VelvetValentines (5 page)

Read VelvetValentines Online

Authors: VJ and Sierra Summers

BOOK: VelvetValentines
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He walked leisurely back and stood in front of her. Her
position put her mouth level with his dick, a situation his dick appreciated.
The agonizingly hard flesh was pressing so hard against his zipper that Derek
wouldn’t have been surprised if the damn thing had burst under the pressure.

Elise’s gaze had fastened on the formidable bulge it made in
his trousers, and this time Derek didn’t scold her. He wanted her attention
there. He wanted her to see just how turned-on he was by her submission.

With slow, taunting movements, he worked his belt loose. He
pulled it free of his belt-loops with a low hiss of leather on wool and draped
it around her neck. The black leather made her ivory skin glow like a pearl.

He flicked open the slide closure on his pants, then worked
the zipper carefully down. His dick was throbbing, leaking pre-cum until there
was a wet spot on his crimson boxer briefs and lunging to get free of the
constricting wool of his pants. He gingerly lifted the soft cotton of his
briefs and pulled them and his pants down just enough to free his dick
entirely. He let the layers of wool and cotton bunch low on his hips and let
his dick wave free in the cool air.

He gave a little sigh of relief when it was finally free.
The pounding flesh was so hard it pointed straight up, painting a damp line
across his abdomen. The relief was short lived, though. Elise was staring at
his dick with hungry eyes. Her lips were parted, the tip of her pink tongue
slicking over them.

was what he wanted. Where he needed to be. Her
soft, wet,

“You’re going to suck me, baby,” he told her. She shivered
in reaction to the words, and he loved it. “You’re going to keep that pretty
mouth open and I’m going to fuck your face.” Sharp white teeth sank into her
bottom lip. He recognized the expression—she made it when she was ready to
come. He took hold of his dick and slapped it lightly against her cheek. Her
breath quickened. His dick howled in protest. It wanted her mouth, now.

“You aren’t allowed to come,” he continued, ignoring the
throbbing in his balls. “I, on the other hand, will.” He rubbed the head of his
dick over her cheeks, painting her skin with pre-cum. “I’m going to shoot all
over you, baby,” he promised her. “I’m going to mark you until every Dom out
there knows that you belong to me.”

Her panting breaths were now being punctuated with little
whimpers. Oh, yeah. His baby needed to come in the worst way. Unfortunately for
her, that wasn’t part of the plan yet.

He took her chin in a gentle grip and tugged her mouth open.
What a gorgeous sight. Then he gripped his dick and slowly thrust the head
between her lips. He let her give a soft, startled suck before pulling back
out. His eyes wanted to cross, but Derek kept control. Barely.

He spent a long time making shallow thrusts, letting her
sweep her tongue over the sensitive skin beneath the head of his dick, letting
her suck just enough for his balls to draw up tight to his body. Every so often
he’d pause to rub his dick over her mouth. Sometimes he’d rub it over her
cheeks or slap her gently with it.

Eventually, though, he didn’t have the self-control to keep playing,
and he began to fuck her mouth in earnest. Each thrust took him deeper into the
hot, wet haven. He gave her more, more and still more, until her eyes were
tearing and she was gasping between thrusts. His orgasm was barreling down on
him like a freight train—there was nothing he could do to stop or even slow it.

With a low, guttural groan that felt like it was dragged out
of his gut, Derek pulled out of her mouth and gripped his dick brutally. Two
quick jerks and he was coming, shooting like a fountain to coat her chin, her
chest. Just when he thought he was done, Elise snaked her tongue out and licked
the cum off her mouth. The pure eroticism of the movement wrenched another
spurt out of him, and this one he aimed at her open mouth.


Elise’s body was humming, her pussy throbbing. She’d always
enjoyed sucking Derek off, had positively craved his taste and the
silk-over-steel strength of his cock. But what they’d just done—no what
just done to
—put mere enjoyment in the shade.

