Vixen in Vegas (Sinful Novellas) (5 page)

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Authors: Emma Nichols

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Vixen in Vegas (Sinful Novellas)
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She chewed on her cheek while she watched me. “Right,” she said in disbelief. “BE’s nothing special. You haven’t been wearing his jewelry since the day he put it on you. That ring…means nothing, huh?”

I shook my head. “Nope. Nothing. It’s really pretty. Is that what you mean?” I tried to make my face look as blank as possible.

“Well, it’s nice that you have so few ties, so little care, absolutely no concern for the future. Wish I could do that,” she said seriously. “I guess I need to tell you in advance.” She sighed heavily before continuing. “This is the last stop for me.”

Leaning in, I asked seriously, “What do you mean?”

“We’ve been at this for ten years. I don’t want to keep moving around any more. I don’t mind that my life revolves around you, but I need to get to a point where I make my own life, live it on my terms.” She tossed back the rest of the contents of her glass while I mulled over what she had said.

“Are you unhappy? Have I taken advantage of you?” Suddenly I felt incredibly guilty about our relationship.

“I’m not miserable, but I am ready to settle down. I am ready to stay in one place. I’m tired of putting my heart into a place and then leaving a piece behind. We’re pushing thirty. I’m ready to grow up,” she explained. “And I think if you would slow down and think, you’d be ready to settle down, too, especially with someone as perfect for you as BE. Hell, if you mess up with him, I may give him a chance.” She raised her eyebrows at me in challenge.

My eyes narrowed. My heart pounded at the thought of him sharing his life with anyone but me. “Hey! You’re a lesbian! You did that on purpose!” I accused.

“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. Maybe you better never test that theory. Why don’t you take a risk for once?” She looked at me seriously. Leaning toward me, she picked up the bottle and filled my glass with the rest of the sparkling wine. “Think about it. I’ll see you in the room.” With that, she stood and left.

Stunned. That was pretty much my reaction. I hadn’t seen this coming. Sure, I knew that she hadn’t bought a house last move and that she had been trying to feel me out as she considered this move. Somewhere along the way, I was so comfortable with my life; I never considered that I was pretty much treating her like wallpaper. I never considered that she might want her own life instead of being a fixture or décor in mine.

Was I really that selfish? Had I not ever considered her feelings or her needs? Obviously not. Here we were, ten years after high school and all that had changed was the geography. She was still tagging along, letting me call all the shots. Me, I was still running things.

No wonder she wanted me out of the picture, happily paired off so she could start making her own decisions. She had always been lovely and super supportive. It was my turn to give back to her, to find out about her dreams.

The pool area closed at 10pm. That’s when I finally broke down and headed back to the room. Jolie was already asleep in her bed. As quietly as possible, I undressed and pulled back the covers. I lay in my bed, rolled toward her, watching her sleep in the next bed over. Poor Jolie. She was so incredible, had so much spirit, and all these years I had been breaking it.

“I’ll try,” I whispered to her. “I’ll try not to mess it up. I’ll let you have a life. You’ve always been the best part of mine.”

With that no longer weighing on my heart, I was able to calm down, close my eyes and rest.

We managed to get ready fairly quickly in the morning. We checked out of the room, loaded the car and then came back into the hotel for that free buffet. Breakfast was quiet, but not entirely strained. When it was over, we hit the road, headed to Albuquerque.

A good hour into the drive and Jolie turned to look at me. “I wasn’t asleep,” she said.

“What?” I asked, lost in thought.

“Last night, when you came back to the room…I wasn’t asleep,” she admitted with a smirk. “I didn’t feel like talking any more, so I pretended to be asleep.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, still confused.

Leaning over the console that separated us, she whispered into my ear. “I heard you, Sin. I heard your whispers.” She sat back and watched for a reaction. I could feel a blush creep into my cheeks. “I’m holding you to it,” she said. Then she gave my arm a hug and planted a kiss on my neck before she moved back into her seat with a huge smile on her face.

We were good. That was all I needed to hear. That drive went much faster after that.

We were two thirds of the way through our road trip when we arrived at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town around 8:30pm. Sure, we wanted to be there earlier, but when we left Little Rock at 7am and stopped to eat lunch and pee, the twelve hour drive really took every minute of it and more.

It’s no wonder we just wanted to relax. We had experienced this before. Jolie looked at me. I looked back. Then we said in unison, “Pizza.”

She found the number for the local pizza delivery. I pulled out our bathing suits and towels. We changed and headed down to the pool. That was just what we needed. Water…the pool and the hot tub…refreshing. The pizza arrived. As much as last night was serious, this night was playful. We knew where we stood. We said what we needed to say. Jolie had given me the wake up call I needed. Now she was working on distracting me every way she knew how.

Swim, pizza, and bed. It seemed like a great plan. I knew…I just knew that if I could survive one more night, I would have BE tomorrow.

