Urges: Part Three (The Urges Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Urges: Part Three (The Urges Series Book 3)
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When we get to the
hotel that the party is being held at, it's awkwardsville for all of
us. If I didn't have them both with me, I might have turned around
and gone home. Now that I no longer work for Chilly Creations, Inc. I
feel like an intruder.

To my surprise, it's
a much smaller gathering than I expected, mostly managers from the
production floor and office staff. The party itself is in a
conference room that overlooks the pool. There isn't a face around
that I don't recognize, though the only people who come to greet me
are Zelma and Laura.

While I'm still
bitter that Zelma tattled to Trent about the things that I said, I
force a smile for Laura's sake.

Zelma beams at me. “Trent told me you'd be here.”

ladies. Yeah, he invited me. Kind of weird, right?” I try to
act like I have no idea why I'm even there. In truth, I don't know
how much Trent has told anyone at Chilly Creations about our
relationship. “This is my mother and my best friend Terry.”
I gesture to them one at a time. “Guys, this is Zelma and
Laura. I spent a lot of time with them when I worked for Chilly

to meet you both.” My mom nods her head politely at them.

nice to meet you.” The smile that's plastered on Terry's face
couldn't be more forced if she tried.

heard so much about you,” Laura offers to my mother.

all good stuff,” Mom laughs.

it okay if I go get something to drink?” Terry points to a
table where there are ice chests full of beer lined up. I can tell
she needs the alcohol to take the edge off of her nerves.

at it, kiddo.” Zelma gestures over our heads at the ice chests.

you guys want something?” Terry asks my mom and I.

take a Corona if they have one. Budweiser if they don't.”

can't go wrong with Budweiser.” Zelma looks between us as if
she's making a joke.

the one beer they have at every party I've ever been to,” Laura
chimes in.

take a water,” Mom tells Terry, sending her off to fetch our

how have you been?” Laura asks me.

been fine.” I nod, scanning the crowd for Trent. He's nowhere
to be seen. “The job I have now kind of sucks, but it pays the
bills. I miss you guys.”

heard that you could still come back if you wanted to.”

I cringe a bit. It's
nice that everyone wants me to come back, but I wish they would just
drop it. I've made up my mind. I'm not going back. Ever. “Maybe
someday,” I lie.

when are we going to get to meet your boyfriend?” my mom asks.
The fact that she just ratted out why we're really here makes me want
to die of embarrassment.

so you haven't met Mister Beefcake yet?” Zelma wiggles her
eyebrows, which only makes things worse. Apparently, it's no secret
that Trent and I are a couple now, which is a bit of a relief.

I've met him. I just haven't really talked to him.”

have to admit, I was surprised when I found out. Never saw that
happening. You've got him by the balls though.” Zelma nudges me
with her elbow, and I blush. Does she always have to be so crude?
“He's making preparations for his big speech. I guess I should
go get him for you.” There's a bounce in her step as she turns
to walk away, heading towards the double doors that lead to the pool.

I miss anything?” Terry asks as she returns with our drinks,
handing them out before popping the top on her beer. Budweiser it is.

pickings?” My expression is sympathetic.

had Bud, Bud Light, and Miller,” she replies before taking a
long swallow of beer.

don't much like beer.” Laura wrinkles her nose. Of course, she
doesn't. If she did, she probably wouldn't be as tiny as she is.

like that lady.” My mother stares out towards the pool, and it
takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Zelma.

you'll make a new friend today.” I grin.

She doesn't look hopeful.

he is.” Laura turns towards a small stage that's set up at the
front of the room just as Trent comes around the corner. He's wearing
a gray business suit with a black tie, looking as dashing as ever. If
my mother and Terry had to judge him on attractiveness alone, they'd
definitely see a winner.

Terry comments, her mouth falling open.

My mom is less
affected by his presence. “Is that him?”

remember what he looks like.” I furrow my brow at her. How
could she forget? He was on her doorstep, after all.

Everyone puts their
hands together for a brief round of applause when they realize that
Trent is about to speak. He looks through the crowd and finds me.
Zelma walks back inside from the pool area, but she doesn't join us.
Instead, she leans against the wall and smiles at me before her eyes
settle on Trent.

just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone for coming.”
Trent outstretches his arms to encompass the entire group. “The
spring party is just a little something I like to do every year to
get us all out of the office and have some fun time. You know what
they say about all work and no play,” he lets out a short
laugh, and a small chorus follows.

Creations, Inc. has been my home away from home for the past ten
years, and everyone here has become like family to me. That's why I
wanted to share a very important moment in my life with you all.”
His eyes fix on me, and I feel my heart stall for a split second.
“There's a very special girl here this evening. She walked into
my office looking for a job, and she left the company with my heart.”
A round of awes greet his sweet words, and he nods and looks away,
obviously a little embarrassed, though he quickly recovers, taking a
deep breath before he speaks again. “Fennel, I know we haven't
known each other for very long. I know I haven't always been the
greatest man. But I'd like to make that up to you. For the rest of
your life, if you'd let me.” He jumps off of the stage. All
eyes follow him as he makes his way towards me.

