Virtually Real (6 page)

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Authors: D. S. Whitfield

BOOK: Virtually Real
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The two of them did not trust or like each other, but each had an uncanny sense of knowing how to keep power and keep their own interests as first priority.

“Good. I’m glad we understand the need for this meeting. I suggest we meet in relaxing surrounds in a neutral area. Perhaps a country that is civilised but not too sophisticated. I suggest, say, New Zealand. Perhaps near one of their National Parks. I hear they have good scenery, excellent trout fishing and as much solitude as we may require. I’ll have my staff contact yours for the details.”

“That sounds fine by me. I’ll do the same.”

And so it was that Antoni and Chou Yi met.



Chapter 9


Future Times



“Ah it’s good to see you, my friend,” said Chou Yi to Antoni. “English still seems to be the language we use on these occasions, but it will probably go the way of your Latin and Greek in time. I already see the younger generation finding it distasteful. We might even hear Mandarin spoken as the universal language.”

“I see that you are just as expansionist as ever my old friend,” Antoni replied, “But we must not let such predilections detract from the purpose of our meeting. What is it you have in mind that has prompted this occasion in tranquil New Zealand? This country has become such a backwater and doesn’t know whether its best interests are with you or me. But it’s so remote that neither of us needs worry about it. It has almost no strategic value.”

“I’ll let him think that thought,” said Chou to himself. “If I’m going to completely control Australia I need it to be threatened on as many sides as possible.”

“I’ll let him think that thought,” said Antoni to himself. “Australia is in our influence and we need it protected on as many sides as possible.”

“I’m pleased we have this friendship and can talk to each other honestly. What I have in mind, Antoni, is to attain better control of the Middle East. I know it’s mainly under your control and influence but I know that there are many in that hot bed of violence and intrigue that wish to see a greater influence of the Chinese Republican Empire. It is of no use to you or me or our respective empires to be caught into fighting each other through their machinations.

“Besides, I know you have a hatred of Israel in spite of the warm fuzzy speeches you make in public forums. Israel seems to be very blessed. Her desert produces more than our best land, she has some of the best scientists, holds major patents and always seems to come out the winner in trade and commerce. Ever since her population went through what appeared to be a spiritual conversion and chose to follow this Y’shua she has been an irritation in our side. Always making moral judgements. Her secret service agents always seem to know what we are up to and expose our plans, and discontents in our own lands are being drawn to this Y’shua too. Israel is only a small country but she is causing us too much trouble. With the exception of Egypt, which is becoming just as bad, the whole Middle East wants to see her demise.”

“What are your thoughts on all this?”

“You are right Chou Yi. I have pondered this question myself and I believe that it is something in which we have a common cause. But we need to attack on two fronts; undermine their religion and morality, and overwhelm them with military might. This will show our peoples that this Y’shua belief has no real power or influence. Let us meet again tomorrow after considering some tactics. We have to keep this quiet until we are ready.”

Each of them was thinking. Antoni knew that, though his expanded European Empire included the whole of the Northern Russian regions through to Vladivostok, Chou Yi resented this and would take any opportunity he could to get the Yakut territories north of Mongolia. It was hard enough keeping his Asiatic peoples under control as it was.

Because of its association with the cold northern regions, and the chill and gloom that pervaded the nations under his cold and ruthless rule, Antoni was sometimes known also as, ‘The King of the North.’

Chou Yi’s empire extended well below the equator and included many desert areas. And its peoples lived a joyless life. Although his empire had much, its people had little, and Chou Yi was often called the ‘King of the South.’



Meanwhile in Israel itself Rabbi Moesh Jacov was reading the old books. Moesh was a very devout rabbi and follower of Y’shua. He also spent much time praying and listening to the impressions that Eli gave him. Ever since he decided to totally trust Y’shua to change him where he needed changing and to be obedient, willingly, to his love and promptings, Moesh had an inner peace that he had never experienced before. This was in spite of suffering many painful illnesses, false imprisonment when he visited Rome once and losing his wife after only a few years of marriage. Those who knew Moesh felt the love in him and saw in his eyes the acceptance that only suffering can produce. They knew he did not accept any behaviour that dishonoured his God or, for that matter, dishonoured any other person.

Although now over 80 years old, Moesh had come to be respected by the government of Israel and was a special friend of Judah ben David the Prime Minister.

