Valentine (31 page)

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Authors: Jane Feather

BOOK: Valentine
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He rose to his feet, crossing to the sideboard to refill his glass. “It wouldn’t hurt that ramshackle hoyden to acquire a little town bronze, ma’am,” he said with a smile.

Elinor laughed. “My thinking exactly. So you’ll open Belmont House for the Season.”

“I bow to your judgment, Lady Belmont. But I think I’ll leave you to persuade Theo. I don’t see her embracing the
idea with enthusiasm—she’s too wedded to Stoneridge and its affairs.”

“Very true,” Elinor said briskly. “But her sisters will be most persuasive, and as long as we have your support …” She stood up, drawing on her gloves again.

“You have it for what it’s worth,” he said wryly.

“Then I’ll go and tackle her at once.”

Sylvester bowed his mother-in-law from the library and then stood in frowning thought, wondering what he’d let himself in for. Theo would wonder why her husband was a social pariah. She would hear the rumors….

If only he could remember what had happened that day at Vimiera, if only he could prove the rumors false once and for all. There had to be another explanation for what had happened. And there had to be a way to discover the truth.

in one Season is quite an undertaking,” Countess Lieven observed as the barouche drew up before a tall house on Brook Street.

“But only one of them requires a husband,” Sally Jersey pointed out, gathering her parasol and reticule together.

“Well, it’s to be hoped they’re not farouche,” the countess declared with a lift of her narrow nose as she stepped out onto the pavement. “Living in the country all these years.”

“I can’t imagine any daughter of Elinor’s being in the least objectionable,” Lady Jersey said with her usual good nature. “I’d be quite happy to supply vouchers for Almack’s without meeting them.”

“Yes, well you do have an unfortunate tendency to take things on trust,” her companion said sharply. “We have standards to maintain, must I remind you?” She ascended the short flight of steps to the house behind her footman, who ran up from the barouche to knock on the door. “And what do we know about this young Fairfax?”

“Perfectly unexceptionable Dorsetshire family,” Sally told
her. “It’s not a great match but an eminently respectable one … a love match, as I understand it.”

“I don’t know what gets into gals’ heads these days,” Countess Lieven sniffed. “Marrying for love, indeed. At least the younger one did the sensible thing, marrying Stoneridge.”

The door opened, and Lady Belmont’s butler bowed deeply at the august visitors. The footman returned to the barouche as the ladies were admitted.

Countess Lieven looked around the square hall with a critical eye before pronouncing, “Remarkably tasteful for a hired house.”

She moved in stately fashion to the wide, shallow staircase, her companion bustling somewhat less elegantly on her heels. “Why do I have a feeling there was some scandal attached to Stoneridge?”

“Oh, it was nothing,” Sally said. “Some military matter … no one gives such things a thought.”

“I feel sure Lieven said something,” the countess muttered.

“Yes, men are much more concerned with such matters,” Sally declared. “Quite unnecessarily so, I would have said.”

“I’ve never cared for Lavinia Gilbraith … an overbearing woman,” the countess pronounced. Sally privately reflected that when it came to overbearing, her fellow patroness of Almack’s had few rivals; however, she merely said pacifically, “I don’t think that should affect our view of the Belmont girls.”

“Yes, well, we shall see.” The countess wafted through the double doors of an elegant salon as the butler threw them open, announcing the newcomers in discreet accents.

There were quite a few visitors in Lady Belmont’s salon, a gratifying number, considering that London was still thin of company at the start of the Season. Elinor put such flattering attention down to the novelty of her daughters. It would certainly explain the cluster of admiring young men at her first “At Home.” But it didn’t fully explain the group of men of
her own generation, gathered beside the fireplace. She was too levelheaded to consider her own charms might have something to do with the attention. If she remembered being one of society’s beauties during her own debutante season, leaving many a languishing suitor when she’d married Kit Belmont, it was a fond and passing reflection, swiftly dismissed in favor of more pertinent matters.

