Unleashed (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Douglas

BOOK: Unleashed
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Az lumbered to his feet and took off down a dark tunnel to the right. Once inside, Addie realized it wasn’t as dark as she’d thought, though the only illumination came from some sort of phosphorescent algae growing all over the walls. It cast an unearthly green light, bright enough for them to avoid running into walls or bumping their heads on low-hanging rocks. “They’re stalactites,” Addie said, running her hand over the waxy surface.

“I know.” Jett slid his fingers over one that was too high for Addie to reach. “I wonder where we are? Under the ocean or maybe under an island? I can feel the ocean outside these walls, or at least I’m sensing the pressure.”

“Az says we’re under the ocean now, but this tunnel leads to a cavern within a small island.”

“It sounds as if he’s been here before.” Jett stared at the beast, who stared back at him and sighed.

Namaka sent me to Pele, but she held me here first, after kidnapping me from my post. She wanted to make sure I understood her power. The cavern is spelled. You cannot transport out of it. Only Namaka and her sea monster have that power.
“How powerful is she?” Addie twisted her fingers in the thick fur on the back of his neck. “Did she hurt you?”

No. She threatened to, but she knew I was strong and could fight her. Still, it was easier to do as she ordered.
He hung his head.
I know . . . I’m a coward, and an embarrassment as a hellhound.

Oh, Az. Poor baby.
“Do you have a master, Azrael?” Addie rubbed her face against his fur. “Will I have to let you go after we rescue Locan?” She waited, but he didn’t answer. Now wasn’t the time. Right now, they needed to concentrate on rescuing Locan. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll drop the subject for now. Let’s go get Locan.”

Chapter 5


He’s covered in blood, Jett! What’s she doing to him?
Addie slipped into telepathy. They hid behind a sheltering wall, not twenty feet from Locan. He was bound hand and foot, and a woman who had to be Namaka knelt before him with one hand wrapped around his balls and her lips covering his cock down to the base and pressed against his groin. Impressive, actually. Addie knew how hard it was to swallow Locan that deep—he wasn’t small.

Looks like she’s giving him a blow job, if you want my opinion.

Jett sounded a bit distracted. Addie figured it had to be a guy thing.
I can see that, but we need to stop her. We have to get him out of here!

I don’t think we need to stop her just yet. He looks like he’s almost ready to come.

She turned and glared at him, but then Locan’s voice popped into her head.

No! Thank goodness you’re not blocking me anymore. She’s got teeth like a shark. If she knows you’re here, she could do some major damage. Stay back.

Well, shit.
Jett glanced at Addie and shook his head.
We’ll wait. At least it looks like you’re enjoying yourself.

You have no idea.

For what it’s worth,
Jett added,
we weren’t blocking you. I thought you were blocking us. Wow! That really does look hot.

You weren’t? But . . . oh. Shit. Oh. Yeah. This bitch is so kinky.
His groan echoed across the cavern.

Definitely a guy thing. Addie rolled away and planted her back against the rock, away from the vision of Locan getting sucked off by a strange woman. The blood bothered her. A lot. The fact Locan actually appeared to be enjoying himself was sort of weird, too, but if he wanted Addie to wait, she could wait.

Jett obviously wasn’t as worried by what he was watching as she was. His body language told her he almost wished he was out there next to Locan.
She stared at Az, who sat patiently in the shadows, but he wasn’t any help and Addie hated not seeing what was going on. She kept wondering exactly what Namaka was doing to Locan.

When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she rolled back around so she could watch, just as Namaka pulled away from Locan’s huge erection. He cried out as his cock slipped slowly between her lips. Like his chest, his shaft had been scored with long, shallow cuts that dripped blood. Namaka leaned close and licked the crimson drops. Addie turned to Jett, wondering if her eyes mirrored the horror in his.

she asked.

Locan said before Jett could respond.
Not yet. Please, not yet.

Addie stared at Jett.
What the hell is going on?

I don’t know.
Jett sighed, shaking his head.
For now, we do as he says.


* * *


He should feel shame, that the two he loved were here to rescue him, and yet he didn’t want this torturous joy to end. He’d never thought of himself as one who relished pain. Not like this, but even when Namaka sliced the length of his cock with her teeth, cutting him slowly as she pulled him from her mouth, he’d felt his arousal reach new heights. The thick dildo she’d shoved inside him sent shocks of sensation through his entire body, his buttocks throbbed from her beating, and the myriad cuts and slices all over his chest seemed to ramp his arousal, his unbelievable need, higher by the moment.

