Up In Flames (21 page)

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Authors: Nicole Williams

BOOK: Up In Flames
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Relief flooded me. At least for tonight, Cole would take care of me. He’d help me with this mistake when no one else in my life would. “Thank you,” I breathed, dropping my head back onto the headrest and holding onto his hand like it was a lifeline.

“You’re welcome.” Cole started the Jeep and pulled out onto the road. “It’s the least I can do given I was pretty much the one to blame for what happened tonight.” The motion of the car made me queasy, so I cracked the window, closed my eyes, and took long, slow breaths. “I’m sorry you saw that, Elle.”

My stomach heaved, but not from the alcohol. From the image of that girl wearing Cole’s undershirt.

“Will she still be there . . . when we show up?” I asked as unemotionally as I was could. Cole wasn’t mine, he had the right to bring a girl into his bed, but at the same time, he felt like he was mine and had no right to sleep with any girl that wasn’t me.

“Highly unlikely since the only person that peeled out of that parking lot in more of a rage than you was her two minutes later.”

My brows came together. “Why’s that?”

“It might have had something to do with me telling her to get the hell out and give me my shirt back,” he answered.

“Do you think you’ll see her again?”


“Do you want to?”

“Hell no.”

“Did you sleep with her?” Wonderful. The alcohol was making me ask questions I didn’t want answered.

Cole exhaled. “God knows I tried,” he said, “but I just couldn’t do it. No matter how damn hard I tried.”

I opened my eyes and peered over at him. If ever a man could brood, Cole was doing it now.

“Why not?”

His hands tightened over the steering wheel. “Because I couldn’t get the face of another girl out of my head,” he said. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get her face out of my head.”

My heartbeat quickened. Was he saying what I thought he was?

“Me?” My voice was a whisper.

Cole nodded once. “You,” he admitted like it was a sin.

I stared at his hand in mine and I let myself pretend everything could work out between us. I let myself play “make believe” that Cole and Elle would get to live happily ever after. That was one of the benefits to the alcohol—it skewed reality and make believe enough that they almost melded into one.

We just pulled into the smokejumper camp when Cole broke the silence. “Will you promise me something, Elle?” he asked as he parked and turned off the engine. “Promise me you won’t do something like this again. If Biggie hadn’t called me . . . Who knows what . . .” Cole’s face lined. “There’s no shortage of Derrick Davenports out there, Elle, and as much as I wish I could promise that I’ll always be here to swoop in and save you, I think we both know that would be an empty promise.”

Not in my world of make believe.

“So I need you to promise me you won’t do this again. Please,” he said, almost begging.

Even if I hadn’t already made that promise to myself, I couldn’t deny Cole when he looked at me that way.

“I promise,” I said, giving his hand a squeeze. It hadn’t left mine the entire drive, and when it finally did as Cole hopped out of the driver’s side door, my hand went a little limp.

Cole jogged around the front of the Jeep and opened my door. He helped me out, and before how I knew I got there, I was in his arms.

“Cole?” I said after I’d nuzzled my head under his chin.

“Elle,” he said, his tone all tease.

I nudged him. I was trying to be serious here. “I don’t hate you.”

He took a few moments before he replied. “I know,” he said as we went through the front door. “But sometimes I wish you did. Leaving you alone would be so much easier if I knew you hated me.”

The building was still dark. Everyone must have still been out having a good time.

“Why do you want to leave me alone?”

Cole’s body went a little rigid. “Because I can’t have you the way I want you. I know I told you at first that I was fine with any piece of you, but that changed when I—” he cut himself off abruptly. Clearing his throat, he carried me into a large dark room filled with a handful of bunk beds lining the walls. “I tried being content having a piece of you, but then that changed, and I wanted all of you. I needed all of you. But since I can’t have all of you, I’ll just have to figure out how to live with nothing of you.”

I didn’t know which was sadder: his voice or the way my heart felt after hearing those words. It was all or nothing of me with Cole. He would only settle for all of me or nothing of me. Those were the two options he could live with, but I could really only live with one.

That was my answer. I couldn’t live without him. Cole. I couldn’t live without him. I’d tried and failed miserably.

