Volatile Chemistry (Billionaires' Secrets Book 1) (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Lewis

Tags: #Contemporary romance Revenge Billionaire Chemist Bastard Heir New York

BOOK: Volatile Chemistry (Billionaires' Secrets Book 1)
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“There are no hotels here.”

She groaned. The vineyard was over two hours from Mendoza. If she returned there for the night, she’d have to drive back here in the morning to resume her campaign.

“Where do people usually stay?”

He blinked. Innocent. “Here.”

“At the winery?”

“In my house.”


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Author Biography

Jennifer Lewis loves heat in all its forms including spicy food, steamy temperatures and smoking hot heroes. She is a USA TODAY bestselling author and her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. She lives in sunny South Florida and when she’s not sitting at her laptop she can often be found at the beach. Read more about her books or join her new release mailing list at


Copyright © 2016 by Jennifer Lewis


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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