Unknown (30 page)

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Authors: KC Wells

BOOK: Unknown
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Adam preened. Score one for the blind guy.

He followed Paul’s lead, halting when the trolley stopped. Occasionally he would stretch out a hand and pick up a fruit or vegetable, exploring it by touch, sniffing its scent. He loved the firmness of the peppers, the earthy smell of potatoes, the citrusy aroma of fresh ginger. After a while Paul got him to pick out the vegetables, and it was amazing how such a simple task filled him with pride, especially when Paul complimented him on his choices. When he got to the bananas, he picked up a bunch and curled his fingers around one, sliding them along its length.

Paul nearly choked. He took them off Adam and whispered, “that looked
too dirty.”

Adam smirked. “It’s your mind that’s dirty.”

“Thankfully, we won’t be buying those, seeing as you’re allergic to them.” Paul chuckled. “And no playing with the cucumbers either.”

Adam pulled a face. “You’re no fun.”

He walked patiently along the aisles while Paul picked up tins and packets. When they got to the bakery, Adam’s mouth began to water. The smell of freshly baked bread mingled with a sweetness that made his belly grumble. He reached out and connected with the crusty top of a loaf of bread. He picked it up and inhaled the wonderful scent, before placing his hands on either side and pressing gently, feeling it spring back when he released it.

“Oh. I see.” Paul huffed. “And there was me thinking you liked the bread I make.”

It was a good thing Adam could hear the humor laced through his words. “I love your bread and you know it.” It was always a battle between them as to who got the first piece, spread with butter. He put the loaf down. “How’s the list doing?”

“We need coffee.” Paul guided him the length of an aisle and stopped near the end. “Are you happy with the brand we have at home?”

Adam grinned. “Now that’s a great smell.” Ignoring him, he stepped closer to the shelving and felt for a bag that was pliant beneath his fingertips. He held it up to his nose, depressing the bag to force out the aroma of the ground coffee. Adam pushed out a low moan. “God, that smells good.” His fingers sought the gap on the shelf and he returned it, before feeling for another.

Paul was laughing. “You would stand here all morning sniffing coffee and fresh bread if I let you.” He took the bag Adam held and dropped it into the trolley. “I’m making an executive decision on the coffee.”

Adam chuckled. “You do that.” He returned his hands to the trolley. “Is that it? Are we done now?”

“There’s one thing left on my list and I could use your help with it.”

“Oh?” Adam was curious. “What is it?”

“I was thinking about buying a bottle or two of wine, but I know nothing about it. I bought the last one after asking David for advice: he and Taylor like to drink wine.” They came to a stop. “I thought you might have a preference. For one thing, red, white or rosé?”

They spent ten minutes or so, Paul calling out the names of various wines and in some cases, the year it was bottled. Adam was pleasantly surprised to discover Morrisons had a large and varied selection. When Paul had picked out four bottles, they were done.

Adam helped Paul load all their items onto the moving belt at the till, and stood by the card machine while Paul packed the shopping bags. Once Paul had paid with Adam’s card and PIN, he pushed the trolley out of the store and back to the car.

Once the boot was loaded up with all their bags, Adam waited in the car for Paul to return the trolley to its correct spot. When Paul got in, Adam smiled. “We’re going to do this together from now on.”

“Was it better than you’d expected?” Paul asked.

Adam nodded. “The more times I do this, the easier it will become. I don’t think it’s something I would do on my own—I don’t need to, not when I can do an order online from places like Tesco, who will deliver it to my door—but it feels good to know that yeah, I could cope.” He let out a long exhale and sagged into the seat. “But right now I need coffee and one of those danishes we bought.”

Paul’s hand wrapped around his as it lay on his thigh, and squeezed gently. “Sounds good.”

As the car moved off, Adam reflected on the one thing that had surprised him about their shopping expedition. He’d let Paul take the lead, and it hadn’t felt awkward. If anything, it had been good to let him take control.

I should hand over the reins more often.


* * * * * *


Paul checked the front door. Locked. Windows shut. TV off. Coffee machine off.

That last one was important. He’d forgotten one night and had entered the kitchen the following morning to be greeted by a nasty smell and the sight of a blackened glass jug. After a few nights of Adam teasing him, he made damn sure he checked it religiously. Not that he minded the teasing: it reminded him of how much Adam had changed in the weeks since Paul’s arrival.

