Vamps in the City (8 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

BOOK: Vamps in the City
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“Shh, it’s okay, Paige. He went to feed. He’ll be back,” Sam answered.

Paige looked over towards the sound of his voice, but the lights were off in the room. “Are you sleeping on the floor?” she asked him.

He grunted and she heard a blanket shifting.

“Go back to sleep, Paige, before I take a bite out of you,” he said in a very grumpy voice.

Paige giggled and laid her head back down.

Light was streaming through the thin curtains when she woke again in Grant’s arms. She was lying on her side, her back pressed to his front.

She liked waking up that way and snuggled into him. She could hear the water running in the bathroom, so Sam must be in the shower. Grant’s breath was on her neck as he slept while she laid there with her hand over his.

Paige knew they needed to talk. Adam had put a lot of doubts into her head and they needed to be resolved. She wasn’t used to being with anyone…to trusting anyone. Grant deserved that from her and her from him.

He’d once told her that their souls were connected. Was that all it was, or was there something else? She wanted to believe they were meant to be with each other so much that her heart ached.

She knew now that she needed answers. And the only place she would find them was the compound.

Grant murmured in his sleep and pressed her closer. She liked the strength she felt in him. Paige breathed in his scent and felt her teeth grow.

She rolled over and with her mouth at his neck inhaled. He smelt sweet and she could even faintly smell herself on him. Paige ran her hands over his bare chest then placed kisses on his naked flesh.

She knew the moment he awoke—his breathing became forced and his hand went to her behind. She pressed herself against him, glad he had removed his clothes when he returned to bed.

“Baby,” he breathed out, kissing her neck.

She couldn’t talk without piercing her lip so she ran her teeth over his chest. He stiffened.

Placing a hand under her chin, he lifted her face to view. “I never want to wake up without you again.”

Paige couldn’t agree more. It just felt right. She nodded in agreement.

He placed a kiss on her chin then pressed her mouth to his shoulder. She ran her teeth over his skin as he moved his hand lower. She was already hot and wet, and he was hard and wanting.

Paige sucked on him, moving to straddle his waist.

“God baby, you feel so good,” he murmured.

Hands on her hips, Grant helped her position herself until the head of his cock was at her entrance. She slammed down at the same time she sank her teeth into him.

He shuddered under her as they both moaned. She moved her hips with each pull of his blood flowing into her mouth. As soon as she’d had her fill of blood, she licked the wound clean.

His hands tightened on her hips, and she sped up as she rode him harder.

“Yes,” he urged.

She pushed her upper body off his chest and placed her hands firmly on his shoulders. She plunged up and down, each time harder than the last.

He hissed and she felt his body start to shake. He was close, but Paige was on the brink of climax. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist and buried his head against her breasts. He bit down and a shot of pleasure travelled throughout her body straight to her clit. She screamed out her orgasm as he exploded, filling her with his seed.

Paige collapsed over him, happy and sated.

“Is it safe to come out now?” a voice asked from the bathroom.

She jolted and would have jumped off the bed if Grant hadn’t tightened his hold. She had completely forgotten about Sam. Hadn’t even heard the shower turn off.

Grant chuckled in her ear before kissing it. He rolled them over and pulled the covers up to her chin.

“Yeah man, you can come out,” Grant told Sam, humour evident in his voice.

Sam opened the bathroom door looking as embarrassed as Paige felt. She groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

“Paige,” Grant teased, peeking under the covers. He was laughing, that slime.

“This isn’t funny. I forgot about him,” she grumbled.

That just made Grant laugh harder. “Well baby, I’m not complaining.”

She kicked him in the leg.

Then she heard Sam laughing too. She stuck her head out from under the covers. “Are you laughing too?”

To his credit, he tried to school his face but in the end couldn’t do it and a grin broke out. “Sorry.”

But he didn’t look sorry—he looked amused. And when she looked at Grant, he had his arms bent behind his head, looking pleased with himself.

Paige growled at him and pulled the blanket off, wrapping it around her body and leaving him naked and alone in bed. Standing, she made sure she was completely covered before walking to the bathroom.

“Hey, where are you going?” Grant called after her.

“To shower,” she told him, faking anger. He didn’t look like he was buying it though.

Sam cleared his throat drawing both of their attention. “We need to head back. A girl came into the compound. She’s one of the missing.”

Paige looked over at Grant and watched the hope fill his face.

“It’s not Jess,” Sam told Grant sympathetically.

Grant nodded and stood up from the bed. “Okay, we’ll shower and leave.”

Paige turned and went into the bathroom, her heart breaking for Grant.


They drove from sun down to sun up until they made it back to California. Paige stayed nervous the entire time and kept quiet. A little more information had come in about the girl.

It wasn’t Grant’s sister, Jess, but it was one of the other girls that had escaped with them. Paige had run into Tasha about a month ago as she was making her way to California.

They had holed up in an old dingy hotel for two days, discussing and sharing everything they had learned.

After the five of girls had escaped during what she now knew was an attempt to rescue them, they had all gone their separate ways. It had been Jess’s idea, saying it would be harder for to track one woman than five together.

All five had finally agreed.

So after two days with Tasha, Paige had taken off again. The most important thing had been to stay hidden. She regretted that now.

If they had stayed together and both made their way to the compound, Tasha may have been saved a whole lot of pain.

Marissa had called and told Grant that Tasha had been beaten and almost drained. One of the patrol teams had found her near death.

Paige couldn’t wait to finally get to the woman and try to make up for leaving her.

When the elevator doors opened, Grant took hold of her hand. They walked down the hall to where two vampires stood guard. Grant nodded to them and they stepped aside.