“What are you thinking right now?” She asked as I floated around the lit pool in the dark.

“Tomorrow. I am living for tomorrow. I hope I can sleep tonight,” I admitted.

Laughing, Jolie remarked, “You know what helps me sleep?”

“What?” I asked, imaging something about a bedtime story or cookies and milk.

She smirked. “Sex.” A knowing look crossed her face. “Sex helps me relax and unwind. It’s better than any sleeping pill I know.”

Shaking my head, I said vehemently, “Sorry, girl. I am determined to be true to this man. He is totally worth it.”

Now she was completely beaming. “I hoped you’d say that. BE sent you a present.”

I perked up immediately.

“It’s on the bed. I’ll be back in the room in an hour. That should give you enough time.” She winked at me.

For a moment I stood frozen in the pool just staring at her. My heart thudded in my chest. “What do you mean he sent me a present?” I asked tentatively.

“Well, he asked for my address, I gave it to him, and he sent me something for you in case of emergencies.” She chuckled. “I already know what it is. I figured tonight might call for it. Go on. Have fun.”

Glancing at her, I slowly made my way out of the pool. I paused and wrapped my towel around my waist. I looked at her a moment longer. She motioned for me to leave with her hands. Filled with wonder, I headed back toward the room. This man…thought of everything. He was serious. I couldn’t believe that I ever had any doubts. He was so in this.

I stopped in front of the elevator, rode it up to our floor, and finally walked to our room. Standing in front of the door, I fumbled with my key card for a moment. The excitement was great. When I finally walked in and saw the wrapped package on the bed, the excitement was greater.

Sitting on the bed, I pulled the rectangular cube onto my lap. Slowly, I pulled off the wrapping paper, groaned in frustration when I was met with tape on the box, and finally, managed to get one end open. Reaching in, I was shocked to have my fingers wrap around a dildo. I laughed. Then I saw the note attached.


In case you are missing me already, here’s a replica.

Yes, I cloned a copy of my dick for you. You already have my heart.

Now you can have another piece of me forever.

Love you always.

It took a moment for me to decide whether to laugh or cry. There was something so special about having this tangible piece of him. Jolie was right. Sex was better than any pill, capsule, or potion when it came to inspiring sleep.

Smiling, I quickly removed my bathing suit and slung it over the side of the tub to dry. Then I rushed back to the bed, naked and slipped under the covers with the dildo in my hand. Hell, I hadn’t been able to put it down since I opened it. I pulled my legs up and let my knees drop open all the way. Running my hand up and down my pussy, I rubbed until I started to feel that familiar warmth, and the wetness soon followed.

Slowly, I slid the dildo into my eager pussy. It was the same familiar fullness that came from the real BE, but instead of feeling his hot hard cock, it was cool silicon. For tonight…this would have to be enough.

Gradually, I found a rhythm that felt right, normal. With one hand I pulled and pushed the dildo into my wet pussy, and with the other, I rubbed around my clit. It didn’t take long before I came. It was good, but not quite as satisfying as the real thing. I needed to go again, even as I was still riding out the current orgasm. This time my free hand was everywhere, tugging on my nipples, rubbing my clit, and massaging my breasts. It took a little longer than last time. In fact, I was still panting from it when Jolie returned.

Looking at my face, she smiled. “Sweet dreams, sexy. We need to get up bright and early if you want to have time to hang out and get pretty before meeting your man.”

There were no words. Curling up in my bed alone, I closed my eyes and let sleep come. Soon. We were so close to our destination, so close to our future. Sighing happily, I drifted off one last time without BE wrapped around me.

On every trip I have ever taken, I have discovered the same truths. First, I enjoy the trip, but when it’s over, I’m ready. Also, when I’m ready for it to be over, every minute is an interminable amount of time, every mile feels like a hundred. The last leg of our move to Las Vegas was no different.

Jolie had made a wise suggestion over breakfast. “Why don’t you drive until lunch, and then I’ll take over? You can rest some and be all ready for your big reunion.”

I looked at her sideways. “You know,” I began slowly, “if this whole computer thing doesn’t work for you, you should go into sales.”

She chuckled. “I’m just saying,” she started to explain.

“Oh, I know what you are saying. You are worried that I’ll be so anxious to get there that I might get a bit reckless at the end. Would that be an accurate assessment?” I asked seriously.

Shrugging, she admitted, “We’ve been doing this for a while. When you are tired of driving, you have a history of getting a little…careless.”

Sighing, I nodded. “This has been our longest move yet. We should have picked Georgia,” I joked.

“Well, we picked Vegas. We’re nearly there. Let me get us there in one piece,” she urged.

“Fine,” I acquiesced. “You can drive after lunch.”

With that, we headed out to the SUV. Unlocking the door for us with the key fob, I glanced over at her mischievously. “I guess I’ll just have to make up some time now.”

Throwing an arm around my shoulder, she smiled at me. “Relax. You’ll see BE soon enough.”

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