Unto a Good Land (52 page)

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Authors: Vilhelm Moberg

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Unto a Good Land
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Kristina handed the child his coin: “But we could have borrowed it if it had been a fifteen-cent coin.”

Johan meanwhile held the ten-cent piece tightly in his closed fist: “It’s my money! He gave it to me!”

Karl Oskar said he would never have had the heart to rob the boy of the first money he had owned in his life.

Kristina flared up: “Then go and find fifteen cents! You’re impossible! Wait and wait and wait! How long must we wait? When are you getting the letter? Shall we leave it there till Christmas?”

“I’ll fetch it tomorrow morning.”

“That I must see before I believe it! You’re like a stubborn horse! My patience has come to an end!” Her cheeks flashed red from indignation, her eyes seemed to shoot sparks.

Karl Oskar let her anger spend itself and did nothing to interrupt her. When she had finished, he said calmly as before: Early tomorrow morning he would take the dried stag skin to Mr. Fischer in Taylors Falls. He had thought they would use it for clothing but now they must sell it; they could not get along without cash any longer. He might get two dollars for the skin, he would have enough for both the letter and some groceries.

“Why didn’t you sell the skin long ago? Why have you waited?”

She was interrupted by the door swinging open. The stranger who had given money to Johan was back. He stopped at the threshold and pointed to the lake shore, rolling a lump of tobacco in his hand while he talked.

Karl Oskar listened eagerly and tried to understand. He recognized the word hay. The stranger pointed to the haystacks in their meadow—three stacks were still left, Lady had been unable to eat all the hay before they returned her to Anders Månsson. The stranger had come back because he had discovered their hay—now Karl Oskar understood.

He accompanied the man to the meadow. Shortly, he returned to the house with three large silver coins in his hand: the lumber company in Stillwater was short of hay for their teams, and the man bought the three remaining haystacks for three dollars.

Never was a seller more satisfied with a transaction. “I felt it in my bones last fall when I cut the hay! I knew it would come in handy!” said Karl Oskar.

That very day he went to fetch the letter from Taylors Falls, and this time he carried it with him when he returned. He had recognized his father’s big writing on the envelope but he carried it home with the seal unbroken, he wanted to break it in Kristina’s presence, he wanted her to listen when he read it for the first time.

As soon as he was inside the door they sat down on either side of their table. It was the middle of the week, but both had a feeling of reverence, a Sunday mood. Karl Oskar picked up the bread knife, the sharpest one they had in the house and he cut the seal slowly and carefully so as not to harm the letter.

It was a small sheet, narrow and written full from top to bottom. The letters were stiff, crooked, and broken—they were reminders of the pain-stiffened, crooked fingers that had formed and written them.

The letter from Sweden brought the following message to the reader and the listener:

Dear Son, Daughter-in-Law and Children,

Our dearly loved Ones, May you be well is our constant Wish!

We have received your letter and its message that you have arrived alive and in health, Which is a great Joy to us. Now I will write to let you know how we are—we all have God’s great gift of health and all is well.

Much evil and good has happened since we parted. The churchwarden in Åkerby fell off a wagon and was killed last summer near the hill at Åbro mill, Oldest Son took over home, on my Homestead all work and chores progress in due order, the farmer who supplies our Reserved Rights is penurious, but otherwise kind, this year has had fine weather and good crops.

Mother and I do not go to other places much, we keep busy at home, most the time I keep close to the fire as you know. You have had your free will and have deserted home, we hope you all have success, it must be un-Christian hard for you in the beginning in a new land. Mother wonders if you have any Minister to preach God’s clear Word to you, your God is with you also in a foreign country. Turn to Him when your own strength fails.

Have no concern and do not worry for Us, We greet your little children and your good wife from Our Hearts. Her parents and Sisters in Duvemåla are well and wish the same to Kristina in North America. I have paid the freight for this letter, hope it is sufficient. You can afford it as little as I in a strange country.

You are every hour in our Thoughts, I invoke the Lord’s blessing upon you, our dear ones in this world.