Sam opened the door and went in first. Grant walked in next, pulling Paige along.

It was a room like the others in the compound. This one was all white with only a bed. Marissa stood next to the bed. She’d had her eyes closed but opened them as they entered.

Paige looked at the woman on the bed. “Tasha,” she whispered.

She started towards the bed but Grant pulled her back against him. She looked at him questioningly but he shook his head.


Paige turned towards the beds one more time. Soft brown eyes met hers.

“Tasha,” Paige breathed her name.

Tasha’s eyes widened. “Paige, what are you doing here?” she cried out and sat up in bed.

“I…I…” Paige stopped herself when Grant yanked on her hand. She looked at him again. She didn’t understand the problem. It was obviously to her that Tasha knew who she was

“Grant?” Paige asked in a whisper.

He just shook his head.

“Paige,” Tasha sounded alarmed. “I didn’t know you were here.”

Paige looked back at her, but it was Grant who answered, “Why wouldn’t she be here? This is a place to come to be safe, right?”

Paige didn’t understand what was going on or why he was acting this way so she tried to pull her hand away. He tightened his grip and Sam moved to stand between the bed and her.

She watched Tasha look at Grant for the first time. She nodded and dropped her eyes.

“I’m sorry. So sorry,” she said quietly.

“Honey, what are you sorry for?” Paige asked gently.

“I didn’t have a choice. You have to believe me, Paige. I didn’t have a choice,” Tasha said before she started to sob.

“Choice?” Paige asked gently but Grant yanked her backwards towards the door.

“Sam, get Paige out of here,” Grant ordered.

“No!” Paige cried as Sam grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door.

She heard Tasha cry out and looked back to see her arch on the bed. Her head moved from side to side and she moaned, then she turned those chocolate eyes back on her.

“Leaving so soon, Paige?” a voice asked that didn’t belong to Tasha.

Paige sucked in a breath and found herself between Sam and Grant.

“Oh, don’t be that way, son. I want to meet your girl,” the voice came again.

“Grant?” Paige asked quietly, grabbing hold of the back of his shirt.

“It’s okay, baby,” he tried to reassure her.

“Bring her closer, Grant. Let me get a good look,” the voice said, laughing.

Paige started to shake and pressed herself closer to Grant.

She had no idea what was happening but she was worried about Tasha. About Grant. All of them really.

“Grant? What about Tasha?” she asked pulling on his shirt.

The horrible laugh sounded again. “Oh, she’s here, Paige. Right inside.”

“Sam, take her,” Grant ordered again.

“No,” she held on tighter to his shirt. He didn’t look at her.

“Now,” Grant snapped.

Sam put an arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet. When they got into the hallway, he put her down but kept an arm around her.


He shook his head and pulled her down the hall to the elevator. She didn’t know where they were going but she didn’t want to leave Grant.

“Please, Sam, I want to stay with Grant,” she begged.

He looked surprised and even smiled at her. “You’re a good girl, Paige. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

She looked at him in confusion.

“Grant’s going to need you when he leaves that room. Just keep that in mind.”

She nodded. “I want to be with him now.”

The elevator door opened and he led her down the hall, taking her to Grant’s room.

Once there, he opened the unlocked door and motioned for her to enter first. She did and he walked over and turned on the lamp.

“The message was obviously for him. He needs to hear it out so the demon will leave your friend,” Sam told her.

“Is Tasha going to be alright?”

He sighed. “It depends on how long he’s been in her mind. The longer he’s there, the more damage done. Grant needs to get him out to save your friend.”

Paige nodded, not really understanding. Who could possess someone like that? “What was that thing?” she questioned.

“That was one of the strongest vampires that has ever existed.”

Paige felt sick to her stomach. “What does he want with Grant?”

Sam dropped his head and took several deep breaths. When he looked up and their gazes locked, she knew he was going to tell her something bad.

“Everything. He wants everything from Grant.”

Paige wrapped her arms around her middle. “Why?”

“Because that monster is his father.”






Chapter Ten




It was three hours before Grant showed up in his room. Paige had fallen asleep on the bed above the covers. Sam had sat and waited in the desk chair. She jumped when the door opened.

Grant nodded at Sam who clasped his shoulder, squeezed, and left. Grant turned and looked at her then. His face was pale and he looked tired and worn out. She got to her knees on the bed.

“Grant,” she whispered and held out her arms for him. To comfort him like he’d done so many time for her.

He shook his head. “Paige…I know what you’re going to say.”

She didn’t think so. If he did, he would be on the bed with her and not on the other side of the room. But she would show him. “Grant,” she said again.

“I’m sorry Paige. I was going to tell you. I swear to you I was going to tell you,” he said still standing away from her.

He sounded so sad, she started towards him.

He held a hand out which she accepted and let him draw her to his side. “I’m so sorry Paige,” he put his arms around her.

“It’s not your fault Grant. Surely you see that.”

He cupped her cheek moving his thumb over her mouth. “I just brought the worst demon ever to walk the earth into your life. I was supposed to protect you, instead I just put you in even more danger.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked as she ran her hands over him, trying to offer him comfort.

“That was my father, Paige.”

She already knew that. “Okay.”

“He will do anything in his power to make my life Hell. To bring me to his side.” His eyes narrowed. “He’s already done horrible things and now he’ll come after you.”

“To hurt you?”

“We have to get you out of here. Sam can take you somewhere and stay with you,” he said as he moved away and started to pace the floor. “Yeah, that will be best. You can’t go alone.”

Paige watched him run a hand through his hair as he planned. “I’m not going anywhere Grant,” she told him with conviction.

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