Virgin Whore (4 page)

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Authors: Thomas Henry

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Virgin Whore
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We somehow worked our way around to the side of the bed, until her head hung back over the edge, her face illuminated by the lamp on the night stand.  I could see her features clearly in the soft red light.  She wore a peaceful expression, with her eyes lightly closed.  When I occasionally gave her a particularly deep thrust, she squeezed her eyelids and grunted with apparent pleasure.  If she was acting, she was very good.  So much better than the typical histrionic performances of most of these women.
Oh baby.  Oh baby!  You’re so good!  You’re so big!  Oh yes.  Oh yes!  I’m coming! Oh baby…
  I’d rather they just lie there than give me that phony crap.

I withdrew my penis and sucked on her nipples.  Her skin glistened with perspiration.  I was dripping.  I rubbed my wet body against hers and whispered in her ear, “Are you ready?  I’m going to fill you with my sperm.”

She held my head with both hands and nodded, eyes still closed.  I entered her again.  After a couple of slow, gentle strokes to spread her lubrication, I thrust deep into her.  She grunted and squeezed me.  I began slowly stroking her as deeply as I could, as hard as I could.  She began to cry out, softly at first, but louder and louder with each thrust.  Suddenly, she opened her eyes and glanced in the direction of the door.  Her eyes flickered to mine for a moment and then began to search frantically about the bed.  Confused by her apparent alarm, I tried to pause in mid-stroke.  But it was no use.  My balls had taken over.  I was a runaway train.

Yong’s searching eyes found what they were looking for.  She reached over and snatched a folded towel from the foot of the bed.  She stuffed a corner of the towel in her mouth, closed her eyes again, and pulled at my neck with her free hand as if to urge me on.  The towel muffled her cries as I pounded into her.

I studied her face, wondering if she were about to climax, or indeed if she already had.  Her eyes were squeezed shut, teardrops glistening in her lashes.  Even in the red light, her face appeared flushed as she continued to moan and squeal into the towel.  It was much too good to be an act.  She surely was in ecstasy.  But I wondered with whom.  Was she fantasizing that I was someone else?  Was she reliving the good times with her husband?

I wondered what I should do.  Should I try to last a little longer, hoping she would reach an obvious climax?  Or was she finished, just hanging on, wondering when the hell I was going to get it over with?

I hardly had time to think before my balls rendered the question moot.  They pushed me past the point of no return, transforming me into a mindless barbarian.  I ravished her with savage thrusts.  Then, I drove my penis deep into her and held it there while I flooded her with my semen.  And for a moment, I was fulfilled.  For a moment, I had nothing else to accomplish in life.

Then my head began to clear.  I realized that Yong’s arms and legs were wrapped around me, gripping me with all her strength, towel still firmly clamped in her mouth.  Orgasm or defense mechanism?  Was she clinging to me in ecstasy, or trying to protect herself from my assault?  I gently pulled the towel from her mouth and touched my nose to hers.  She relaxed.  Suddenly, she was kissing me.  Warmly.  Tenderly.  Deeply.  An aftershock shuddered through me as I pumped another spurt of semen into her.  Then another.

I nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear, “That was wonderful.”

She took a deep breath and kissed me on my cheek.  “Oh, yes.”

For a few minutes more, I kept her pinned to the bed as I enjoyed the smell of her hair and the sensation of her nipples against my sweaty chest.  I didn’t want to let go of the moment, and she made no effort to free herself from me.

When my penis had softened, I slowly pulled myself free from her and rolled onto my back.  She lay there for a minute or so, eyes closed, breathing deeply.  Then she got up and wrapped a towel around herself.  “Wait, I will clean for you,” she said.  She cracked open the door and peered outside.

In the bright shaft of light from the hallway, she was quite a sight.  No question about what she had been doing.  Eyes sleepy.  Hair in disarray.  Towel wrapped over her breasts, barely covering her pussy.  My semen glistening as it oozed down her inner thigh.  What if she ran into another customer in the hallway?  Or wouldn’t it be a great time for the police to raid the place?

Yong slipped out the door, leaving it cracked open.  Once again, I feared that someone might see me lying there naked.  But I didn’t want to cover myself with the robe again.  Too messy.  And Yong had taken the towel.  I decided not to worry about it.  I found another breath mint in my pants pocket and lay back down.  I closed my eyes.  My flaccid penis was still swollen, almost numb, and my balls lay sprawled in drained contentment.