He was lost in a haze of pain and desire, so entirely caught in the web this spider was weaving about him that a world beyond pain, beyond sexual desire, no longer existed. He knew Addie and Jett watched him, and the combination of humiliation and physical agony fueled his need and reinvented the levels of arousal his body might reach.

Something jerked him until he felt as if he spun in circles. He opened his eyes, and his world
spinning. Then he realized Namaka was doing something to the frame that held him, tilting him, tipping him forward. His knees were bending and yet he was still tightly bound, unable to move even a muscle on his own.

Except for his cock. The cuts must have been shallow because the bleeding had all but stopped, but he’d never been so large, never felt such a powerful thrumming of blood or been so aware of pain, of each stinging slice running from the base to the full length of his foreskin. Thank the gods, she appeared to have spared his sensitive glans or he’d be writhing in agony.

Maybe that was yet to come. Thinking of it made his breath come faster, his heart beat harder. He cursed silently as arousal surged higher, harder. Arousal from imagining pain even more extreme than what he’d already experienced? But why? The thought made him ill, that he wanted more pain. It made no sense. This wasn’t who he was. Was it?

Movement finally stopped with him leaning forward, his legs closer together now, which increased the pressure from the dildo in his ass. He sensed someone behind him, but Namaka drew his attention. She was entirely naked, lying on a low couch in front of him, parting her legs, pulling him closer, and closer still. Obviously, she wanted him to fuck her like this, but he couldn’t move. He heard footsteps and wondered who the hell was behind him. And why? He thought of asking Namaka what she wanted now, but she’d told him not to speak, so he wouldn’t say a word.

He gazed forward—the only direction he could see anything, since he couldn’t turn his head at all. Namaka lay directly below him, pulling him closer. The tip of his cock brushed the full lips between her thighs. She was wet and swollen, and she directed him between her folds until he felt the walls of her channel stretching to give him entrance. Still maneuvering the frame that held him, she brought him even closer, stretching her legs wide to take him, positioning his body perfectly until his balls rested against her perineum and the silvery matt of his pubic hair tangled with her dark curls.

How the hell was he supposed to move?

He shifted his eyes to the left as a huge naked islander stepped around his side and bowed to the goddess. The man was ugly as sin with a thick neck but a narrow, rat-like face. He carried twice Locan’s weight, and the cock rising hard against his belly made the dildo look small.

Oh. Shit. Was this the one Namaka referred to as her assistant? Locan shivered, but he managed to look away from the guy’s cock. His gaze rested on the paddle in the man’s right hand, a paddle made of twisted bamboo canes with a long, thick handle. The intricately woven face was twisted in the shape of a large clover. Locan had barely wrapped his mind around the potential for pain from either the guy’s dick or the paddle, when the man disappeared behind him. Namaka licked her lips.

A powerful blow to his butt shoved Locan forward, deeper into the goddess. Pain unlike anything Namaka had caused left him speechless and gasping for air. Two leaves of the clover-shaped paddle caught the fleshy curve of his buttocks, the center of it slammed into the dildo, but the smaller leaf at the bottom caught his testicles with bruising force. He sucked air, too overcome by agony to make a sound. Namaka shoved at his chest, pushing him away until his cock rested at her entrance. Another sharp swat, another push, and it all became perfectly clear just how he was going to pleasure the goddess.

The pain in his testicles was only rivaled by that of the dildo shoving deep inside with every powerful blow. Barely aware of the stinging slaps against his butt, he prayed that he wouldn’t pass out before he could call for help.

He really needed to call on Addie and Jett, tell them to free him now, but he was drowning in sensation, losing himself in the unexpected visceral joy of such perfect agony offset by the mind-numbing pleasure of each hot glide inside the goddess.

Absolute pain followed by absolute pleasure. The rhythm picked up, the blows came faster, harder. The man behind him grunted with the effort. The goddess tightened her legs around his thighs and his body pounded into hers. He was a tool, nothing more than a dildo, just like the one that filled him. Namaka’s fingernails pinched at his small nipples, twisting and tearing into his skin, but it was nothing compared to the beating that went on, and on. To the heat between her legs that grew hotter, until she was all-consuming. All powerful.

She screamed and her body arched against his and he thought that finally the beating would end, but the swats continued, the sound of the paddle striking his flesh more painful than the actual connection. He had no feeling in his balls, and very little in his ass. His cock was still hard. He hadn’t come. He wanted to, but for some reason he was still erect, still unsatisfied.

Namaka pulled away from him. Her cunt dripped, but it was from her release, not his. His lungs ached and it hurt to draw each breath. He stared at the goddess through a red haze. She looked at his erection and laughed. The frame holding him jerked and he was suddenly upright, still bound and hanging, the dildo still buried deep inside his ass.