Written Down by your Father

Nils Jakob’s Son

Korpamoen in Ljuder Parish October 9

in the year of Our Lord 1850.

Let no outsider see my scribble.




Karl Oskar reread the letter from Sweden three times before Kristina was satisfied. Only after that did he have an opportunity to tell her the great news he had heard today in Taylors Falls: Ulrika of Västergöhl was going to enter into holy matrimony with Mr. Walter H. Abbott, she was to move to Taylors Falls as wife to the postmaster and storekeeper.

This he had heard and it had come from Swedish Anna, who was not one to spread untrue gossip. She herself would move to New Kärragärde as housekeeper for Danjel and Jonas Petter in Ulrika’s place.

Mr. Abbott had often of late visited the Swedish settlement at Lake Gennesaret, according to Swedish Anna. And Ulrika had treated him to food—the most delicious food she could cook—sweet cheese, pork omelet, cheesecake. She had offered him all her choice dishes. And Mr. Abbott had been so taken by the Swedish fare that he wished for it on his table at every meal. In order to have the good food daily, he must keep the cook in his house, and so he had proposed to Ulrika. Swedish Anna had hinted that the impending marriage was some piece of witchery: Ulrika had bewitched Mr. Abbott with the food she had given him. She had taken advantage of a poor man who never before had known how food should taste. Ulrika could thank her Creator that the preparation of decent food was not as yet known in America.

Swedish Anna had spoken as though Ulrika had committed a heinous crime in offering Mr. Abbott her Swedish dishes.

The Taylors Falls postmaster and storekeeper was a well-to-do man, nothing in the way of worldly goods was missing from his house. There might be other women besides the Glad One who would have liked to be in charge of a store full of good wares. Karl Oskar suspected that Swedish Anna spoke in jealousy when she belittled Ulrika.

Kristina had seen Mr. Abbott behind his counter last summer. His head, on a lanky, loose-limbed body, almost reached the ceiling; she remembered his big hands, covered with black hair, his broad, flat feet. He was always dressed in a motley coat with long tails, his shirt neck open. Everyone said he was honest in his dealings. Kristina thought he had a hardened heart, denying the poor settlers credit for a single cent; but she would not call him stingy—many times he had given her sugar sticks for her children.

Kristina said to Karl Oskar: Next Sunday he must stay home alone and look after their offspring. She would go to Uncle Danjel’s and wish Ulrika of Västergöhl well on her coming marriage.


She started out on her walk early in the morning. It was the first time she had walked alone from Ki-Chi-Saga to the settlement at Lake Gennesaret. Karl Oskar had advised against it—but this time she wanted to go by herself through the clearing; sometime she must learn to walk alone, in a place where she would live for the rest of her life. She would feel like a penned-in animal if she could never leave her home without being followed and guarded like a herd beast. She could not lose her way—there only was one road to follow.

The Indians had returned and had been around the lake, but she tried to suppress her fear of the copperskins with this thought: If God protects me, I need not be afraid to walk alone through the forest. If God does not protect me, I would not be safe in the greatest company of people.

The forest had been washed clean by the mild spring rains, the grass was sprouting, the leaf-trees were budding, the air smelled fresh and good, of foliage and bark and buds, of earth and mold. Kristina stepped lightly over the wretched road, she breathed with an easy heart. For long stretches she could imagine she walked through the woodlands at home in Duvemåla. Here grew the same trees, though they were larger, more wild looking than at home. She was more at home with trees and bushes than with people, and did not feel lonely in her walk through the woods.

But she never forgot the dangers that might lurk in the forest. Any moment she might encounter something frightening. Last time Swedish Anna came to visit she had seen a cut-off human foot in the road. It was tied to a post stuck in the ground, a bloody foot with a brown skin—an Indian foot. It was a gruesome sign put there by the savages—Swedish Anna thought it meant war between the Chippewas and the Sioux.