Something about being helpless, stretched to the point of
pain, focused her arousal in like a laser. And the feeling that he was using
her, just using her body for his own release, ramped it up all the more. The
tiny, rational part of her brain that was still functioning told her that she
should feel degraded. But she didn’t. She felt more desired than she ever had
before, even in the most intimate of their lovemaking. Seeing that last,
helpless pulse of cum had shot such a feeling of power through her that she’d
had to hold her breath and clench every muscle in her body to keep from coming

Derek stood over her for a long moment, chest heaving with
his breaths. She knew her chest was heaving too. God, she wanted him. Wanted
him like never before. He kept her waiting for several minutes before tipping
her chin up with one finger. His eyes were nearly black, intense and
penetrating. He ran his finger gently over her cheek, gathering up the cum
spattered there, and brought it to her lips. She sucked it in without thought,
savoring the taste of his skin and his cum. He gave a low, groaning laugh, and
pulled back.

“You are dangerous to my self-control,” he murmured, taking
a step back and looking admiringly at the picture she made. She felt like a
not-so-virgin sacrifice, all spread and stretched for him to do with her as he

He walked over to the small sink that was positioned near
the control panel and let the water run, she assumed, until it was warm. Then
he soaked a thick cloth, which he brought back to her.

“I want you to feel my cum on you, but you don’t need to
drip with it,” he commented wryly as he stroked the warm, wet cloth lightly
over her body. She was so primed that even the soft rasp of the cloth over her
nipples nearly sent her over. He seemed to sense her distress because he
stopped and tapped her nose lightly with a finger. “No way, baby. You don’t
come until I give you permission, and that’s not going to happen for a good
long time.” She couldn’t throttle back her moan of protest, and he laughed as he
returned the cloth to the sink.

“Now,” he said briskly as he walked to the cabinet where a
dizzying variety of toys was displayed. “I think I’d like to show my submissive
off.” He shot her a wicked look. “You are so fucking sexy in nothing but those
stockings and boots. The other Doms will be panting for a chance at you.” She
felt her eyes widen. He’d warned her that he might let others touch her, but
she hadn’t really faced the reality of it.

Derek was standing in front of her again. His cock was
already stirring and she couldn’t hold back a small smile. He’d just come like
a geyser, and the sight of her had him nearly ready to come again already.

He cupped his cock firmly, not making any attempt to arouse.
She hadn’t noticed what he was holding, but now she felt her eyes widen as he
worked a thick rubber circle over his semi-hard length, stretching it between
his fingers until he could work it under his balls as well. He didn’t say
anything, but Elise savored the idea that he needed the cock ring to control
himself as he worked her.

It seemed he’d shown her all he intended to for the moment,
because he walked back to the control panel as he settled his briefs and pants
back into place, doing them up efficiently. “Stand up,” he commanded and
pressed the button that took up the chain so that she was all but lifted to her

“You seemed to like seeing me…adorned,” he commented. He was
sorting through a drawer of the cabinet as he spoke, and Elise felt a slow
shiver work down her spine. She didn’t know what he had planned next, but she
knew it would push her even farther past her preconceived boundaries, and she
couldn’t wait. He found what he was looking for and moved back to face her.

“Maybe you’ll enjoy being adorned too.” His voice was a low,
husky growl. She loved it. Reaching out, he caught one of her nipples between
thumb and forefinger and pinched, hard. Elise cried out sharply at the
sensation, and also for the sheer pleasure of the sound. Derek sent her a
surprisingly sweet smile in response. She’d never been a vocal lover, and she
knew he recognized the significance of her cries. She was deliberately giving
him more than she’d ever given before. She was giving him everything.

He worked the bud of her nipple for a minute or two,
pinching and pulling, sending wild shafts of pleasure through her chest to
arrow down to her clenching pussy.

“Master,” she gasped in distress. He kept up the stimulation
as he gave her an inquiring look. “Please, Master,” she panted. “I need to

He shook his head and lightened his touch on her nipple.
“You may not,” he said firmly. “But I’ll help you to hold off,” he added. With
no other warning, he clipped a red jeweled clamp on the aching flesh.

