UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set (43 page)

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A week has passed since I lost my child. Mason didn’t say anything to me about it when he came home two days ago, just acted like it never happened. When I tried to bring it up, he would change the subject. Today, I’m going to seek out Bryce to talk to him; he’s been here for me when Mason hasn’t.

Mason left this morning, without even a kiss good morning or goodbye.  His face is in a permanent scowl lately. Losing this baby is pushing me further and further away from him. Can’t he see that he’s hurting me when I need him most? I suppose I take the vows we made more seriously than he ever has. Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake by marrying him. I should have waited until I was finished with school; maybe then I would have realized we were wrong for each other. How can I be with a man who can’t even kiss me or tell me he loves me when we’ve just lost a child?

I text Bryce and ask him to meet me at Momma B’s bakery.

Walking into the bakery, I see that Bryce is already here, so I move toward his table. Instead of sliding in across from him, I slide in beside him and burrow my face into his chest. I just need to be held by someone who cares. Apparently, my husband doesn’t give two shits to the wind how I feel.

“Shh, Hilary, it’s okay,” he says while rubbing my back with his strong caring hands.

“I don’t know why this happened, and Mason just doesn’t care,” I sob, unable to hold back my tears any longer.

“He’s probably just processing everything in his own way. You know how he is. He bottles everything up.”

“Doesn’t make it hurt any less.” I wipe at my tears, only finding a small comfort in what Bryce is saying. Mason’s shit for sharing his feelings. I guess I didn’t stop to think of how he could be hurting from this too, but how would I? He’s been gone, and when he does come around, it’s like living with a damn mute.

It’s not long before Mason comes charging into the bakery, glaring at us.

“You fuckin’ around on me?” Mason sneers.

“Are you spying on me?”

“Do I have a reason to be?” He has the nerve to question me.

“Of course not!” I snap at him, my face a blotchy mess from crying.

“Well, what the fuck is this then?” His hands smack down onto the table loudly, making me nearly jump from my seat. Bryce shifts uncomfortably. I feel horrible for dragging him into my mess.

I get out of the booth and step up to him. “I just lost my child. You won’t fucking be there for me, and since Bryce actually fucking cares, I came to talk to him. Because that’s what a real man does- listens and actually talks.”

Before I know it, Mason’s fist connects with my face.  I scurry away from him in shock, holding my cheek.

“You mother fucker,” Bryce yells.

“Mason, boy, you best get the fuck out of my shop now,” I hear Momma B say. I turn and look at her, and she has her shot gun pointed at him.

Mason’s jaw and fists are clenched tight.

Bryce steps in close and forces him outside.

He hit me. Mason, the man I’ve loved forever, the man I’ve been with since I was fourteen, hit me. Momma B wraps her free arm around me, trying to console me.

Bryce and Mason are outside, toe-to-toe and shouting in one another’s faces. I can hear them through the glass.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, man? Your wife needs you. She just lost your baby, and you console her by putting your hands on her. You don’t fucking deserve her!”

“Don’t give a fuck if you’re Vincent’s brother! That’s not gonna stop me from beating your ass,” Mason threatens. I’ve never been scared of him before, despite everything- the killing, all of it.

Until now.

Momma B walks me into her office at the back of her bakery and makes me sit down. “I want you to tell me right now, Hilary- has he ever hit you before?” she asks as she puts ice to my cheek.

I take in a shuddering breath. “He’s just so angry lately, so dark. I don’t know what’s going on with him.”

Momma B sighs and sits down next to me, but still keeps her hand on my cheek with the ice. “You shouldn’t put up with that, Hilary. No man has the right to put his hands on a woman in anger.”

I don’t say anything because I know she’s right.

“I understand you want to stick with him, but promise me, if he hurts you again, you’ll leave. Promise me right now, Hilary,” she demands.

“Yes, I promise,” I say quietly.

“I love you, darling,” she says, pulling me tightly to her.




Bryce forces me out of the bakery and looks like he wants to punch me. “Bring it, fucker. I dare ya,” I say to him.

