Vegas Love (12 page)

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Authors: Jillian Dodd

BOOK: Vegas Love
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She doesn’t speak to me the rest of the day.

I go home, have dinner with my brother, and then feign exhaustion and retreat to my bedroom.

I lie on the bed and think about her.

Her number is included in the packet Cade gave me. I could call her. Text her.

But it’s not enough.

So I sneak out of the house and make my way up the beach.

A Beautiful Ring


I’m sitting on my balcony looking out at the dark ocean and trying to focus on the sounds of the waves and not think about him. About how hot the sex was today.

About how he is exactly the kind of guy who Harper told me I should marry.

Except, I already did.

Now what am I going to do?

I hold my hand up and stare at the way the ring glitters in the moonlight. I know I shouldn’t be wearing it. I know I should give it back.

So what’s stopping me?

Why did I get mad at him for standing up for me today? Why was I mad at him for not telling his brother about us when I so clearly told him not to?

“Hey,” his soft voice startles me but, at the same time, I’m not surprised he’s here.

“Why did you buy me such a beautiful ring?”

“I know you’re crazy, smart, and independent, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need a man to take care of you.” He takes my hands in his and pulls me out of my chair, so that I’m pressed against him. “Seriously when’s the last time a guy has taken care of you, like I did in Vegas?”


“Sexually, physically, emotionally. I’m the full package.”

“I’m rich. I have to be careful,” I tell him, trying to be smart about my life. I just got chewed out by his brother for not handling my business professionally. He’d probably fire me as a client if he found out I got drunk and got married

even if it was to his brother.

“You made me sign a prenup.”

“I did?”

“Yep. I promised not to take your money. You see this ring I bought?”

“How does a—how old are you?”

“Twenty-six. How old are you?”

“Twenty-five.” She studies the ring. “You just graduated from law school and you can afford this?”

“I have a trust fund. A very nice one. One I’ve never touched until I bought this for you.”

“But I don’t understand why. Why would you do that?”

“Because I knew when I bought it that I wouldn’t want a divorce. When I said those vows, drunk or not, I meant them.”

He picks me up off my feet, bringing me to his lips.

“I love how strong you are.”

“I have a little problem though,” he says, as he slides his tongue into my mouth and pulls me onto his lap.

“What’s that?”

“My brother told me you’re off limits.”

“Off limits, how?”

“I’m supposed to be babysitting you. Keeping you out of trouble. He told me that I could flirt with you, but I was not to sleep with you.”

“Except you already have.”

“Exactly. So I didn’t tell him. In Vegas, you told me we would get a quickie divorce. Is that what you want?”

“I don’t know what I want.”

“You’re wearing the ring. You don’t want to divorce me.”

“No, I don’t. It’s crazy, but I don’t.”

“Then let’s take some time to get to know each other.”

I slide my hand through his hair. “You have cute hair.”

“You told me that when we met. I told you I have a lot of other cute parts.”

I burst out laughing. “I remember that. And you saved the champagne. I liked you right away because of that.” I slide my hands down to his biceps. “And how strong you were.”

“Wanna know a secret? When Cade told me my job was to babysit you, I was really hoping you’d get in trouble, because I wanna take you over my knee and spank that hot ass.”

“I think I’m definitely going to be naughty then,” I say, getting off his lap and leading him into my bedroom.

When my alarm goes off in the morning, I roll over to kiss him.

But he’s gone and I feel very alone.

I wrap my arms around myself and cry, knowing that I’m losing it.


A House Whore


I feel bad about sneaking out early this morning, but she was sleeping so peacefully I couldn’t bring myself to wake her. Plus, I didn’t want Carter to know I was gone. He’s three years older than I am and, although not as bossy as Cade, is good at giving me unwanted advice. Out of all of us, Carter is the most perceptive. It’s partly what makes him such a good agent. He understands what drives his clients. He once told me that playing professional football isn’t just about making money. He equates it to little girls who dream of the fairytale prince. Most of his clients have been dreaming of making the big leagues since they were old enough to understand the game. He has a roster full of young and talented clients. They’re all like him, incredibly driven. He’s also a really good judge of character, which means his clients rarely get into trouble. It’s also why living with him while hiding my feelings for Ashlyn is going to be tough. If I say anything to him about her, I’m afraid he’ll see right through me.

