Unwrapped (21 page)

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Authors: Chantilly White

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #New Adult, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Unwrapped
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She screamed his name as he ripped a condom over his shaft
and crawled up her body, positioning himself at her entrance and nudging her
drenched folds apart with the tip of his erection. The rhythmic waves of
release tossed her higher and higher, blinding her, deafening her to all but
her own outrageous orgasm and the thundering need for something more, for that
last fulfillment, the final answer to the mystery.

Mia's entire body flamed from the inside out, incandescent
with desire, hollowed out and aching to be filled.

Please, please, please. . .

Her body still pulsing, Derrick pressed himself inside, so
slowly, stretching and filling her, and her body clenched around him, pulling
him deeper, even as the unfamiliar fullness grew. Mia threaded her fingers into
the light whorls of hair on his chest and clutched, her nails scoring his skin.

"I love you," she gasped, and he echoed her words.

Derrick kissed her, his tongue seducing her, filling her
mouth as his cock slowly, slowly filled her body. Love saturated her senses,
filled her with lust, twined them together into one incredible emotion,
clogging her lungs with fire. Her hands swept around to his back, scrabbling
over his straining muscles, wet with sweat, wanting only to pull him closer,
even as he stretched her to her limits. She couldn't possibly take any more of
him, she couldn't—

But her body knew what it wanted, and what it could take.
Derrick's arms shook with the effort of holding himself back, of moving
carefully inside her, but of their own volition, her hips began to thrust and
the muscles deep inside began to clench and release, clench and release.
Derrick groaned deeply in his throat, crushing his mouth to hers as his body
shuddered above her. She whimpered in protest when he withdrew slightly, then
moaned when he slid back, the motions miniscule, but the impact shook her to
her core.

"Mia," he whispered, his voice hoarse in her ear,
"I can't—I need to—"

"Yes. Derrick, yes, please, take me. Take me."

The aching fullness increased, but still he held there, the
head of his cock pressing against her final barrier.

His muscles rock hard beneath her hands, Derrick leveraged
himself above her, withdrawing his rigid erection until just the head remained
inside, pulsing, wet with her passion. He looked deeply into her eyes,
breathing hard.

"Mia," he said, "I love you."

And plunged.

She cried out at the shock of bright, searing pain as he
buried himself inside her, her fingernails digging into his back, and she took
his fullness completely for the first time, making her his. He held there a
moment, kissing away the slide of tears from the corners of her eyes. She
burrowed her head beneath his chin and held on, waiting for the sting to

"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice achingly

Mia nodded, holding him tightly, and already her hips were
stirring against him, seeking the fulfillment only he could provide. Murmuring
her name, he began to move. Slowly at first, as she grew accustomed to his
length and width, he filled her tight, slick sheath to the depths of her soul.
Then faster, harder, and even the memory of pain was a thing of the past as her
body found her rhythm and matched him stroke for stroke, straining toward yet
another climax. Higher and higher they raced together, love and passion driving
them forward.

Hips jerking against her body, Derrick cried out her name as
he found his own release at the same moment she shattered around him and they
flew, together, into the burning midnight sun.




Mia fell asleep in his arms, her breathing labored, sprawled
across him like a rag doll while Derrick stroked her hair and gave silent
thanks for the gift of her—her love, her trust, her body. His imaginings
had never come close to the reality of her body surrounding his, of the
staggering pleasure being with her had brought. Her skin, her scent, her touch.
. .

She was so responsive, so open. He was already hard again,
desperate for more, but she needed sleep and time to recover. Her virginity had
been an indescribable gift, a memory he would cherish forever. A bond between
them that could never be broken.

And now, he looked forward to many, many all-night sessions
of lovemaking. Waking with her in his arms the next morning to start all over
again. Sharing their lives together.

But first. . .

He had an important question to ask her, and a gift of his
own to give.




When Mia woke, pale sunlight bathed her face, and Derrick's
warm body snuggled against her back. Memories of the night before had pleasure
coiling inside her. The smile curving her lips had to be wider and brighter
than a Cheshire cat's. She stroked a fingertip over Derrick's hand, tucked
between the curves of her naked breasts. Happiness beyond anything she could
ever have imagined suffused her body and filled her heart. She was right where
she wanted to be. Forever.

Stretching lightly, she turned to find Derrick considering
her, an amused smile lurking about his lips.

"Good morning," he said, leaning forward for a

"Mmmmm," she hummed into his mouth, "good

From behind his back, Derrick pulled an enormous red
stocking with her name on it in sparkly gold letters. He draped it across her

"Santa left this for you last night."

"Oh, really," she said, her smile growing as she
snatched up the stocking and scooted up in bed.

Derrick sat up beside her, watching her carefully as she dug
her hand inside. At first she thought it was empty, but finally her fingers
brushed something in the corner of the toe. Something round, rough, and chalky.

Frowning, Mia pulled her hand out of the stocking to reveal
a lump of black coal in the middle of her palm.

She raised her eyes to his, a confused laugh on her lips.
Was this some sort of message?

"Oh," Derrick said, taking the coal from her hand
and studying it from side to side. "That darn Santa. He must have
misunderstood." He shook his head sorrowfully. "It's the wrong sort
of coal. I had something a little more. . . refined in mind. Trade?"

Derrick held out his other hand. When Mia looked, he opened
his fingers, and her breath caught in her throat.

"Derrick," she whispered, her eyes flying back to
his face.