“Not even going there with you, man. Your woman in there is fucking hurting, and you don’t give a shit. Maybe if you cared even a little fucking bit about her, you’d be there for her right now,” he says, stepping up to me and getting in my fuckin’ face.

“You don’t know shit,” I say while shoving him back.

“She lost a baby, you fucker!” he shouts at me.

My jaw clenches. “Not worth my fuckin’ time,” I say, walking away from him.

I climb on my bike without a backwards glance and head to the clubhouse. A few drinks are in order, I think.

Two drinks in, Vinny and Jasper walk up to me. “Rough day, man?” Jasper asks.

“You could say that,” I say, slamming my beer on the bar. I turn to Vinny and growl. “Keep your fuck of a brother away from my wife.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Huh?”

“You heard me. That bastard had his fuckin’ arms around her today. He touches what’s mine again, I’ll kill him, your blood or not.”

“I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but don’t be taking your shit out on my blood. Got me, bro?” Vinny mouths off, and it takes everything in me not to sucker punch his smart ass.

“Fuck you and your sorry brother.” I flip him the bird and grab a bottle of Jack to drown my sorrows in.

“Man, you need to get a hold on your anger.” Jasper clamps a hand on my shoulder, but I shrug him off.

“Fuck off unless you wanna drink with me.”

He shakes his head but takes up the seat next to me.

A couple of clingers come over, trying to get up on me, but I shove them away. Nasty bitches. Figure I better go home and apologize to Hilary with my tail between my legs if I want to get laid.

I don’t know how the fuck I managed to make it home with as drunk as I fuckin’ am, but I did it. I stumble in the house and see Hilary on the couch, curled up in the fetal position.

Getting’ down on my knees, I kneel before my wife, feeling like total shit. I sweep her dark hair from around her face, and she stirs slightly.  Her cheek is bruised from me striking her earlier today. Kissing her cheek, I murmur softly how sorry I am for hitting her.

Her eyes pop open, and she shrinks away from me.  Wrapping my arms around her, I bury my head in her chest as she runs her fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry.” She doesn’t say anything, but she does try to push me away as I begin to tug on her clothes.

“I’m not supposed to be having sex yet, since I lost the baby and lost so much blood. Doc’s orders,” she tells me, but she quickly gives in when I bend her over the back of the couch.

Stripping her of her sweatshirt and those damn booty shorts I love, I pound my frustrations out inside her tight cunt. “Better not ever see you in another man’s arms,” I growl before I bite the shell of her ear roughly. Pinching her nipple, I tell her, “Every part of you belongs to me. Don’t want you to ever fuckin’ forget it.” I slam into her harder, and she cries out my name.



It’s been a few months since I lost my child. Mason goes on as if everything is fine; he doesn’t know how badly I’m still hurting inside. Or maybe he knows but just doesn’t care. He keeps accusing me of cheating on him, and I don’t understand how he could possibly think that.

He wasn’t there for me. Bryce was. I suppose I could see how it would look to him when Bryce was consoling me.

I ended up forgiving him for the incident that happened at the bakery, but I’m starting to regret it. The first time he put his hands on me was a few months ago, and then he did it again just three weeks ago; I shouldn’t allow for a third time. At first, his apology was heartfelt and amazing, but then he went and ruined it, and I had to fake an orgasm for the first time ever.

We’ve been doing somewhat okay besides all that. Of course, he still won’t talk about our lost child at all, but over the last week, he’s constantly been on me about Trent.  I was sixteen when I found out about Trent being my brother. My mom told me; she’s known about it for years I guess, and she was hurt. That was what ultimately ended my parents’ marriage.

She asked me to please not share that with anyone because their divorce was already an issue in our town, with my father being a Pastor and a Mayor at the time. Even though she said there really is no love lost between her and my father, she also doesn’t want to see his church members go after him with pitchforks, especially when he preaches about fidelity and all that shit.

Now I’m on my way to see my father, to most likely get bitched out about something.

I walk up the familiar cement steps to Daddy’s church and go inside. I watch him for a few moments, standing up on the stage as he rehearses his sermon for Sunday’s service before he finally notices me.

