he left.

. Beast, beast, beast.

A moment later, the door opened, and her face fell when she realised it was Lionel.

It didn’t phase her that she was naked, with a world-class plug wedged between her ample buttocks.

“I thought perhaps there was an emergency.”

“There was.”

He grinned.

“Want to see?”


She turned back over, a little gingerly. She properly presented herself to the manservant.

“Spread your cheeks,” he told her. “Ah. It’s as stunning as Master figured it would be.”

“You like it?”

“Spectacular. Mind if I eat you out?”

“What?” She glanced at him in the mirror.

“Master wants you relaxed and told me to relax you.”

“And he thought you should do it with sex?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I thought I should do it with sex.”

“He’ll skin us alive.”

He shook his head.

Suddenly, the image of him kneeling between her legs filled her. His beautiful brown skin would prove a stark contrast with hers. She wanted him. “Yes,” she whispered.

She watched as he knelt. Then he pulled her towards him. She saw his hands on her buttocks as he positioned her a bit better. He started by nipping her pussy lips, making her squirm.

Then he sucked on her clit while pulling down on her labia. The sensations were intense, just short of painful, but totally maddeningly sexy.

He inserted a finger and thumb, filling her pussy while pinching and suckling.

She came, crying out and tossing her head to the side.

“You relaxed?” he asked with a light laugh.


He helped her up.

“You’ll expect me to stand?”

“And walk.”

What was it with the men in this household?

She put on her shoes and finger-combed her hair.

“Now for the ornamentation.”

He brought out a pair magnificent adhesive-backed jewelled nipple covers. She’d never seen anything like them. They were shaped like a starburst, and there was an opening for her nipples.

“Master will be pleased.” He affixed the covers and nodded.

“He likes bling?”

“He likes you in bling,” he corrected. He checked his wristwatch. “Perfect timing. Shall we?”

Her feet felt leaden.

“Need another orgasm?”

“Then I won’t be able to move at all.”

He led the way downstairs.

He threw open the door to the parlour and all conversation stopped.

Candles blazed in the darkened room, and their reflection was bounced from mirror to mirror, stunning in its beauty.

The room was cool, her nipples erect, her pussy suddenly dry.

She felt Lionel’s hand on her back, preventing her retreat and urging her forward.

All eyes were on her naked body. Darius was standing, leashed, next to his Mistress. Mistress Beverly was petting Esma, who knelt at her side. Susanna wore a ball gag, a short skirt and shelf bra and looked at Marnie with lust.

Desperately she sought out Zachary, her Master, needing his strength, not sure she could go through with this.

From across the room he extended his palm in invitation.

She took strength from the approval in his eyes and from the nod of encouragement he offered. Marnie took a deep breath and made her decision.

Chapter Ten




Remembering his instructions she blocked out the people watching her. Her legs trembled with every step she took toward the centre of the room and the table looming there, in a consuming threat.

Her image was reflected every direction, reflections in reflections, reflections of reflections.

Still, wanting him to be proud, she stopped on the rug, bent over and grabbed her ankles. Then, after a count of five, she reached up to expose the butt plug. Each moment mortified her, but she forced herself to remain in position until she thought everyone had looked their fill.

The candlelight refracted off the crystals in a stunning visual treat.

Her back to the group of people, her heart racing, she climbed up onto the table and presented herself as he’d taught, stretching out her arms and showing her arse to his guests.

“You haven’t told me to go to hell.”

His words were so soft, only she could hear.

“No Master. The sub has chosen to submit to her Master.”

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