Void's Psionics (22 page)

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Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

BOOK: Void's Psionics
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Bad? Hardly. I just didn’t
know you could hold that much power safely. Can you compare it so I

You mean to find a way to
associate how strong I’ve become?” she nodded quickly and
curiously, enjoying how good he smelled. It was a light spiciness
since he used unscented soap. “That is hard, but the best I can do
is say at your father’s full power, he is like a Class One person
to me. I’m truly stronger than the strongest living Creelin by
seventeen percent. I know that doesn’t sound like much,

Not to me. Seventeen
percent output above the famous Archiver Tammat is nothing to
sneeze at. He is one of only a few who needs no security protection
when acting as an ambassador. He’s proven just what he is capable
of in many vids and even if you were a quarter his strength you’d
still surpass Papa ten times over.” Renee touched his face,
caressed more like it. “I kind of find it kinky your eyes look like
small suns. You are a warm gentle person, but more than that, just
like a sun, you are deadly. I never felt anyone as angry as you
after I told you I was… raped.”

The golden orbs burned hotter and the psionic
smoke increased. “They hurt you.”

Just my body. You know I
can’t let innocent people suffer. And not just because of my
medic’s oath. They tried fucking my mouth till I bit off their
cocks and balls so they muzzled me… and I’m glad they never found
my bracelet. I absorbed it completely in my body and it was
wonderful as they couldn’t shove their member up my ass hole. I
could do nothing for my magical box. I had to let them fuck me and
beat me… Look at them, Olly. They were helpless compared to me.”
She gestured to many who had fallen asleep. “I… I just
…” she choked and
held back the tears.

Strong arms squeezed her
closer. “Shhh… I know. I’m not mad at you. You weren’t a coward. It
took strength to do what you did for innocents. You knew they
couldn’t kill you or stop you, but you can’t leave hostages or
innocent people. It goes against everything I love about you. You
don’t need to worry. I made completely sure they can never hurt
anyone else

No shit.” She laughed. “You
were so sexy going all alpha male on those peons. And you did a
stream with your
. That takes serious skill. Even after all I suffered, the
first thing I thought of seeing you is wrapping my legs around you
and getting fucked till I was a mumbling invalid. I can honestly
say that none of them has half the girth or length of your cock,
even enhanced. Killing those assholes like that got me horny as

Red, I…”

She put a finger across his lips. “No need.
It has passed. Maybe later, but for a couple days I’m planning to
overcome this bad stain on my life and will need you and Sparky to
do it. Let me just sit here in silence and make sure everyone is
comfortable. While we wait, can I read your mind and see what
you’ve done to get back to me?”

You never need to ask.
It’ll always be open unless we fight or I’ve got a surprise, but I
also saved some Beast fights with my chip. It is clearer than
telepathic images.”

You have a chip now

Sure is handy.” He laughed
softly. “I like just looking at someone and see their name pop up
so I don’t make a mistake, but without a link to the terran network
I can’t pull up their records or why they were kidnapped.” Sunny
eyes turned to the recently freed.

Many of them are filthy
rich or have family who is. I know from talking to them. Rich as
Papa, but some are of political families or enemies of someone
powerful… now let me see what you’ve been doing.” She laid both
hands on either side of his rugged face and slid deep into his
consciousness, searching for what happened after she was

Renee cried as she learned Deegen and Bell
truly had been killed and what Rose uncovered to deliver Deegen’s
suspicions on it being their fault. She struggled to not cry again
as how hollow and angry Oliver was with her absence and it not
being at all about the spectacular sex they have missed out on. He
was empty and lost without her. It made her happy enough to cry.
She hadn’t a clue how to process what he did in the preparing month
as the technical aspects went way over her head. She gasped seeing
he went to a Beast overrun planet and all that happened on it. She
watched on at the speed of Solarian thought through everything he
endured and learned from Netul and Callier. Even liking the name
Valek over Multi-tool too.

It still took two hours to go through seven
months of battle experience before Renee tilted her head up at the
still floating blanket saying “Netul, Callier, Archivers… thank you
so much for helping my Match and guiding him. I’m so grateful and
blessed you all did what you did for the man I love.”

The pair of minds of Netul
and Callier touched theirs. The former said
“We are just glad you are well, young Renee. And just so you
know, you aren’t Reten. I see your mind, but you merely resemble
her. It is close enough to fool technology, but you are entirely a
different person and individual. Reten would not have suffered what
you did. She would have abandoned the others and not thought twice
on escape. She would have put them all out of their misery first
and killed any on her way out. You are not her at all. She was a
heartless woman as you would say.”

Callier thought after being
“Sorry for eavesdropping so deeply.
I was just curious.”

I let you in didn’t
Renee smiled beautifully in Oliver’s
opinion. Being Drake bonded made her extremely telepathically

I’m thankful. Oh, and let
me know about that little secret you’ve decided on when you are
ready. I will join you and we can become closer as friends while
our children play. I would like to be a mother again someday soon.
It has been four of your centuries and I crave being a mother. I
can already tell you will be as well.”

Not for a few months at
least. I’m not going to drop an egg for awhile. Unless things grow
boring and need something interesting to occupy my time. There is
still too much for me to do than leave for three months of
pregnancy where I’m dangerous to every woman around me if they even
look at my Olly the wrong way. When things settle I’ll let you

That would be wonderful. It
has been too long that our two peoples didn’t share raising their
offspring. Let me know when you would like to meet. I would very
much like to do feminine things and get to truly know you. You seem
pleasant for a human raised hybrid.”