It wasn’t all plain sailing. There were days when a darkness seemed to descend over Adam, but Paul had grown adept at seeing the signs. At least now he knew what was happening. At first he’d ask if Adam wanted to be left alone, but when Adam had replied in the negative each time, Paul did his best to keep the mood in the house positive. He counted those days a success if he made Adam smile.

Paul loved making him smile.

He climbed the stairs and went into his bedroom to undress for a shower. Adam was already in his room but the door was ajar. That was a good sign. Paul shed his clothing and walked naked into the bathroom. He reached behind the glass to flip on the shower, and waited for that first rush of cold water to pass before stepping under it.

The hot water was wonderful against his skin. Paul turned his face up to take the full force of the jets, before dropping his chin and letting the shower soak his hair.

“Want some help?”

Paul wiped the water from his eyes and peered through the steamy glass screen. Adam stood in the doorway, naked. Paul grinned. “You offering?”

The outlook for his night was looking better.

Adam appeared at the end of the screen. “I could wash your back,” he suggested, smiling.

Paul flicked his gaze lower to take in Adam’s already thickened dick.
looking better. “Is that all you’re offering?” he asked seductively. He ran his hands down his torso to palm his own cock that was filling nicely.

Adam joined him under the stream of hot water. “How about I start by washing your hair?”

Paul poured shampoo into Adam’s palm and stood there while Adam massaged it into his hair, rubbing his fingers over the scalp, the motion soothing and sensual. “You have a lovely touch,” Paul sighed. He closed his eyes and let Adam take care of him, rinsing out the shampoo before grabbing the body wash bottle from the shower rack and pouring a generous amount into his cupped hand. Adam soaped up Paul’s chest, spreading the silky lather over his body.

“Hope you’re doing a thorough job,” Paul joked, his voice sounding hoarse to his own ears, thick with desire.

Adam chuckled and turned Paul, pushing him against the tiles. Paul braced himself, arms locked, and pushed out a low moan when Adam slid a soapy finger between his cheeks. “Oh, I’m doing a very thorough job,” Adam confirmed, moving it gently in and out. “When I’m done, you’ll be clean everywhere.” With his left hand he soaped Paul’s arse, kneading the flesh, before reaching lower to cup his balls. Adam brought his lips to Paul’s ear. “Want to share my bed tonight?” His breath tickled. He withdrew his hands to bring them around to the front, fingers sliding along Paul’s slippery cocky that was poking up toward his navel.

Paul rolled his head back to rest it against Adam’s shoulder. “Are we gonna finish what we’ve started?” he asked breathlessly. Like he didn’t know the answer, when Adam’s dick was hot and hard, pushing insistently, rubbing between his arse cheeks. Paul was spending more nights in Adam’s bed than his own of late, but he had no complaints about that.

Adam chuckled into his ear. “Most definitely.” He pulled back. “Now that I’ve got your engine all revved up, I’ll see you in there.” He stepped from behind the screen and grabbed a towel. “Don’t be too long,” he admonished, cupping his prominent erection through the thin layer covering it. Adam exited the bathroom, whistling.

Paul had never finished off a shower so quickly in his life.

Once he was dry, which included a swift brush of a towel over his head, he walked into Adam’s bedroom. Adam lay in the centre of the bed, leisurely stroking his dick.

“My, that was fast.” Adam was smirking, the sod.

Paul climbed onto the bed. “D’you blame me? I mean, look what was waiting for me.” He was looking, all right. Adam hadn’t shaved, and his five o’clock shadow gave him a rough, almost dangerous appearance. Paul crawled up Adam’s body, letting his heavy cock drag over Adam’s.

Adam grinned. “Someone’s wanting.” He beckoned with his finger. “Come here and kiss me.”

That was one instruction Paul never tired of hearing, or obeying.

He straddled Adam’s waist and bent down to kiss him, letting Adam take control, his hands cupping Paul’s face. Adam took his time, exploring Paul at a languid pace, letting the intensity of the kiss build until Paul was feeding low moans into Adam’s mouth.

Adam broke the kiss and grabbing hold of Paul at the waist and hip, he rolled him onto his back. Adam lay on his side, his hard length searing Paul’s hip. “Did you enjoy our shopping trip last weekend?”

What the hell?
“Uh, yes.” Paul peered up at Adam from the pillow, frowning.

“You seemed to enjoy being in control,” Adam added with a smirk.

Paul was relieved to feel slightly more familiar ground beneath his feet. “Yeah, well, it made a change,” he said with a snicker.