“Come on,” he said, walking across the room. “Let’s get you into bed.”

“Let’s do,” I said, raising my voice in expectation.

Cole chuckled softly. Stopping at the bunk on the far end of the back wall, he set me down. When he’d steadied me and seemed mostly convinced I wasn’t going to fall over, he jogged across the room again. “I’ll be right back. Try not to fall over or hurt yourself.”

Once Cole had left the room, I fumbled with the button and zipper of my cutoffs. My fingers weren’t quite themselves, but were at least working better than they had fifteen minutes ago.

As I let my shorts drop, all I could think about was crawling into Cole’s bed and falling asleep. This entire day from start to finish was exhausting, and eight hours of sleep in between Cole’s sheets sounded like just the way to end the day.

Winding my arms back, I unclasped my bra and worked each arm out of it before sliding it out of my camisole. Wasn’t exactly my every night kind of pajamas, but this wasn’t exactly the way I spent every night either.

“You need to drink both of these and take three pain relievers before you crawl into bed unless you want to wake . . .” Cole charged back into the room shaking a pill bottle into his hand. It took him a few seconds to look up, and when he did, his mouth fell open a little.

I glanced down at myself. Maybe I should have crawled into bed before he came back into the room because my lace underwear and thin cami my nipples were presently poking through were more lingerie than sleepwear.

Cole’s eyes wandered down me, taking their time, and had made a return journey before he unfroze himself from the floor. His eyes darted away from me as he came closer.

“I’m the top one,” he said, motioning at the bunks behind me. “Take these and drink these.” He held out his hand and waited for me to open mine. When I did, he dropped three white pills into it before unscrewing the cap off one of the bottles of water.

He wouldn’t look at me, but that apparently took a significant amount of restraint. He wanted me. I could see it in his face, I could tell from the way his chest lifted harder, I could see it under the zipper of his shorts.

Knowing Cole was ready for me in every way a man could be made me respond in every way a women could. When I wanted to throw myself on him, I forced myself to drop the pills into my mouth. Cole handed me the bottle and I lifted it to my lips. I could feel his eyes on me again as I kept the bottle tilted until I’d drank all of it.

When I tilted my head back down, my assumptions were confirmed. His eyes were on me again, staring at the area just south of my belly button. My inner thighs clenched.

And now I was as ready as I could be for him. In every way.

“Cole,” I whispered, stepping towards him.

His eyes clamped shut and he took a few steps back. “No,” he replied. “I can’t, Elle. I want you so damn much, but not if you’re not mine. All mine.”

I almost whimpered in dismay. I’d wanted Cole before, wanted him bad, but this was different. This was so all consuming it was all I could think about. I had to have him inside me. I wanted him to be the first man I felt like this. But that wasn’t all . . . I wanted him to be the last, too.

It was a lot for a young woman to take in, especially when she’d had about three too many drinks, but I could already feel the liter of water making its way through my system, clearing out some of the alcohol haze.

“Let’s get some sleep and sort out whatever needs sorting in the morning.” Cole hung his hands on his hips and nodded at the top bunk. The bulge in his shorts had only grown, but so had his resolve it seemed.

Disappointed, I turned and threw myself up on top of the bunk. It was a safer bet than climbing a couple rungs up the ladder on the side.

Cole chuckled. “That was graceful.”

“At least I made it,” I replied, getting comfortable. Cole’s sheets smelled like him. Usually his scent made me sigh; right now though, it served as more of an aphrodisiac.

I heard the telltale sound of a zipper lowering and turned over onto my side to watch. Cole was stepping out of his shorts and tugging off his shirt. My throat went dry. When I was sure he was about to dig through the dresser behind him for a pair of pajama bottoms or something, he went to the end of the bunk and started climbing up.

Okay, this was too much. There was no way I’d be able to sleep next to a nearly naked Cole while I was just as nearly naked and . . .
. Since sleep would be impossible, the only other way to share a bed with Cole tonight would have to work.

I wasn’t taking anymore nos from him. I wanted him, I’d chosen him. If what he said was true and he wanted me as much as I wanted him . . . things were about to get interesting.

