Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1) (6 page)

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Authors: Penelope Fletcher

Tags: #science fiction romance, #alien warrior, #sci fi romance, #alien abduction, #erotic alien romance, #alien romance

BOOK: Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)
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Perhaps my seeding begins early.

She is fertile then.

He held hope for so long he’d be freed from slavery and retuned to his home where he could seek a desirable life mate.

I wanted no more than any other, a normal mate that understands me, what is expected.

A pang of pain stabbed his primary heart and the second throbbed.

I hoped for a beauty.

Venomous sighed gustily.

His dream Rä’Na was not meant to be.

I would be honoured merely to have a strong, sturdy mate.

Why this puny, ugly thing?

If he was bitterly honest the release of his shaft had been a relief, even if it was a singularly painful sensation and for an unsightly alien.

Venomous set aside his past desires.

He was Rä’Vek now, a male of his species.

Against Senate law, he’d taken an offworlder mate.

He stared at the alien primitive in his nest with a strong sense of incredulity.

The creature lying there is mine

His gaze flowed over her body, her shape familiar, but bewildering.

The reality she missed two limbs was difficult enough to accept, but the fleshy nub between her thighs appeared a sore protrusion he worried over.

Recalling her agitated reaction to his touch, it was easily upset, a crude thing he refused to believe existed as by nature’s design.

He’d hoped it was an external pressure point that would open her womb when she directed him to it, not a mere disfigurement as the malleable lumps on her chest, yet the more he’d stimulated the reddened flesh, as she instructed, the more her body bucked and shuddered, the tighter the many sphincters in her channel clutched his stem and made it difficult to remain seated.

In the end, she gasped for air as her alien speech tore from her throat between agonised wails.

Had they been pleas for mercy?

After all, her entire body had spasmed uncontrollably in pain, and to his eternal shame that tightening of muscle robbed him of control.

He’d spilled deep within her hot wet.

The gut-twisting pleasure of his sac squeezing, his buttocks flexing burned him even now.

A ghostly memory of his loins bucking as his shaft spewed endless seed, flooding her sheathe and marking her with his scent altered him on a fundamental level.

It dishonoured him to seed her before bringing her to the emotional harmony that mirrored his physical one.

He hoped his ancestors looked away, sparing him their condemnation.

Then she’d pushed him away and shut him out.

What more did he expect with his appalling display?

He had revealed nothing of what should be a warrior’s ability to control himself during clutch.

If he were a Scholar or an Artisan then perhaps he could say sentimentality overwhelmed practicality.

He could not.

He’d been trained to control his body’s responses since a hatchling.

He felt her disgust at what had happened, tasted it at the back of his throat, acidic, resentful.

It wounded him.

So he would do better and she would not lash out.

Yes, she is ugly, but she is mine.

She deserves the best of me as I do of her.

Clutch was shared in honour of life and its creation, and it pained him he could not comfort her with a vow to build her a larger lair, share with her the joy of her womb opening for him where he planted his seed.

Venomous snorted in disbelief at his thoughts.

How can I be so cruel as to bring newborn life into this place?

What was supposed to be the greatest moment of their lifecycle left him feeling replete in body but hollow in his soul.

It almost felt as if their coupling
damaged her
in a hidden way.

As if she
hated him
for joining them as was natural.

Venomous shook himself at his senseless thoughts to focus on what must be achieved.

It was early, most of the slaves had yet to rise, and now was the best time to gather nourishment; less than a span since the L’Odo dumped it.

He’d need as much variety as possible to tempt his mate into eating.

She was stunted, and her stomach rumbling through the night in hunger disturbed him.

Truth, her littleness unnerved him as his species was not sexually dimorphic, so he was not used to her frailty.

Though she was physically weaker he could tell some of it stemmed from a lack of rest and food.

He was impressed she’d fought him as long as she had the night before.

She had spirit, and more than proved she would be adept at protecting their egg should they be so blessed.

He touched her frail ankle. “Waken.”

When she did not stir, he gave her foot a gentle tug, careful to leash his strength.

The female made a low sound.

Eyes fluttering open, she groggily peered around.

Her eyes were bizarre, her pupils round, black, and circled by a colour he’d previously seen only on hard-stones mined from the deepest caves on this L’Odo slave planet.

This attribute of the alien Venomous found pleasing.

The stones were transparent, treasured, and greatly expensive, which was why the L’Odo enslaved other species to extract them.

The volatile caverns were dangerous, and they considered themselves a superior genus, too precious to waste digging in the dirt.

Erratic, her eyes slid side to side.

Wispy filaments on her arms lift as they settled on him, and her breathing coarsened as her eyes leaked clear fluid.

She pushed onto her hands and knees then scrambled back until she hit the wall.

Venomous hissed, his tongue snatching at the air, tasting her fear.

He waited for her to calm then greeted her with a big, welcoming smile. “Good rising.”

When she whimpered, eyes locked on his mouth, he exhaled, nice and slow, then tried again reason with the creature, his mate, stooped at his feet.

Filthy, covered in dirt and bodily fluids, she huddled in the corner.

It was a pitiful sight, one he never imagined of his honoured Rä’Na, and her fear grated on his nerves.

What have I done to deserve her hysterical behaviour?

He bred her and ensured his protection for life.

Was he too optimistic to think his mate would be pleased by him?

Perhaps she did not understand what he offered?

The nonsensical thought irritated him.

How could she

Some things went beyond the divide of species.

Male takes female.

It was elemental, as deep-seated a need as air and water was to survival.

He wished she’d cease to act like a backwater savage and attempt to communicate as an enlightened being so they might move forward.

Snatching up the smooth cylinder containing the last of his liquids, he frowned.

Judging by her wet insides and supple flesh, she needed hydration much more than he did.