Yong returned with a hot, wet towel and wiped me clean.  After she finished, I lay with my eyes closed, half wondering what she was doing, half thinking I should get dressed and leave.  Just as I was about to get up, she slid back into bed and snuggled up to me.  I hugged her and just relaxed, enjoying the sensation of having her lie there in my arms.  I almost immediately dozed off.

I was just starting to dream when I was startled awake by a loud knock on the door and a brassy woman’s voice calling out in Korean.  Yong replied brusquely and then gave me a peck on the cheek.  “Time to go.”

I dressed quickly, quietly, while she wiped between her legs with the wet towel and then donned my robe.  I thought about the money.  How much should I pay her?  $200 seemed to be the implied agreement.  But I had stayed for two hours.  Mostly because she had been so slow to get down to business.  But once she had…damn!  I thought about her situation and the money she needed to repay.  I discretely counted out $500 and folded the bills together.  It was almost all of the money I had left on me, but she had been worth every dollar.

We embraced lightly, almost strangers again.  I kissed her on the forehead.  “Thank you.  You were magnificent.”  She said nothing.  I wondered what to do with the money.  She still hadn’t asked for it.  Just tucking it between her tits seemed crude and impersonal after the very warm and personal service she had given me.  For lack of a better idea, I said, “Here you go” and held the folded bills near her hand.

She paused for an uncomfortable amount of time before taking the money.  When she finally did, she didn’t look at it.  She just crumpled it in her fist.  I was a bit frustrated.  I wanted her to know that I had given her much more than we had discussed.  I wanted her to know how much I appreciated the way she had treated me.

But Yong never looked at the money.  She just tugged at the front of my shirt with her free hand as she stared at the floor.  “Can you come back tomorrow?”

“Oh, yes.”  I already had been thinking about that.  I had to have her again while she still was fresh and untainted by her new profession.

“What time you come?”

I thought for a minute.  I had lots to do tomorrow evening.  “Oh, about ten o’clock,” I said.


“Yes, I promise.”

She squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes.  “You sure?  You promise to come ten tomorrow night?”

“Oh, yes.  I’m sure.”

“Ok.  See you tomorrow.”  She opened the door.

I gave her a last, quick hug and started down the hallway.

“Wait!” she called in a loud whisper.  I paused and looked back at her.  She gave me a sheepish grin.  “I forgot your name.”

* * * *

It was nearly eleven when I returned the next night.  When I entered the reception area, I found Yong chatting with the same receptionist who had been there the night before.  The little dog trotted over to me, tail wagging.  Yong shot me a look and headed for the stairway.  The receptionist greeted me.  “Hello.  You come here before, yeah?”

I nodded.

“Oh! Last night!”  She glanced at Yong, who was just starting to climb the stairs.  The receptionist took my forty dollars and started to lead me toward the stairway.  Then she paused.  “Oh, same girl?”

“Oh, yes.”  I winked at Yong, who was waiting at the top of the stairs.

The receptionist smiled and motioned for me to follow Yong.  When I reached the top of the stairs, Yong took my hand and led me down the hallway to the same room.

Inside the room, I tried to take her in my arms, hoping to recapture the previous night’s illusion of romance.  She pushed me away and smacked my shoulder.  “You are late!  You said ten o’clock,” she said.

“Sorry.  I had to finish a few things before I came.”  I found myself wondering why I felt compelled to explain.  It wasn’t like she was my wife or girlfriend.

“I was waiting for you,” she said.  “Very slow tonight.  Only two girls working.  Everybody bored and went home.”  Finally, she came into my arms and sniffed at the open collar of my shirt.  Mmm…you smell good.”  She looked into my eyes and winked.  “No need bath tonight, huh?”

“No bath tonight.”  I started to unbutton my shirt, and then hesitated.  Without the bath, I wasn’t sure how to begin.  Just peeling off my clothes seemed a bit brusque.  We needed some kind of prelude.  Maybe the radio would play Johnny Mathis again and we could slow-dance.

Yong rescued me.  “Take off your clothes.  I will give you massage.”

We both undressed deliberately, folding our clothes and piling them on the floor.  Strangely, I felt totally at ease with her, as if we were a couple who did this every night.

