Viva Vermont! (9 page)

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Authors: Melody Carlson

Tags: #ebook

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She was just heading out of the building when she heard someone calling her name. Thankfully, it was a guy's voice or she might've taken off running. Seriously, she wasn't too sure about that Bethany girl.

“Hey, DJ,” called the guy who coached swim team. He was waving and jogging toward her like he needed to tell her something important. Hopefully, he wasn't going to get on her case over Haley too.

“What?” she turned and looked at him with a slightly defensive expression. Seriously, what was wrong with these people?

“I know that you're DJ Lane. And I'm Coach Reynolds. Anyway, I've been watching you swim lately.” He broke into a friendly smile. “You're looking really good out there.”

“Oh … thanks.”

“And I think you could be a real asset to our team.”

“Oh, I don't know …”

“I realize you were swimming just to strengthen your broken leg, but I'm thinking anyone who can swim like that, just barely out of a cast … Well, you're a natural, DJ. I'd love to have you join the team.”

Okay, DJ was seriously flattered now. “Really?”

“Yep. And because you've been swimming most of the season, I think I can make the exception and let you join. The season is half over, but there are still some important meets left. And I'll bet you could pick up some medals.”

“Oh, I don't know about—”

“Trust me, DJ. I was watching. You've got the right stuff.” “Wow … well, thanks. But I haven't swum competitively since I was thirteen.”

“But at least you've done it. That's great to hear. So you'll join us then?”

“I'll give it some thought.”

He patted her on the shoulder now. “I'll keep my fingers crossed.”

She smiled. “Anyway, I appreciate you thinking I could do it.”

“Sure you can do it. But you'll have to start coming to practice every day. That alone might take you to the next level. Plus it'll keep you in shape for soccer. I know you're a good soccer player too.”

She thanked him and felt surprisingly encouraged as she walked to her car. The fact was she had been enjoying swimming lately. And she really didn't want to quit. Plus, Coach Reynolds was right about the need to train and get in shape for spring soccer. She knew that basketball was out of the question. And sports were still important to her. It was also important to stand up for herself. She couldn't just slink away if a girl like Bethany trashed her in the locker room. That wasn't like DJ at all. So she decided she would do it. She would accept the challenge and go for it. Maybe somewhere along the way, she could straighten things out with Haley.


said Conner. DJ had just told him about her decision to join the swim team.

Today would be her first day to actually practice with them, and suddenly she was feeling a little uneasy. “I wonder what Haley will think.”

Conner frowned. “I think you spend way too much time worrying about what Haley will think, DJ. You're a good athlete and from what I recall, our swim team is in need. Haley said they haven't won a meet yet. I'm sure she and the others will be glad to have you on the team.”

DJ wasn't so sure. “I hope you're right.”

Conner patted her on the back. “Of course I'm right. You'll be fine.”

But as DJ drove toward the pool, she was still feeling uneasy. It was bad enough that she was being blamed for “stealing” Haley's boyfriend, but to trespass onto Haley's turf by joining the swim team might be asking for real trouble. She just hoped that no one would try to drown her.

As she walked across the pool parking lot, she was having some serious misgivings. Maybe this was a big fat mistake.

“Hey, DJ,” called a voice from behind her. She turned to see Coach Reynolds jogging her way again, only this time he had a big grin. “Why don't you make my day and tell me you're here to join the team.”

“Actually, I think I am.”

“Fantastic!” He gave her a high five. “See ya inside.” Then he jogged on ahead of her.

Okay … so there was no turning back now. She'd told him she was on board, and DJ wasn't the kind of girl to say one thing and do another. Still, she felt uneasy as she got into her suit.

“Hey, I heard the good news about you joining the team,” said Caleb as DJ hovered nervously around the swim team area, watching as other team members did stretches and began getting into the water. “Coach Reynolds is stoked.”

“I hope the rest of the team is okay with it.”

“Oh, you mean because you're the newcomer?”

She shrugged as she adjusted the strap on her goggles. “Yeah … something like that.”

“Hey, there she is,” said Coach Reynolds as he joined them. “Our new star.”

“Well, that's an overstatement,” said DJ.

Coach Reynolds grinned then turned serious. “I guess we'll see about that. Now get into the pool and get warmed up. I want to do some timing today.”

DJ chose the outside lane and tried not to look at anyone as she got into the water and began to swim. Just focus on your stroke, she told herself as she started to do the crawl, her strongest. First she swam slowly and evenly, then after a couple of laps she began to speed up. It felt good to slice through the water. She felt strong as she blocked out everything but the movement of her arms and legs. This was great.