Emily and Clarissa were sitting with their mother on a sofa, Edward perched in proprietary fashion on the arm next to his betrothed. Elinor rose and hurried forward to greet her visitors, followed by Emily and Clarissa, their eyes demurely downcast in anticipation of this vital introduction.

“Elinor, my dear, how wonderful it is to see you,” Lady Jersey said with genuine warmth, embracing her old friend. “How could you have hidden yourself away all these years? You’ve been sadly missed, you know? Isn’t that so, Countess?” She turned for corroboration to Countess Lieven, who bowed and gave her habitual frosty smile.

“Indeed,” she said, extending her hand. “Sadly missed.”

Elinor shook hands briskly, not in the least awed by the intimidating countess. “Allow me to present my daughters.” She drew Emily and Clarissa forward and glanced surreptitiously at the clock, wondering where Theo was. She’d promised to be here to meet the patronesses, and she was not one to break promises, however little she might relish the occasion.

Even as she wondered, the door opened and Theo came into the room with her swift stride, bringing the freshness of the September afternoon in her wind-pinkened cheeks and bright eyes, wisps of raven hair escaping from her beribboned chip-straw hat and drifting over her forehead.

“Mama, forgive me for being late.” She crossed the room, taking her mother’s hands in both hers and kissing her. “We went to Richmond to ride this morning, and it seemed to take a very long time to get back.”

“Allow me to introduce my daughter, Lady Stoneridge,” Elinor said. “Theo, dear, Countess Lieven and Lady Jersey.”

“How do you do?” Theo said, extending her hand to each in turn, smiling with her usual frank and easy informality. “I do hope you’re going to approve of me.”

Lady Jersey smiled, but the countess looked distinctly put out. “Do come and have some tea,” Elinor said hastily, moving her guests farther into the salon. “Theo, is Stoneridge not with you?”

“Yes, he’s just coming. He took the curricle to the mews himself,” Theo explained. A slight frown touched her eyes. In the week since they’d arrived in London, Sylvester had been remarkably reluctant to participate in the Season’s social functions, although he’d insisted that Theo accompany her mother and sisters everywhere. She wasn’t sure what he did while she was out and hadn’t felt able to ask. Their conversations these days tended to be those of polite acquaintances, except when they were making love, and words played little part in those still glorious exchanges. Ironically, Theo found she missed the challenging edge to their relationship; it was as if a spring had been broken somewhere.

On the drive here from Curzon Street, Sylvester had been distracted, even irritable, and had set her down at her mother’s door, saying curtly that he would take the curricle to the mews himself, though he had a perfectly competent tiger for such tasks.

Putting the puzzle from her mind, she went to greet Edward while Emily poured tea for Countess Lieven and Lady Jersey, and Clarissa hovered attentively.

“You’re supposed to be doing the pretty with your sisters,” Edward said in an undertone as Theo came up to him.

She grinned and murmured, “Emily and Clarry can do very well without me. I couldn’t give a tinker’s damn if the dragon ladies don’t approve of me.”

“You are wicked,” he said, unable to restrain his answering grin. His eyes went with fond pride to his betrothed, who was
looking particularly charming in pale sprigged muslin, her soft brown hair threaded with apple-green ribbon.

“You know something,” Theo said thoughtfully. “I believe the Earl of Wetherby has a
for Mama. Have you noticed how he’s always at her side?”

“He and Bellamy,” Edward said, watching the gentlemen in question as they bent solicitously toward Lady Belmont.

“Yes … oh, here’s Stoneridge.” She turned to the door as her husband entered. He really was a very imposing figure, she thought, surprised by a flash of pride. His coat of dark-blue superfine and pale-blue pantaloons showed off the power of his shoulders and the muscular strength of his thighs; his cravat was simply but gracefully tied, and he wore only a single fob at his cream waistcoat. The restrained elegance of his appearance was in marked contrast to the younger men in the room, sporting wasp waists and impossibly high starched cravats. Even Edward had succumbed to the elaborate cravat, although he’d never be seen dead in a wasp waist or a violently striped waistcoat.