Nor did Kristina forget the snakes which had come out of their holes in the spring sunshine and might lie in wait for her. But neither humans nor animals molested her on her Sunday walk, she saw neither snakes nor maimed human feet.

When she reached Danjel’s house, she found Ulrika alone. Jonas Petter had made a small skiff, and he and Danjel had taken the children onto the lake; they hoped to catch some fish for dinner.

Ulrika had returned the evening before from a visit with her daughter in Stillwater. Elin was satisfied in her service, her duties were light and her American master and mistress were kind to their servants. Ulrika had also visited Pastor Jackson in his new house, and she had been to his church and heard him preach.

Kristina noticed at once that Ulrika was not herself today. She did not seem as lively or hearty as usual, she had a serious look on her face, her motions and bearing were different, there was something inscrutable about her. She had a new expression, a thoughtful, solemn look. Perhaps it was caused by the great change which her imminent marriage would bring her.

She took out her knapsack and began carefully folding garments and placing them in it. So she was already busy with her moving.

“I’m packing up a little,” she said.

“Yes. I’ve already heard about it. You’re moving to Taylors Falls to be the storekeeper’s wife!”

Ulrika looked up quickly, with a strange, serious glance. She did not answer. Kristina wished her well in her marriage, she repeated her words twice. But Ulrika seemed not to appreciate this good wish, rather, it pained her. She did not acknowledge it, she did not say thank you. She seemed embarrassed and annoyed as she picked up a well-washed and newly ironed shift—Kristina guessed this shining white garment might be her bridal shift.

What was the matter with the Glad One today? Kristina scarcely recognized her. She was always jolly and in high spirits, and this was surely the time for rejoicing. Something must be wrong.

A worrying thought came to Kristina: Perhaps the marriage with Mr. Abbott was off? Had something come between them? Had the suitor regretted his proposal and taken it back? Something had happened. But Ulrika was packing her clothes—was she moving away from Danjel in any case? Kristina asked outright.

“Yes, I’m moving away,” Ulrika said, as she spread her clean shift on the table. “But not to Taylors Falls! I am not going to be Storekeeper Abbott’s wife.”

“Then it isn’t true?”

the truth. Or almost the truth.” Ulrika’s voice trembled slightly in a way Kristina had never heard before. “It was as close to the truth as anything can be. I could have married Mr. Abbott. But now I’ve changed my mind.”

“What in the world—”

“Everything has changed for me.”

Kristina held her breath: Ulrika must mean that the suitor had changed his mind. Someone might have slandered Ulrika to Mr. Abbott, someone might have told him about her life in Sweden. It must be some Swede—who could it be? Who would be so cruel? Who had betrayed Ulrika?

“Has something come between you?”

“Yes, something came between.”

Anger rose within Kristina. Never would she shake hands with the dastard who had ruined Ulrika’s marriage plans. “Some wicked, jealous gossip has spoiled it?”

“No,” said Ulrika. “It was not a human being.”

“No human being?”

“It was God Himself.”

“What do you mean?”

“God came between. He did not want me to marry Mr. Abbott.”

Ulrika folded the sleeves of her shift. She turned toward Kristina, her full bosom heaving inside her tight bodice: “The Lord stepped in and averted the marriage.”

Kristina was confused; Ulrika did not seem to feel she had lost a great opportunity; rather, the Glad One spoke as though a great disaster had nearly overtaken her, which at the last moment God had prevented.

Ulrika explained: Mr. Abbott was the American she had exchanged more English words with than anyone else; she understood him better than anyone, what she had learned of the new language she had learned from him. Ever since New Year’s she had known that the postmaster wanted to marry her. Shortly before Christmas, when she went to shop in his store, he had walked part way back with her and helped carry her food basket. He did the same thing again and again, and one evening he had walked all the way to their house and stayed overnight. He had eaten with them, she had offered him the same fare she gave to Danjel and Jonas Petter, but never had she seen a man so grateful for food. He had said she was an expert at cooking, and a few weeks ago he had proposed. He said he needed a housekeeper, and she needed a home—if they married, both would have what they needed.