At some point the man had stopped hitting him. Though he remained out of sight behind Locan, he could hear the guy breathing heavily. Namaka pushed herself away from the couch and stood. She walked over to Locan and flicked his painfully engorged cock with her fingernail. He groaned and glared at her, putting as much hatred as he could into that look.

“Ah, Locan. Poor boy. You’ve not released?”

He continued glaring at her, but said nothing. She smiled, showing that mouthful of shark’s teeth. “Iole,” she called, and the large man who’d beaten him walked around to the front where Locan could see him. “My lovely rat,” she whispered, leaning close and kissing the man’s broad shoulder. Locan shuddered. At least he wasn’t the only one who thought the bastard looked like a rodent.

Suddenly the chamber shook, short, sharp jerks that sent stalactites dropping from the ceiling. Namaka glared at the cracks opening up in the walls and cursed. “Damn that bitch and her volcanoes!” She shot a quick, assessing glance at Locan, patted Iole’s shoulder and turned away. “Take care of him,” she said, calling over her shoulder. “Be careful not to kill him. When you’re done, just leave him there. It’s only fitting that Pele and her little temper tantrum be the cause of his death.”

The ground shook again. Harder this time. Locan was almost sure he smelled sulfur.

Iole grinned, and his teeth were as sharp as Namaka’s. He reached down, grabbed Locan’s cock and roughly jerked it a couple of times, digging his nails into the cuts. Then he reached beneath, grabbed hold of Locan’s balls and squeezed them so hard the pain made him gag. The man grunted, walked around behind him and unfastened the belt holding the dildo inside. He shoved it in hard, then ripped it out while Locan was still gasping for air.

Oh, shit.
His mind seemed clearer, and that pain hadn’t aroused him a bit. He sucked in a few deep breaths, but black spots danced in front of his eyes. Pain and the inability to run from it had him verging on absolute panic.
Guys? Any time now. You can hear me now, right?

Meaty hands grabbed his hips, the broad head of the bastard’s penis bumped against his ass and then tore into him. He hadn’t expected it would happen so fast. Agony! Such deep, searing pain he screamed. The guy shouted, but the shout was cut off and his thick cock pulled out of Locan as painfully as it had gone in.

He swung there, still bound, aware of growling and cursing, a gurgling scream, and then Addie was cutting away the bindings around his legs, then his waist, while Jett cut the thick straps holding his arms. He tumbled free into Jett’s embrace, and Addie was grabbing him as well, but they didn’t stop to soothe him or check to see if he was all right.

“We’ve got to hurry,” Addie shouted. “Pele’s really pissed. I think she’s gonna blow the island.”

They grabbed him and ran, but he caught a glimpse of the man who had raped him. The bastard’s throat had been so viciously torn that his spine showed through the gaping hole. He lay in a pool of blood, eyes staring wide, already dead. They ran past and then they were heading down a dark corridor with that damned hellhound racing alongside. His muzzle was covered in blood.

Maybe the hound wasn’t so bad after all.

Well beyond the boundary of the dark cavern, Jett held him close and whispered, “Home,” and everything went dark.


* * *


“Is he going to be okay?”

Addie’s whisper pounded in his skull.

“I don’t know. Shifting between realms generally repairs most injuries, but he was in rough shape.”

Jett sounded awfully worried. Locan tried to open his eyes, but nothing wanted to work. At least the pain was gone. Most of it, anyway. His balls ached. His ass hurt, but his body wasn’t designed for the kind of abuse he’d gotten. At least he was alive. And home. He was almost certain he was home. He groaned.

Immediately Addie was there, brushing his hair back from his face, kissing his forehead. “Are you awake?”

He grunted. That was the best he could manage.

Jett’s fingers rested on his shoulder. “You’re a mess. Most of your injuries appear to have healed during our shift from Earth’s dimension. The bad thing is, you’re covered in blood, but the good part is, I don’t think all of it’s yours. Hold still. Addie and I are taking you to the pool to clean you off so we can see what still needs to heal.”

Jett’s big hands slipped beneath his thighs and his back, and it was so much easier not to open his eyes. So comforting to be carried like a child down the tunnel to the bathing pool, to know he was home with the ones who loved him. Perfect. It was absolutely perfect, and he knew everything would be all right.

Then a cold, wet nose hit the side of his face, and a huge wet tongue slurped over his mouth and cheeks. He sputtered and groaned. Addie’s giggle didn’t help one bit.

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