“Why don’t we continue in that vein?” Adam suggested.

A fluttering in Paul’s stomach. “I don’t understand.”

Adam smiled, reached for Paul’s cheek and leaned over to kiss him on the lips. “I’m saying, for tonight, why don’t you be the one in control?” He rolled onto his back. “I’m yours to do with as you please.”

Paul stared. “What… I… ” He widened his eyes. “You mean… I get to do anything I want with you?” Oh… wow.

Adam grinned. “Now you’re getting it.”

“I’m in charge?” Paul’s dick jerked. Part of him definitely liked that idea. “And I can do anything?” He wanted to make sure he’d gotten this right.

“Anything,” Adam confirmed.

It was Paul’s turn to grin. “Does that mean I get to use the cuffs in the bedside cabinet?”

“Oh, God, you
getting it.” Adam laughed. “Yes, Paul. If you want to cuff me, go ahead. I meant it: I’m all yours.”

Paul had ideas that went
beyond bondage. “Do… does this mean I can fuck you?” he asked quietly. Another jerk of his cock, a shiny bead of pre-come at the head.

Adam blinked before smiling. “I said anything, right?” Paul fell silent and Adam let out a sigh. “Ah, I get it. You think because I was a Dom, I only top. Is that right?”

“Well, yeah.”
. The man
dominance, for God’s sake.

Adam folded his hands behind his head. “Just because I’m dominant doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy having a hard cock inside me on occasion.” He brought his hand forward and brushed his fingertips over the head of Paul’s dick. Paul shuddered and Adam’s grin widened. He curled his fingers around Paul’s shaft, squeezing it. “And this cock definitely feels hard to me.” He released Paul and withdrew his hand. “Your breathing is ragged, your dick is leaking pre-come”—he sucked his fingers, licking the sticky fluid from them, humming with satisfaction—“and you’re trembling. I’d say that all points to me getting fucked tonight.”

Paul was liking this day more and more.

He scrambled off the bed, dropped to his knees in front of the cabinet and pulled open the door. The cuffs were there, along with a couple of long straps. Paul gathered them up and clambered back onto the bed. Adam lay there, an amused expression on his face, while Paul looped the lengths through the carved headboard. He resisted the idea of using the bedposts: he wanted Adam to be able to turn over. Once the cuffs were attached to the opposite ends, he paused.

“Why have you stopped?” Adam whispered.

It was one thing considering tying Adam to the bed: it was another to be there with the cuffs in his hands, about to do it for real.

Before Paul could speak, Adam held out his hands, proffering his wrists. “Do it,” he urged.

Paul took hold of Adam’s left wrist and kissed it where the skin was most delicate. Adam caught his breath. Paul fastened the cuff, making sure it wasn’t too tight, before moving on to repeat the action with his right. The ankles he left free.

Paul gazed down at Adam, his wrists fettered but allowing for movement, his cock as stiff as Paul’s. “Wow,” he exclaimed, his voice soft.

Adam’s voice was hoarse. “You like what you see?”

Paul bent low to bestow one long, lingering kiss to Adam’s lips before responding. “Oh yeah.”

This was gonna be

He moved to the end of the bed and placed himself at Adam’s feet, gazing along the length of Adam’s body, that tantalizing expanse of flesh laid out just for him. Where to begin?

“Paul?” The catch in Adam’s breathing told Paul plenty, not that the sight of his rigid dick wasn’t a pretty good giveaway, too. Paul wasn’t the only one wanting.

“Patience,” he purred, before lifting Adam’s leg and stroking the calf covered in a layer of soft, dark hair. He placed a line of soft kisses along Adam’s left leg as far as his knee. Adam was breathing more easily. Paul gave his right leg the same reverential treatment, loving the way Adam lay there, trusting him. He caressed Adam’s thighs, bending to kiss them, sometimes to lick the warm flesh as Adam did with him, but always taking his time, worshiping Adam’s body.

Adam growled at the back of his throat. “Are you enjoying torturing me?”

Paul chuckled against his inner thigh. “This is torture?” He pressed his nose into the crease and inhaled Adam’s scent, rich and male. Paul nuzzled under Adam’s balls, drinking in the manly aroma. Adam’s smell was richer there, darker, musk pouring off him. Paul stroked Adam’s inner thighs where the skin was at its softest, and gently spread him. He dipped his head to lick at Adam’s perineum, thrilling at the low groan that escaped Adam’s lips.

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