My hand flies up to
my chest, and I feel like I might have a heart attack. Is he really
going to do what I think he is? We haven't even been dating for a
month. When he goes down on one knee in front of me though, my
suspicions are confirmed.

Riegel, I've never met any woman like you before, and I know I never
will again. You walked out of my life once, and I can't stand the
thought of it happening again. Will you do me the honor of becoming
my wife?”

There's not enough
beer in the world to give me the courage to say no to him in front of
all of these people. Everyone is watching us, and I feel backed into
a corner. While the gesture is romantic, there's so much doubt racing
through me. It feels like words can't make it to my mouth. Everyone
is waiting on my reply with bated breath, including my mother and
best friend.

My voice is foreign to me, and it sounds more like a question than an

I'm so shocked and
lost in the moment that I'm not sure how to react. Trent rises and
wraps his arms around me, twirling me dramatically. People are
clapping and laughing, and I'm completely bewildered, like I just got
hit by a car and am trying to stagger back to my feet.

wasn't sure you would say yes,” he whispers into my ear before
setting me down.

I don't have time to
respond because people are swarming us with congratulations. All I
can do is smile and wonder what in the hell just happened. Terry and
my mother disappear into the crowd, retreating away from the action.
When I finally do spot them, I look at them longingly, wishing to be

Trent entwines his
fingers in mine and holds me captive. It's different than when we're
in his basement. This bondage is completely new to me.

I wait until the
crowd dissipates before I place my hand on his shoulder and go up on
tiptoe to ask if we can go somewhere more private. He nods
approvingly before leading me out into the hotel lobby. It's not the
privacy I had hoped for, but it's far better than being around all of
his friends and co-workers.

was unexpected.” I pull away from him, trying not to seem too

He fumbles in his
pocket for a small black box. “I think I messed up a little. I
had the ring in my pocket the entire time, but I was too nervous to
pull it out.”

you really just propose to me after we've only been dating for a few
weeks?” I cross my arms over my chest. When he opens the box to
me, all of my breath leaves me in a gasp. The ring inside has to cost
more than my car.

meant everything I said to you, Fennel. I know this is sudden, and
I'm not even sure it's what you want. In truth, I realize that
there's so little I know about you. But I want to get to know it
all.” He drops down on one knee again, and I allow him to put
the ring on my finger.

It takes several
moments of staring and gawking at the ring before the fairytale
moment begins to wear off and I'm able to regain my speech again. “I
don't know about this, Trent.” I shake my head. “I mean,
I like you a lot, but marriage?”

already said yes.” He quirks an eyebrow at me.

didn't feel like I had a choice.”

you don't want me, I'll understand.” He deflates a little.

not that I don't want you. I do want you.” I take a few steps
away from him. “I just didn't expect this. It's too soon.
It's...not normal for someone to propose this quickly.”

you figured out that I'm not normal, by now?” He follows me,
taking my hands in his and admiring the ring on my finger. The
diamond catches the light and glitters like something magical.
“Fennel,” he sighs. “I don't do anything
half-assed. At least, I try not to. When I see something I want, I go
for it. I've always been that way. I want you, and the thought of
there being any possibility that you'd walk out of my life absolutely
terrifies me. But I don't want this to feel like a bondage collar to
you.” He gives my ring hand a gentle shake. “I'm not
trying to tie you down or force you to be with me. I know it probably
seems that way, and I probably made it sound that way.

because I want to marry you doesn't mean we have to do it right away.
The engagement can be as long or as short as you want it to be. That
ball is in your court. You control it. I just wanted to make my
intentions known. And that's what the ring is about. I do want to
marry you. Today. Tomorrow. Ten years from now. Preferably before I

I can't help but
laugh at that last part. Knowing that he's not going to rush the
wedding does put my mind at ease.

is this really just your overprotective, overbearing way to tell
other guys that I'm off limits?” I wrinkle my nose at him.

He freezes for a
minute before nodding vigorously. “Pretty much. And it's also a
ticket into your pants whenever I want.”

I slap his chest, my
mouth falling open in disbelief. “Trent Stevens! You are
absolutely horrible.”

I feel like you would have used my middle name then, had you known
it,” he quips.

would have,” I sigh, realizing just how little we know about
each other. My gaze falls back down to the ring. If anything, it's a
promise that we'll take the time to get to know each other. He
wouldn't have given it to me if he wasn't at least serious about
that. “A long engagement,” I say finally. “I like

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