Vamps: Human and Paranormal (53 page)

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Authors: Eva Sloan,Mercy Walker

BOOK: Vamps: Human and Paranormal
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“I just thought since I’m going to be pursuing you, I should know if he’s still in the picture.  Wouldn’t want to have to sneak around.”  These words stung as he said them.  “And I like the doc and all, but I wouldn’t want him walking in on us when we’re naked ... that would be awkward.”

Something smart to say just melted on my tongue.  All I could think about was what Gus looked like naked.  I’d seen him shirtless, and I’d seen his butt ... massaged his butt ... but the thought of Gus totally naked and in bed just made my knees weak.

Suddenly he was ushering me into a darkened bar, the place had a decent crowd but it was still easy to sidle up to the bar.  He talked to the bartender and got us two beers, and then asked me what I wanted on my burger?

Later, we were sitting at the end of the bar, not at one of the empty tables, and I was just shaking from the way Gus was staring at me. 
The Big Bad Wolf is back and he looks like a burger
going to satisfy him.

“Quit,”  I told him.

He looked into my eyes and I felt something flutter inside my ribs.  Might have been my heart.

“Quit what?”

“Staring at me like that.  You’re driving me crazy.”  I suddenly realized that that didn’t sound too good.  “Making me self conscious...paranoid!”

“Oh, that kind of crazy...”  He took a gulp of his beer and suppressed a grin.  “Can’t help you with that kind of crazy.  Now if it’s the crazy with lust kind ... or the crazy with --”

“Look, burgers!”  I cut across him as the bartender set down our plates.  I knew damn well what he was going to say, and I just didn’t want to hear that word right then.  Too many unknowns.  “I’m starving, aren’t you?”

He shook his head and grinned.  “Yeah, starving.” 

We sat there, eating our burgers.  And I had to admit they were pretty damn good.  Not the best burgers I’d ever eaten, but the fries ... now those were the best I’d ever had.  Crispy and seasoned perfectly.

“I was thinking,”  Gus said after washing down his burger with some beer.  “We could go to a movie, rent a car and drive out to the country ... or we could go back to your place and do what we’ve really wanted to do.”

I about choked on my burger.  Unbelievable.  My bed wasn’t even cold yet and he wanted to jump in?!?!  Maybe I had overestimated him.  Maybe he was just some horny guy that I’d transferred all my wants and needs to.

“You’re unbelievable.”  I downed more of my beer and then started to laugh.  Unbelievable or not, horny guy or not, it was what I was dying to do.  Getting Gus naked in bed, especially after the way he kissed me, nothing on earth was more appetizing ... well, there were my French fries, beckoning me, and his.

“You going to eat those?”  I said as I reached for his plate.

He grabbed my hand and leaned in real close.  “You can have the fries for a kiss.”

I gulped.  I didn’t think he would try to turn me on until we were back at my apartment.  And now that I thought about it, what is it with guys and not wanting to go to their apartments?  Are all men naturally pigs?  Or do they have porn lying around everywhere?  Or do they think we carry miniature furniture around with us in our purses, so we can move in while they’re still searching their fridge for something other to drink than beer.

But I really wanted his fries ... and I wanted his kiss too.  So I leaned in and kissed him.  Lightly at first, but soon our lips were locked and he had me pulled to him, and all I could think was, are we at my place yet? Why aren’t we at my place yet?

I grabbed the rest of the fries and put them in a napkin, Gus laid a twenty on the counter and we raced out the door.




I thought we’d never get back to my place.  We held off kissing until we were stuck on the subway again, and we had to keep separating every couple minutes, as soon as one of us started pulling at the other’s clothes. 

Neither of us wanted strangers on the subway to be witness to the first time we...

I suddenly didn’t even want to think the words for it.  I wasn’t ready to name it.

But once we were out of the subway station and on the street again Gus had hold of my hand and was pulling me along at a gallop.  When we came to the front steps to my apartment building I had to stop and catch my breath.

“I guess you’ve fully recovered from your injury?”  I panted.  He didn’t even look winded. 

“I had a really good physical therapist.”


“But it turns out she needs to work on her cardio.”

I shot him a murderous look. 

Gus held his hands up defensively.  “I’m just saying you’re breathing pretty hard ... maybe you should get on a tread mill sometime.”

I stood up straight and tilted my head, giving him the same rancid look.

He came closer, that goddamn irresistible smile curving across his face, making my resolve melt like milk chocolate left out in the August sun.  He curled his fingers into the belt loops of my jeans and pressed me back against the railing of the stairs.

“I can think of one way to get you in better shape.”

I couldn’t wipe the stupid freaking smile off my face.  That’s exactly what I was thinking too.  “But I don’t remember clearing you for ... strenuous activities.”

He leaned in so close I thought he was going to take me right there.  He had two days worth of stubble and it tickled my cheek as he whispered into my ear.  “Then you really should be on top.”

I had him pushed up against the wall of my apartment and his shirt torn open before the door to my apartment was shut, buttons clicking and rolling around on my hard wood floors. I ran my hands over the smooth flesh of his chest, feeling the pectoral muscles flex, and then shudder as I licked and then bit at his nipples.

“Oh God,” he moaned. 

His body was all the more beautiful now because it was all mine, his lips all the more delicious because they were kissing mine -- and there wasn’t one nagging doubt or recrimination.  It was just him making love to me.  Pulling me to him and crushing my chest against his, a hungry lip lock devouring my sighs and moans, as his hands cupped my ass, pulling me against him.  His manhood was hard, pressing against the fabric of his pants, and now against my hip.  Magically he removed my shirt and unhooked my bra without ever taking his hands from my ass.