The shrill sound of a whistle got her attention, and she realized that the coach was calling the team together. She quickly made her way to the pool's edge and climbed out.

“First of all, I want to introduce everyone to our newest team member, DJ Lane. I realize she's a latecomer, and I expect everyone here to help her to get with the program.”

“Amy,” he said, pointing his clipboard in her direction. “You work on starts and turns with DJ. She's a good enough swimmer and she's competed before, but it's been awhile, and my guess is she's a little rusty. Most of all, we need her to be ready for next weekend's meet.”

Amy didn't look too pleased, but she nodded and said, “Okay.”

“Time for drills,” he said, then blew his whistle, and everyone began jumping into the pool. DJ followed suit. At least Amy got into the same lane with her. Maybe that was a good sign.

After about fifteen minutes of drills, Amy told DJ that her turns were all wrong.

“That might be because of my bad leg,” said DJ as they clung to the edge of the pool.

“Or maybe you just don't know how to do them right,” said Amy in a slightly haughty tone.

“Yeah, I'm sure that's possible. How about if you show me the right way?”

So Amy demonstrated and then watched as DJ practiced.

“That's a little better, but you're still slow.”

DJ forced a smile. “Guess I'll just have to keep working on it.”

Then they worked on dives, which fortunately DJ was still pretty good at. After about a dozen, she felt confident.

“But you still need to practice your turns,” said Amy.

“I will.” DJ forced another smile. “I appreciate you helping me.”

Amy didn't respond, just dove into the water and continued with her own practice.

“Okay, DJ,” said the coach. He had his stopwatch ready now. “Let's get some times down for you. How about you start with freestyle?”

DJ got on the starter block and waited for the sound of his whistle then dove. Okay, it wasn't as smooth as she'd have liked, but she didn't let that distract her as she swam hard. She knew that her times probably wouldn't meet the coach's expectations, but she'd give it her best shot.

He timed her in all the events, and, not to her surprise, she was slow in butterfly and breaststroke. Her strengths were crawl and backstroke.

“I want you to work on butterfly and breaststroke for the rest of practice,” the coach told her.

She nodded, but felt disappointed. Those were her least favorite events. It seemed a waste of time to work on them. Still, after years of competitive sports, DJ knew better than to argue with a coach.

“Hey, Turtle Girl,” said Bethany after DJ climbed out of the pool and removed her goggles and cap. “You're not moving too fast. You sure you can cut it on the team? Maybe you should go back to the handicapped lane before you totally humiliate yourself.”

DJ wanted to point out that butterfly was her weakest stroke, but decided to ignore Bethany instead. Really, what was the point?

And, in the locker room, DJ kept to herself as well. She knew that the other girls, even Amy, were barely tolerating her presence. She also knew that as soon as they told Haley, which they surely would, it would probably get worse. She'd already overheard Bethany loudly complaining about how much they missed Haley at afternoon practice.

“I know,” said Amy. “Let's all start practicing in the morning.”

The other girls groaned, and DJ quickly stuffed her wet things into her duffle bag. She wanted to get out of there ASAP.

“Come on,” urged Amy. “As a sign of solidarity to Haley.” Fortunately, DJ escaped before hearing the girls' response to Amy's suggestion. Well, whatever. Who cared if they all decided they wanted to get up at five a.m. to do an early practice? Besides, she seriously doubted that was going to happen. She suspected that even Haley would tire of it eventually.

“Your hair looks terrible,” pointed out Taylor as DJ hung her suit in the shower to dry.


“Seriously, DJ. You need to take care of it before it all breaks off. Have you ever heard of conditioner?”

“For your information, I do use conditioner.”

“Well, that chlorine is ruining your hair.” Taylor picked up a strand of DJ's hair and frowned. “Do you even wear a swim cap?”

“Yes. But it still gets wet. There's not much I can do about it. Maybe I'll just cut it.”

“Cut your hair?” Taylor looked stunned. “Are you kidding?” DJ shrugged. “I don't know. It would make it easier for swim team.”

“Swim team?” Taylor frowned now. “Don't tell me …”

“Yeah. I joined the swim team. Aren't you proud of me?”

“You're nuts, DJ.”


“Okay, here's my best tip for you.”

“A swimming tip?” DJ looked curiously at Taylor. “Do tell.”

“No, not a swimming tip. Get real. A beauty tip.”

DJ rolled her eyes.

“Condition your hair before you swim.”

“What do you mean?”

“Coat your hair with a heavy conditioner, then put your cap on over it.”

DJ nodded. That actually made some sense.

“The conditioner will help to protect your hair from the chlorine and then you can rinse it out, shampoo, and recondition. Understand?”