I consider calling my twin sister, Chloe. She’s a good listener too but, unlike Carter, can’t keep a secret to save her life.

It feels weird trying to hide my marriage from my family.

I want to tell them. Hell, I want to shout it to the world, but I can’t.

Even though Ashlyn says she doesn’t want a divorce, I know her life is crazy right now. I don’t think she knows what she wants.

But when I’m with her, I don’t care. I’ll take whatever I can get. She makes me feel almost desperate.

And even though I was with her just a few hours ago, I can’t wait to see her again.

But on set, she ignores me.

At first, I take it personally.

But then I catch her looking at me and see the hurt in her eyes.

Hurting her is absolutely the last thing I want to do.

While I’m counting down the minutes until they break for lunch, I get a text from Chloe.

My twin-sense tells me that you’re close, but you haven’t called or seen your sister. What the hell is up with that?

I haven’t been here that long. And I’m working.

Babysitting Ashlyn Roberts must be a rough job. Carter and I have a little wager going about how long it will be before you bang her. If you could make it happen by this weekend, that’d be great. Originally, I thought you’d meet at the wedding, so I gave it two days. But when you got waylaid, we had to redo our bets.

What makes you think I’d get with her?

Because she’s your perfect type. On steroids.

My perfect type?

You should know this, but based on the fact that you dated Kelli for years, you obviously don’t. Your perfect type is a fun-loving, free-spirited girl with light brown hair and a perfect nose. Ashlyn Roberts epitomizes your dream girl. That’s why she’s your dream girl on steroids.

You’re so clever.

I still, seriously, don’t see what you saw in Kelli, but whatever. (How many times did I tell you she was wrong for you?) I’m still hoping that someday you will see the error of your ways and admit that I was right.

And . . . I’m still waiting for that day.

Fine. You were right.

Hallelujah, I’m going to call the weather station. Hell just froze over.

Shut up. Did you really think I would sleep with Ash in two days? You’re crazy.

Oh, it’s ASH, is it? That alone should answer your question. I had this grand vision. Zach breaks up with Ashlyn after promising to stand by her. She’s devastated and vulnerable. You meet. It’s love at first sight. Or, at least lust at first sight. You work your charm. Poof. Next thing you know, she’s in bed with you and your wonderful sister is $500 richer. And, seriously, there’s this Rebecca Minkoff fringe bag that I’m DYING for. You need to make this happen.

Surely, Carter mentioned to you that Cade told me that absolutely under no circumstances am I to sleep with Ashlyn.

Since when have you ever listened to anyone?


Which is what makes this whole babysitting thing so exciting to watch. It’s a recipe for disaster or happiness, depending on whose side you’re on.

Whose side are you on?

Chloe: Yours. Carter also told me how you really met. On the beach. That she thought you were him. That she came for bacon. That your chemistry was off the charts. I need to see it in person. Bring her to the house on Saturday for the game.

I’m not sure Cade would approve of that. You know how he is about family stuff.

Which is why I never get to meet all the movie stars he works with. Which is bullshit, because I know Ashlyn and I are going to be new best friends. I’ve told him that since he took her on as a client. Fucking Palmer.

You loved Palmer.

Still do. But it’s not my fault that Cade fell in love with a client and it went to shit. Regardless, you need to bring her. Mom’s making lasagna.

Chloe, I’d like to, but I can’t.

Well, then, you leave me no choice. Bring her to dinner or I’m telling Mom about the time you and Carter broke the vase with Great Grandma’s ashes playing baseball in the house and blamed it on the cat.

You wouldn’t dare.

Oh, but I would. Poor Gigi ended up in a dust buster because of you.

Fine. I’ll ask, but she may have plans.

I love you. Seriously. I’m really happy you’re back in town.

I am too :) Mom told me you’re dating someone new.

More like hooking up with someone new, but I can’t exactly tell Mom that. I’m her last hope for grandkids, apparently. Really, one of you needs to get married and have a spawn to take some of the pressure off me.

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