Untamed (3 page)

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Authors: Kate Allenton

BOOK: Untamed
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Tara debated bringing up her
desire to go find Black but shrugged it off at the last minute. She grabbed a beer and headed out onto the back patio. Leaving her purse on the table, she grabbed her phone out of it, toed off her high heels, and sipped her beer as she started walking farther into the yard and away from the house.

Goosebumps rose on her arm
, not from the night air but from the voice on the first message.

, Tara, it’s me, Peter. When you get a minute, call me. We really need to talk.

Nope, she wasn’t going there again.
She pressed delete with no desire to talk to the asshole. Next message.

Tara dear, it’s your mother. Call me back. We need to discuss when you’re coming home.

Nope, Tara had no desire to
call her mom back, not after how swimmingly their last conversation had gone. Phone call after phone call, she’d had to argue her reasoning for not taking her ex-fiancé back. Her mom might be clueless about Peter’s cheating but Tara wasn’t….not anymore. No matter how many times she had to say no, she would. She pressed delete. Next message.

, it’s William. I need to talk to you about the restaurant. Call me as soon as you can.

, her chef, didn’t sound like himself. Usually, he sounded cool, calm, and collected, even in the thick of things. Working in the kitchen didn’t normally even ruffle his feathers. There wasn’t much that could rile the sixty-year-old ex-military commando. He sounded strung tight, and that could only mean one thing…trouble. What was it this time? Staff? Suppliers? Rotten food? She didn’t know. The only thing evident was that if he couldn’t wait until their scheduled daily conference call, then whatever the problem was, it wasn’t going to be good and there wouldn’t be an easy fix over the phone. Her time away from home was coming to an end. She lifted her face to the night sky. “Crap.”

“What are you doing out here?” Gracie asked
, as she walked across the yard toward the flower garden, where Tara had been trying to hide in the darkness. “You know, you’ll never find a guy sitting outside in the dark.”

slid her phone inside her bra. Calling William back was going to have to wait, until she was alone and not worried about someone hearing. “Just checking my messages.”

Gracie groaned.
“Your mom again?”

Tara met her and turned Gracie
back toward the house. “You should be inside with your feet up, letting us wait on you hand and foot.” Tara grinned. “I’m sure Ridge would agree.”

I was worried you’d snuck out and left without getting something to eat.” Gracie slid her arm through Tara’s. “A group already left, heading to the bar. I just want to make sure you get something in your stomach to soak up the alcohol before you go.”

“I see you’re already getting the motherly hen instinct.”
Tara chuckled as they walked up onto the back porch and inside the house. She wasn’t much of a drinker. She didn’t like the hangover the next day and, not only that, but it clouded her judgment, and that was never a good thing.

Gracie bumped her shoulder and nodded across the room.
“Seems Brody can’t keep his eyes off you.”

Tara followed her gaze and
, sure enough, the playboy was looking her way with his arms crossed on his chest. Gone was his playfulness from earlier; a scowl tipped on his lips. His eyes no longer sparkled with interest; instead, they’d deepened a darker hue. A look she hadn’t seen but a handful of times on the aloof twin; the times when he was angry or upset. Seemed as though someone had managed to piss him off in the five minutes she’d been gone, and his anger was now directed at her.

Tara shrugged. “
I think it’s the fascination of the chase, and I haven’t given in. I would have thought he’d gotten bored by now. It’s been way too long for him to go without sex. I’m sure there aren’t many women who would turn him down. He’ll lose interest when the next woman with a pair of long legs walks by.”

Gracie laughed as Tara followed her into the kitchen. “If you haven’t noticed yet, ne
ither one of the Connors twins are leg men. They like their woman stacked.”

Tara threw her hands up. “Well
, there you go…I’m sure my barely 36 B isn’t the least bit appealing.”


Chapter 3



Two hours later
, Tara stood next to her car outside, the Double D, the only bar in Henderson, South Carolina. The little bar was the only place in town to get a stiff drink and shoot a descent game of pool. Tara tugged unsuccessfully at the neckline of her indecent dress trying to cover her push-up bra which was peeking through the top.

appeared beside her and threw his arm around her shoulders. “Need help?”

felt her cheeks flush, even as she silently groaned. “Nope, I think I’ve got it covered.”

Brody leaned forward and let his gaze run the length of her and back up. “I’m not sure
would be a term I’d use to describe that dress.”

nudged him before she sauntered toward the front door of the bar. Without looking back, she called out, “I don’t recall asking for your opinion.”

Tara stepped into the bar and let her eyes adjust to the darkness and
contrasting neon lights. She’d pulled out the big guns and worn the dress Gracie suggested. The uncomfortable, stretchy black, fabric which caused the dress to ride up her thighs, was also giving everyone in the room a good glimpse of the girls riding high in their push-up bra. When training, she wore tight stretchy clothes for movement. She wasn’t concerned if any of the Phantom’s didn’t like her curves. In a bar full of people she didn’t know… well that was different. She’d never been comfortable in her own skin, much less in a dress that showed off all of her imperfections. She wasn’t a stick like her friends. She had curves like an hourglass, enough to satisfy the most-hungry of men. Her face grew heated, not from the stale air in the bar but, because of what she’d worn. Feeling like she was under a microscope, she tried not to fidget with the dress. Her bravado dwindled every second she stood in the doorway.

