Read Void's Psionics Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Void's Psionics (62 page)

BOOK: Void's Psionics
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Nova wasn’t much of a conversationalist, but
he was always there and was a soothing figure to pet and lay down
with. Nova’s head was enormous and liked dropping it on Oliver’s
chest. Still, the Liger was the best companion to ask for. Him and
all the others.

Empty space near the heart of the Andromeda
galaxy was surrounding them. They had chosen an area just outside
the immense pull of the giant black holes that held all disc
galaxies together.

About time.” Snorted the
foxy redhead on his screens. “Spin around and I’ll extend the
docking tube to link us up.”

He pressed a finger to the cockpit lid where
some of the ship’s functions worked. The touch unlatched the
grappling arm he had added on the River Skipper. He turned the
stick and the Flare, as well as the Liger shuttles, diverted from a
straight path to come around and up from below. The Flare easily
matched velocity to the River Skipper that had extended a
cloth-like material from the main airlock hatch area. The wrinkled
surface slowly inflated into a large tube.

Gently the Flare, surrounded by a ring of
smaller Sun Spots, released tiny bursts of plasma from the many
ports all around its surface. Manually he pressed the cockpit to
the open mouth which sealed over the entire opening. The tunnel’s
soft lips had a special adhesive that took mere seconds to set and
harden. They gave the material time to seal to make sure there was
no chance of a breach. Renee aboard her shuttle pressed another
function and let air fill the chamber to say “The seals are secure,
Olly. Go ahead and shut down the Flare. I’ll also throw on a few
extra clamps just incase.”

He lifted the clear cockpit lid and it leaned
all the way back onto the white material. It was under zero gravity
so he kicked off from his seat and glided down the ten meter long
tube. Right to the outer wooden door. He depressed the button to
watch the door rise up so he and the pursuing Nova could get in.
The outer door closed and the airlock was extremely cramped till
Renee opened the inner door.

Bit of a squeeze huh?” She
said as Nova stepped out first and moved off to the side to lay
down on three of the chairs that were folded together into a

Ha Ha.” He said dryly and
stretched. “You spend a day inside a cramped cockpit with him and
an evil female you love sexually frustrating you.”

You could have masturbated
like I did.” She grinned evilly.

That’s it!” he said after
seeing Isabella in a bundle of cloth sound asleep with Sparky’s
long neck extended inside the common room watching over her and
enjoying the show.

A large hand dropped on the back of Renee’s
neck as he picked her up and shut the bathroom door behind them.
Her quirky smirk glowed in triumph as his clothes were sucked
inside the device of his right arm. Sword, shield and dagger loudly
hit the floor as his hand reached for her white shirt top and
lifted it enough to access her waistline and jerked her pants down
around her ankles, bent her over and perfectly aimed his raging
cock deep inside.

Renee sucked in a gasp of breath as he
impaled her pussy and after the gasp came a loud, whimpering moan
of ecstasy. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped either side of
the sink to keep her knees from buckling. She watched him in the
mirror grab her hips with just enough force to fully command her
movements to his will. She knew it was coming after all she did the
entire day. It wasn’t often she wanted to be dominated, but she had
the itch masturbating didn’t scratch half as well as a huge male
did. His narrow hips slapped hard on her ass, driving his cock deep
in her most special places. He was so forceful her tits bounced
with each and every slam. Figuring to send him over the edge she
clamped her inner muscles to make it so tight for him he saw stars
like she was. Hearing him groan told her she met with wicked

Oliver squeezed his hands on her soft hips
and drove through the slick channel. He liked how her body and ass
rippled when he hit it. Her moans and shallow breathing were an
added bonus. He touched her mind and saw she wanted this. He wasn’t
the only frustrated person and she was addicted to him. She didn’t
want love. She wanted hot and fast sex. To make his balls dry and
shriveled. To take him all inside herself.

Well she got it.

