Very Wicked Things (38 page)

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Authors: Ilsa Madden-Mills

BOOK: Very Wicked Things
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Thank you all for every shout out, sweet word of encouragement or post.
Very Wicked Things
is my love letter to you. Mwah!

If I’ve left anyone out, please forgive me. I promise to make it up in Book 3. And yes, it will be Sebastian’s book!

I love you all, girlies. :)





Discover Missy Johnson in

Out of Reach



MY BEST FRIEND was dying and I was in love with his girl. Andy and I had been best friends since we were eight-years old. Watching him slowly fade away, ever closer to his final breath, made me so incredibly angry. I knew there was nothing I could do to change it—I had given in to despair, but Andy had not. He had one last hand to play. He wasn't going to simply sit back and wait for Death to claim him—not Andy. He was going to live life until he couldn't hold his eyes open any longer. Andy didn't want to die in some sterile hospital and asked me to take him and Emily to the beach. It would be our last road trip together.

Emily. Emily was a problem for me. I harbored a secret that would have torn our friendship apart. I was in love with Andy's girl, and had been since she'd walked into our sixth grade class, so many years ago. So what kind of person am I? My best friend is dying, and it's awful—but my heart still aches for his girl. I hate myself for thinking beyond Andy's death and whether there could ever be a future for Emily and I, but I can't help it. I'm in love with her.




“ARE YOU WARM enough?” I tugged at the blankets covering Andy. I was cold. I wasn’t sure how he couldn’t be. He rolled his eyes and pushed the blankets back down.

“I’m fine, Em. Stop stressing,” he said. He reached up and traced along the side of my cheek. “You’re the one who’s cold. You’re shivering. Maybe you need some Andy loving to warm you up,” he teased. I leaned down to kiss him, forcing myself to smile at his joke.

“No,” I said, putting my hands up to stop him as he tried to push one of the blankets onto me. “Just do what you’re told for once,” I muttered, kissing him on the nose.

“Right, because you always do what I tell you to do,” he laughed.

“That’s different,” I replied smugly, folding his hand into mine. “You’re skin and bones. It’s not like you could stop me.”

“Harsh,” he said, a faint smile on his lips. “Em? Thanks for this. What you and Seth are doing for me means a lot.”

“I know it does.” My voice dropped. The tightness in my chest became more apparent. It was always there; a gnawing feeling, like I was just waiting for something bad to happen. And I guess I was.

I remember the day of his diagnosis like it was yesterday. I remember sitting in that surgery with him and Deb as the doctor explained how the melanoma they’d found between his little toe had spread to his pancreas. The prognosis wasn’t good, but it could have been worse. There was hope.

Until there wasn’t.

Terminal. Even hearing that word, I still clung to hope that a miracle would happen, and somehow the cancer would shrink. I’d lost my parents; surely life couldn’t be this cruel, could it? I felt awful even thinking about myself. I couldn’t imagine how he must have felt. He’d fought so hard for so long, and to be told there was nothing more they could do…how do you process that?

“Em,” Andy said, “Good thoughts, remember?”

I smiled, blinking back tears as I reached inside my jacket pocket and touched the small leather binder.
Good thoughts
. When it was obvious I wasn’t coping, I’d began writing down a list of memories, forcing myself to only focus on the good. It had been Andy’s idea, a way for me to remember time we’d had together. The time we had left. It was my way of staying strong for him, because the last thing he needed was for me to be a broken mess.

“Good thoughts,” I mumbled, squeezing his hand.


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THE DARKER THE Storm, The Deeper the Pain…

Love knows no bounds when two people are destined to be together. One fights to maintain the distance; while the other battles to close the gap.

The Brighter the Light at the End…

Will they move forward together or finally close the last remaining door to their past?

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Her name was a breathy whisper as his hand glided up to her shoulder. The backs of his fingers scorched a trail where skin met skin. A soft moan escaped her lips and thousands of tiny goose bumps spread across her flesh. Her familiar response to his touch sent currents of electricity through her blood.

“Ash, let me come in. Nothing has to happen. I just want to spend more time with you.” Inhaling sharply, Ashley stepped away, disconnecting from his touch and shaking her head to clear the lust that threatened to cloud her good judgment.

“Romeo, do you honestly think I don’t remember your allure? Please, I know exactly what will happen if I let you in my house. Do you know how I know?” She watched his face, his eyes burned with lust, yet he still shook his head in denial. “I know because I look at you, I see you, and even after all this time, even after everything that happened, I still want you. I still burn for you. I remember what it was like to have your hands on my body and I want more. I want it all.”

“I want you to inhale me, consume me, and devour me. I want to come apart knowing that you’ll be the one who puts me back together. And when you do, I want to watch you drown in the desire you once had for me. So you see,” her eyes ran the length of his body as she tried to keep her thoughts from scattering, “I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to step through my door, because there is no way the reality can hold a candle to the fairytale my memories have created.”

Ryan moved closer to her. That one step brought him close enough that his scent once again surrounded Ashley. His warmth embraced her, desire assaulted her. She knew then and there that her self-promise was about to be a thing of the past. “Princess,” his voice raspy as the words finally freed themselves from their prison, he growled, “There is nothing wrong with your memory. Now, invite me into your fucking house.”




