Authors: Vickie Saine
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” She twisted free from Riley and darted up the steps. She avoided looking directly at her brother.
“If a man has so much heat he burns your skin when he touches you, he's the devil. Run away”—Sarah Addison Allen
“What are you thinking, kissing him? Hasn’t your little infatuation caused our family enough trouble? Brandon asked her later that evening. They were in the den watching
Taxi Driver
Robert De Niro
—Brandon’s hands down, all-time favorite movie. Brandon resembled the typical sprawled out male assuming most of the room on the couch was his domain. Virginia kept to her thin slither of what was leftover, her feet tucked under her bottom, her lap draped with a light blanket. She chewed at an inflamed hangnail on her thumb.
“I know. I know. Trust me, I’m not allowing myself to go there.”
“I don’t believe you. You always fall for his bullshit.”
“That’s a horrible way to talk about your best friend.”
“Ex-best friend…. do you ever see me talking to the asshole? I wish he would leave, crawl back in whatever hole he crawled out of. We’d all be better off.”
“Brandon! That’s a horrible thing to say.”
“Is it? Don’t you ever wonder what our family would have been like, if he’d never been invited to live here?”
Yes, every second of every day, but she’d never admit it to Brandon. It would only supply him with more ammunition. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re the one that introduced him to our family.”
“Yeah, and our parents should have been like most parents telling me I wasn’t allowed to bring home strays. Really Gin, It’s probably a good thing you left. Maybe, you should have stayed gone.”
The hangnail she was torturing swelled with blood. “Maybe. Have you ever told mom or dad how you feel?”
“Why? You know they’ve always been blind when it comes to Riley. Hell, have you forgotten when he “accidently” shot the neighbor’s dog? Who was punished for it? Dad tore my ass up with that old belt saying I knew better than to play with his rifles. Riley’s the one that convinced me by swearing nobody would ever find out.
was never punished. Hell, honestly, I think he aimed for that old dog. He’d bitched about it barking all night. I’m telling you…something is not right with him and it only seems to be getting worse. Shh, dad’s coming… you better not tell him anything I’ve told you.”
Virginia’s mouth snapped closed and she pretended to focus on the movie.
“You’re watching Taxi Driver? Isn’t that a little too graphic for you?” her father inquired his brow furrowed.
“Yeah…you know its Brandon’s favorite movie.”
Her father stepped in front of the television—blocking both their views as he bent and rummaged through stacks of dvd’s. “We have Steel Magnolias around here somewhere. If I remember correctly that was you and your mom’s favorite, wasn’t it? ”
Brandon smirked and cupped his mouth so not be heard, “He thinks babying you will influence you to stay.”
“Dad, its fine, I actually like this movie.”
He came up, buried his hands deep in the pockets of his pants and kind of rocked on his heels blocking the best part of the movie. “Well, okay.”
Her brother snickered behind a fist.
She waved a hand. “We can’t see.”
Her father raised a brow. “I was about to make dinner. Any request?”
Brandon belched. Virginia shot him a disgusted look. “We’ve both had way too much junk food to be hungry,” she explained.
Later, after the credits rolled, “Alright, I’m out of here.” Brandon killed the television, gathered empty glasses and the bowl of leftover popcorn from the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Oh no, my foot’s asleep,” Virginia said standing on what felt like a stiff cast. She wobbled, while folding the blanket and laying it over the back of the couch.
“That’s what you get for sitting on your legs the whole movie. I never could understand how you could sit like that all the time. See you in the morning sis.”
Virginia carefully made her way to bed, smiling. Tonight was good. Normal. She needed normal. Her delicate fingers tips trailed along the wall as she moved down the hallway, her way lit by a night light plugged in to the socket on the baseboard. As soon as she opened her bedroom door, flipped the light switch, there in front of her on the opposite wall was a collage of words: SLUT, WHORE, TRADER, HARLOT, TRAMP, HUSSY, FLIRT, PRICK TEASE….BITCH. It was all there, row after row, every nasty word imaginable…red paint bleeding from huge, capital letters.
She screamed, a hand going to her mouth.
Lights came on instantly in the other rooms down the hall. Her father and Riley rushed in to the room, her father fervently working to tie the belt of his robe. Both men stopped, going rigid.
Virginia whirled around directing all her anger at Riley. “You did this!!!”
“What? Hell no, I was asleep.”
“Liar!” Her hands made fist by her sides.
Her father shook his head. “Virginia honey, let’s not go pointing fingers. Why don’t we go in to the living room and sit down?” He put a reassuring hand on her left shoulder and led her towards the door. He paused, and glanced back. “Riley do you mind cleaning that up?”
“No problem. “Riley scratched his jaw as he slowly walked the length of the wall. He examined the display of insults, his head tilted. A corner of his mouth rose finding the creativity impressive.