I lay down on my stomach, and Yong straddled my back, her bare rump pressed against mine.  She rubbed baby oil on my back for a few minutes.  I lay there remembering the night before and anticipating the pleasures ahead.  My cock began to swell.

Yong poured a line of baby oil down the center of my back and then lay down on top of me.  She slid her body up and down and then in circles as she rubbed the oil all over me with her bare body.  From time to time, she would rise up until only her nipples touched me, tracing patterns in my tingling skin.

By the time Yong told me to roll over, I was hard.  She abandoned all pretext of massage.  She cupped my balls in her oily hands and bent over and enveloped my throbbing cock in the warmth of her mouth.  She sucked me slowly for several minutes, her lips sliding all the way up and down my length.  Then she rose up and mounted me.  This time, she was wet.  This time, she took me all the way in one smooth motion.

As I watched her undulating in the warm red light, I wondered how many other men she’d fucked since I had been with her last night.  Quite a few men patronize these places.  Surely she had been called upon to service some of them.  Had she used condoms?  Or had she permitted them to inseminate her as I had done?  Was that why she was wet tonight?

I wondered, but I didn’t ask.  I really didn’t want to know.  I wanted to think that she had saved herself for me.  I rolled her onto her back, turned off my rational mind, and let instinct take over.

We copulated much as we had the night before, two strangers united as if they were lovers.  Once again, I drove deep into her as I flooded her with my semen.  Once again, she clung to me, urging me, muffling her cries with a towel.  Once again, we kissed deeply, gently, as I continued to spasm, spurting the last of my semen deep into her belly.  It was satisfying, gratifying, and complete.

And then it was time to go.  I was dressed.  She was wrapped in a towel.  We stood face-to-face in the red light.  I pressed the folded bills into her hand.  Five hundred dollars again.  My rational mind thought it was foolish to pay her so much, but I wanted her to know how much I valued the way she had treated me.  And I guess I was trying to rescue her in some small way.

Once again, she closed her fingers on the bills without looking at them.  She wrapped her arms around my neck.  Her towel slipped to the floor.  I enveloped her slim nakedness in my arms.  Her skin was wonderfully warm and soft.  I slid my hand down her back and patted her on the butt.

“Thank you.  You were wonderful,” I whispered in her ear.  I found her lips, wanting to kiss her again and linger in the fantasy of the moment.

But her lips entertained my kiss for only a few seconds, and then they slipped off to my cheek.  “Come see me tomorrow?” she asked

She caught me unprepared.  I knew there was no way I could come back tomorrow.  My live-in girlfriend was coming home from her trip.  I should have anticipated Yong’s question and rehearsed an answer.  But I hadn’t.  The easy answer would be to tell her what she wanted to hear.  I would see her tomorrow night.  But I couldn’t lie to her.  At least, not so directly.

“Um, no, not tomorrow.”

“Why not?” she pouted.

“I have some things I need to do.”  My mind raced.  I should have planned for this.  “Besides, I need a little rest.  I have to work, too, you know.”  I forced a chuckle.

“When, then?”  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled her naked body hard against me.

“Hmmm?”  I stalled, trying to imagine when I might be able to see her again.

“Tell me when you will come back to see me.”  She clung to me like a child.

And then I thought I understood.  She had saved herself for me after all.  There had been no other men.  She had given herself to me alone, and she was counting on me to rescue her.  Perhaps it was easier for her to rationalize selling her body if it was to only one man.  That didn’t make her a whore.  She could think of herself as my mistress.  My lover.  My girlfriend.

 “When?” Yong repeated, tugging at my neck and pressing her pelvis against me.

I looked her in the eyes, and then kissed her forehead and hugged her.  “I don’t know exactly right now.  The next few days are going to be really busy for me.  But I want to see you as soon as I can.”  The truth.  But not the whole truth.

She released her grip on my neck and placed her hands on my chest as if she were about to push me away.  “OK.”

I knew she was upset.  With no commitment from me, she would have no choice but to sell herself to other men.  My heart wanted to tell her what she wanted to hear, but I just couldn’t do it.

She slipped from my arms as she knelt to pick up her towel.  After rewrapping it around herself, she opened the door and, with a quick peck on my cheek, ushered me through it.  “See you soon,” she said softly, closing the door behind me before I could turn and take a last look at her.

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