More With You

a New Adult romance

by Kaylee Ryan…





“I WAS WORRIED about you, angel.” I tell her honestly. Well as honest as I can be.

“Aiden, we were fine. Those guys were just being friendly.”

“You don’t know them. Hell, they could have taken you both and did God only knows what to you.” I swallow back the emotion of just the thought of her being hurt.

“I’m not yours to worry about,” she whispers.

And there it is the knife that is twisting in my chest. She’s right, I know it and she knows it, but fuck if I like it.

I pull back and bring both of my hands to her cheeks. “Angel, I care about you. You may not be mine, but I will never let anything happen to you. Do you understand that?” I ask her. I really need her to know how special she is.

“One big brother is enough, Aiden. You don’t have to feel obligated to protect me.”

“Who said I wanted to be your big brother?” I ask trying to keep my voice calm. This is truly a daunting feat with all of the rage boiling inside me. She thinks I want to be her big brother?
Fuck that!

“Don’t you? Why else would you go all alpha Aiden and try to keep me from them?” she asks me.

I watch her closely as she waits for my answer. This beautiful girl has no idea the war I have fought these past few months. She has no idea how she affects me, how much I want her. This is killing me. Wanting something this much, something that I can’t have. She licks her lips and now all I can think about is tasting her. I don’t even realize that I’m going to do it until our lips meet and I’m consumed with her sweetness. Lips of an angel, I tell you.

I move one hand behind her neck and the other is holding her cheek. I angle her head back and deepen the kiss. Hailey opens her mouth and I take full advantage to slide my tongue in and hers immediately duals with mine. She moans and my desire is fueled. I can’t get her close enough, can’t get enough period. Hailey slows the kiss and pulls her lips from mine. I tug her into a tight embrace.

“I need for you to always be safe. Not because I feel like your older brother, but because you are important to me. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you.”

I feel her nod against my chest. “Let’s go, they’re going to wonder where we are.” I whisper in her ear.

She slowly pulls away from me. “Thank you, Aiden.” With that she turns and heads back to the beach house.

I stand there and watch my heart walk away from me. I place my hand over my chest and rub the ache that is throbbing. No girl will ever mean to me what Hailey MacCoy does.






Temporary Bliss

by BJ Harvey…



*DISCLAIMER: There is absolutely no cheating in this book. However, this book does contain descriptive and super hot sex scenes that will make you blush and leave you hot and bothered. Make sure you have you husband, partner, boyfriend or significant other nearby when reading, or else batteries. Lots and lots of batteries*


MAKENNA LEWIS CRINGES at any mention of the word commitment. She doesn’t want or need a relationship, but she does like sex (who doesn't). That explains Noah, Sean, and Zander, her three 'friends with benefits'. They know the score, they know they're not the only one, and each of them provide her with a different physical need that she craves and enjoys. Until a late night encounter with the delicious Daniel Winters turns her preconceived notion of no-commitment completely on its head. Soon she finds herself feeling things she vowed never to feel again, and when Daniel pushes for more than she’s willing to give, she falters. What do you do when something that you’ve known to be so wrong in the past feels so damn right? If you’re Mac, you run and hide. But is Daniel the type of man who takes no for an answer?


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Night After Night



HE SPOTTED HER before she saw him; that red hair was hard to miss, even in a sea of frenzied, frantic travelers jostling for a cab, a car, a bus. She wore a black trench coat, belted at the waist, black heels, and white stockings. A grin took over his face; she had done it. Of course she had done it. He was at attention in seconds and his fingers itched to touch her, to peel off those stockings inch by delicious inch, then lick his way down her legs to her ankles and back up, savoring her every single second.

Leaning against the town car, he kept his eyes on her the entire time as she threaded her way through the crowds. She was a tall drink of woman, her red lipstick matching her red hair that was blowing in the late afternoon breeze. She brushed some strands away from her face. Soon, she noticed him, and smiled wickedly. He nodded, trying to act cool, even as his temperature rose. Then, she was in front of him, and before she said a word, her hands were on his shirt and she pulled him to her, pressing her lips to his.

She was lightning fast. A blur of movement, of teeth and lips, and that intoxicating taste of her lipstick that would be gone in seconds.

He responded instantly, kissing her hard like she deserved. Cupping the back of her neck, he jerked her close. He wanted her to remember that she might have made the first move, but he liked to lead. He nipped on her bottom lip then sucked on her tongue, drawing out a moan from her that pleased him deeply. He kissed more, sliding his tongue over hers as he lowered his hand to her thigh, skimming his fingers along the thin, barely-there fabric of her stockings.

When he broke the kiss, he raised an eyebrow. “They look good on you, and I bet they look good coming off too.”

“Don’t rush it. I want you to enjoy the view.”

“I’ve been enjoying the view since the second I laid eyes on you, gorgeous.”

He opened the door and gestured for her to enter the car, watching the whole time as she stepped inside and crossed her legs, giving him a very brief preview of where the stockings ended. He shook his head approvingly, and she shot him a look that said nothing short of come and get it. He took her suitcase as the driver emerged, scrambling to deposit the black carry-on into the trunk.

After he got in the car he hit the partition button, closing them off from the driver, with the tinted windows shutting them off from the whole wide world.



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