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand against the L
and against his Anointed One. “Let us break their chains,” they say, “and throw off their fetters...”

As he read these words he had an uneasy sense of their relevance for Israel at that time. Everything appeared peaceful. Trade was good, and apart from some political rhetoric and sabre rattling among neighbouring states there was nothing serious for the country to be concerned about. Its people felt secure. But Moesh could not get these words from his mind.

“El what are you saying to me? Why do these words keep coming back to me?” he prayed.

“These words are true. Already the King of the North and the King of the South are sitting at the same table and lying to each other. Israel is in danger and the plots are only just beginning.”

Moesh was startled at the clarity with which El impressed on him the events that were even now taking place.



The project

here was much excitement in the project team. Eli had called them all together – including Lucas and his key workers.

Eli addressed them all. “I have called you all here because of what we have now started in this project. For the first time we have witnessed our ability to replicate, in a virtual reality world, all the existing situations that we humans have found ourselves in right up to the present time. This includes the developing political situation in the world.

“But more than that, we are now speeding up the outworking of future events in the hope that the predictions will enable us to change course where disaster looms and to enhance blessing and peace where we see the conditions that can bring that about.

“Any questions?”

“Yes.” called someone at the back, “Are we just to let the experiment run from now on or are we to actively participate in influencing the v-people, and outworking their beliefs?”

“Will this project only show us the inevitable outcome of the human race or will it, because of freedom of choice, make the outcome indeterminate?” called out another.

Meanwhile Lucas, who had been invited, pondered the implications. He well knew that though Eli was always fair, he seemed to always have more understanding and insight of the workings of the project than he conveyed. For all his skills and sharpness of mind, Lucas sometimes was not sure that he could outplay Eli. But his followers must never be aware of these doubts.

“What are your answers, Eli?” Lucas smiled.

“First,” Eli replied, “I want you all to know that you are to continue exactly the same as you have been in working through the past. This has produced accurate replications of all the pressures, thoughts and feelings experienced by the virtual people and the actions they have taken as a result. This has brought us to where we are now.

“Even your work and your ways have contributed to this outcome Lucas!”

Lucas was not sure if Eli was genuine or if there was a slight hint of derision in his voice. He only knew that his anger at Eli was growing. Eli wanted free will outcomes whilst he wanted total control – that was the difference.

Eli continued, “What you will see, will represent in the virtual world, the inevitable outcome for all of us as human beings. What we do not yet know is how long it will take and who, of the v-people will belong to me and who of the v-people will belong to Lucas. Already each of us has the final codes of many of the v-people who have died and these will again be activated in a different setting. Some will have a new life of joy, a sense of well-being and belonging; and the others ... Well Lucas understands.”

Lucas hated that. He sensed that if he could not get the better of Eli soon that his own fate would become like that which he had inflicted on many v-people himself – only for a much longer time! He would redouble his efforts to get control of the v-people, and by that means, the project itself. Perhaps he could out-smart Eli… His constant thought was,
I will be like him and have his power and control yet.



The virtual world

Moesh Jacov arranged an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Judah ben David.

“Judah, I know everything is peaceful at present and all the nations treat us cordially, but we both know that there is an underlying hatred for us just beneath the surface. In my prayer time recently I have felt that Y’shua is warning us of impending danger. My interpretation is that the King of the North and the King of the South are plotting our demise yet I have no proof.”

“Well our intelligence agency, Mossad, had just reported that Antoni Meschiac and Chou Ling Yi have recently met in New Zealand on a supposed holiday together,” replied Judah. “They only had their security guards and one or two trusted officials. We could not find out any more but we think it strange. Those two distrust and dislike each other although they pretend otherwise. I’ll take note of your insight.”

“I would advise you to be very wary. I know we have come safely through the last two wars but I have an uneasy feeling that what is happening now is a greater threat. You keep yourself humble and do not let yourself be flattered or feel proud. We are dependent on walking with Y’shua for protection.”

“Yes I know. But don’t worry we have a good security force and our armed forces have better technological weapons than any other nation. Others may have greater numbers but our weapons and the discipline of our troops will be more than a match.”

“Judah. I know you are a believer but sometimes I wonder if you put more trust in the blessings and protection we have been given, than in El himself. Be careful; be very careful.”

And so the warning received by Moesh was conveyed.


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