Tonight she just
wanted to forget everything and get lost in good music, stiff drinks to help her forget her problems, and friends who didn’t make her feel like the awkward geek she knew she was. Was that too much to ask?

spotted Cathy and Ethan sitting at a table with drinks already in their hand. She needed some alcohol and quick just to calm her apprehension about her dress. She tugged once more on her dress before pasting a smile on her face and approaching the bar. Squeezing between two burly men, she tried to get the busy bartender’s attention with no such luck. Thirsty people crowded the bar, and her first thought was that maybe they were shorthanded. She let out an exhausted sigh when she realized that the busy bartender was serving a beer to Brody and the flirtatious blonde next to him. Brody leaned casually against the bar and turned giving the bimbo a glimpse of one of his dimples. The blonde ran a red-tipped fingernail down the front of Brody’s chest and leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Brody’s grin grew bigger.

Was this how the night was going to be
? Watching Brody flirt with everything that had a pair of breasts was not her idea of a good time. Her first instinct was to just leave. A quiet night with a good book would have been just as nice. The heroine’s in her book weren’t timid or weak. They were strong and not afraid to live. Shouldn’t she be the heroine in her own life? Hell yes, she should. Tara lifted her chin and straightened her shoulders. Neither Brody nor his tramp, nor even how the dress made her feel, for that matter, was reason enough to make her turn tail and run scared. No, she was here for a good time tonight and, by the grace of all that was holy, she would have fun and blow off steam.

, Mac, the lady needs a drink,” the muscular man on Tara’s right bellowed in a deep voice. His chest was thick. The black leather vest did little to cover the tattoos scrolled down his arm. His curly hair was the color of dark chocolate. He was a nice-looking man, even if a bit on the rugged side.

“Thank you

The man pulled out some bills and set
them on the counter. “No problem, honey, and the name’s Mitch.”

Mac raised his brow and walked over to her. “What will it be?”

“A glass of red wine, please.”

He returned moments later and placed it in front of her before
moving back down the bar to make the next drink. Tara noticed out of the corner of her eye that “Mitch” was staring toward the other end of the bar. Tara followed his gaze to find Brody’s blonde bimbo staring back. She gave a slight nod of her head before breaking eye contact. Seems the woman flirting with Brody was the main attraction tonight.

itch turned on the stool. The planes of his face set in a hard, determined fashion as he nodded toward the empty seat beside him. His emotions were unreadable. “Why don’t you pull up a seat and we can get to know each other…” His eyes heated her skin as they raked a slow sensual detour down her body before meeting her gaze. “…better.”

Tara glanced over her shoulder and spotted Cathy and Ethan sitting at a table across the room. “Sorry, I’m
afraid I can’t.” She lifted her glass. “But thanks for your help, Mitch.”

He grinned
and let his gaze lower to the swells of her breast before his large hands clamped around her waist, jerking her up against his chest and between his thighs. His hand moved down and cupped her ass. Her wine sloshed over the rim, splashing on her boobs more than anywhere else. Just perfect. Just freakin’ peachy.

Now, honey, that’s no way to show me thanks. If you aren’t giving it away for free, how much is it going to cost me for the night?”

Her gut instinct was to vanish from the threat. But this jerk deserved her attention alright; he deserved a lot more than that. She bit her lip to fight against the vanishing act she’d normally do. Brody was teaching her how to fight…well this asshole with the groping hands seemed a good place to test her skills.
The glass instantly disappeared from her hand, replaced in a flash with a nine-inch cleaver. She reached between the man’s legs and gripped his balls in her hand and squeezed tight. His eyes bulged as he instantly released his hold on her, jerking backward but unable to go far with the hold she had on him.

“You sure you want to go there
, stud?” She leaned closer and squeezed harder. “I’m willing to play if you are. Lead the way.”

knocked her hand at the wrist making her lose her hold, before he scrambled backward off the stool, knocking it to the ground. His voice was now higher-pitched. “What the hell are you?”

Tara smirked.
“Your worst nightmare,

Brody appeared by her side
, sliding the knife out of her hand. “You okay, darling?”

“He spilled my drink!” She narrowed her eyes at
Mitch’s retreating back. The big burly guy was making a quick exit for the door.

She snapped her fingers
, and another glass of wine appeared. “I should have just done that in the first place.”

Brody s
et the glass on the bar, pulled her into his arms, and whispered against her ear. “You know it’s against our rules to use your gifts when you aren’t in danger, especially where anyone who might not understand can see.”