I think we’ll be friends
soon enough if you never call me a hybrid again. But regardless…
when I get spare time I’ll make sure we can meet up and gossip
about our Matches. You sound like a real ball buster yourself so
we’ll make our men flee for their lives.”

Callier mentally laughed
loudly and cheerfully.
“Agreed. We must
leave now, but we are so glad to have aided Oliver into being able
to rescue you. And he needs more practice, make sure he gets

Oh, he will. Thanks

The minds left and Oliver
transferred files from his chip to hers so she could watch a few
mundane hunts till suddenly a sharp mind said
“We’ve arrived. Debris is everywhere.”
Coming from Sparky.

Their coms beeped and a deep gravelly voice
said “Lass, are ye safe?”

Yes, Papa. I’m safe. Oliver
saved me and the rest of us. Look for a big ass crater. We’re in
the center thereabouts.”

Aye, Lass, we’ve located
yer com signal and are currently on the way. We need to clean the
orbit before the objects fall like meteors to the planet, but are
on our way. Ye just sit tight.”

Yes, Papa.

Jake’s strong tone softened. “Aye, Lass, it
is good to hear yer voice too. Papa is coming. Yer papa will always
come to get his little lass. Me shuttle is ready to take

Oh, Papa, Olly saved you a
present.” She lilted.

Did he now? And what may it

It wouldn’t be much of a
surprise if I told you now would it?”

Nay. We’re five minutes
out. See ye soon, Lass.” He cut transmission.

Wake up everyone. In five
minutes we’re getting off this rock.” Renee voiced and it was met
by cheers and tears.

Approximately five minutes later two sailboat
style shuttles with aerodynamic wings were seen approaching. One
being the River Skipper and the other which was twice her size had
a double mast shuttle of similar design.

River Skipper hadn’t even
touched down when the cargo door was raised and out shot a giant
green reptile, four wings blurring like a hummingbird.
it roared

SPARKY!!!” she ran for him
and they met with an audible ‘Thud’. Sparky hugged and wrapped his
long supple neck protectively around her as if he’d never let go
again. He seemed to deflate in relief as they hugged without saying
anything, letting their emotions wash over each other.

The larger shuttle touched down and out ran
fifteen men and women in skin tight white medic flight suits. They
spread out, injectors at the ready with scanners and medical kits.
The victims laughed, cried or collapsed as reality hit it wasn’t
some elaborate dream or a delusion from pain.

Bring them aboard if they
are stable! The rest get treated where they are.” Jake’s voice
boomed unlike any other. He then stepped off with the Hunters.
Andrea, Jessica and Stephanie exited the River Skipper and hugged
Renee with Sparky. The captain looked to have also taken the first
real breath in months and smiled beneath the thick and braided red
beard. Wiped his eyes once too.

Over here you five!” Oliver
called out and Jake and the Hunters turned. Jake whispered to
Andrea and she went back over to the girls and Sparky as the men
hurried to Oliver who was moving off towards the still glowing cube
barrier. “I give you the High Chairman of the mercs and inside the
vault are all the clientele he’s kept of
shady deal made since taking
power. He’s kept immaculate details. Everyone else here is dead.
More may be coming…”

Don’t worry, Lad. Me fleet
is coming to deal with any mercs who return here unknowing they’ve
been devastated. Till then the Dorgenox can and
eliminate any threats that don’t
surrender.” Jake grinned evilly as green eyes glinted with furious
rage. “Thank ye, Lad, for leaving me the scrap I wanted. I’ll deal
with the information later. Right now I want
if ye’d be so kind.”

Oliver waved his hand and the cube barrier
dissolved into nothingness. “Want me to wake him up?”

Oh, no need to do that.”
Jake grinned evilly as his head size fist crackled with electricity
a moment before he leaned over and grabbed the man by the throat
with the single hand. The chairman suddenly woke up due to pain of
electrocution. “Long time, Victor. Remember me, Lad? I haven’t
forgotten ye the last time we met.”

Stars! NOOO!!!” the man
yelled in fear as he registered who was in his face. “What do you
want? I’ll give you anything, Highness.”

I’ve already gotten back me
most important treasure ye stole and ye have
left to bargain. Imagine me
surprise finding ye are the scum who took me child. I let ye live
last time. Not again.”

It was just business!” This
Victor person said in terror.

Not for me, Boyo! Ye took
me daughter.
seals from me and lives to brag. No one. Yer tyranny is at an end.
Before I kill ye, I’m going to find who hired ye for this and kill
them too.”

Jake slammed his mind
through the feeble mental barriers and dove deep through the slimy
bastard’s consciousness into the memory centers. It didn’t take
long before irises vanished beneath an evergreen glow and suddenly
Victor turned to pink mist with a cut off scream of pain. Jake
turned to the Hunters and their birds to say. “Deegen and
primary targets for assassination and Renee was a secondary

Did you see who hired them,
Captain?” Stone asked with a grimace.

Aye, it was the same lass
Deegen met with the peach hair and goddess figure. Rose’s memory
transfer of the lad’s last moments are identical. I’m certain it’s
she. Victor didn’t know who she was either, but she paid a billion
credits on Deegen and Bell for assassination and another ten for
Renee’s capture where she gave them the means to track Deegen.
Eleven billion is no small number for an average person to save
for. She made it seem their transaction was rather cheap to me. Now
that I know the bitch’s face I’ll track her down and tear these
soulless bastards apart if it is the last thing I do.”

Not alone. They fucked with
our brother and little sister’s heads and killed them when they had
no more use, stole an Elder Hunter’s mate and threatened other
Class One Hunters lives. We will put them down by our own laws that
supersede the Empire.” Steven said coolly, but none could deny the
anger and venom underneath the surface.

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