Crouching, he pushed the canister of sweet water to her mouth. “Drink.”

Sucking cushioned lips into her mouth, she turned then pressed her rounded forehead to the wall.

Venomous growled.

Drawing her knees to her chest, she lashed out a hand, knocking the canister from his grip.

It skidded across the floor to clang against the worktable.

Tangled filaments obscured her subtle features as the female rocked back and forth.

She breathed in ragged pants that spoke of her terror as did her dilated pupils, empty expression and trembling limbs.

Annoyed by this irrational response, Venomous crossed his upper arms, lower hands fisting.

His tongue flickered at the seam of his lips, and tasted a range of emotions that translated to a state of denial.

He’d long come to terms with his slavery, but his mate did not acknowledge the reality of her new existence.

It took solars before his defiance had changed to weary acceptance, so he could relate.

Expression gentling, he gazed at her with compassion.

The alien was strange to his eyes, unattractive compared to Rä females, but he had seen uglier specimens.

The brown membrane that covered her was not so deviant from the tawny umber of his anima though his under hide was paler, more similar to the membranes on her palms and the soles of her feet.

Her filaments were unlike any he’d felt, not fur and not bristles.

Aliens he’d come into contact with in the mines called the filaments

The kinky strands sprouted from her cranium, on her brow ridges, around her eyes and grew around her female core.

There were many curious textures on the female.

Mostly so very, very smooth.

Intrigued as he was to explore her, he felt no leave to touch.

Much to his surprise, his desire to do so was strong, and grew stronger with each moment he passed in her company.

She offended a traditional sense of beauty, but she did attract his sexual interest.

Venomous’ eyes narrowed.

Does that make me perverted?

How could it when she was his?

His fingers twitched as he imagined stroking all that softness at his leisure.

Strange thoughts swirled inside his mind, but he didn’t suppress them.

I want to hold her.

Indeed, he longed to caress the soft curve of her face and without thinking, he reached to touch her.

Jerking, he closed his hand into a fist then pulled it back.

Rä were not overly affectionate as a species, the occasional touch between mates was expected in private, and rubbing mandated during clutch

Certain touches were encouraged, but at no point was it considered normal to
to make prolonged bodily contact.

He stared at the mass of curling, coiling filaments that sprouted from her head and flowed across her neck and shoulders.

The colour had many names.

It reminded him of the universe, the colour left behind by empty space.

He wanted to run the mass through his claws to see if it was as soft and dense as it appeared.

Gem eyes glittered with emotion as they connected with his.

They jerked to the canister he retrieved then back to his face.

She moistened her lips.

Her pink tongue had a rounded tip.

It was an anomaly to him, but not, he admitted, as unattractive as he’d first considered.

He tried again to wean her onto the sweet water and felt aggravation when rebuffed. “You thirst. Why do you not drink?”

Again her eyes darted to the canister then roamed the lair before returning to the cylinder as she licked her parched lips.

The blatant distrust of her environment kindled suspicion in Venomous.

A Rä’Na of his birth world outside of the Warriors Guild would never worry her refreshment was unclean.

She would expect her mate to have provided well for her.

His mate’s dramatic change in circumstance and the battle to win her might have brought her to the conclusion he was too brutish to know how to care for a mate.

After all they could not communicate as free-thinking beings!

He had traded his hardsuit solars ago for machine parts.

Such things allowed sentient beings to judge the technological advances of a race at a glance.

Judging by how she stared and gulped at his gold, she found such displays of virility and strength primitive, in addition to being unnerved by his size and physical differences.

He found her strange to his eyes, so the reverse must be true.

Yes, he was certain her intelligence matched his as her reactions indicated a strong, stubborn personality.

If they could speak to each other they would do better.

Venomous understood he might appear hostile from her perspective, so his offer of water would rouse suspicion.

Holding her gaze, he put the canister to his lips and drank.

Again, he offered the cylinder.

Slender fingers tipped with flimsy, translucent claws snatched it from his grip.

He chuckled as his mate struggled to understand the push and suckle mechanism needed to release the sweet water, but she reasoned with gratifying swiftness.

Soon she gulped the nourishment, her malleable cheeks hollowing.

She paused only to swallow and breathe.

Her gaze alternated between his face and her surroundings in panicked flicks, and the apprehension causing the anxious movement proved distressing to his anima.

It rippled across his scales in a gold-tinged rainbow.

She froze, watching his scales with wide eyes.

Venomous shuffled back a step to give her space, show he meant no harm.

Though she did not drink from his hand as was proper, she drank, and that was good enough.

He shifted from his knees to his buttocks then placed both palms on the floor exposing the backs of his hands to maintain a visual communication of nonviolent intent.

He returned the female’s blank stare with one of his own.

She responded better to his lack of expression and silence.

Venomous began to think she did not like it when he smiled or tried to share amusements with her.

Or perhaps a smile did not mean the same to her as it did him?

Soon her desperate, dry sucks at the canister echoed off the walls.

“More will come.” He pulled the empty canister from her grasp and met no resistance. “We will visit the fountain. One thing they do not keep from us is water. Gladiators make Sorkbhal no credits if they die of dehydration while mining for the wealth of the L’Odo home world.” He set the canister between his legs then crossed them. “I am appreciative of this now. Your skin is fragile. You need watering often in the dry heat, I think.”

Remaining silent, her eyes narrowed.

He found them striking, beautiful even, and when she understood him he would tell her so.

Perhaps he’d been judgemental and hasty when he called her ugly.

There was much to enjoy in her alien shape.

“I know you cannot understand me,” he muttered, “but that will change.” Venomous rose and left the female cowering in her corner. He reached the slab of rock that acted as a door then motioned her to come. “You cannot stay here alone. The others fear me, but not enough to ignore the temptation of stealing you. I must not make it easy.”

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