Virginia planted her feet refusing to leave the room until she’d had her say. “You believe him? Brandon was right…you’re blind to what is really going on around here.” Her eyes narrowed on Riley. “There’s been nothing but trouble since you came here. I wouldn’t be shocked if you were the one responsible for my mother’s accident. You cut her brake line, didn’t you?” She slid her gaze back to her father pleading for him to hear her. “Don’t you see? We’ve let the devil in to our house.”
In the den, perched on the edge of the couch leaning forward, the weight of her knobby elbows discoloring her knees, Virginia felt the first of her tears. Not tears of sadness, but tears of utter betrayal. Her father sat beside her, quiet, more relaxed than he should be under the circumstances. A wire brush scratched over sheet rock, the sound coming from her room down the hall as Riley tried to erase what was written on her wall.
“I don’t have proof, but I know he done it.”
Her father exhaled. “I think if you’d take a step back and look at what you’re proposing you’d see how ridiculous it sounds. What reason would he have?”
Her back teeth hurt as she clenched her jaw. “Okay, name someone else who could’ve wrote those degrading words on my wall. Come on dad, don’t you see there is no one else to blame. Riley is …” she paused, and proceeded with caution. “Do you know his dad used to beat him.”
“It’s the truth! Riley told me himself. Neither of his parents wanted a small boy around. He interfered with their wild parties. They both argued over who was going to care for him when he was at home. His father’s solution was to make Riley stay in his room all the time. If he came out he would get the belt. I can’t believe you never knew…why else do you think he started staying at our house all the time?”
“Riley told you this?”
“Yes…before I left…he told me all about the abuse.” She shook her head. “You’re still not getting it. Riley has a dark, demented side, one he keeps hidden. He can be aggressive…cold…manipulating.” Overwhelmed with her revelations, Virginia felt her throat close up as the stories she’d never revealed to anyone finally poured from her mouth. Years ago, it would have been too difficult to talk openly with her father about such things, but she’d been around Lizzie for so long….well, she’d grown used to vulgar comments and being blunt. “His mother liked her sex rough. She’d have guys over…she enjoyed being choked, whipped, painfully tortured...sometimes she’d take on more than one guy…Riley said once he watched five guys force his mother in to giving them all oral pleasure. Imagine the mental damage that would have on a small child.”
Her father said nothing for the longest time, his face blank. She remained silent as well, listening to Riley scuffle around down the hall. Her belly reacted to the penned up stress, burning and churning.
She continued, “All you’ve ever seen is his gentle side, the side that only wants to make others laugh. Now that you know….” Her voice dropped to a whisper, she eyed the hall. “What are we going to do to get rid of him?”
“Get rid of him? I admire Riley’s compassionate nature. He broke the cycle of abuse by getting out of it. Do you know how hard that is? It takes a very strong person to outrun a tragic childhood.”
“Okay, so he’s heroic, but he’s also dangerous!”
Laughter came from her father causing her to seethe with anger. “Riley is not dangerous…far from it. I agree, the words on your wall are disturbing…but someone else is behind it….someone you’ve forgotten? Think Virginia? How about Lizzie? Is she angry because you’ve come back? Is she lonely?”
“How can you blame her…when you don’t even know her?”
“That’s my point…I don’t know her. You’re the only one that does.”
“It’s the only logical explanation.”
She came to her feet. “I’m tired….discussing this is getting us nowhere. You refuse to hear anything negative about him.”
“Virginia, come back and sit down!” Her father called as she walked away.
Two steps in to her room and she froze at the sight of Riley crouching in front of her suitcase. Dark hair fell forward in to his eyes as he searched through the zipper pockets with his right hand. He dug deep, searching—but for what? Her gaze narrowed as she stood quiet and watched hoping to be provided with some answer. Not finding anything he proceeded on, going through her clothing….his fingers slowly slipped through her panties, her bras. He paused, his fingertips enjoying the thin silk. Shit. Enough was enough. “Want to tell me what you’re looking for in my bag?”
He made no quick startled movements, sitting back on his hunches he ran a hand along his jaw. She noticed the definition of his forearms and calves as he stood up.
“Curious…that’s all.”
“That’s it? That’s your only defense?” She mimicked his deep tone and nonchalant attitude, “Curious…that’s all.”
Riley shrugged a shoulder, leaned a hip against her dresser in a lazy sort of way. He lit a cigarette; his Zippo snapped closed in the silence. He took several long draws before answering. “You’ve already convinced yourself I’m guilty.”
“You asshole! Wipe that damn smirk off your face. There’s nothing funny about what’s going on around here.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
“Brandon’s figured you out…so have I? It’s only a matter of time before my father sees it too.”