Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History (65 page)

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Authors: David Aaronovitch

Tags: #Historiography, #Conspiracies - History, #Social Science, #Popular Culture, #Conspiracy Theories, #General, #Civilization, #World, #Conspiracies, #.verified, #History

BOOK: Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History
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Sliwa, Maria

Smith, Matthew

Smith, Paul

Smith, Peter

Smith, Sam

Social histories

Socialism, Trotsky’s idea

Society, and conspiracism

Soetoro, Lolo

“Somebody Blew Up America” (Baraka)

Sontag, Susan

Soskin, Henry.
Lincoln, Henry

Soviet economy

Soviet Justice and the Trial of Radek and Others

“Soviet miracle,” costs of

Soviet Union, foreign sympathizers

Sozen, Mete

Spargo, John

Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers

Spoto, Donald,
Marilyn Monroe: The Biography

Stalin, Joseph; Feuchtwanger and; Pyatakov and; Trotsky and

Stancil, Daniel D.

Stanjek, J.

Starnes, Joe

Starr, Kenneth

State Department, U.S., and Jews

Steed, Henry Wickham

Steffens, Lincoln

Steinberg, Jeffrey

Stevens, John (Lord)

Stevens Report

Stinnett, Robert,
Day of Deceit

Stone. F.

Stone, Oliver,

Story of the Grail, The
(de Troyes)

Strassmeir, Andreas

Strauss, Bill

Strauss, Leo

Suicide, Kelly and

Summers, Anthony

Sunstein, Cass R.,
Going to Extremes



Surviving the Cataclysm

Talbot, David

Tapes: Diana conspiracy; Monroe conspiracy

Tarpley, Webster G.

Taupin, Bernie, “Candle in the Wind,”

Taylor, A. J. P.

Teeth of the Tiger

Telephone calls, 9/11

Television, British; Lincoln and.
See also

Thatcher, Margaret; opposition to

Theater, and Murrell conspiracy

Thomas, Gordon;
Gideon’s Spies

Thomas, Keith,
Religion and the Decline of Magic

Thomas, Norman

Thompson, Damian

Thompson, Marco

Thompson, Paul

Three Mile Island incident (1979)

Thule Society

Thursby, Rowena

magazine: and Lattimore; and Russian show trials

Tippit, J. D.

Toland, John,
Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath

Tomlinson, Richard

Torresola, Griselio

Trepov. F.

Triple conspiracy

Trotsky, Leon; American sympathizers; show trials and

Trotskyite-Zinovievite Center

Trotskyites, conspiracy theories

Troyes, Crétien de,
The Story of the Grail

Truman, Harry

Truth About Pearl Harbor, The

Truth movement, 9/11

See also
Truth movement 9/11

Tsvangirai, Morgan

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail

Tunisia, BBC program

Twenty-one, trial of

Tyrell, R. Emmett, Jr.

United Nations, Flynn and

United States: 9/11 conspiracy theory; political conspiracies

Unlawful Killing

van der Lubbe, Marinus

Varestra, Varran de (Plantard)

Velikovsky, Immanuel

Very British Coup, A
(TV show)

Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe

Vidal, Gore;
Dreaming War
The Golden Age

Villard, Oswald Garrison

Violent events, 1984,

Voltaire Network

Vyshinsky, Andrei

Walker, Edwin A.

Wallace, George

Walters, Jimmy

War: as conspiracy; Ford and

War on Freedom, The

War Is a Racket

Warrant for Genocide

Warren Commission Report; Stone and


Weiss, Carl

Western Journalism Center (WJC)

Wheeler, Burton

When the Levees Broke

Whitewater scandal

Who Killed Kennedy Committee (WKKC)

Wichtl, Friedrich,
The World War, World Freemasonry, World Revolution


Wilhelm II, Emperor

Williams, Raymond

Wingfield, Kes

Wisliceny, Dieter

Wolfe, Donald,
The Assassination of Marilyn Monroe

Wolpert, Lewis

Wood, Robert E.


World War, World Freemasonry, World Revolution, The

World War I, conspiracy theory; Ford and

World War II, conspiracy theory

Worlds in Collision

Writing of history

Yakovlev, Alexander

Yale University Law School, antiwar movement

Yezhov, Nikolai

York, Susannah

Zangara, Giuseppe

Zawahiri, Ayman al-

Zinoviev, Grigory ; trial of

Zionists, 9/11 Truth movement and

Zwicker, Barrie


The shooting, in fact, took place in the run-up to the 1972 presidential election.


In 2008, Kollerstrom was removed from his position as a research fellow at University College London for having written a number of articles suggesting that there had been no gas chambers at Auschwitz, and drawing attention to the number of orchestras at the concentration camp, as well as the existence of a swimming pool for the use of the inmates.


This was too much for some colonial authorities: the book, legal in France, was banned by the French high commissioner in Syria, presumably on the grounds that it was likely to inflame local hatreds.


In the socialist version of “Green Grow the Rushes, O,” five was for the “years of the five-year plan,” and four “for the four years taken.”


Collard subsequently acted as counsel for the British Communist spy Percy Glading, who in 1938 was tried and convicted of acting as the messenger between informants in the Woolwich Arsenal and a Soviet intelligence officer, Theodore Maly. Glading and his fellow defendants were sentenced to prison for six years.


For a balanced and almost painfully detailed account of Hiss’s wrongly disputed guilt, see Allen Weinstein,
Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978).


The term has also been applied to the period of strong anticommunism in the United States between 1917 and 1920.


The technique was not unsuccessful. Even those publications, like
magazine, that were skeptical or hostile to McCarthy were unwilling to risk defending men like the reviled academic.


Leo Strauss is often thought to be the father of neoconservatism.


For example, in a poll carried out for the
Daily Express
in August 2003, 49 percent of respondents said they believed there had been a “cover-up” of the circumstances of her death, while 34 percent disagreed.


Praise is due here to the journalist Martyn Gregory, the Gerald Posner of Diana conspiracism, whose research into the Paris crash and the various murder theories has sometimes been all that has stood between the mundane but important truth about that night and the Al Fayed-fed nonsense machine.


See chapter 8.


It is an interesting comment on these operations that four of the activists on whom files were maintained later became ministers in the government of Tony Blair.


Although critics of the nuclear industry believe that a substantial release of radiation from Three Mile Island may have led to an increased incidence of cancer among local people.


See chapter 4.


An American cable television program.


See chapter 3.


Correct at the time, but Mr. Baker has held a number of front-bench positions since.


Published in Britain and the USA as
The Reichstag Fire: Legend and Truth


Honolulu Advertiser
of November 1, 2008, quoted the Hawaiian state health director, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, as saying that she had “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” Dr. Fukino added, testily, “This has gotten ridiculous. There are plenty of other, important things to focus on, like the economy, taxes, energy.”

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