Her pants liquefied and traveled inside her
bracelet after running up a thigh. Her top also disappeared. Tired
of taking her from behind he pulled out and she spun to jump right
at him, aware of his intentions too. She wrapped her solid legs
around his waist, reached between her stomach and his to grab the
cock of her dreams an guided it to its true home. It slid right to
the hilt and her hands curled her fingers to scratch his back as
she screamed aloud.

HARDER!” She demanded and
his hips met hers with wild abandon. Her breasts jumping as his
thrust transferred all the way up to her scalp. His large hands on
her ass were made just for her and she bit her lip before crying
out. He attacked as her body convulsed some. All the way till he
drove deeper still and grunted loud. She felt his molten warmth
surge deep into her womb. Filling it to the brim as he unleashed
load after load till her womb felt it would soon burst.

Renee panted completely naked and reached
down into her sex to find his semen had indeed exceeded her
capacity and it made her laugh in a husky way. “Wow, you were
backed up. Your come is so thick.” She then licked her fingers to
taste his semen. “Good thing I’m partial to salty flavors.”

Please stop messing with
me.” he sat down on the floor of the shower stall beside

made her giggle, riding the orgasmic high. “Screw that. That
was too damn fun. First frustrating you then you fucking my brains
out. It’s a win-win situation for me. Can’t help it. Being a
smartass is genetic.”

Being a Dorgen you mean.”
He reached over her head and turned on the shower. “Come on, we
have work to do.”

have work to do. I’m going to feed our daughter and change
her. The Gravity Forge I could care less about. I only brought it
up because we needed an excuse to leave Papa without being too
suspicious of our real motives.” She stood and let the falling
water beat against her face and chest.

He was again mesmerized by his love’s
stunning beauty. She was far from thin. She had meat on her bones
with just enough fat to hide she was solid muscle beneath. A full
bodied woman who was all curves and tone. Unable to stop himself he
stood and leaned down to kiss her silken shoulder. She responded by
tilting her head away and offered her neck he kissed his way to.
Renee softly moaned and rubbed her aching breasts that tightened as
he set fire to her blood again.

She melted into his chest, to enjoy how he
went gently. Making up for the earlier treatment. She loved this
gentleness more. Much more. But she was still a woman who
constantly changed her mind.

They made love several more times under the
warm water before stepping out to towel off and dressed up in
something comfortable and functional.

Outside Renee jumped to kiss his cheek to go
over to retrieve a squeaking baby girl that quieted as her mother
spoke softly and with genuine love.

Sparky drew his neck back as Oliver said
“Good morning, both of you.”

They said at the same time. Rose lay curled up in
soft sheets, her pinkish red scales were especially flattering
under the cargo bay’s light. She said
“Would you need any assistance from us?”

I appreciate it, but this
is my experiment.” He said as his clothes began to change into the
cape and fearsome armor. The helmet slid over last. Going towards
the circular device he said “Just keep an eye on me. I really do
not wish to get stranded out here.”

Behind him he threw up an airtight barrier to
keep the Drakes safe as he physically took hold of the Gravity
Forge to undo the straps and started depressurizing the Cargo area.
His suit sealed all openings and allowed him to breathe when in
total vacuum he then opened the door to space.

His chip accessed the River Skipper’s systems
to disengage artificial gravity and a six ton piece of equipment
turned weightless. Pushing off the wall he and the Gravity Forge
flew out of the shuttle.

The door began to close and
Sparky said
“You may release the barrier.
The hold is pressurized.”
Oliver canceled
doing so.

Keeping a hand in the Gravity Forge he
twisted to activate the soles of his boots to magnetically attach
to a plate of steel. From there he took stock of the River Skipper
using an umbilical tube to his fighter. The Liger shuttles held
position perfectly locked around his larger yellow fighter. Three
sets of icy blue eyes were staring at him through an installed
gemstone window. Behind the River Skipper though were the train of
supply crates. Since in space objects remain in motion, the group
didn’t fly off. It seemed they were unmoving. In reality though
they were speeding through space at three hundred thousand
kilometers an hour.

