Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love (7 page)

BOOK: Valentine's Day Romance: Finding Love
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“I don’t want you to feel locked down; I like our carefree relationship…. And I don’t know what you see in my eyes… Mike wants a serious relationship and I don’t know if I’m ready for that Jonathan… I like us.”


“Is that why you were admiring the old couple down below that night on the rooftop? Is that why you have been searching for the ‘right guy’ for so many years? Come on Rebecca. You don’t like us, you like the idea of us, because you’re too scared to go for what you know is right, which happens to be Mike, although I hate to admit it… Take your leap into the unknown and see where you end up on the other side. We were friends for years before this, I would like to think that means something and I can tell you to follow your heart, like I am going to follow mine with this traveling business. We just need to let each other go. ”


Giving him a hug, Rebecca tried to hold back tears, “I just don’t know what I am going to do without you after having you as my friend for so long. If you think this is best I will try to respect that, but please do keep me updated with your life. Like you said, we were friends before all of this. Thanks for believing in my work, and for giving me a chance, I won’t forget you Jonathan. Good luck on your new business!” Without saying another word Jonathan hugged her back and left to go inside the restaurant, leaving Mike and Rebecca staring at each other awkwardly.


Rebecca was about to walk away, embarrassed at herself how she had handled things with Mike.


“I get being scared and feeling like you’re not ready,” Mike said breaking the silence, stopping her from leaving. “I was at your apartment tonight… I left before you made it to the door, because I was scared too. I’m terrified. When my wife died, I worried I would find someone new and forget her. And then after I moved on, I was scared of never finding love and being alone for the rest of my life. She wouldn’t have wanted that for me. We clicked Rebecca. It’s been a weird start, but I still feel like we can pull this together and I am willing to try if you want to. I feel like this could be a forever kind of thing. Our one date made me feel like I have known you for years. I don’t want to lose that, I don’t want to lose you.”


Looking into his eyes, Rebecca knew he was right. She felt everything he did. She was just too scared to realize it until now. “You don’t have to be scared… I don’t have to be scared either,” Rebecca said reaching her hands out to Mike. Mike closed the gap between them and pulled her in his embrace. As their lips locked, Rebecca’s fluttering heart went into overdrive as Mike kissed her deeply. A high like no other surged through every part of her being as he held her face kissing her. Mike stopped kissing her and pulled back to look at Rebecca.


“Guess you won’t be that crazy cat lady after all,” he chuckled kissing her again. Taking her hand, they walked off towards his car, Rebecca thinking about all the possibilities life had in store for them.

The End.

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First and foremost, I want to thank God. God’s salvation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us all the ability to have a personal relationship with the creator of the Universe.

I also want to thank my wife. She’s my muse and my inspiration. A wonderful wife, an amazing mother and the best person I have ever met. She’s great and has always stood by me with every decision I have made along life’s way.

I’d like to give a special thanks to Miriam Osborne and Nicole Sones for their help with the book’s production. I couldn’t have done it without them. It’s truly a blessing to have every person I know in my life.



About the Author

is a Christian fiction author. He is actively engaged with fans on all social media sites and through email. When not reading or writing, T.K. spends times with his friends and family in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

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