DJ laughed. “Or what? You'll refuse to be seen with me?”

“Yeah … maybe.”

“Hey, DJ, where are the rest of the girls?” asked Marcus Wakefield. He was captain of the team and actually a fairly nice guy.

“They did morning practice today,” Coach Reynolds answered for her.

“Why?” asked Marcus.

The coach peered curiously at DJ now. “I'm not sure why. I thought maybe they had some girls' event going on this afternoon. You know what's up, DJ?”

“Not really,” said DJ. Okay, not totally true, but not a lie either.

“Well, looks like you'll be queen for the day.” Coach Reynolds laughed then pointed to the pool. “Get busy, Queenie.”

It was rather nice not having the other girls around to stare at her or make “Turtle Girl” comments. And the guys pretty much treated her like an equal even if most of them were faster. Still, it was a good challenge trying to keep up with them, and by the end of practice Coach Reynolds seemed pleased.

“Looking good out there, DJ.”

She thanked him then hurried to the locker room where she rinsed the conditioner (Taylor's recommendation) out of her hair, taking her time to shower and shampoo and condition again. Then she had the locker room to herself, and she decided she didn't care if the girls all continued to practice in the morning for the whole season. This wasn't half bad. She even decided to dry her hair for a change, taking advantage of having the whole mirror to herself. She took time to put on a little bit of makeup—just blush and lip gloss and mascara—but Taylor and the other girls might appreciate the effort since they'd all been on her case lately.

She took her time walking to her car. It had been one of those fine, crisp, clear fall days, and she knew they were limited.

“Hey, DJ!” called a guy's voice. She looked over to see Conner getting out of his old red pickup and waving. “I was hoping to catch you here.”

“What's up?” she asked as she walked over to join him.

“Not much. But I was wishing for someone to grab a cheeseburger with me. You game?”

“You're talking my language.”

He nodded. “I know the way to your heart is through your stomach.”

She frowned now. “And you're trying to get to my heart?”

He looked uncomfortable. “No … I was just kidding.”

They decided to drop her car off at Carter House, then she got in with him and he drove them over to a new diner called Heathcliff's. “Have you tried it yet?” he asked as they went inside.

“Nope. But it sure smells good.”

They had just gotten seated and placed their order when DJ saw some girls coming in. “Oh no,” she groaned and slumped down slightly in her seat.


“Don't look now, but trouble's heading our way.”

“What kind of trouble?”

“Haley and Bethany and Amy.”

He just shrugged. “No big deal. It's a free country, and there are plenty of tables.”

“Well, look who's here,” said Bethany. “Cheating ex-boyfriend and backstabbing Turtle Girl.”

“That's not very nice,” said Conner.

“What makes you an expert on nice?” demanded Amy.

Haley just stood there staring at the two of them. “So it really is true then?”

“What?” Conner's brows lifted.

“You guys are already a couple?”

“No,” said DJ. “We're just having—”

“I know what you're having,” hissed Haley. “The whole school knows.” She frowned at DJ. “And I actually thought you were a friend.”

“I am a—”

“A backstabber,” said Bethany.

“You guys deserve each other,” said Amy.

DJ was about to remind them that Haley had been the original boyfriend stealer, but it looked like Haley was on the verge of tears, and the other two girls ushered her away. Then, instead of getting a table, they left.

“That's a relief,” said Conner.

“A relief?” DJ peered at him. “We just got told off, and you think it's a relief?”

“Oh, I think girls get carried away sometimes and—”

“Girls get carried away?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “That's a little chauvinistic, don't you think?”

He nodded sheepishly. “What I meant is that some girls blow things way out of proportion. When Haley doesn't get her way, she can be a real drama queen, if you know what I mean.”

DJ considered this. “I wouldn't have thought that.”

“Well, you don't know her as well as I do. I mean, she can come across as real nice and sweet … as long as things are going her way. But you rock her boat, and watch out.”

“Meaning I need to watch out?”

“Well, not you personally.” He grinned. “Okay, enough about Haley. How about you? Tell me how practice went today.”

So she told him about the girls' boycott, but how it was actually sort of nice.

He laughed. “No wonder they all looked so grumpy. They've been up since the wee hours of the morning. That's quite a sacrifice.”

“Well, no one is making them do it.”

“Probably won't last long—once they figure out that they're only hurting themselves.”

DJ frowned. “I just hope they don't get together and decide to drown me in the diving pool. I was actually imagining them tying weights to my ankles and dumping me in there when no one was looking.”

“Ugh, that's gruesome, DJ.”

“You're telling me.”

“Don't worry,” he assured her. “It'll all blow over by the end of the week.”

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