She couldn’t have held back the scream if she’d tried. The
agonizing pleasure of his touch bled into the agonizing pain of the clamp, then
back to pleasure as he engulfed the nipple, clamp and all, in his hot mouth.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God.” The chant was involuntary and
utterly out of her control. The pain was excruciating, the pleasure scalding.
Her body was in shock, icy cold and burning at the same time. Her pussy didn’t
seem to share the confusion, though. It clenched and clutched at emptiness and
wept for fulfillment.

Derek lifted his head and smiled into her eyes. His held
such an expression of affection and approval that Elise thought she could
happily drown in their warmth.

Then he applied the second clamp.

When she came down off the rush of the bite of the metal and
the velvet of his tongue, Derek had his hand buried between her legs, two
fingers burrowing deep inside her.

“You really need to come, don’t you, baby?” he asked,
pulling his fingers almost all the way out before thrusting roughly back in.

“Yes, Master,” she wailed, not recognizing her own voice.
“Please, Derek. Master. Please.”

Damn if the begging didn’t turn her on as much as it seemed
to do to him.

“Not yet, Lise,” he said sympathetically. He removed his
fingers and lifted them to his mouth, licking her juice from the digits with
obvious relish. “Just think, though,” he added. “It’ll be so much more
powerful, so much stronger, if you wait.”

More powerful than when he’d applied the nipple clamps? Her
heart would explode.

He reached up and unhooked her wrist cuffs from the bar and
reached around her, re-hooking them to each other behind her back. Elise drank
in the moment, soaking up his closeness and the almost-embrace. Then the moment
was over and he was standing back to slip his belt from around her neck. He
tossed it to the side with a smile and produced a white leather collar, which
he buckled snugly around her neck.

“That is so pretty, baby,” he commented, running the tip of
his finger along the edge of the collar. “White skin, white stockings and those
pretty red cuffs.” He leaned in and kissed her throat just above the white
leather. “And my collar around that beautiful throat.”

Raising his head, he clipped a gold chain to the collar.
my God
, she thought. He was going to lead her around like a pet on a leash.
The thought sent a secret thrill through her.

“Now here’s what’s going to happen, baby,” Derek began in
the same voice he used to address a jury. Calm and matter-of-fact. She
shivered. “I am going to parade you around the third floor.” She shuddered. He
smiled. “I am going to show off my possession to every Dom and sub out there.
They will covet you, and if they ask nicely enough, I might let them touch you.
You’ll allow it, Elise. You’ll crave it, because you’ll know it pleases me.” He
cupped her chin and brought her gaze to his. “It pleases me, because I know how
hot it will make you. I know how high it will send you.” A rough sigh escaped
her. He was already sending her through the stratosphere.

“One more thing, baby,” he added with a wicked twinkle in
his eyes. A delicious dread filled her at the expression. “You’re going to be
following me on your knees.”

Elise gulped.
Oh God.

The parade passed in a blur. Derek led her out of the
private room, keeping up a pace that was just a little too fast to be
comfortable. At first she was so focused on keeping up that she couldn’t
concentrate on what was going on around her. After a few minutes, though, she
began to get impressions of the room around her.

The music was hypnotic. It was loud enough for her to make
out the words about a woman who needed to learn to crawl before her man walked
away… Ironic or fitting? Elise was too turned-on to decide which. Another few
minutes and she became aware of the eyes on her, the soft, complimentary
comments to Derek and his steady, pleasant responses.

She jumped violently when a strange hand trailed down her
back, and couldn’t stop herself from looking up sharply. An older man, maybe
fifty, looked back at her with one brow raised. His silver-dusted hair
glittered in the white twinkle-lights. That was the only glimpse she got,
though, because Derek gave her leash a sharp tug. When she looked quickly at
him he was frowning and pointing bluntly at the floor. Elise hastily lowered
her eyes.

He led her around the entire room, first circling the
perimeter, then weaving through the tables. Occasionally he would pause and
speak to another Dom or Domme. Their subs sent furtive looks at Elise—sly,
conspiratorial smiles. Elise found herself returning the secretive glances. It
was as if they, the subs, all shared a secret, silent language.
We know
who’s really in charge,
the glances said.
We know who holds the power,
and it’s not them.

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