Vacant (Empathy #3) (9 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Vacant (Empathy #3)
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Tingling breaks out all over my body as I step outside. My eyes scan the area but no one stands out. What was that? It’s almost like I can sense someone watching me. Damn, I’m becoming paranoid. I hope to bump into Randal at some point today to ask him if he really came to my room last night.

The day passes quickly and I find myself living in an alternative reality. People are paying way too much attention to me. Some girls are throwing daggers at me from their eyes, others are smiling at me, and guys are smirking. Then I see the reason why, pinned on the info wall. A print out of the picture from the night I slept with Tom. Poor Tom’s dick is on full show and I look smug. By the time I make it back to my dorm I have at least thirty copies I’ve pulled down from around campus. I bang on Hannah’s door and shout for her to answer. She doesn’t, instead her roommate opens the door.

“Seriously? Knock a bit louder, why don’t you?”

I ignore her snippy attitude. “Where’s Hannah?”

She shrugs. “She didn’t come home last night. I haven’t seen her all day, actually.”

“She’s probably with Tom, although I doubt he will be happy with her when he sees her latest stunt.”

“Tom went back home for a week, a sudden bereavement in his family. He left late last night. What stunt are you talking about?” she questions.

I throw all the flyers over her head so they flutter around Hannah’s room like confetti. “Those!”

She bends down to grab one up and gasps. “She wouldn’t do this. She’s going to lose her shit when she sees this. Tom’s it for her, Cereus. Why do you think she’s so jealous of you? She’s terrified of losing him.”

She’s pathetic. I turn on my heel and leave her staring at Tom’s dick.

I LOOK OVER THE POOL lip at Hannah’s head bobbing on the surface. I reach down and instead of pulling her out I hold her head under. The light blue glow from the water fades into black and a chill races up my spine, coating me in a sprinkle of goose bumps.

“Hey, Cereus. Wake up.”

I jerk awake as Randal taps me on the shoulder. I’m at a lunch bench in the middle of campus. Shit, I needed more sleep. I’m struggling with these intense dreams and they’re making me exhausted.

“Things are about to get deeper,” Randal tells me. I look over to where he’s staring. Police . . .

“Cereus, hey.” A petite brunette sits next to me. She looks familiar but I don’t know her name.

“What’s going on?” I ask no one in particular.

“Hannah’s been missing for three days. Her roommate finally reported it.”

I grab my bag and get to my feet calling out, “Catch up with you later, Randal!” over my shoulder.

“It’s Becca. My name’s Becca,” the girl calls out, but I ignore her. My attention is solely on the officers talking to people from my dorm. My cell blasts in my pocket, and I quickly swipe the screen and bring it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, Dad.”

“What’s going on there?” Oh my God. Does he have surveillance on this place? “I have my computer set to flag anything crime related where you are, Cereus. After everything this family has been through do you really think I wouldn’t?” He’s right; this is typical of him.

“A girl is missing.”

“Do you know this girl?” I groan down the line. “What is it, baby?”

“It’s the girl I had an issue with.”


“She’s a royal bitch and we have a kind of hate thing going on.”

“I’m coming down there. Don’t speak to anyone until I get there, Cereus.”

He doesn’t even say bye, he just hangs up. Great.

DAMMIT. POLICE BEING ALL OVER campus makes it impossible for me to get close to Cereus. I’m stuck watching from farther away than I like. The unmistakable stride of my brother catches my attention and the buzzing in my veins at the sight of him that I always get starts up. He brings out the game player in me and I almost wish I’d dragged Joseph’s game out longer to savor his demise. I almost feel pride towards Blake for being so much more like me than Joseph ever was. I didn’t connect at all with him, even when he died. I only felt the pleasure of the death. If Blake died it would unsettle me.

Melody flashes into my mind. Blake being busy here means she’s alone at home. I shake my head and force myself to ignore the temptation. Cereus is too important to risk losing, and after stabbing Melody by mistake I promised myself I would never haunt her again.

“Excuse me, sir.” My blood turns cold when I turn to the voice and come face to face with an officer in full uniform. “Do you mind taking a look at this image?”

I take the flyer and recognize the dead girl smiling up at me. I swallow the urge to vomit from seeing her face and hand it back to the officer. “Sorry, I don’t know her.”

“I didn’t ask if you did,” he says. Dick! “Do you mind telling me who you are and what you’re doing on campus?”


“I’m a benefactor of the university. I donate to the art program here. I run a studio on Fifth Street and will be showcasing some of the students there.” I rattle off the lie and almost believe myself as I deliver it so well.

His eyebrows rise and he chuckles. “I’m sorry, Mr Black. A girl is missing so everyone is on edge. I didn’t mean to sound accusing.”

Mr Black?

I shake his offered hand. “No need to apologize.”

“My wife loves your studio. She’s a huge art fan. I don’t get it myself but I love her therefore love her passions. We come by often. I’d love for you to meet her.”


I make my excuses to leave, breathing heavier the farther from his handcuffs I become. This place is too hot for me to be here right now.

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