Sylvester stood for a moment on the threshold of the salon, steeling himself for whatever reception he was about to receive.

Despite his resolution to face up to his first social occasion, in the week since they’d arrived, he’d managed to avoid events like this. He’d escorted his wife to the theater, he’d ridden with her in Hyde Park at the fashionable hour, but he’d not visited any of his clubs, and he’d not accompanied Theo on any of the visits she’d made with her mother as Lady Belmont picked up the threads of her old life, or to the rout party they’d all attended at Carlton House. But he hadn’t been able to avoid this afternoon’s informal “At Home,” designed to introduce the Belmont girls to the most important members of the ton, without offending his mother-in-law and puzzling his wife.

His eyes were hard, his mouth taut, as he looked around
the salon, recognizing faces among the older contingent, although most of the young sprigs were unknown to him.

“Stoneridge.” Elinor came to greet him, smiling warmly. “Pd almost given you up. You’re acquainted with Countess Lieven and Lady Jersey, of course.”

“Of course.” He bowed to the ladies, receiving a frosty nod from the countess and a smile from Sally Jersey. The chill of the countess’s reception didn’t trouble him, since it was her customary greeting to all but her intimates.

“And I’m sure you know Lord Wetherby and Sir Robert Bellamy. And I expect Viscount Franklin is an old army colleague.” Elinor smilingly indicated the group by the fire, her gesture encompassing the five men she hadn’t mentioned by name.

There was a silence. An almost palpable touch of ice in the warm room. Theo stared at the men, who as one swept her husband with a disdainful stare as he bowed, his features carved in granite. He made no attempt to cross toward the group, and not a hand was extended in greeting.

Theo saw the telltale muscle jump in Sylvester’s cheek; then he turned and strolled over to the window, where he stood alone, his arms folded, the gray eyes hard as iron, a peculiar twist to his mouth. In astonishment she glanced up at Edward. His expression was stricken. Lord Wetherby suddenly broke the silence, addressing a careless observation to the viscount. A teacup clattered in a saucer.

Without conscious decision Theo marched across the room to the window, the skirt of her cambric driving dress swishing around her ankles. “I don’t believe I’ve made the acquaintance of Viscount Franklin, Stoneridge. Won’t you introduce me?” She slipped her hand in his arm, smiling up at him, her eyes brilliant with fiery purpose. She almost pulled him around toward the fire, turning her blazing countenance on the men who’d insulted her husband.

“Do you care for tea, Stoneridge?” Emily’s clear tones rang
across the room. “Unless you’d prefer claret. I know how you enjoy a glass at this time of day.”

“I’ll ring for Dennis,” Elinor said calmly, reaching for the bellpull. “Gentlemen, do you share my son-in-law’s tastes? Or are you content with tea?” Her smile as she addressed them could have frozen hell’s fires.

“Try one of these macaroons.” Clarissa snatched up a plate from beneath the wandering hand of Countess Lieven and brought it over to her brother-in-law. “They’re your favorites.”

He was suddenly surrounded by Belmont women, the center of their attentions, ministering to his needs and his wishes as if he were the sun to their earth. It reminded him of a pride of lionesses protecting an injured cub. Mortification that they should witness his humiliation warred with gratitude. They didn’t know what was behind the insulting reception he’d been given, but it seemed they didn’t care.

“Viscount Franklin, were you also in the Peninsula?” Theo addressed the viscount, her arm securely linked in Sylvester’s. The viscount, an upstanding gentleman of some thirty-eight summers, resplendent in his regimentals, quailed before the rage in the young countess’s purple eyes. Her little white teeth flashed in her sun-dappled face, but it was the smile of a shark closing in on her prey.

Viscount Franklin had fought all his military battles in the political corridors of Horseguards and had never faced an enemy on a battlefield. He cleared his throat, and his booted feet shifted on the carpet. “As it happens, I haven’t had the good fortune to serve overseas, countess.”

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