Even at that speed, the nearest system was
one hundred and sixty three light years away.

His com was active so he said “Renee, please
detach the crates.” There was movement in the line and the train

Using telekinesis he sent an invisible hand
to grab hold and drug them closer and around himself to activate
teleportation. He first memorized his place currently by the stars
before moving everything ten billion kilometers behind the

He jumped off and teleported right back to
his space and he barely caught sight of the speeding ships.
Reacting quickly he threw out a hand and shot off a line of a mix
between telekinesis and barrier. Effectively making a rope of
energy. There was minimal pull at first when the lightening quick
line latched onto them. He though retracted himself.

It took thirty minutes to get back.

He entered same as he left and Renee was in
the back too so Sparky wasn’t left out. Even though the shuttle was
larger, he still had trouble fitting inside the seating room. Rose,
being smaller, had less issue.

Glad you made it back safe
and sound.”

Me too, Red.” He said as
the helmet retracted and he sat down.

What are you trying to make
again?” She asked as he withdrew his oval crystal and spoke its
activation sequence.

Jessica wants to create a
near indestructible fighter.”

With the amount of steel we
brought… we could make twenty.”

Twenty three using standard
manufacturing practices actually.” He corrected, but she didn’t get
angry. He made corrections so others knew the truth if someone
asked. She had telepathy. She knew damn well when he was being an
ass. Not trying to be as specific as possible. “At least in making
the hull and chassis of the fighters. The drive engines and
maneuvering ports are additional. If the Gravity Forge can create a
complete fighter body and be structurally stressed to no more than
point zero six one eight percent, it will be a viable technology
with minimal risks.”

And have you calculated…
uh, never mind. I didn’t need to ask that.” He chuckled and she
slapped his arm while breast feeding.

Multiple cameras transmitting in an encrypted
subspace frequency was picked up and displayed by the crystal’ s
computing properties. A three dimensional view of every angle was
on display and recorded. From the cameras they gave light so as to
be seen. He used the laser keyboard displayed for his left hand to
say “Live testing begins on the Gravity Forge Version Two.
Administering the test is myself, Oliver Void. Proceeding with

His fingers typed quickly and a robotic set
of three arms unraveled from the Gravity Forge’s surface to reach
out to the first enormous crate and opened the locked lid. The
thrusters welded to the outside allowed for maneuvering so the
sphere didn’t roll out of control. The arms reached in and
extracted one of hundreds of sheets of steel and pulled it

The sphere opened like a mouth which the arms
fed the sheet into. It closed as the arm left. The two remaining
arms held onto the crate for stability and to keep the lid closed
so sheets do not fly off.

Activating compression
gravity field… now.” He pressed a finger to the table being laser
colored in a keyboard pattern and the system activated. Sensors
inside the core forge displayed a sudden burst of heat as the metal
went molten as all the heat was forced out and the atoms were
forced to lock into place. Relief valves shot a bright stream of
pure heat like a legitimate solar flare. “Field’s holding steady.
Core integrity stable. Secondary and third shells also steady.
Gravimetric stresses are calibrated perfectly to maintain the first
testing. Fourth shell activating automatically, but barely used
much power on shell three to keep it in place.”

The plate had been flattened to thinner than
a human hair and shaped as a lone piece to a greater design.

Beginning test two.” He
said and placed the forged piece into a safe and empty crate before
extracting and forging the second piece.

By twelve Renee lost interest and played with
Isabella for awhile and worked more on unlocking more of her
bracelet’s features.

Each sheet took two minutes to reload.
Meaning for the bulk of the next three days Oliver was at work
doing it one piece at a time. Renee didn’t know how he could be so
patient. She would have called it good after a few hours
considering the original model of the Gravity Forge turned into a
miniature neutron star.

BOOK: Void's Psionics
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