“I don’t care who saw me.”
She pushed out of his hold and pointed to the door. “That man deserved much worse than just a threat.”

stepped closer into her personal space, backing her against the bar. “Kind of like you deserve to be punished for breaking the rules.” He cupped the back of her neck and leaned in closer, pressing a kiss to her neck. “I think it’s time for us to go work off the rest of that steam before you explode and hurt someone.”

She cocked her brow
and fought against sagging into his chest. She wanted him; they both knew it. The only thing stopping her was herself, and even her resolve was starting to crumble. No, she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She was stronger than that, stronger than him. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I don’t think so, stud.” She pushed out of his arms, grabbed her glass, and left him standing there.

usic blaring through the bar speakers changed from a slow song to a faster more upbeat tune as Tara tried to dismiss everything that had happened since she arrived. She made a beeline over to where Cathy and Ethan were sitting. Tara slid into an empty chair at the table. “Hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

sipped his beer. “Nice move on the asshole.”

“Which one?”

Ethan chuckled. “Both. I was about to step in until I saw you had it under control.” He slid out of the booth and stood. “I’ll be at the pool tables if you two need me.” He winked at Cathy and nodded to Tara. “Ladies…please try to behave while I’m ridding Brody of some of his ego, and his money.”

He was gone before either one of them could reply.

“You two are getting chummy,” Tara teased. “But what gives with the earlier panic attack?”

Cathy’s face reddened
, even though she shrugged, trying to roll off Tara’s comment and question. “We’re just friends.”

Tara sipped her wine.
“Friends with benefits?”

spewed her beer all over the table. Seemingly she had not expected Tara to ask that question. Swiping her lips with her napkin, Cathy replied, “As much as I wish, I’m afraid I’m too old for that. I want more than just a booty call in the middle of the night.” Cathy sighed; her gaze lingered on Ethan standing across the room with a pool stick in his hand. “I want what Gracie’s got. The wedding, the kids, and the damn white picket fence.” She shook her head. “I don’t think either one of us is going to find that here. I know I won’t, especially with a man who I can’t tell if he’s lying or telling the truth. I still haven’t figured out why my gift doesn’t work on him.”

discarded the napkins she’d just used to wipe the wine from her chest. She leaned back in her chair, one arm across her chest supporting her elbow as she returned to sipping her wine. Cathy was right. They weren’t going to find their happily ever after in a town full of playboys. This much testosterone in one town should be outlawed. Brody well exceeded the limits all by himself.

“Well, since he
’s all secretive and mysterious about what he’s capable of, maybe he has a power that is deflecting your snooping abilities.” Tara glanced over her shoulder at the man in question before turning back to her friend. “Do you know anyone who can speed up time and get Black to make his attack? This waiting is for the birds and is putting a major crimp in my life.” She had a life to get back to, a bar and restaurant that needed her help, and a grandmother with whom she missed spending time. Her chest tightened as she thought about what she’d been missing. It had been months since she’d attended to any of the things that mattered most in her life, and if she ignored her responsibilities much longer, she’d be broke and her family would disown her.

Cathy leaned over and touched her arm. “It will be over soon.
This can’t go on much longer. I’m sure Black is running out of bad guys by now.” Cathy spun around in her chair and sat up straighter.

“What’s the matter?”

Cathy continued to scan the bar, while chewing on her bottom lip. “The energy in here just kicked up a notch. It’s the strangest thing…” Cathy shook her head, turned back to Tara, and took a sip from her beer. Cathy cocked her brow; her troubled eyes peered once more over her shoulder as if she’d missed something the first time she’d made her perusal. Cathy turned back toward her again. “I’m sure I’m just tired and being extra sensitive.”

Cathy had
, at one time, tried to explain her abilities to Tara and Gracie. They all knew that she was a human lie detector, but what most didn’t know was how Cathy’s gift worked. She picked up on energy fields. When around others like them, with powers or gifts, the energy exchange was at its highest. It kept her energized, gave her a bit of a high and enhanced all of her strengths. Her gift had peaked in college. Cathy was always surprised when she ran across anyone that had gifts. So when Cathy had introduced herself to both Tara and Gracie, she’d already known they all shared something special. Cathy was probably riding a pretty high buzz from the energy that the Phantoms exuded. Having to deal with Cathy’s gift, and being around a room full of Phantoms, would require even the strongest of them to take headache medicine. Migraine medication, thanks to the powers that Cathy explained were pouring around the room.

“Not soon enough.” Tara’s gaze landed on Brody and the blond
e from the bar as he led her onto the dance floor. Brody twirled the blonde once before pulling her against his chest. She was looking up into his eyes adoringly, but Brody didn’t notice. His hand was making slow circles on her back, but his gaze was drawn to Tara’s.
What an ass
. Tara shook her head. “He’s just another headache waiting to happen. That woman doesn’t have a clue.”

“Or she just doesn’t care
, and who can blame her? He’s hot, and the energy he dishes out…is some powerful stuff.” The music turned from a slow melody into a faster song, and Cathy’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. She instantly started chair dancing, moving around in her seat as the rhythm gripped her. “You need to lighten up. When was the last time you got drunk?”

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