Abbott was a courteous and fine man, he acted toward her the way all American men acted toward women. How many pounds he had carried for her from Taylors Falls! Even a choosy woman could accept such a man. But she wasn’t quite satisfied with the way he had proposed; he ought to have said: I need a human being in my home during the daytime, and a woman in my bed at night! But he hadn’t said that. He had only said he needed a housekeeper and cook. If he had proposed the other way, then she would have accepted him at once. Instead she asked for some time to think it over—and this she had done in such a way that he undoubtedly took it for half a promise to marry him.

She needed not only a home, she needed also a man, she hadn’t slept with a man for more than three years. She was in her prime, her youthful blood still flowed warm in her body. And when she married, she wanted to marry a man who cared more for what a woman could give in bed than what she could offer at the table. She had long wished for a man who would rather starve at table than fail to appreciate what a woman could give with her soul and body. She wanted, too, a man to help her physically and spiritually, a man she could always rely on. She was afraid a marriage with Mr. Abbott would turn out badly.

That was why she had asked for time to think it over. And yesterday, as she came through Taylors Falls on her way from Stillwater, she had stopped in to see Mr. Abbott in his store and told him: She was honored by his proposal, but she could not accept, because the Lord Jesus would not give His sanction to their wedlock.

Kristina stared at Ulrika, more confused than before: Ulrika had declined to become a storekeeper’s wife, she had refused the splendor of Mr. Abbott’s store, she had rejected the kind man who had helped carry her burdens homeward!

“Are you serious?”

“I’ve never been more serious.”

“But you’re packing! Are you still moving away from Danjel?”

“Yes. I’m moving away. To Stillwater. A miracle has happened to me.” She spoke the last sentence with great emphasis.

Something new lit up Ulrika’s features, a light shone in her eyes, an unusual gravity was in her voice: “Listen to me, Kristina. You’re the first to know: I’m going to be baptized. I’m going to be baptized by a Baptist.”

“Oh . . . now I understand. You’ve changed your religion.”

“No! I haven’t changed. I’ve been on the right road. But only now have I come close to God. And for this I can thank Pastor Jackson.”

“Ah . . . it’s he who has made you a Baptist?”

“Yes. My husband-to-be will baptize me.”


“I’m marrying Pastor Jackson in Stillwater.”

And Ulrika turned again to the table where her new-washed linen shift still lay spread.

Kristina was lost in astonishment. But not for long. Her surprise lessened as she thought the news over. She ought to have guessed from the very beginning, she should have foreseen, after all Ulrika’s talk of Pastor Jackson and her visits with him, after all the praise Ulrika had lavished on the minister.

“Are you surprised?”

“No!” Kristina answered. “This is the best thing that could happen to you! A likelier man couldn’t be found. With Pastor Jackson, I don’t even need to wish you well!”

Yes, that was how things were; God had come between Ulrika and Mr. Abbott. And He had chosen another husband for her.

Ulrika was to be married in the Baptist Church in Stillwater this spring. But before she married Pastor Jackson she would be baptized at the great baptism which the church performed in the St. Croix River every spring.

“It’s a God’s miracle!” said the Glad One. “You don’t even understand it, Kristina.”

Her hand lightly touched the white shift on the table, slowly, tenderly, like a caress. Kristina had guessed right—it was her bridal shift.

Ulrika went on: Three years ago she had been converted by Danjel, but ever since that time she had felt something missing. She had shed her old body, but she had never felt quite at home in the new one. She had known something was missing from her rebirth in Christ. Since meeting Jackson she had spoken many times to Danjel about the Baptists and had asked him if a new baptism might give new comfort to her soul. Danjel no longer believed God had entrusted him with the care of any soul except his own. Since he had gone astray in self-righteousness, he felt he could lead no one else along the right road. And he had told her she had her own free will in religious matters. She knew best what God asked of her, he would not rebuke her if she turned Baptist and enjoyed a new christening.

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