In an instant he was returning my nipple play from before, and I curled my legs around his waist as he nibbled and sucked at my breasts.  I felt us start to move across the room, but my mind was in a sexual fog, and though I knew every inch of my apartment, I was suddenly lost there, and more importantly, I didn’t care that I was.

He lowered me down onto my bed -- I quaked, noticeably shaking when I realized where he had me.  Partly from the disorientation of not knowing where I was, part because I suddenly knew that we were indeed going to have sex for the first time.  There was no going back -- even if I had a mind to do so.

Gus stood back up and hastily pulled his ripped open shirt off, and then made even faster work of his pants, kicking off his shoes and pulling the button fly open simultaneously.  

It was so dark I couldn’t see much.  I pulled myself to the side of the bed and reached to turn on the light ... but Gus beat me there, catching my hand as I was about to seize the lamp.

“Next time, I promise.”

“But I want to see you.”  The need in my voice was pathetic.

He chuckled in the dark and started pulling at my jeans, unbuttoning and then sliding them down from my hips and off my feet.  And then his thick fingers started to worry the silky fabric of my panties.

“Next time,”  Gus growled, breathing hot into my ear as he moved over top of me, hooking a finger in the waist band of my panties and pulling down, his body now covering and rubbing against every inch of my own.  “Next time we can do this anywhere, anyhow you want ... in spotlight on a freaking billboard in Times Square.  But this time I want it ...” he kissed me as he maneuvered himself between my legs and pushed his cock slowly into me.  “Just ... like ... this ...”  And he slid right into me, fitting so perfectly into my canal that he could’ve been made just for me.

I gasped as he pulled out a little and settled back into me, throbbing a bit larger, filling me more completely.  And then I gasped again.  This time one word burned bright in my mind.


I could tell he was smiling as he took my hand and pulled it down to where we were joined, and I could feel the latex sheath wrapped around his hard prick.

“Guess you really couldn’t see.” He chided, and I was about to tell him exactly where he could go, but then he rocked his hips again, and I felt my body wrap itself around him, pulling him instinctively further into me.

He wrapped his forearm around the back of my neck, cradling me so close to him, as his other hand slid up over my bottom and over my hip, and up along my belly and ribs until it finally gripped and teased my breast.  His thick, calloused thumb rubbing mind-altering little circles around my nipple.  And his lips, so full and soft, how delicious they tasted, how warm and urgent they were as he tasted and probed my own lips.

He crawled up on the bed just a small bit, yet this slight shift in position pushed his cock exquisitely against my clit, and as his hips undulated and his cock throbbed and lurched inside me, it also rubbed that sensitive bundle of flesh and nerves into a molten mound of heat, ready to erupt at any moment.

One moment I was riding the impending wave of possibly the finest orgasm of my life, then next he kissed me so passionately and deep that I lost all track of time, forgot my name, even forgot about the orgasm that was searing inside me, threatening to ignite my flesh on fire, and the sheets on the bed.

And suddenly he rolled us over so I was on top.  He pushed on my stomach and against my chest, bending me over backwards and impaling me all the further on his wondrous prick.  I hated not being able to touch him, or to see him for that matter, but as I leaned back into it, and clutched my hands over his, I felt that orgasm rise again, like the brightest, hottest light the world had ever seen. 

I heard someone calling out, screaming in utter bliss as her orgasm was pounded up through her, coursing through her body and finally letting free through her mouth and lungs.  And that woman was me.

My hips bucked and I greedily squished myself against his crotch with abandon.  My vagina rippled and squirmed and clamped down so hard on Gus’ cock that he groaned in equal parts ecstasy and pain.

And as the fires of my Olympic torch quality orgasm subsided I found myself laying in Gus’s arms, his cock still hot and hard inside me, his lips pressed to my temple as his breathing and mine slowed and quieted, and we fell off to sleep.




I woke with a start, sitting straight up in bed as if catapulted from my pillow.  The room was warmed by the early dawn light, soft as if the sun were only just waking up too.  But beautiful or not, I had panic in my chest, a lump clogging my windpipe that made me tremble with fear.  And then it hit me what I was panicking about.

Ozzie and Harriet!

I clambered out of bed, not even noticing that Gus was asleep beside me.  I felt like I was having a heart attack as I moved through the apartment.  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d watered them, couldn’t even remember the last time I’d looked at them.

It was more than just not being able to date, to me, if I killed Ozzie and Harriet then I would end up killing everything in my life, it was only a matter of time.

The sun was streaming through their window and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the harsh brightness, but as I blinked and squinted I made out the shapes of their hanging pots, and then of the plants themselves.

I stood there stunned.  They were fine ... no, better than fine, they looked spectacular.  Never had I seen such beautiful plants.  I picked up the bottled water from the floor and watered both plants, the entire time thinking -- and this is the absurd part -- that this, this entire ordeal with the plants and Gus and Dean, that all was exactly as it had to be.  And now things were exactly as they should be.

I cringed at the thought, the romantic cloyingness of it.  But as the sun poured in on me, warming me, I suddenly felt Gus’ arms wrap around me, and Gus’ naked body pressing against my also naked backside. 

“Do you stand nude in front of your windows every morning?”

I elbowed him half heartedly.  His arms about me felt so good.

“I’m just saying,”  he went on.  “Lucky neighbors.”

He buried his face in the hollow between my neck and shoulder, kissing gently as he held me to him.  I let myself fall back against him, enjoying the feel of him, and the comfort of knowing, for once, that this -- in this moment, in this place -- was where I was supposed to be.                  




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