I sat up on my knees and waited for Cole’s head to crest the top of the bunk. As soon as it did, his gaze dropped on me with a bit of confusion. Likely stemming from what I was doing sitting up in his bed, playing with the hem of my camisole. The confusion faded the second I started pulling it over my head.

“Elle . . .” he warned.

I smiled at him before tossing the cami at his face. “Cole.”

Grabbing my cami before it fell on the bed, Cole’s eyes widened. With his eyes on them, my nipples hardened even more. They got so hard they ached. “I want you, Cole,” I said.

His forehead creased as his breath came in shallow gasps. “I want you, Elle, but I can’t . . .”

My fingers slid under the hem of my panties and I tugged them down to my knees. I skimmed my thumb over the part of me that throbbed and made a low moan.

Cole groaned. “Fuck,” he breathed, clamping his eyes shut, but it only lasted a moment before they opened again. He could fight it, I’d tried to as well, but neither of us would win.

What we were about to do had been inevitable from the first smile we’d shared that day at the swimming hole. It was inescapable.

“I want you, Cole,” I repeated, rubbing my thumb over myself again.

“Elle . . .” He sounded as undecided as his expression read.

“I want you to be my first, Cole,” I said, lying back on his mattress. I adjusted my knees out from beneath me, slid my panties the rest of the way off, and spread my knees until I could see his anguished face staring at me. I spread them farther apart before dropping my knees to the side. My body was so turned on and ready for him, I could feel my wetness dampening the sheet beneath me. “I choose you, Cole. I. Choose. You.”

He sucked a sudden breath through his teeth, and after a few moments, the tortured lines of his face faded. The only creases there now were of pure, primal desire.

“You don’t know how bad I’ve wanted to hear those words,” Cole said before climbing the rest of the way onto the bunk. My breathing was coming so hard I felt like I could have a heart attack and I guessed that the adrenaline did a heck of a job burning off the remaining alcohol in my system.

I was glad. I wanted to feel every last touch. Every last caress.

“Say it again,” he instructed as he crawled over me.

“I choose you, Cole. I want you,” I whispered as his face hovered above mine, along with the rest of his body.

He groaned when I repeated those words, almost like he was coming inside of me right now. “I want you, Elle,” he said, lowering his mouth to my ear. “And now that you’re mine, I’m going to take you.” His teeth sunk into my earlobe and he whispered, “I’m going to take all of you.”

I rolled my head back and arched my neck to him. His mouth moved there and as his tongue started gliding up it, my hands moved down him. My thumbs hooked under his boxers and I slid them down until everything I wanted freed was nestled hard into my stomach.

My fingers curled around his length and stroked all the way down him. His tongue stopped its journey and his mouth suctioned to my neck instead, sucking at the sensitive skin with the same degree of speed as my hand moving up and down him.

“I want you inside of me,” I said, guiding him closer. “I can’t wait any longer.”

I lifted my hips to meet him, and just as his tip slid against my wetness, he shoved away from me.

I sat up on my elbows and pleaded with my eyes. He kneeled between my legs, breathing heavily. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re a virgin, Elle,” he said, wincing when he looked at the space between my legs. “This isn’t going to be a pleasurable experience for you and I don’t want to cause you any pain.”

“You don’t want me?” I guessed, trying not to sound as insecure as I felt.

Cole shot me a look. “I want to fuck you so bad I’m about to come just thinking about my cock being inside of you.”

Heat raged through me as yet another surge of wetness trailed down my legs. “God, Cole,” I breathed, touching myself if he wasn’t going to do it. “Do me. Please.”

He licked his lips as he watched me touch myself. “Shit,” he breathed before dropping his hand to where my finger continued to play with myself. His finger tangled with mine as it lazily stroked all around.

I sighed his name and flexed my hips into his hand.

“I don’t want to come that way,” I said, gently pushing his hand away. “I want to come with you deep inside of me.”

Cole’s hand lowered and I felt his finger circling my opening. His brows came together. “You’re so damn wet,” he said, and then his finger slipped inside of me.

I inhaled sharply as he slid it in deeper. “You really are a virgin,” he said, his whole face creasing. “You’re so tight, Elle. I don’t think I can get a second finger inside of you, let alone my cock.”

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