All laughter gone, he took her by the hand, his topaz eyes a
molten river of gold as he stared into hers. "Mia Renee Patterson,"
he said, his voice strong and sure, "I've loved you in secret for nearly
nine years. I don't want to begin another year without my ring on your finger,
and I don't want to go another moment without knowing you're mine to love
forever. I know I'll make mistakes, and we'll have hard times. But I promise
you I will never hurt you on purpose. I'll love you all my life. Will you marry

The tears had started with her name on his lips. By the time
he finished, her eyes were flooded.

Crawling into his lap, she rained kisses across his face
while he slipped the ring onto her finger. She said, "I thought you'd
never ask."

Much later, when they once again drifted toward sleep
wrapped in each other's arms, Mia gave thanks for the miracle of two people who
cared for each other, who finally found the courage to open their hearts to trust
and faith and love.









of Pleasure



of Wisdom



of Passion






EXCERPT ~ Pearls of Pleasure, by Chantilly White



White has done it again with her
Pearls of Pleasure
. I have to echo the same sentiment of another
reviewer -
Pearls of Pleasure
is a wonderful addition to Ms. White's "pearl" stories -
of Passion
of Wisdom
. The story concept is
definitely interesting and unusual, you can't help but loving these characters,
and Ms. White pulls you deep into their story and has you rooting for them from
her opening page. A wonderful read all around. I definitely cannot wait for her
next book."

~Carol A. Hughes,
Author and Writing Instructor




love story is dedicated with gratitude to the First Responders ~ Firefighters,
Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Personnel, Military and Civilian Support
Teams ~ and the families, friends and loved ones who worry about and support
them. You are an inspiration, a light in the darkness, a protector, a helping
hand, a shoulder, a friend. Thank you.


to my husband ~ my every hero, every single day, in every way. I love you.


my beloved, fill the cup that clears

of past regrets and future fears;

Why, tomorrow I may be,

with yesterday's sev'n thousand years.




Pearls of Pleasure

Chantilly White




Big Bear Lake, California ~
September, 2009


Gwen Coffey hugged her secret to herself like a warm, fluffy
blanket. One covered in bouncing baby bunnies and sweet little kittens with
drippy milk mustaches. She didn't have a fluffy, oh-so-cute blanket, though, so
she hugged the sofa pillow instead, and grinned like a fool.

Tomorrow. She would tell David tomorrow, and watch his
sapphire eyes light up like Christmas, New Year's and the Fourth of July all
rolled into one. He'd be off-shift for a few days, and they could celebrate in

She'd make a special dinner—prime rib, that was his
favorite—and wear something lacy and see-through and absolutely useless
for anything but ripping off. And later. . .

Her belly quivered, just thinking of the hours they'd spend
in their bed, enjoying a more intimate celebration. The way he would run his
hands over her skin.

The pleasure they'd share.

A jaw-cracking yawn interrupted her musings, and that made
her smile, too. Her cheeks ached from smiling so much, smiling nonstop for the
past two days, but it was impossible to quit. It was a wonder David hadn't
clued in already. Even the dragging fatigue couldn't dim her joy.

Snuggling further into the sofa pillows, she spun fantasies
full of fun while the sunlight lazed across the floor in a slow-moving
arc—family gatherings, shopping excursions, trips to the zoo.

That was for later, though. For now, they had so much to do,
so many changes to make. So many people to tell. They could take her famous
banana muffins to the firehouse and announce it to everyone. David would strut
like a peacock, she had no doubt. She laughed to herself, picturing the scene.

Maybe Julie and Scott and Tony and his new girlfriend could
come over for dinner next week, too, and she could start pumping Julie for

She yawned again. She'd have to make some lists. Plan a few
menus. . .

Drifting to sleep with a smile still curving her lips, Gwen
slid warmly into dreams. Strong arms came around her and held her tight. Safe
and secure in the place she most wanted to be, always, nestled in her husband's
embrace. Their dream-fingers entwined lazily, and their voices, though
indistinct, rumbled in comfortable murmurs. David's deeper tones blended with
her lighter ones, forming their own special, familiar music. She floated
through the dream, cocooned in a cloud of soft contentment.

The sirens woke her. She came out of the dream slowly,
disoriented by the late nap, and sat up on the couch, pushing the heavy length
of her hair out of her face. She felt fuzzy and gummy and a little nauseous.

Padding to the kitchen for a glass of water, she stood at
the sink, sipping slowly to rinse the cottony coating out of her mouth. A wave
of dizziness swept over her and she swayed, grabbing the edge of the counter to
right herself.

"Whoa," she said. "That's new."

Belly rolling uneasily, she made her way out to the deck for
some fresh air. The lake was still as glass in the late-afternoon light, the
only ripples flowing from a family of ducks passing by the end of their dock.

Slow, deep breaths seemed to help her equilibrium. She
stretched lightly, side to side, changing hands with the water glass as she

Sirens sounded again, drawing her eyes to the left and over
the tops of the trees toward town.

"Oh, no."

Black smoke boiled into the sky in thick, curling clouds.
Black and oily and heavy, smoke only a building fire could produce. It was hell
smoke, shot through with deep red flames.

And David—David was working.

The back of her neck prickled and goose bumps shot across
her skin, making her shiver. Sending a quick prayer heavenward for David and
his fellow firefighters, she hoped they'd contain the blaze quickly, before any
people or any more buildings were jeopardized.

She couldn't smell it yet, or taste the acid of it on her
tongue. The breeze blew the spiraling smoke away from her for now, but it
wouldn't be long before the searing brimstone of it overwhelmed the wind and
swept over the lake.

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