“Hilary,” he says with a nod. “Let’s go talk in my office.”

I frown, following him. It’s not often I see him outside of church. Every Sunday I get to church early, and he parades me around as if we are the best father/daughter duo in town. It makes me sick- sick that even though he’s supposedly a man of God, he still can’t keep it in his pants. Some days, I think he cares more about keeping up appearances than he does me.

He closes the heavy oak door behind me when I step into the room.

“Have a seat,” he says as he walks around his desk to his own chair. After I sit, he starts in. “What do you think you’re doing, going to see Trent all the time?” he asks angrily.

“He’s my brother,” I say with a shrug. “Of course I’m going to see him and spend time with him.”

His nostrils flare. “If anyone finds out about this mess, I’ll lose my footing in the church, and I’ll never be elected Mayor again.” He shoves his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

“Yeah, well, maybe you should have thought about that before you fucked around on Mom!” I yell at him.

“Don’t you say that filthy word in my church!” He smacks his palm loudly against his desk.

“Well then, learn to keep your dick in your pants!” I snap out. This is going nowhere fast.

He sighs, his shoulders sagging in defeat. “Look, I know I’m not the best father out there. I’ve made mistakes. I’m only human. But this friendship you’ve struck up with Trent will be damaging on this family if you continue it.”

“I don’t care, Daddy. He’s my brother. I’m not gonna shun him just because of something you did,” I spit at him.

“Have you told your husband?” he asks questioningly with furrowed brows.

“Actually, no, I haven’t. There hasn’t been time. Too much shit happening,” I explain, feeling guilty. His shoulders drop in relief, and I narrow my eyes at him. “Why would it matter if I told him anyways? He’s my husband.” What else isn’t he telling me?

His jaw clenches. “Don’t say a word, especially not to him. You got me, girl? You won’t like the consequences if you do,” he warns in an ominous tone.

“Are you threatening me?” I scoff at the audacity. My father the preacher…

“No, but you can’t say anything.” He looks at me, pleading, his green eyes softening.

“Why the hell not?” I shout while throwing my arms up, growing impatient with his games. I don’t have time for this shit. My marriage is rocky. School is getting harder. I can’t concentrate.

“Because if Mason finds out, he might not take kindly to it,” he says cryptically. Is he implying Mason will do something bad?

“What? Why the hell would it matter to Mason? Trent’s my brother!” I bellow at him.

“He’s Mason’s too!” he shouts back at me.

My face pales. “What?” I whisper. Fish are swimming in my stomach. I place a hand over my empty stomach, missing the feeling of knowing my baby was growing inside of me.

Dad scrubs at his face with his hands. “Don’t, okay. Just leave things alone.”

“Explain. Now,” I demand. I’m starting to freak out. Mason can’t be Trent’s brother. If so, that could mean… I grab a nearby trashcan and empty my stomach contents inside, gagging.

“Calm down. All you need to know is you and Mason are not blood related. You just share a brother.  If he finds out, what do you think he’ll do to me? Huh? He’ll finally figure out the real reason his mother left him, abandoned him. Don’t bring that shit up for him again,” he says, warning me.

“Who cares!” I scream at him, “I will be telling my husband, and you can’t stop me.”

My father’s face turns dark, and he leans over his desk. “How do you think your husband would react to knowing that you’ve been keeping secrets from him for years? How about the fact that you also know exactly where Eden is.”

My face pales. “What?” I whisper.

“You tell him about Trent, and I will let him know you’ve known all this time about Eden.” He sits back in his chair with a small smirk. “Let’s not forget the fact that Lilly knows as well. What would that do to her and Vincent’s relationship?”  He looks so proud, so smug. I’m sure he is feeling high and mighty behind his desk.

I look down at my hands and try to force myself to stay seated, instead of lunging across his desk to strangle him. If Jasper, Vinny, or Mason find out Lilly and I have known about Eden all this time, it would destroy everything. “I’ll keep the damn secret, but I’m not shutting out Trent,” I say, getting off my chair.  I walk out of his office, slamming the door behind me. Perfect. Just perfect.

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